#incorect quote



Kiyan:If I’m extra sarcastic with you it probably means I’m flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can’t handle your crap… have fun figuring out which one.


Adrien: [leafing through Kiyan’s bestiary and herbarium] Why do you have to write down each and every word. It’s so nerdy.
Kiyan: Writing things down in nerdy? What do you do then?
Adrien: I just forget stuff, like a cool person.

Family game night

Sybilla:[reading from a game card] What’s something you put in your mouth but don’t swallow


Kiyan: [covering Adriens’ mouth] You actually swallowed last time so shut the fuck up.

Titus: [facepalming] Oh for fuck’s sake…!


Sybilla: Thank you sweet child, you’re right!

Friendly Note

Klemens:Master Kiyan,let’s write the Prince a friendly note, shall we?

Kiyan, writting: Dear… Incompetent… Dumbass…


Kiyan: Here’s a list of things I hate that Adrien for some reason loves.

Kiyan: Number one - me.

Adrien: Kitty, we talked about this.


Adrien: Me, I’m a man of action. You have to act first and apologize later. Like I have learned to do.
Kiyan: You never apologize.
Adrien: I would if I had ever been wrong.


Chapter 12 be like:

Titus (about Kiyan, watching him slaughter Scoia'tael): That witcher is a hurricane.
Adrien (wistfully): He sure is.
Titus: …Hurricanes are bad, Adrien.

satan: I made tea.

lucifer: I don’t want tea.

satan: I didn’t make tea for you.

lucifer: then why did you tell me?

satan: it’s a conversation starter.

lucifer: it’s a horrible conversation starter.

satan: oh is it? we’re conversing. checkmate.

Kirigan:In a few years I guarantee, I’ll be Alina’s second husband

Alina:Wait… What happened to the first one?

Kirigan: Nothing you can prove.

Sirius:Y/n, did you happen to hear my announcement? 

Y/n:I hang on every word.

Sirius:I’m going to assume that is sarcasm.


Sirius:So you didn’t.

Y/n:Barely listening now. 


Y/n:You always looking like someone, somewhere, is disappointing you.

Julian: Someone is. 

Y/n: It’s Barry Isn’t it?



Julian:Would you like some tea?

Y/n: I accidentally slept with Draco

Harry: You accidentally slept with Draco? 

Y/n: Yes. 

Harry: I don’t understand, did you trip over something?

Barry: I can’t believe you broke the desk.

Cisco: I am both disappointed and disgusted just imagining how you even managed that. 

*Last night* 

Julian: I bet you can’t jump to the ceiling 


Zuko: well, well, well… if it isn’t my dear old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up


Did it hurt

Kiyan: Did it hurt when you-

Adrien: Oh aww, Kitty you flirt!

Adrien: Fell from heaven? Fell for you??

Kiyan: -broke through and crawled out of the depths of hell.


Adrien: Yes but it was worth it coz I saw you <3


Pretty Boy

Kiyan: Listen here, pretty boy-

Adrien: Why is pretty boy even considered an insult?


Adrien: Call me pretty boy again~


Adrien: Call me pretty boy again, I dare you. I’m gonna be the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. <3

Prussia, spying on the allies: So, here’s the tea-

Germany: It’s called a daily report.

Prussia: Do you want the tea or not?
