#sirius black one shot


~ insufferable ~

sirius black + letter E from the fanfic alphabet for anonymous

  • pairing:sirius black x reader
  • theme:enemies to lovers
  • warnings:minor bickering
  • fandom:harry potter

Sirius Black was insufferable. He was rude and couldn’t take anything seriously to save his life. The worst thing about Sirius Black however was that he was attractive. It wasn’t fair that someone with such a horrible personality was so good looking.

The feeling was quite mutual. Although Sirius found you to be stuck up and a snob, he’d be lying if he said you weren’t easy on the eyes. This all lead to their being some underlined sexual tension whenever you two bickered.

All of your friends were becoming fed up with all this. Maybe you and Sirius had your differences but you clearly liked each other. It was about time you both dropped the charade and just admired this and soon enough you would.

Things finally came to a head on the grounds outside the school. For whatever reason you and Sirius ended up fighting. Neither of you could really remember the reason why but nevertheless you were shouting at the other person.

“Ugh, you’re unbelievable” you scoffed, throwing your hands in the air. “I hate you so much”.

“That right?” Sirius replied, raising an eyebrow. “You hate me? I don’t think so. You want to know what I think?”. You rolled your eyes but before you could tell Sirius that you weren’t interested in anything else that he had to say Sirius added. “I think you just want to kiss me but you don’t know how to deal with it” Sirius smirked.

Blinking a couple times, you found yourself becoming speechless by his bold accusation. It took you a moment to recover but when you did you didn’t hold back. “Oh really? Well I could say the same about you, Black” you hissed, poking him roughly in the chest. “But you’re too much of a coward to go through with it despite how big you talk”.

Now it was Sirius’ turn to be shocked by your words. You can’t recall a time where Sirius has been quiet for so long. When Sirius snaps out of it he sends you a glare before grabbing your wrist. “We’ll see about that” Sirius growled before tugging you close and connecting your lips.

Your eyes were wide for a second before, oddly enough, you kissed him back. It’s in that moment that the rest of the Marauders just so happen to walk past the scene. “It’s about time,” Remus sighed. “I thought they would dance around their feelings forever”.

“Me too” James snickered before ya ling over to the two of you. “There you go Padfoot! Congrats mate!”.

masterlist|buy the author a coffee



Word Count: 1014


Request:hello! I dont know if you do any marauders oneshots but if you do can you write one where the reader and sirius are dating and they get in a huge fight and remus is the one to push the reader back to sirius???? 

A/N: This was hella fun to write

“No, you’re right Sirius! It’s always my fault! I’m always the bad guy!”, you yelled tears threatening to pierce through your eyes as you slammed the palm of your hand against Sirius’s chest.

“I never said that! This is what I am talking about! You always jump to conclusions without consulting me first!”, He yelled back not daring to break eye-contact. All you saw was blue. Blue like the tears streaming down your cream-colored face,  like the stone necklace that Sirius gave you for your first anniversary that seemed to now burn at your throat, and like the roses Sirius would give you after whispering ‘I love you’. You distinctly remembering the first time you two admitted your feeling towards one another. It was during the fifth year, somehow the two of you went from talking about how you managed to fail your potions class to confessing your acquired adoration for each other. With him asking timidly at the end, ‘can I kiss you?’.

Tightening a grip on Sirius’s jumper, you held him close to you.

“And you, you bastard never take my side! You’re always so kept to yourself! Never once have you came to me with a problem! I trusted you enough to let you in, but you couldn’t do the same! The only thing I ever needed was for you to need me, Sirius! That’s all I ever needed! Because I deserve somebody who gives a shit!”, you screamed even louder on the top of your lungs, causing your voice to crack. Sirius tried to take a step back, but you held onto his jumper even tighter not letting him leave. Straightening up his posture, Sirius glared at you, a hard cold glare. A glare he would give to someone like Bellatrix.

“Don’t you even dare Y/N! I loved you through everything, and you don’t even care! And you know what Y/N! I deeply wish that I never met you!”, Sirius screamed at me even louder with each sentence, his body trembled as his voice croaked with broken cries, before ripping your hand off of his jumper and running away. All you could do was stand there, sobbing loudly to yourself, grasping onto the single chair for support afraid that you might fall to the ground.

