#small artist

Here is the colored version of the sketch that I posted a couple of days ago. Is rough because I rea

Here is the colored version of the sketch that I posted a couple of days ago. Is rough because I really was just messing around but I might refine it and draw some more characters. I honestly didn’t think it would come out this decent.

Post link

Thats my birthday

Turning 18, further more

Compilation of what I call “mono-sketch” style commissions for some ppl on Twitter. The style is essCompilation of what I call “mono-sketch” style commissions for some ppl on Twitter. The style is essCompilation of what I call “mono-sketch” style commissions for some ppl on Twitter. The style is ess

Compilation of what I call “mono-sketch” style commissions for some ppl on Twitter. The style is essentially making the whole piece using different values of the same (or very similar) hue.



Post link

Your girl is going to be a second year student in a couple months!

Although they share the same name which is Aurora Ranvier, her traits are 100% different than how i portrayed her as y/n here and in my drawings. This Aurora is everything that tumblr Aurora isn’t. She’s grumpy, sensitive, hot headed, quiet, awkward, but she’s quite bright. While tumblr Aurora is as chaotic as the twins.

I wanted to do some character development throughout her times at Hogwarts. She’s pretty adventurous, but she is nowhere fearless, she’s scared of ghost. I would love to share her background stories here as well in the form of fanfic. But for now, here’s first year Aurora and second year Aurora side by side

Oh, if you’re wondering what’s this is about, she’s a character that I created on Hogwarts.io orrrrrr if you are French, you could visit poudlard.fr instead

je m'endors, bisous,

I know I know, super late to the party but here you go. If you have any questions about me feel free to ask!

A place where the grid shows through  ✨


Hey hey it’s ko-fi time!!☕ This week’s post details some new items in my shop, including WASHI TAPE, STICKERS, and a new ZINE!

links in my pinned post! Thanks for looking!!

Recent paintings ✨ glad y'all are enjoying this vaporwave-inspired series!! More to come, of course ~ we’re going VERTICAL next week

And because many kind people asked for it: YES!! You can get these + a collection of other wallpapers for your devices on my ko-fi!

Links in my pinned post Thanks for looking!!



Rain, rain, rain ☔


DID YOU KNOW!! It’s the last week to get these ☔ APRIL SHOWERS ☔themed goodies through my k0-fi postcard club? I’ll be teasing next month’s designs on Friday too, so it’s a great time to sign up if you’re into this kind of thing

Links in my pinned post!
