#roselight moon


hey guys i wanted to make a post about little things in life that bring people joy and i wanted your help. if you have an idea that you want to share please send me an ask or dm me because i’d love to see what things bring you guys joy it can be anything even if it seems really small it is still important if it brings you joy!!


things to remember:

  • you don’t have to be perfect
  • having a bad day is ok
  • small steps are still progress
  • asking for help is strength
  • people love and care about you

i just thought i should bring this back as a reminder for everyone

ahhh i just hit 13’000 followers????

thank you guys so much for supporting this account, i never thought something like this would happen. i’m so glad i can try and spread positivity to people and provide everyone with something to think about, thank you so so so much i’m so grateful for you guys

to anyone who sees this,

have you had any water today? please have some even if it’s just a little bit you’ll feel a bit better i hope!!

have you had anything to eat today? if not can you grab a snack please, your body needs energy so you can listen to music and have a boogie

and also when did you last stop for a minute? the world tells us we need to be constantly moving but that often just leads to being burnt out. so if you need a 10 minute break, take it. if you need to have a nap, please do.

taking care of yourself is so much more important than anything else, i don’t care who tells you otherwise

i read something the other day that’s stuck with me.

self care shouldn’t be solely about becoming productive again.

instead it should be a reminder that you are worthyandimportant without productivity.

hi hi hi everyone i just realised that when i try and reply on this account it goes straight back to my main which is @rosie-tae so if you ever get a reply from that account it is still me

hi guys!! sorry i’ve been a bit absent, i just wanted to ask you all, what’s one positive thing that happened to you today?

i’ll go first, i bought strawberries today got the first time in 2 months!! i was very excited about them

hi here’s your daily reminder that life and recovery aren’t linear, there are no set times in life that you have to achieve things by. society obsesses over the idea of a perfect life, but that’s complete nonsense, everyone’s life is different and everyone’s life is beautiful.

hiiii so it’s megan, i’m hoping to be back on here more regularly and i just wanted to ask what you guys wanted to see from this blog any suggestions are welcome

i know that personally the start of this year was a bit of a mess, but i wanted to congratulate every single one of you for making it to 2021, even when things got tough we made it together and i hope we can find happiness and good things this year and make it to 2022 together

heyyyy it’s rosie here, i feel like i haven’t ever really spoken to most of you so i want to try and get to know some of you now!! i know most of us are in isolation and i’d love to know what you guys have been up to in that time, so feel free to send in an ask with your adventures, they can be as big or small as you like, i’m just really intrigued to know more about our followers

things to remember:

  • tomorrow is a new day
  • making mistakes is part of life
  • saying ‘no’ is ok
  • not everyone has to like you
  • beauty and strength come from within

a quick reminder

hey guys i know everyone is talking about all the amazing things they’re going to do and learn in isolation. i just want to remind you all that if the only thing you can do some days is get out of bed that’s ok. you don’t have to accomplish something spectacular, just existing and being alive is enough.

you’re doing amazing and i’m so proud of you.

things to remember:

  • you don’t have to be perfect
  • having a bad day is ok
  • small steps are still progress
  • asking for help is strength
  • people love and care about you

some days are going to be hard, you might even fall a bit. but i promise you that you can get up, trust the people around you that care for you, they will always help you. and in return help them when they are down. our world needs more kindness, so be that kindness, be that loving friend, be the highlight of someone’s day.

some people will only like you if you fit into their box. don’t be afraid to shove that box up their ass.

everytime you feel sad or wonder why you’re still here, just remember you have made it through every single day that this world has thrown at you. you’ve fought your way through a society that isn’t always kind to you. you, the wonderful, amazing, beautiful, unique person that you are, you are still standing here and i am so proud of you for that. if the thing you did today was get through it, that’s ok because there’s always tomorrow and the day after that. you are enough, you always have been and you always will be

even the little things are appreciated. sometimes they have the biggest impact. whether it’s helping out around the house or doing something for someone that you know would take some weight off their shoulders. in the case of this little blog that we created probably at like 3am my time, it means more to both of us than words can express that so many of you have liked and shared our words, which we’re not always that good with, so that we can spread a little bit of sunshine back into the darker corners. we genuinely love and appreciate you all so much. it may not seem like a big number to a lot of people but I never expected or thought that we would ever get any followers at all, let alone notes. so all I can say, before I go make myself a celebratory ginormous cup of tea, is thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. - mika

ok so i’m literally shaking from excitement as i write this so let’s see if i can get through this without too many spelling errors.

thank you so so so much for the support that we have received on our posts, and also we just hit 250 followers!!! thank you for liking our posts enough to hit the follow button we really really appreciate it. i think mika just had a heart attack when she heard how many followers we had, i mean i think she’s ok now i should probably check on her .

we never expected this much support, we just wanted to bring some positivity back to tumblr, but through this we have found how many people share that same wish as us. i hope that together we can continue to make tumblr a kinder and more positive place to be, and along the way we can drag some more people into this

thank you again and we love you guys

from megan

i know a lot of people struggle with this (myself included) so just a quick reminder to everyone that it is ok to ask for help, you don’t have to deal with everything by yourself, there are always people who will help you. you don’t have to keep all of your struggles a secret, sometimes telling someone can help quite a lot too.

sometimes you just have to change who you spend your time with. if your friends make you feel invisible and forgotten about then they aren’t good friends. even if you’ve known them for a long time, you aren’t obligated to know them forever. do what’s right for you and surround yourself with the people who make you feel good and happy, who respect you and your interests and don’t mock or judge you. let yourself be loved.

just a quick reminder that you are not your parents. their opinions, their actions, their beliefs are not inherently yours and you can choose to have different opinions. please don’t think that just because your parents are one way you have to be the same, you can choose to grow and learn and be more open.

it’s ok to say no if you aren’t in a good headspace to help out a friend. it’s ok to say no if you don’t feel like doing what you’ve planned anymore because you need time to yourself. it’s ok to say no if you’re uncomfortable and unsure. it’s ok to say no if you just don’t want to. it doesn’t make you a bad person for putting yourself first.

it’s ok if you didn’t get through everything you planned to do today, you made it through the day and that’s the most important thing. there is always another day ahead of you where you can try again, just take it one day at a time and you will be alright.

try not to compare yourself to people the same age as you who are successful in terms of fame and wealth, because that doesn’t mean you aren’t successful. you’re studying, working. you’re gaining knowledge and experience and, most important of all, you’re getting through each day even though it can be hard, and that’s successful too.