“Go after him Y/N”, You heard a raspy, cool voice of Remus lupin. Turning around to face the werewolf that you have became close mates with, you realize that you could barely even see him through your teary eyes.

“You know that it only hurts more when you stop pretending. ”, Remus continued on not bothering to move from the staircase that lead to the boys dorm, “So stop pretending that what Pad-I mean Sirius said hurt more than what you are letting on. Go after him and I predict that when you see him it’s going to hit you. Hit you like a muggle bus just crashed into your body breaking your soul into pieces and your heart in shattering glass fragments.”

“W-What are you talking about Remus”, you choked on your sobs trying to make process on what the lad was saying.

“I’m saying that it’s always been you and Sirius. Always. Ever since first year when you hated each other, no matter what you two will always love each other, so I don’t see why you are forcing him away, and him visa versa. But knowing how stubborn the both of you are, I am not telling-I am demanding that you go after Sirius and tell him. Tell him how you are feeling now. Or else I will drag you by your hair to him”, Remus didn’t say another word before storming back up the stairs.

Numbly you moved forward, towards the portrait that would lead you out of the common-room. Once outside the sound of a broken cry filled your ears. Sirius. He was more then crying, he was cursing to no one but himself. There he sat at the top of the moving staircase cursing and cursing to himself, and crying even louder. That’s when it hit you, it hit you harder than a muggle bus crashing into your body. It hit you more painfully than the curico curse. You collapsed down to the cold stone floor, clenching your chest above your heart. The pain was unbearable. Seeing Sirius the way he was puffy eyed, tear stained cheeks, messy destroyed locks of crow black hair, paler skin than the snow falling outside, and the look of death itself shadowing over his handsome face. Your heart was smashed, beaten, crumbled, torn apart, and shattered to the base of your chest like fine china.

“No-please. Please don’t leave me”, you cried broken and torn like your vocal cords yearned for fresh cool liquid, “Please Sirius, you’re the only good thing I have. I can’t-Don’t leave me”

You didn’t know if he could hear you and you sobbed on the hallway floor, it wasn’t until you felt those cold strong arms around your body. engulfing your body in a cold chill. The cold chill you have grown custom to after so many years of hugging, holding hands, colliding in the middle of the hallways, and sneaking kisses at midnight. Moving your body around so you would be able to hold onto the person who was your first kiss, your first love, your first friend, your first enemy, and the first person who you beat the crap out of when they accidently called you a ditzy little girl.

“It’s okay, I’m here. I’m sorry.”, Sirius’s wobbly voice spoke almost like the wind in the summer, soft and almost unnoticeable, “I will never leave you. Never. Just promise you won’t leave me”

His grip grew stronger around your body pulling you closer to him. Crying into his shoulder, all you could do was nod.

“Never, I would never leave you. Never. I love you”, You whispered over and over again. I love you.

You love Sirius the same way how the moon loves the sun, dying each day so the sun can live.

➴ Summary: He had a chance to change, why did he discard it? Part II (Final).

➴ Pairing: Sirius Black / fem!reader (3rd POV).

➴ Warnings: Angst, cheating, underage smoking.

➴ Wordcount:1K.

➴ Tagged: @angelaiswriting@jj-maybnk@figlia–della–luna

➴ Author Note: Thanks for the request! Look at me writing. Unbelievable.

A few months have passed since she first discovered Sirius cheating on her with Marlene. It’s now Christmas and she’s packing all her things to go home, forget the burning hell she has been put through by the two people she had once loved the most.

You know, the rumours, the whispers and stares, it was all too much at first. She tried to hide in corners until people had passed and then she would go to her class. Too ashamed to face the classmates that pitied her. Until she realized there was nothing to be ashamed of, or to be pitied for. She hadn’t been the first girl to get cheated on and she wouldn’t be the last. It had happened and she needed to learn how to move on, ignore people around her and focus on herself. She took baby steps, with Lily and Alice always with her, and slowly but surely she had grown out of it. Now she can finally say she’s happy and over it.

Sirius, on the other hand, is like a dog that wouldn’t let go of his favourite bone. Rumour has it─and by rumour she means Remus telling her everything─that he hasn’t been with anyone since she broke up with him. Marlene tried to approach him a couple times but was rejected, and with the entire school knowing what she had done, it was safe to say she wouldn’t be dating or befriending anyone anytime soon.

