#random thoughts


Hot DotD Take: Shego walked so that Morro could run

  • Green
  • Glowy
  • Dark Hair
  • Snarky
  • Near universally regarded as hot

I rest my case!

Me, a 20-somthing lady, on the way to work:

*Singing along to The Fold’s DotD stuff at full blast, while wearing earrings that look like lanterns and a glittery bat hairclip*



you know what, fuck you *unkills your character*

Did you mean,

This entire show?

(Bc seriously nobody stays in the grave for long, the life insurance agents must’ve given up at this point)

It’s so weird seeing people going through their scene/emo phase. It’s been years since I was around it.

Don’t worry. I am not sad. I am not happy. I am nothing. And nothing is also a thing.

When someone wants to come back, be wiser. Pain will be worse when scars will be wounded again.

He’s the brightest star I’ve ever known. He completes my perfect love constellation. A guiding star in the midst of my darkest night. And I see the peculiar beauty of rayless side through his light.

daddy we need to pick up some plan b before we do it just in case..

no sweetie we don’t need that, daddy already has plan c

wh.. whats plan c..?

you’ll c

*look intensifies*

You ever just listen to a song and go “yea, this song is totally related to this other song”? And I don’t mean related to as in they’re about the same thing but like more like that if they were people they’d be family.

For example: “F**ked Up” by Young Rising Sons is totally the cousin of both “Natural Disaster” by Plain White T’s and “Right Girl” by The Maine {”Right Girl” and “Natural Disaster” are not related tho}

Another example is how “thrifted youth” by dalynn is like the cool older sister to the already cool “all the kids are depressed” by Jeremy Zucker, and their(or at least “thrifted youth”’s if the songs are half siblings) distant relative, uncle maybe, maybe great uncle, is “I’m Gay” by Bowling for Soup.

Omfg my lgbtphobic aunt and uncle were talking about how so many kids follow the crowd these days and then my aunt turn around and say “you shouldn’t dress a certain way to follow the crowd. You should be how you identify” and in my head I’m like “oh if only you thought that about gay and trans people”

a recent post making rounds had me realize how often i like before reblogging right away. my curse is that whenever on tumblr, it’s one of many tasks, so my brain scrolls & likes, no pausing to reblog bc i like to tag and often my attention’s not set to stop in the moment. not until ages later when getting real time to sit do i finally lovingly revisit the 5999 likes to reblog. haven’t meant to leave anyone in unintentional suspense 




TMNT 2012’s Wiki says that Splinter’s year of death was 2013, meaning that season 1 up until the end of season 4, and all that crazy shit the turtles went through during those 4 seasons, took place in the span of only 1 year.

In the S2 finale, April says this after it’s reveal Irma is a robot: “My best friend for the past year was a Kraang?!” And even though Irma was introduced in S2, it was confrimed in S1 that April has known Irma since before her introduction because we see Irma in April’s phone contacts in the ep Mousers Attack.

If that’s not enough Casey adds this later in the S2 finale: “This is worse than that giant Technodrome thing last year!”

Also let’s add that in the beginning of S3, after Leo wakes up from his coma, he finds out that they’ve been living at the farmhouse for around three months.

Not to mention the six month trip in space confirmed by Fugitoid at the beginning of S4 with also us learning that while in space and meeting their 80s counterparts and quickly heading back to Earth, we learn the present turtles are currently in the S2 ep Wormquake as it’s revealed by the end of the ep with the 80s turtle fighting the Kraang worm and later Tiger Claw who cuts himself out of the creature, which is how the previous S2 ep ended. So at the very least, from the S2 ep Wormquake up until the season 3 finale took place in span of less than six months.

Also in the S3 ep The Croaking Mikey tells Napoleon that him (and his brothers) are STILL 15 despite it being confirmed in canon that little over a year has passed since the turtles 15th birthday/mutation day!!

So with all this information confrimed by canon, it’s impossible for the show to only be in the span of one year. At the very least two years have gone by, maybe three, but not one.

I feel I should also add that in the S4 ep City at War Leo explains that April’s kunoichi ceremony will take place the night of a full moon, and Raph later makes a comment after they meet and fight Shinigami that April’s ceremony is on a Sunday.

So maybe we could use that info to figure out what year the turtles are in by S4 by figuring out the years a full moon happened on a Sunday between the years 2012 and 2017.

I got it! Doing some research I made a theory of what year and month season 4 takes place in (or at least the 2nd half of S4). For the sake of this theory let’s say the ep City at War took place during the same year that the ep aired, which was 2016, going with the headcanon that each season = a year.

