#spanish langblr

catsandcataluna: vocabulario del tarot tarot vocabularyadivinación divinationcartomancia cartomancyl


vocabulario del tarot tarot vocabulary

  • adivinación divination
  • cartomancia cartomancy
  • la mística the mystic
  • el esotérico the esoteric 
  • la naipe card
  • la baraja deck
  • arcanos mayores major arcana
  • arcanos menores minor arcana
  • tiradas de tarot tarot spreads
  • los triunfos trumps
  • la interpretación interpretation
  • interpreter to interpret
  • simbolismo symbolism
  • ilustraciones de las cartas card illustrations
  • el arquetipo archetype

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Directions on a Map - Las Direcciones del Mapa

north - el norte
south - el sur
east - el este
west - el oeste
to the north - al norte
to the south - al sur
to the east - al este
to the west - al oeste
northeast - el noreste
northwest - el noroeste
southeast - el sureste
southwest - el suroeste

Tourist Sites - Los Sitios Para Los Turistas

abbey - la abadía
amphitheater - el anfiteatro
aquarium - el acuario
arch - el arco
art gallery - la galería de arte
avenue - la avenida
beach - la playa
boulevard - el bulevar
bridge - el puente
castle - el castillo
catacombs - las catacumbas
cathedral - la catedral
cemetery - el cementerio
chapel - la capilla
church - la iglesia
concert hall - la sala de conciertos
countryside - el campo
hotel - el hotel
library - la biblioteca
mansion - la mansión
monastery - el monasterio
museum - el museo
opera - (el teatro de) la ópera
palace - el palacio
road - el camino
stadium - el estadio
store - la tienda
street - la calle
temple - el templo
theater - el teatro
tower - la torre
town hall - el ayuntamiento

catsandcataluna:vocabulario de cuidarte | self care vocabulary (list #1)cuidar to care, to look afte


vocabulario de cuidarte | self care vocabulary (list #1)

  • cuidar to care, to look after
  • amar to love
  • bañar(se) to bathe (self)
  • lavar(se) to wash (self)
  • el agua water
  • noche de spa spa night 
  • la bomba de baño bathbomb
  • la bañerabath
  • el jabón soap
  • el champú shampoo
  • el acondicionador conditioner
  • los exfoliantes exfoliates
  • la mascarillafacemask
  • la crema hidratante moisturizer
  • la manicura manicure
  • la pedicura pedicure
  • té caliente hot tea
  • agua caliente hot water
  • las burbujas bubbles
  • los cirios candles
  • la música music
  • acogedor cozy
  • hidratarto hydrate

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Ocean Vocabulary

I went to the beach the other day to take a walk, and although it was freezing cold, it was also very nice and calming. The sea is one of my favourite things so I thought it would be a good idea to expand my vocabulary a bit on this topic :)

  • el acantilado - cliff
  • el agua - water
  • el agua salada - salt water
  • el alga - seaweed
  • el ancla - anchor
  • la anémona - the anemone
  • la arena - the sand
  • el arrecife - reef
  • la ballena - whale
  • el barco de vela - sailing ship
  • la brisa - breeze
  • el/la buzo - the diver
  • el caballito de mar - seahorse
  • la concha - shell
  • el coral - coral
  • la costa - shore
  • el delfín - dolphin
  • la espuma marina - sea foam
  • la estrella de mar - starfish
  • el faro - lighthouse
  • la gaviota - seagull
  • la isla - island
  • el/la mar - sea
  • la medusa - jellyfish
  • el muelle - pier
  • el/la nadador/-a - the swimmer
  • nadar - to swim
  • navegar - to sail
  • el océano - ocean
  • la ola - wave
  • el oleaje - surge
  • el pez - fish
  • la playa - beach
  • la roca - rock
  • la sal marina - sea salt
  • el tiburón - shark
  • la tormenta - storm
  • tormentoso/-a - stormy
  • la vela - sail
  • ventoso/-a - windy
  • el viento - wind
  • zambullirse - to dive

Bonus word for everyone who has read so far:

  • la sirena - mermaid
thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese: lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis




in any language, we know this pain

this is fucking funnier in spanish

This is an always reblog for me.