She sighs, turning around on her heels and walking up to her closet to grab the last piece of clothing left. There’s a knock on her door.

“Come in!” But no one enters. “Come in!” She screams again, thinking the person behind the door has not heard her.

When her door remains closed and the silence falls upon the room, she lets out a frustrated sigh and walks up to the door, opening it wide to see what’s going on.

Her scream is loud enough to have alerted the entire castle─but she hopes no one comes─.

She grabs Sirius’s fur and pushes him inside, scoffing when he lets out a whine. After checking the hall’s still empty she closes the door and turns around, almost letting out another scream at the sight of Sirius’s naked body.

“Put something on, asshole!”

“Well, fine. But unless I’ve grown a third nipple, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”

“Before! When I wanted to see it, Sirius! Now I don’t, so put something on before I kick your ass out of the window.” She can’t believe she needs to explain this again.

Sirius taps her shoulder a moment after. Not knowing what she was expecting, she has to laugh. He has covered himself with her sheets. This man is unbelievable.

He clears his throat: “can we talk now?” She sighs.

This is not the first time Sirius has tried to talk to her about how much he has changed.

But she didn’t want to hear it the first hundred times and she doesn’t want to hear it now.

What can she do? Tell him to go? There’s a chance he won’t. Just give him five minutes, let him explain once again and ask him to leave. It’s worked before, it’ll work now.

“Fine,” she tells him while walking up to Alice’s bed and sitting down. “Speak.”

Sirius sits down on her bed─good thing he’s using her sheets, now he can’t get too far from her bed─and once more clears his throat as if it’ll make his words more believable.

“You’re going home for Christmas?” He asks, confusing her. Before she can answer his mouth is moving again and more and more words leave his throat: “Remus told me because Alice told him. It’s not that he tells me things! It came up in the conversation we were having so please, don’t get upset with him.”

She blinks one, two, three times. Unsure of what’s going on, she takes a couple seconds to take in his rambling and making out the meaning behind it. She is unable to make it make sense and the little patience that she has is growing out.

Is it her fault? Should’ve she told him to fuck off? Perhaps it’s because she keeps giving him the chance to explain himself although she knows nothing is ever gonna change. Is she leading him on? That’s the last thing she wants to do. Hurting is not in her nature. It’s never been.

“Sirius,” she calls his name while running her left hand through her hair. She inhales, gives herself time to think about her next words. It’s time to let things turn clear as water. “You didn’t go through all the trouble of morphing on school grounds, sneak around the castle and up here to ask me to not be mad at Remus. So tell me, what was the actual reason?”

She has taken him off guard, being so blunt, her voice so calm. She’s not upset with him, or resentful, she’s at peace and holds no grudge against him. “I…” he begins, the sound of his voice lingering in the room for a couple seconds before he finishes: “To be honest, I came here to ask for another chance…”


“…No, no. Let me finish. I came here to ask for another chance because I thought that to fix all of this mess all I had to do was change. But, that’s not it, right?” She shakes her head. “I made a mistake, now I can’t ask the girl whose heart I broke to risk it being broken again. So if it’s not too much to ask for, I’d like for us to be friends, like before. Because whether it’s as my girl or my best friend, I don’t want to find out what life without you is like.”

“We can’t be friends like before, Sirius. Before is gone. I’m not the person I was then. I like to think neither are you. But I’m sure we can work something out, as long as you promise to not come naked into my room ever again.”

“Oh, no I can’t promise that.” Sirius grins, tilting his head right.

She laughs. “Yeah, of  course you can’t. Asshole.”

➴ Summary: He had a chance to change. why did he discard it?

➴ Pairing: Sirius Black / fem!reader (3rd POV).

➴ Warnings: Angst, cheating, underage smoking.

➴ Wordcount: 1.2K

➴ Tagged: @angelaiswriting@jj-maybnk

➴ Author Note: No, I’m not in a Harry Potter phase. I am simply posting unposted fics while I manage to finish new ones. You may call it lazy, I call it genius.

Out of all the times Sirius could’ve chosen to cheat he had to do it first week of school. As if walking in on Sirius and Marlene making out in the Common Room hadn’t been humiliating enough, now she had to put up with the gossip, gazes and laughs for ten months. Fantastic.

