#sirius x yn


Sirius:Y/n, did you happen to hear my announcement? 

Y/n:I hang on every word.

Sirius:I’m going to assume that is sarcasm.


Sirius:So you didn’t.

Y/n:Barely listening now. 


I Don’t Believe In You and I

Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: None? Not a happy ending for Sirius. Also I haven’t written for Sirius in a LONG time so as I typically doubt my writing- this is terrible.

Requested: Yes, by @msmb

Summary: Maybe once I did believe that you and I were meant to be. But now you’re gone and I finally see, I couldn’t be anymore free.

Sirius Black was a layered misconception.

It was publicly known that Sirius Black was a charming boy with a dazzling smile and a flirtatious rhetoric that swooned all the girls off their asses. It had even swayed you off your feet and into his arms and at the time you had felt like the luckiest person in the world.

It started like all tragic love stories did. The beginning was like a foggy daydream consisting of days spent dancing in the rain, hours tucked away in corners of the hallway and sipping Butterbeer in Hogsmeade in the booth towards the back. He was all smiles and soft kisses. You were living the dream.

“My love for you…” he told you one snowy outing. “Has vastly exceeded the love I feel for myself.”

You had raised your eyebrows with a grin. “Oh, really? I didn’t think that was possible.”

He had chuckled. “Neither did I.”


But it soon transitioned into one of your worst nightmares.

The second phase of the said dream was when things started to escalate. There were no more dates in Hogsmeade, only outings with his friends. Nights you spent with him he’d only fall asleep. Sirius Black had never been a relationship kind of guy and perhaps you didn’t know this but his friends sure did and no warning was given to you about the consequences.

In classes, he would flirt openly with anyone he set his eyes on. That charming smile you once thought was reserved for you was now openly shared and appreciated by all. You’d watch as he’d flirt and his victim would run their fingers along him whenever they could and you’d have to watch in embarrassment as all your classmates watched your boyfriend shamelessly flirt his heart out with someone else.

“Would you quit it?” you told him one morning over breakfast.

“Quit what?” he asked nonchalantly. His eyes wouldn’t meet yours but the cool unreadable expression remained on his face.

You glared at him. “You know what.”

He turned to you with a knowing look in his eyes despite the lie that left his lips. “I assure you I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

His attitude angered you to no end and you were done with his actions. “Well, you better figure it out.”

With that you had gotten up and left him eating lunch with a slightly shocked look on his face.

The final phase of dreaming was waking up. It was quick and startling and it’s only after you wake-up that you no longer hold the vivid feeling of being within a nightmare. Waking up wasn’t easy for you. However, you could pinpoint the exact moment that you woke and it was the day he had skipped your anniversary dinner.

That was the last straw for you.

“We’re done.” you said, serious but simple. The night air was cold when you finally found him on the trail to Hogsmeade, two and a half hours late. “I’m not even going to waste my breath on you.”

“What?” he replied, mouth dropping slightly. “Look I was about to show up!”

“Yeah!” you exhaled. “Two and a half hours late!” you approached him angrily. “You know, I don’t even know why I waited half an hour, let alone an hour, let alone two and a half! I cared about you too much and look where that left me.”

His face scrunched in frustration. “Cared? I still care about you and you still care about me. That’s how relationships work.”

“Well, if you cared you have a real fucked up way of showing it and I’m starting to think you don’t deserve mine.”

You had shouldered past him, the tears now beginning to stream down your face and for what reason you didn’t know. He didn’t deserve your tears but you had loved him once and love left a lingering sting. Sirius Black, despite all his complexities, was someone who had snuck his way into the crevices of your heart only to leave you feeling more empty than whole.

But now he was out of your life.

And Sirius?

Sirius was more heartbroken than anyone imagined. He knew he was an asshole and it was not something he was proud of. But he remembered all those moments with you where you were tucked in his arms or how you would dance to stupid songs about teenagers in love.

No one had ever made him feel like that before.

In all honesty it terrified him more it should. Youterrified him. The way you made him feel was beautiful but it also made him feel scared… stuck. In the beginning he indulged not knowing how deep those little moments would hit him. And then one day he woke up and realized… he was in love with you.