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Politics and Government - La política y el gobierno


disclaimer:as always, let me know if i made any mistakes and if i should add any words/regional words! 
Here’s a link to the election vocab list and the politician vocab list

act - la ley
administration - la administración
amendment - la enmienda
appointment - el nombramiento
asylum seeker - el/la solicitante de asilo político
bill - la proposición, el proyecto de ley
cabinet - el Consejo de Ministros
chamber - la cámara
citizen - el ciudadano/la ciudadana
civil disobedience - la resistencia pasiva
civil servant - el funcionario público/la funcionaria pública
civil war - la guerra civil
coalition - la coalición
constituent - el/la constituyente
constitution - la constitución
cooperation - la cooperación
corruption - la corrupción
coup - el golpe de estado
crime - el crimen
crisis - la crisis
debate - el debate
decree - el decreto
delegate - el delegado/la delegada, el diputado/la diputada
demonstration - la manifestación
duty - el deber
emergency meeting - la reunión extraordinaria
equal opportunity - la igualdad de oportunidades
executive - el ejecutive/la ejecutiva

there’s so much under the cut, im tryna save your dashboard here

flag - la bandera
foreign policy - la política exterior
freedom - la libertad
freedom of speech - la libertad de expresión
government - el gobierno
judiciary - la judicatura
law - la ley, el derecho
legislation - la legislación
legislature - la legislatura
liberty - la libertad
local affairs - los asuntos locales
majority - la mayoría
meeting - la reunión
middle class - la clase media
ministry - el ministerio
minority - la minoría
office - el cargo, el puesto
pact - el pacto
politician - el político/la política
power - el poder (not to be confused with the verb)
preamble - el preámbulo
public opinion - la opinión pública
reactionary - el reaccionario/la reaccionaria
reform - la reforma
region - la región
revolt - la revuelta, el levantamiento
rule - la regla
sanction - la sanción
seat (political) - el escaño
solidarity - la solidaridad
speech - el discurso
support - el apoyo
tax - el impuesto
taxation - los impuestos
term (in office) - el cargo, el puesto
term of office - la duración del cargo
Treasury - el Ministerio de Hacienda
unity - la unidad
veto - el veto
welfare - el bienestar
working class - la clase obrera

to abolish - anular, revocar, suprimir
to appoint - nombrar, designar
to become law - cobrar fuerza de ley, entrar en vigor
to bring down - derrocar, derribar
to cut taxes - reducir los impuestos
to demonstrate - participar en la manifestación
to dismiss (from office) - distituir
to draw up (a bill) - redactar
to form a pact with - pactar con
to govern - gobernar (e > ie stem changing)
to introduce (a bill) - presentar
to lead - encabezar
to offer an amendment - proponer una enmienda
to overthrow - derrocar
to pass (a bill) - aprobar
to ratify - ratificar
to reform - reformar
to reject - rechazar
to repress - reprimir
to resign - dimitir
to rule - regir (e > i), disponer
to support - apoyar
to take office - tomar posesión del puesto, tomor posesión del cargo
to take power - tomar el poder
to throw out (a bill) - rechazar
to veto - vetar
to vote - votar


disclaimer: as usual, let me know if i made any mistakes. Also, this is heavily based off of american politics, so please tell me some regional words/other words i should add because i want to include other countries

attorney general - el ministro/la ministra de Justicia
chancellor - el canciller, el ministro
congressman/congresswoman - el diputado/la diputada, el/la congresista
Democrat - el/la demócrata
First Lady - la primera dama
governor - el gobernador/la gobernadora
head of state - el/la jefe de estado
House (of Representatives) - la Cámara (de Representantes)
judge, justice - el/la juez, el magistrado/la magistrada
leader - el líder
mayor - el/la alcalde
minister - el ministro
office - el cargo, el puesto
party leader - el/la líder del partido (político)
politician - el político/la política
president - el presidente/la presidenta
prime minister - el primer ministro/la primera ministra
Republican - el republicano/la republicana
secretary of state - el secretario/la secretaria de Estado, el ministro/la ministra de asuntos exteriores
secretary of the interior - el ministro/la ministra del interior
Senate - el Senado
senator - el senador/la senadora
speaker of the House - el presidente/la presidenta de la Cámara
spokesperson - el/la portavoz
statesman - el hombre de estado
undersecretary - el subsecretario/la subsecretaria
vice president - el vicepresidente/la vicepresidenta

election vocabulary list

Elections - Las Elecciones

disclaimer: if there is anything incorrect please let me know! also tell me if there are any regional variants/words i should add, thanks yall!

ballot - la votación
paper ballot - la papeleta de voto
ballot box - la urna electoral, la urna de votos
campaign - la campaña
canidate - el candidato/la candidata
caucus - la junta secreta, el conventículo
constituency - la circunscripción electoral
count - el recuento, la cuenta
democracy - la democracia
elected (person) - el elegido/la elegida
election - la elección
general election - la votación general
local elections - las elecciones regionales
majority system - el sistema mayoritario
off-year election - el elección parcial
opinion poll - el sondeo de opinión
party (political) - el partido
primary - la primaria
purpose - el propósito
recount - el recuento
referendum - el reférendum
right to vote - el derecho de votar
suffrage - el sufragio
swing - el desplazamiento, el movimento
vote - el voto
voter - el/la votante

to be entitled to vote - tener derecho a votar
to elect - elegir (stem changing e > i)
to hold an election - celebrar una elección
to recount - volver (o > ue) a contar

politicians vocab list

reminder to my fellow americans vote if you havent already!

concerningduolingo: “Are you a doctor?”“Me? Doctor? Ah…”“Yes. I… am a doctor.”“That’s good!”Eddy is


“Are you a doctor?”