She scoffed, drawing a long breath of the cigarette between her lips and breathing out the smoke short after, watching it disappear into the wind and fixing her gaze on the moon. Most of her friends warned her about Sirius Black, but she didn’t listen. She thought his intentions were honest, that he had changed and was worth fighting for; in that moment she realized she had been an idiot, a puppet he had used to have some fun and prove himself irresistible. But that wasn’t the worst part, no. She could get over a heartbreak; most people did through their lifetimes. No, the worst part was that Marlene had been her best friend - hell, she even considered her a sister. Somewhere deep in the back of her mind, she had been expecting Sirius to pull something, hell she even had been surprised it took him so long, but Marlene? 

Was she supposed to expect her best friend to betray her like that, even after been friends for ten years? She didn’t know where she went wrong with them, if she had been so horrible to deserve such pain. But one thing was clear, it hurt like hell.

“Enough,” she said out loud, hoping if she did so she’d follow her advice and let it pass. She couldn’t keep thinking about it. She wouldn’t find an answer because there wasn’t a question. Sirius must had been tired of being in a relationship and Marlene must had been a liar all along but she hadn’t noticed. Letting herself fall back against the grass, she finished her cigarette and killed it, throwing it to the side. She had pitied herself enough, now it was time for people to do it - which, she was sure had begun.

It wasn’t as if those two treacherous bastards had thought about backstabbing her in secret to spare her from the public humiliation. She had been one of the last students to go into the Common Room after classes, she was well aware she hadn’t been the first one to see them.

It would be fine, she told herself. Ten months wasn’t that long of a time and before she knew, it would’ve passed. She’d graduate and she would leave Sirius, Marlene and the pain behind as if it never happened in the first place. Yes, it was going to be hard and she would have to put up with a lot of shit and it was going to come from friends, other students and even some of the professors (she was sure Minerva would give Sirius detention twice as much as a form of revenge for hurting her), but there was nothing she could about it. Even if it was going to be fine in the end - and she knew it would, the path there was going to be painful.

She heard footsteps coming from her side, but she didn’t bother to look up to see who it was. It was stupid, weird even, she knew he didn’t care about her feelings - that much had been proved, but she also knew he would look for her to apologize because he couldn’t fathom the idea of someone thinking he was a horrible person for the wrong reasons.

He sat down next to her, looking forward. He seemed tense, nervous even. She couldn’t bother herself to hide the pleasure his discomfort brought her and allowed a humourless laugh to escape her lips. He sighed next to her, forcing his gaze up to avoid looking at her.

She didn’t know when the tears had started to fall, she just knew she didn’t had the strength to wipe them off her face and so, she let them run hoping that he wouldn’t notice.

“I,” he started but stopped right after, the words getting caught in his throat. She couldn’t look at him even if she wanted. He took a deep breath that came out ragged right after. “I came to apologize, and if I have the chance, to explain what happened.”

“You were gonna shag Marlene when I walked in. That’s what happened,” she explained for him. It came out as harsh as she felt the words and he winced. “You can apologize now.”

Sirius turned around, the moonlight was right behind him and so it was difficult to distinguish his features, but even in that moment, from her position on her back she could see the storm that were his eyes, and the redness around them; as if he had been crying too.

He took a breath before speaking, clearing his throat to get rid of the soreness. “I don’t know how it happened and I didn’t want it to happen. It was a mistake and I am, believe it or not, sorry. Marlene had been flirting with me since school started again and then this morning I was in the Common Room waiting for James and Remus and she started talking about how she loved me first and it wasn’t fair that we weren’t together; next thing I know she’s all over me. I know the damage is done but, that is the truth and you had to know.”

His voice came out ragged, sore. He had wasted his throat out prior the conversation. It was for a moment she doubted, until she heard him sniff; that and how he pursed his lips together told her all she had to know. Indeed, he had been weeping as well. She cried for a lost love, for a friendship that had meant nothing, but what did he wept for? What had he lost?

No, she thought. It couldn’t be, even if the thought made her skin tingle. Sirius Black didn’t, and had never loved her. If he had done so, then he wouldn’t have done her like that.

“Now I know,” she said while nodding, breaking apart from her thoughts. Her own mind driving her insane. Her voice cracked and it made Sirius aware that she was sobbing. He tried to touch her but she stopped him, slapping his hand away. “Just leave.”