He was in love with your hair and your eyes and the way you said certain words. He loved the way you told him off and whenever you murmured “I love you” because all his life he had never heard someone say that to him before.

And now that person was gone and he was left standing alone in the snow.

“Fuck.” he muttered.

It did not take a day to get over someone.

But eventually you moved on. You wouldn’t allow someone to break your heart and ruin your entire life besides that. You came to class the next day with a smile held up on your face and a nice outfit and if the rumor hadn’t spread so quickly around the halls you were sure no one would’ve known Sirius and you were no more.

And that attitude paid off, you met someone new who made you realize you had spent so long believing Sirius had been the one for you. Believing that there was no one else who could possibly mean as much to you as he did. Now you danced with someone who danced in return and continued to do so even when they weren’t feeling up to it. They made your anniversary and reassured you that years more would come.

You gained everything you always wanted.

Sirius lost everything he once had.

Let me know what you thought? Send an ask to be added to my taglist.

Forever Friends: @coperative@awritingtree@officiallydarkgeek@exhsle@elenapatricia99@readzwith-xol@a-candle-maker@datrie@temporaryissue@coffeewithoutcaffeine@magicalxdaydream

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You & Me | Part Two | Sirius

A/N: Here’s part two! You won’t get a choice after this one. Instead, you’ll be merged back into the main story :) Click here for part one.


  • y/h = Your house
  • y/f/h = Your favorite hobby
  • y/f/q/t = Your favorite Quidditch team fan

You nodded, “You’re right. He’d probably rather be alone anyway. He always does that when he’s upset…”

“So,” Sirius said as the two of you started walking in the direction of your next class, “Tell me about yourself.”

Gazing up at him, your books pressed tightly to your chest, you smiled, “What do you want to know?”

He grinned down at you, “Everything.”

By the time you made it to Defence Against the Dark Arts, you and Sirius knew the basic ins and outs of each others lives. He knew that you were a y/h, you enjoyed y/f/h, and that you were a diehard y/f/q/t.

As you made your way down the last corridor before you reached class, Sirius asked you about your family.

“My family?” You had repeated, making sure you had heard his question right.

“I told you,” He smiled, “I want to know everything about you.”

You shrugged, “There’s not much to tell, really. I’m the first witch/wizard in my family, so they were a bit surprised when I received my letter. Proud, but unsure. They don’t really understand the whole magic thing.”

“So you’re a muggleborn?” He asked, his eyes focused on yours rather than the influx of students in the corridor.

“Yes,” You answered, raising a brow, “Is that a problem?”

He shook his head, “Not in the slightest. I’m a pureblood, come from a wizarding family that goes back too far for comfort, so I’ve rarely interacted with muggles. Always been a bit curious, that’s all.”

“Well, my family is as muggle as they come. They’re more interested in football than they are in Quidditch. Not that I blame them. The idea of flying on a broom and dodging balls in the air seems a bit strange. But I like it well enough.”

“You should come to the next game,” He said, his voice lilting.

“Why, are you playing next?” You asked, as you made your way to the door.

“No, but I was wondering if you’d like to go to the next game together. Neither of our houses are playing, so it’d just be a chance to watch the game.” Sirius smiled, raking a hand through his hair.

“I’d like that, very much.”

You went to open the door, expecting Sirius to follow after you, but he didn’t.

“Are you coming, Sirius?” You asked, confusion masking your face.

He let out a long sigh, “Can I be honest with you?”

“I had hoped you’d been honest since we started talking, but go ahead.”

“I don’t really have Defense Against the Dark Arts right now. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.” He admitted, chewing on his bottom lip.

“So you lied to me?” You said with a frown.

He swallowed, bowing his head, “Yes. And I’m sorry. But I don’t regret it. Lying, yes, but not talking to you.”

Nodding, you looked to your classroom, “Well, you can make it up to me at the Quidditch game tomorrow.”

His eyes shot up to meet yours, cheeks flushing, “You still want to go?”

“Don’t be late.”

Sirius nodded, “I won’t. I promise. I’ll meet you in front of the Great Hall?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“I’ll see you then, Y/N.”

Smiling, you entered your classroom, “See you then.”
