#social distancing


Who do I contact about coworkers who are being disruptive and not respecting personal space

Being a person who is utterly terrified of change, having to relinquish my normal daily routine due to Covid-19 has been a huge strain on my mental health. Here in Malta, we are currently experiencing partial lockdown: all flights have been cancelled, schools, restaurants, pubs, coffeeshops and many other miscellaneous shops are closed and many people (including doctors and nurses) are in…

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that one hand flex scene from pride and prejudice (2005) is where we’ll be when this is over

handshakes were boring anyway the ol’ nod up / nod down is superior

wait hold up u telling me people r gettin bored? of staying at home and doing nothing?? wiLD!


Please listen to my dear friend Christina explain why social distancing is so critically important.

Kagerou Days but nobody dies this time because Hibiya and Hiyori are staying home social distancing.

Social Distancing

Wash your paws!!!!

Quarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page colQuarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!Here’s a free 38-page col

Quarantine is a LONG slog and the webcomic community is here for you!

Here’s a free 38-page coloring book featuring 16 of your fav webcomic artists! rockpapercynic.com/coloringbook

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Not sure if or when we’re being fitted for concert uniforms, as we have no concerts planned until further notice, but assuming it will happen welcome to the third annual “what shit am I gonna go thru with the transphobic uniform mom in order to wear then men’s uniform.” This year will definitely be eventful since, unlike past years, my hair is now down to my shoulders. I feel like just to spite her I should wear heavy makeup and a push up bra with my tux when we have a concert. I live to piss that woman off. Suck my tranny toes.

The pioneers of social distancing. 

The pioneers of social distancing. 

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