The ONLY full moon to happen on a Sunday in 2016 was on October 16th, so boom. I’m figuring out this sh!ta$$ timeline!



TMNT 2012’s Wiki says that Splinter’s year of death was 2013, meaning that season 1 up until the end of season 4, and all that crazy shit the turtles went through during those 4 seasons, took place in the span of only 1 year.

In the S2 finale, April says this after it’s reveal Irma is a robot: “My best friend for the past year was a Kraang?!” And even though Irma was introduced in S2, it was confrimed in S1 that April has known Irma since before her introduction because we see Irma in April’s phone contacts in the ep Mousers Attack.

If that’s not enough Casey adds this later in the S2 finale: “This is worse than that giant Technodrome thing last year!”

Also let’s add that in the beginning of S3, after Leo wakes up from his coma, he finds out that they’ve been living at the farmhouse for around three months.

Not to mention the six month trip in space confirmed by Fugitoid at the beginning of S4 with also us learning that while in space and meeting their 80s counterparts and quickly heading back to Earth, we learn the present turtles are currently in the S2 ep Wormquake as it’s revealed by the end of the ep with the 80s turtle fighting the Kraang worm and later Tiger Claw who cuts himself out of the creature, which is how the previous S2 ep ended. So at the very least, from the S2 ep Wormquake up until the season 3 finale took place in span of less than six months.

Also in the S3 ep The Croaking Mikey tells Napoleon that him (and his brothers) are STILL 15 despite it being confirmed in canon that little over a year has passed since the turtles 15th birthday/mutation day!!

So with all this information confrimed by canon, it’s impossible for the show to only be in the span of one year. At the very least two years have gone by, maybe three, but not one.

I feel I should also add that in the S4 ep City at War Leo explains that April’s kunoichi ceremony will take place the night of a full moon, and Raph later makes a comment after they meet and fight Shinigami that April’s ceremony is on a Sunday.

So maybe we could use that info to figure out what year the turtles are in by S4 by figuring out the years a full moon happened on a Sunday between the years 2012 and 2017.


TMNT 2012’s Wiki says that Splinter’s year of death was 2013, meaning that season 1 up until the end of season 4, and all that crazy shit the turtles went through during those 4 seasons, took place in the span of only 1 year.

In the S2 finale, April says this after it’s reveal Irma is a robot: “My best friend for the past year was a Kraang?!” And even though Irma was introduced in S2, it was confrimed in S1 that April has known Irma since before her introduction because we see Irma in April’s phone contacts in the ep Mousers Attack.

If that’s not enough Casey adds this later in the S2 finale: “This is worse than that giant Technodrome thing last year!”

Also let’s add that in the beginning of S3, after Leo wakes up from his coma, he finds out that they’ve been living at the farmhouse for around three months.

Not to mention the six month trip in space confirmed by Fugitoid at the beginning of S4 with also us learning that while in space and meeting their 80s counterparts and quickly heading back to Earth, we learn the present turtles are currently in the S2 ep Wormquake as it’s revealed by the end of the ep with the 80s turtle fighting the Kraang worm and later Tiger Claw who cuts himself out of the creature, which is how the previous S2 ep ended. So at the very least, from the S2 ep Wormquake up until the season 3 finale took place in span of less than six months.

Also in the S3 ep The Croaking Mikey tells Napoleon that him (and his brothers) are STILL 15 despite it being confirmed in canon that little over a year has passed since the turtles 15th birthday/mutation day!!

So with all this information confrimed by canon, it’s impossible for the show to only be in the span of one year. At the very least two years have gone by, maybe three, but not one.

Adrien and Marinette got the wrong miraculous. Okay so everybody just hear me out.

If you look at the chart below Yang means Order, Masculinity, Day, The Known, Authoritarianism, and Fascism while Yin means, Chaos, Femininity, Night, The Unknown, Decadence, and Nihilism.

The Ladybug is the miraculous of order while The Cat is the miraculous of chaos.

Adrien is a male meaning he has masculinity while Marinette is a female meaning she has femininity.

Adrien’s hair is as yellow as the sun while while Marinette’s hair is as blue as the night sky.

Adrien is very well-known as he is a model while Marinette is just starting out as a designer and isn’t well-known.


Adrien should have the Ladybug miraculous while Marinette should have the Cat miraculous.

Anytime my life gets chaotic and the stress eats away at me to the point nothing else helps i always come back to Swan Queen.

Is this the meaning of Comfort ship?

Why is something that essentially hurt my so bad, (I suppose that’s once upon a time not actually Emma and Regina) something that makes me happy when the world feels too much?

I wish it was something i could actually talk about.