It was a simple request. Leave. He had broken her, it was painful enough to know she had to see him in the halls, in class, in the Common Room, the last thing she needed was for him to pester her until she forgave him. She couldn’t, not in that moment. The wound was fresh, her heart was ripping apart and she had trouble breathing.

She wanted him to leave, but he didn’t. She sobbed out loud, shaking. It was in that moment she knew, she had reached bottom. It was one thing he knew about her sadness, another to show him how her hopes and dreams for them had died.

Sirius wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, kissing the exposed skin.

He wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

➴ Summary:Sirius promised to take care of baby Harry, but things can never go accordingly with him.

➴ Pairing:Sirius Black / fem!reader (3rd POV).

➴ Warnings:Language(?)

➴ Wordcount:1K

➴ Tagged:@angelaiswriting@jj-maybnk

➴ Author Note:Requests are open until the 15th.

If she killed Sirius but didn’t use magic, would she still go to Azkaban or to a muggle prison?

Azkaban was a horrible place and she wouldn’t risk being imprisoned there - although he was making it difficult to think about the consequences, but a muggle prison? She wouldn’t think twice before kicking his ass into the afterlife.

“You’re not listening to me, huh?” She was. Much to her own despair, she was.

Grunting, she got up from the couch and walked up to him. Sirius felt her anger and it scared him enough to make him walk backwards until he hit the wall.

Standing at arm length from him, she cleared her throat. “So, let me get this straight - James being the idiot he is thought that to make our uncle-aunt-nephew night more interesting, it would be fun to use the cloak for hide-and-seek?” Sirius nodded. “And I dared to leave for a second to get some water, so instead of using his actual blanket to wrap him up and put him to sleep- like I asked… You wrapped him up with the cloak and… lost him?” Another nod.

Even if it meant going to Azkaban, murdering him sounded like an appropriate response. But first, she had to find the four months old running through her apartment… being invisible.

Sirius didn’t lose him on purpose, alright, but he still did. He was old enough to understand that giving a child a cloak that would make him invisible was not a good idea at all but there she was looking for an invisible kid after his parents entrusted them with his well being.

“Fine,” she sighed. “Let’s split. You look through the kitchen and living room and I will check the bedrooms and bathroom. Be careful while walking, use a stick or something.”

Before he could agree or disagree - which he wouldn’t, she left for the master bedroom.

She walked with caution through the room, taking steps so small it got her wondering if she was moving at all. She wanted to see the comical part of the situation, imagine Harry running around and the two of them searching like idiots - it did sound fun, but it was also dangerous and what scared her the most was that, it didn’t seem like Sirius understood that. He was so used to be reckless, to not think about the consequences of his actions that sometimes he’d put other people in danger without realizing. Of course, Sirius didn’t want people to get hurt, but he needed to start thinking before he acted, otherwise it wouldn’t be long until he found himself in a dark corner, with no escape option whatsoever.

Kneeling down, she checked under the bed but all she found were her sneakers. Since she had checked the rest of the room, she got up from the floor with a long sigh. After exiting the master bedroom, she went into the guests’, carefully opening the door and stepping inside. Repeating the same process again, with no sign of Harry there either. Now, even more worried than before, she sat down in the bed and tried to think. Where would have Harry possibly go? Their apartment wasn’t big and all windows and doors were locked with magic and locks to ensure their safety with the ongoing war. He couldn’t have gotten far, right?

She looked towards the crib Sirius was supposed to put him to sleep and then a thought entered her mind. What if? Oh, Merlin! She scolded herself for not thinking about it earlier, then she ran towards the living room, where Sirius was still searching through for the child. Upon seeing her running around, all colour disappeared from his face.

“Be careful! You could step on him!” He caught her in his arms, forcing her to a stop.

She had the gift to laugh at the most inconvenient of times - hell, she couldn’t attend funerals because she would laugh the pain off. However, this time as she fell into his arms, shaking as she laughed and laughing even more as she watched Sirius’s confused face, she had a good reason. All the time she had worried Sirius had lost Harry, however, she had missed one important detail. When was the last time he saw him?

“I can’t believe I’m being the mature one but… I don’t think this is a laughing matter.”

“Sirius,” she shook her head and took a breath before continuing: “when was the last time you saw Harry before losing him?”

He thought about it for a moment, then replied: “when I wrapped him with the cloak.”

“And where was that?”

“In the room, where his crib is.”