“Me? Doctor? Ah…”

“Yes. I… am a doctor.”

“That’s good!”

Eddy is not a doctor. 

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TIL Russians do not actually use the term comrade and the term is actually translated as tovarisch and used as such


“russians don’t use the english word comrade, they use the russian word for comrade”


Russians use the Russian word for things when talking to other Russian people in Russia.

The thread closed pretty quick but I screenshotted the best replies

same energy





This young girl uses “los,” “las” and the gender-neutral “les” — watch her explain why. —from REMEZCLA on twitter.

to all the cowards who whine “how will i explain it to my kids??” i say: how about you shut up and let your kids explain it to you.

“Ma’am, you don’t have to be a lawyer to defend someone else” wow she snapped

This girl has my undying respect because of this, the courage to stand up to friends and authority at that age to defend the rights of trans is beautiful and worth everyones respect to her

Flavors in Spanish

What’s up guys ✌ I’m back from my hiatus and back and better. I will try to post everyday if it is not a toll. XO Erin

  • umami (flavorful); sabroso
  • sweet; dulce
  • salty; salado
  • fruity; afrutado
  • spicy; picante/sazonado
  • bitter; amargo
  • sour; ácido/agrio
  • tangy; agridulce
 08/05/20 ♡ I’ve been in complete isolation for two months, and I have another three months to go- I 08/05/20 ♡ I’ve been in complete isolation for two months, and I have another three months to go- I

08/05/20 ♡ I’ve been in complete isolation for two months, and I have another three months to go- I’m really starting to struggle with my mental health. I’m trying to focus on things to distract me, so this morning I started going through my Norwegian grammar textbook again. ♡

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Spanish phrases every traveller should know

Regardless of your motivations to learn spanish, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So here are 10 common phrases that you should know if you ever get lost or feel sick in in any spanish speaking country.

  • Necesito = I need
  • Me perdí = I got lost
  • ¿Me puede ayudar (con direcciones/a hacer una llamada/a escribir/a traducir)? = Can you help me (with an adress or location/make a call/write/translate)?
  • ¿Dónde queda el/la (lugar)? = Where is the (place)?
  • ¿Cómo llego a/al (lugar)? = How do I get to (place)?
  • ¿Qué bus/tren me lleva a (lugar)? =Which bus takes me to (place)?
  • ¿Habla íngles? = do you speak english?
  • ¿Cuanto cuesta? = How much is it? 
  • Me siento enferma = I feel sick
  • Soy alérgico/alérgica a (los mariscos/las nueces/el maní/la piña/colorantes/penicilina/ibuprofeno/paracetamol/morfina/anestesia/gluten/lactosa/latex) = I’m allergic to seafood/nuts/peanuts/pineapple/food coloring/penicillin/ibuprofen/paracetamol/morphine/anesthesia/gluthen/lactose/latex

Important: Please reblog. My parents lost their main source of income and I’m struggling to get a job so I am offering my services as a spanish tutor to help them with food and to save up for my personal expenses. If you want to learn spanish with me, you can take my 10 day course for only $25. The first lesson is free and you get 10 one on one lessons of 45 minutes each via discord or zoom.

If you want more information, dm me and I’ll gladly answer. Reblogs are appreciated c:

Spanish 101: saludos

Hola (colloquial-informal): the common way to greet friends, family and close acquiantaces at any moment of the day. You can use it with servers as well but depending on the region and your tone of voice, they might not like it.

Buenas (colloquial-informal): this is a friendly-casual greeting that you can use with servers and elders at any moment of the day. You can also use it as a way to say “is there anyone here”, but if you do, try to sound friendly and not demanding.

Buenos días (formal): Good morning

Buenas tardes (formal): Good afternoon

Buenas noches (formal): Good evening.

¿En qué le puedo ayudar? (formal): How can I help you?

Adiós (formal): Goodbye.

Que tenga un buen día (formal): have a nice day.

Que tenga una buena tarde (formal): have a nice afternoon.

Que tenga una buena noche (formal): have a nice evening.

Chau (colloquial-informal): bye

If you want to learn more Spanish with me, you can take my 10-day course for only $ 25. You get 10 one on one lessons of 45 minutes each via zoom or discord, and you would help me support my mom.

If you would like more information or have any questions about spanish, dm me and I’ll gladly answer.