Just having random thoughts today about being Loki’s but still stealing Bucky’s hoodies when your cold… just seems like Bucky would be the kind of guy to have good smelling, comfy hoodies. It might annoy Loki a bit and make him jealous… how could that end badly right?

I still think about this even though it’s like 80 degrees out lol

Things I think about

If it wasnt for Stan Lee marvel wouldnt be around today

If marvel failed to convice RDJ to say “I Am Iron Man” at the end game we would of gotten and legandy ending (Everyone kneeling down to tony on his final breaths)

If Liam was casted instead of Chris there is a chance the Loki would of been different and possibly even the story lines

No one could of stopped Cameron’s boyces seizure from happening. It would of been worse for him if he was awake during it - A major set off for seizures is Stress

Male Loki and Female loki kissing is one of the worset things to do

Tony Stark considers Peter Parker his world along side his best friend, wife, and daughter

Black Panther wont ever have another actor as Marvel has confirmed that they wont cast anyone knew and just post what they have before he passed

Vision is 3 years old while Wanda is 20-

Doctor Strange knew what would happen to Stark once he clicked his fingers with the stones

They used the time stonw to send cap back into the past. It means he watched the avengers form, get into trouble, help and save bucky, had kids, see his grandkids, see his great grandkids, he him could of possibly been snapped and brought back and to sit at the one rock to give bucky or Falcon his shield.

By the time the spider man movies after end game happen there is a chance steve is already dead

You cant convice me that steve wasnt wondering what buckys metal arm could do in bed.

Vin Desial is the voice actor of Groot

It took Dr Strange months to learn the magic while it only took Ned ten secinds and all he felt was “Tinglings”

Loki is the father to a 8 legged horse which he just gifted his spodtive father

Freyja (Frigga) is married to Odin but the necse to Thor and Loki

Thor is 1500 years old while Loki is 17 years old

Hulk can’t have kids as hinted at in the first avengers film while he meets Nat and goes over to a rocking bed and says “I don’t awlays get what I want”

There is a chance that thusnads of people audition to act under marvel but only one passes to be apart of main cast and one other as his or her stunt double

Bucky and Cap age is over 100

Prt 1

When your mom knows she was abusive to you growing up, admits it late into your adulthood, and has been afraid of being hated by you for over a decade hits different. Unfortunately the damage is already done and trusting women is almost impossible for me but at the very least I can let her atone for what she did to me growing up. She’s done good, I’m proud of her.

Things that feel good: I ate 7 cheese sticks from Sonic and got full. It’s nice not having to eat a whole lot to feel fed.

I just realized that the opposite of PROgress is CONgress. Suddenly the world makes sense.

Allergies: The human body’s natural response to nature’s bukkake.

A video game that is a Trading Card Game Cross Over Board game.

Just saying Yami Yugi + Jace, The Mind Sculptor + Pokemon Gym Leader Sabrina = God Mode.

Spent the morning housecleaning, now the only question is do I spend the afternoon finishing sewing my last spring/summer skirt (and cutting out my yellow dress) or writing? On the one hand–the skirt is all done except for finishing the waistband and it would be so satisfying to have it complete, and I really would love to get started on the yellow dress. On the other hand–I only have 10-15k left on this story draft and I would dearly love to get it finished this month, especially since I just found out yesterday my cover designer is available to do the cover for it this summer, which is amazingly good news as she is a teacher and a published author and I was pretty sure she wouldn’t be available for my covers anymore and nobody else has ever been able to grasp the idea of I want it to look like the cover of a Golden Age detective story, but with magic quite so well as she has.

Ah well. Suppose I’ll get dishes washed and laundry going and see how I feel when I’m finished with those.

(Drat, I just remembered I have no idea what I’m making for supper. Creative endeavors of all sorts may end up being put off for food prep. I hate housecleaning day, but I hate living in disorder and filth worse, so what can you do?)

So…. I won a thing y'all!

Produce Like A Boss is an online course that teaches independent/freelance musicians (like me) how to turn their Home Studios into full fledged, profitable businesses.

They held a five-day online “bootcamp” last week, where they basically gave all of us who signed up some free tips and tricks… but they also gave out a bunch of prizes for simply attending/watching the live Zoom classes for all five days… and - amazingly - I won a free scholarship to take their (very high in demand) course!

To say i’m shocked, happy, and above all thankful, is an understatement.

Truth is I was trying to figure out how I could afford to take this course (priced at basically $1000 USD just for the basic package), in order for me to level up both Creatively and Business-wise.

And here goes the Universe, providing exactly what I needed at exactly the right time.