She nodded. “Right, and now explain to me how could a four months old jump from his crib without us noticing? Or at least without me noticing?”

She waited for a few seconds and then, boom! Realization hit him right in the face and he let go of her and sprinted towards the room. Still giggling she followed him, a bit slower though. She had run enough for one night - and one life as well. When she reached the door to the room, Sirius had Harry in his arms - the baby was still asleep, unaware of the mess his uncle had just created for a simple distraction. Sirius was relieved, kissing him on his head and whispering words she couldn’t hear from where she was standing.

It got her thinking… She was sure as hell going to wait until he grew at least one brain cell before having children. Next time - and she was sure there would be a next time, he’d end up losing him for real. It was bad enough it was happening to her nephew but, her own kids? Oh, hell no, then she would murder Sirius without thinking twice and then her babies would grow up without parents because she would go to Azkaban. She couldn’t let that happen.

“Love!” Sirius called her out of her thoughts, smiling at her. “I didn’t lose him! You should have a little bit more of faith in me from now on!”

You know what? No children also sounded good.



  • Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader
  • Warning: little mention of blood and a razor, nothing serious but it’s there,only edited once
  • Word count:0.7k
  • Summary: Sirius helping you shave your legsafter a panic attack
  • A/n: had a panic attack, tried to shave, cut my leg, cried, and then I wrote this instead of trying to do uni work again- so enjoy kfhvnk

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You & Me | Part Two | Sirius

A/N: Here’s part two! You won’t get a choice after this one. Instead, you’ll be merged back into the main story :) Click here for part one.


  • y/h = Your house
  • y/f/h = Your favorite hobby
  • y/f/q/t = Your favorite Quidditch team fan

You nodded, “You’re right. He’d probably rather be alone anyway. He always does that when he’s upset…”

“So,” Sirius said as the two of you started walking in the direction of your next class, “Tell me about yourself.”

Gazing up at him, your books pressed tightly to your chest, you smiled, “What do you want to know?”

He grinned down at you, “Everything.”

By the time you made it to Defence Against the Dark Arts, you and Sirius knew the basic ins and outs of each others lives. He knew that you were a y/h, you enjoyed y/f/h, and that you were a diehard y/f/q/t.

As you made your way down the last corridor before you reached class, Sirius asked you about your family.

“My family?” You had repeated, making sure you had heard his question right.

“I told you,” He smiled, “I want to know everything about you.”

You shrugged, “There’s not much to tell, really. I’m the first witch/wizard in my family, so they were a bit surprised when I received my letter. Proud, but unsure. They don’t really understand the whole magic thing.”

“So you’re a muggleborn?” He asked, his eyes focused on yours rather than the influx of students in the corridor.

“Yes,” You answered, raising a brow, “Is that a problem?”

He shook his head, “Not in the slightest. I’m a pureblood, come from a wizarding family that goes back too far for comfort, so I’ve rarely interacted with muggles. Always been a bit curious, that’s all.”

“Well, my family is as muggle as they come. They’re more interested in football than they are in Quidditch. Not that I blame them. The idea of flying on a broom and dodging balls in the air seems a bit strange. But I like it well enough.”

“You should come to the next game,” He said, his voice lilting.

“Why, are you playing next?” You asked, as you made your way to the door.

“No, but I was wondering if you’d like to go to the next game together. Neither of our houses are playing, so it’d just be a chance to watch the game.” Sirius smiled, raking a hand through his hair.

“I’d like that, very much.”

You went to open the door, expecting Sirius to follow after you, but he didn’t.

“Are you coming, Sirius?” You asked, confusion masking your face.

He let out a long sigh, “Can I be honest with you?”

“I had hoped you’d been honest since we started talking, but go ahead.”

“I don’t really have Defense Against the Dark Arts right now. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.” He admitted, chewing on his bottom lip.

“So you lied to me?” You said with a frown.

He swallowed, bowing his head, “Yes. And I’m sorry. But I don’t regret it. Lying, yes, but not talking to you.”

Nodding, you looked to your classroom, “Well, you can make it up to me at the Quidditch game tomorrow.”

His eyes shot up to meet yours, cheeks flushing, “You still want to go?”

“Don’t be late.”

Sirius nodded, “I won’t. I promise. I’ll meet you in front of the Great Hall?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“I’ll see you then, Y/N.”

Smiling, you entered your classroom, “See you then.”
