





Can we pick up “diamour” for a nonbinary partner again? Because that word was nice and pretty as heck.

It came from “diamoric”, which describes the non-straight, non-same-gender but intrinsically queer nature of relationships involving a nonbinary person (or multiple nonbinary people).

So like, a relationship between a girl and an agender person is diamoric and the agender person is the girl’s diamour!

Or, an androgyne and a genderfluid person dating are diamours!

I just love that word so much!

I love this!

My eyes broke and i read that as dinosaur at first

I initially parsed this as “di-” (“two”) + “amour”, which seemed like a weird etymology for a word referring to an individual person, but apparently the prefix is actually “dia-”, meaning “through, in different directions, between” (it’s the same prefix used in “diagonal”, which I think is kinda neat)


If my partner is in the next room over and hasn’t spoken to me in 15 minutes, I can easily convince myself that it’s not just because he’s reading but because the last thing I said to him was wrong somehow, and he’s stewing and ready to scream at me any second now about how awful I am. This belief, though, is wrong. He doesn’t get upset about infinitesimal things, and when he is upset, that isn’t how he handles it. He’s not my father.

It absolutely makes sense for me to process information this way — in many situations I’ve been in, that instinct would have been correct, and helped me stay safe. But it isn’t correct anymore, and it would be unhealthy — and unfair — to act as if it were. I’m not wrong for feeling the way I do, but if I forced my partner to treat my feelings as reality — if I called him five times a day while he was at work to have him reassure me he wasn’t mad at me, if I forbade him from ever taking time to himself without reminding me it wasn’t about me, or ever being outwardly upset about things like having a bad day at work because it makes me anxious — that would be a terrible relationship for him to be in. I’m not wrong for feeling how I do, but it’s on me to make a plan for how to cope with it: to remind myself to look at the evidence and ask whether there’s any suggestion that I’m actually about to be harmed, to develop my own coping strategies, to be self-aware of my own history and the way I map it onto my present. I can certainly ask my partner for support in this, or to make some concessions to my history that he agrees are both fair and healthy for him, but I can’t ask him to bend over backwards for me because I’m not willing to do the work at all. We can’t justify harmful things we do to others by pointing to the ways they’re related to how we ourselves were harmed — a reason isn’t a justification.

Rachel at Autostraddle (in an agony aunt column that’s actually about biphobia, but took this excellent turn into Why You Don’t Have To Grovel To People’s Neuroses)

I try to keep it real on these posts. This is not fantasy porn. I’ve been living with two most

I try to keep it real on these posts. This is not fantasy porn. I’ve been living with two mostly lesbian women who don’t much like men except as doormats. They have learned to respect Butler’s determined efforts to serve but they both could live without men entirely. I admit that’s it’s starting to change me. I miss Butler but I’m afraid I might return to him more convinced than ever that our relationship is between a mistress and her slave than it is between two loving people. The women I’m with both think of men as dirt beneath their feet. It’s hard not to pick up that attitude. He might be in trouble in the coming months. Women sometimes become gangsters when they get together. This is something you should remember.

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it is somehow possible to be happy, sad, and guilt ridden over a serious relationship that you thought would last forever being over. like i am much happier now but it still hurts that someone that once promised me his love forever is not even my facebook friend anymore.

maybe one day the wound won’t be open anymore but for now, i’m still healing

The inherent eroticism of two vastly different characters who yearn to have what the other does and then strike a deal to teach each other their disparate ways. The tension of toeing at that almost imperceptible fine line of ‘I want everything about you’ and 'I want everything about you’. Of tenderly adorning all the parts of your life on another human being, of seeing the way they fit in and around what is familiar and home. Of being irreversibley changed by the tender hands of someone else’s guidance. Of a new and quiet understanding blooming between two previously entirely separate beings.

When you find someone you love,

Everything they do you want to capture,

Because everything they do is done in beauty,

And a moment of beauty needs to be captured.

Maura is definitely the coolest aunt in the world, taking her niece and nephew to the premiere with

Maura is definitely the coolest aunt in the world, taking her niece and nephew to the premiere with her
#nycdating #relationships #theaffair #coverparty"
#FuckYeahMauraTierney #ER #AbbyLockhart #NewsRadio #LisaMiller #TheAffair #HelenSolloway #MauraTierney #FantasticBeasts

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happy ❤️❤️to lovers and collaborators and to mine @luisfabini. . . #valentinesday #lovers #uruguay

happy ❤️❤️to lovers and collaborators and to mine @luisfabini
#valentinesday #lovers #uruguay #igersuruguay #estancia #estancialife #relationships #collaboration #photographerslife #fabinilender (at Uruguay)

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Despite my better judgment, I went to see Significant Other, the new play by Joshua Harmon that receDespite my better judgment, I went to see Significant Other, the new play by Joshua Harmon that rece

Despite my better judgment, I went to see Significant Other, the new play by Joshua Harmon that recently transferred to Broadway from Roundabout, this past Sunday with my significant other, my best guy friend, and his significant other. I saw this shortly after I met J in 2015 while it was off-Broadway and it hit me hard in the emotions. I walked out of the Laura Pels thinking Gideon’s character surely killed himself after the lights went down. And to be honest, I kind of wanted to kill myself after the lights went down on Sunday afternoon, regardless of my relationship status. My friends concurred.

I want to start by saying that Gideon Glick is brilliant as the protagonist Jordan, a late twenty-somethings city-dweller. He gives a flawless performance of an extremely flawed character. He has genius comedic timing and I was exhausted watching him exert himself onstage for two and a half hours(ish). I would watch this guy read the phone book because he could make it entertaining. He has monologues that are pages long but he makes it look effortless.

Sas Goldman, who plays the first bride of the night Kiki, reminded me in a weird way of Tracee Chimo in Bachelorette. But in a totally good, weird way. Lindsay Mendez plays a wonderful best friend to Jordan, Laura, who gets caught up in wedding madness when she finally gets engaged. She was able to be strong even when hurt by Jordan’s page and a half tirade on the evening of her bachelorette party. And, last but not least, Rebecca Naomi Jones is the hilariously dark Vanessa who gives no fucks about anything until the day of her wedding.

The men in this show are not at all the focus. Hence why two actors play all six male characters (in addition to Jordan). John Behlman and Luke Smith both do a lovely job playing the various boyfriends and husbands and coworkers of the four main characters.

Because of its incredibly depressing tone, and it’s suicide-inducing ending, I’m not sure it’ll find it’s audience on Broadway, but I know that a lot (most) people could probably relate to Jordan’s feeling of being alone and feeling hopeless. There are lots of parts to make you laugh, and many to also make you feel all the feels. Like any good play should. 

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