This is only the latest in a series of times recently, that The Universe has helped me manifest what I sorely needed (and sometimes didn’t even know I wanted in the first place smdh).

A few weeks back, I was invited to be interviewed on a local radio station about my 30-plus-year-long music career, and frankly we had so much to cover that they had to invite me back for a second week because the hour and a half in the first week only got us to halfway through my musical journey lol.

Videos of Part 1andPart 2 of my interview are still available to stream over on my FB if you’re interested.

I recorded another interview for a friend’s podcast that’s coming out soon as well… so stay tuned for that. ⏱

I also got booked to perform live at North Coast Jazz Festival (here in my home country, Trinidad & Tobago). This will be my first live performing gig in several years, since I had been focusing on songwriting up until the pandemic. But now i’m gonna be back onstage babyyyy!

Oh, and let’s not forget that I recently unveiled my new official logo (designed by my super-talented bestie @soulsistrin) as well!

And now I won this scholarship, which will help me level up my studio game!

So, given all of the above, this post is my little way of saying a heartfelt Thank You to this amazing Universe that i’m floating through space in on a spinning rock. Thanks for this, and all the other blessings and miracles you have gifted me with.

- Sex is fun, but not as important as movies/tv make it seem.

- Sex is fun, diseases are not. Use protection.

- Your virginity is not an on/off switch, you lose small bits and pieces of it as you try new things, there’s no need to rush into doing everything just to get rid of your virginity.

- Your virginity can be a cherished thing, or you can chose to ignore it, it’s really your call and no answer is “right.”

- Sex doesn’t need to be a solemn occasion. It’s a fun thing to do with someone you find awesome, feel free to treat it as such.

- It’s okay to not like a sexual act, even if it’s one “everyone does.” If you don’t like it, no one has the right to make you do it.

- Farting during sex is not as horrendous as you initially think, pretend you didn’t notice and your partner will likely do the same.

- You are GUARANTEED to make at least one stupid sound/face during your sex life, but the reality is no one cares if you got a little derpy while having fun.

- PORN IS NOT EDUCATIONAL! Porn is sex that looks good on film, not that goes well in the bedroom. Be exploratory, gentle and request feedback from your partner until you know how rough they personally like it. Do not start out on “jackhammer” mode. 

My boys are sucking ass, folks. Its to the point we don’t even care anymore! Fire the coaching staff and let the fans heal from this atrocious year!!

This literally has nothing to do with the pic below. I’m just venting.

How was your Thanksgiving? Anyone try anything new this year? Everyone stay safe?

I need a hot tub.

Random thought

With Pegasuses (Pegasi?), since horses can walk and run not long after birth, but birds don’t have feathers on their wings immediately, how would a mama and baby Pegasus get away from a predator? Most animals with wings would just fly away, but the baby can’t, obviously. And I would assume Pegasus have at least ONE serious predator (even predators can fall prey to other predators). So, I dunno. Thoughts?

Sometimes I’m amazed how y'all dig stuff up. Like, I just received notification about posts that I don’t remember I posted.

I never stopped writing about you. I don’t think I ever will.

Six years ago, you told me I made you a better man. I then spent years crying over you and missing you. I’ve made a lot of progress since the last time we ran into each other. But I’m worried that if I were to see you again it would all come undone. I’m ok now, and I won’t jeopardize myself again.

I think I’ll always write about you

ikévamp with a twist:

  • What if, instead of the Louvre, MC finds a time travel corridor in the Uffizi Gallery…and as the story goes, has to spend a month in a rustic Tuscan villa owned by Comte, but instead of first bumping into him, she first meets Leonardo, who from time to time likes popping up in modern day Florence (unbeknownst to Comte lol) just for fun….
  • e with Michelangelo as Leo’s bitter rival and baddie joining hands with Vlad (thanks to @iphigeniainaulis for the idea) ^^

Random thoughts, but i like the idea that Scott has reddish toned brown hair. I don’t know why, I just like the idea of Scott having somewhat auburn hair

Like if Scott spend a decent amount of time in the Sun, his hair becomes more of an auburn colour. Basically John isn’t the only one in that family with the red hair genes.

(Scott’s are just a bit more subtle lol )

Actually, imagine as a teenager/kid Scott had lighter, more auburn hair! Like not red like John but still a lot lighter than he has as an adult.

Imagine a young teenage Scott feeling somewhat self conscious about his hair, (because school kids are brutal) and wanting his hair to darken like his dad’s.

Because Scott is always trying to be like Jeff, which is probably why he styles it the way he does

But yeah, Scott with varying degrees of reddish brown hair