10 days Spanish course

5 days ago I made a post offering my services as a Spanish tutor and thankfully it got shared a lot and 2 girls wanted me to tutor them. However, when I made that post I was not aware of the many fees and flaws of both fiverr and paypal. Fiverr is holding my money until january 4 and since I don’t live in the US and there are no banks or shops that work with paypal in Ecuador, I’ll have to withdraw my money using xoom, which is another fee. I don’t want to ask my students to pay more because of that, so I’m offering my services as a spanish tutor again. For $25 you’ll get 10 lessons, the first lesson is free, we can make a study plan together and work from that. I am a native spanish speaker, I was an IB student and certified both Lengua y Literatura and Language A in high school, I took a tefl course, and now I study social communications and journalism. 

Some of the things you’ll learn if you have no knowledge in Spanish are:

  • Pronombres
  • Artículos indefinidos
  • Artículos indeterminados
  • Verbos ser/estar/tener/haber/hacer
  • Presente y pretérito perfecto
  • Verbos pronominales
  • Presentarse
  • Describirse
  • Adjetivos
  • Vocabulario común
  • Preposiciones/adverbios

If anyone wants more information, feel free to dm me. I will gladly answer all your questions.

So recently my family and I have been struggling a lot financially. We are 2 months late on our rent and me and my brother had to stop studying because of COVID.

So I decided to post my services as a spanish tutor on fiverr, but I’m also posting them here for anyone who wants to learn spanish or proofread any text they have written in spanish

-Spanish lessons for as low as $20 (10 lessons of 45 minutes each)

-Spanish crash course for those who want to review their knowledge or prepare for exams or presentations.

-Proofreading/editing and reviewing any text written in spanish for as low as $5.

If anyone would like to help and wants more information on my tutoring fees, dm me. Reblogs are also appreciated ❤

Spanish vocabulary: artículos de papelería//stationery

  • Cuaderno(s) = notebook
  • Libro(s) = book
  • Agenda(s) = Planner
  • Diario(s) = Journal
  • Carpeta(s) = Folder
  • Lápiz(ces) = Pencil
  • Pluma(s)/Bolígrafo(s) = Pen
  • Marcador(es) = Marker
  • Corrector líquido = Liquid Paper
  • Acuarela(s) = watercolor
  • Pintura(s) acrílica(s) = acrylic paint
  • Pintura(s) tipo óleo = oil paint
  • Pincel(es) = brush
  • Espátula(s) = paint spatula
  • Goma en barra = glue stick
  • Pegamento = glue
  • Perforadora = hole punch
  • Grapadora = stapler
  • Grapas = staples
  • Cinta adhesiva = adhesive tape
  • Cinta decorativa = washi tape
  • Pegatina(s)/Calcomanía(s) = sticker

Important: Please reblog. My parents lost their main source of income and I’m struggling to get a job so I am offering my services as a spanish tutor to help them with rent and to save up for my personal expenses. If you want to learn spanish with me, you can take lessons for $6 the hour or you can take my 7 day course for only $24.

If you want more information, dm me and I’ll gladly answer. Reblogs are appreciated c:

Spanish vocab // el colegio - la universidad

  • compañero/a de clase = classmate
  • compañero/a de cuarto = roommate
  • estudiante = student
  • el/la profesor(a) = teacher
  • la papelera = wastebasket
  • la pizarra = blackboard
  • la puerta = door
  • la silla = chair
  • la tiza = chalk
  • la biblioteca = library
  • el bar = snackbar 
  • la cafetería = cafeteria
  • el coliseo = stadium
  • el laboratorio = laboratory
  • la librería/papelería = bookstore
  • la residencia estudiantil = dormitory
  • la universidad = university or college
  • la clase = class
  • el curso o la materia = course
  • la especialización = major
  • el examen = exam (usually used for finals)
  • horario = schedule
  • la prueba = test or quiz
  • el semestre = semester
  • la tarea = homework
  • el trimestre = trimester; quarter

If you would like to learn more spanish with me, dm me and we could set up a schedule. I am a native spanish speaker and I am offering spanish tutoring for as low as $7 the hour, and $30 the 10 lessons via discord or zoom.

Since I’m suddenly a spanish studyblr, I feel like I have to remind you all that there is no such thing as perfect spanish and your grades are not an indicator of your fluency or your habilities to learn a language.

Knowing how to conjugate verbs with vosotros is really not that important, nor is it to use ser o estar correctly. Yes, accuracy is good, but being able to communicate is essential. So please be kinder to yourself and don’t be afraid to speak another language, because I can tell you that no native spanish speaker will stop to point out your mistakes.


I don’t know how I didn’t figure this out but now that I have I don’t know what to do with this information

I saw this meme and it reminded me of the time where I posted this other meme and over 100,000 people decided to attack me on it ‍♀️

I also wish my sarcasm was more apparent in the first one bc I am well aware that this only occurs in these languages and not many others in the world but I was made fun of for a meme instead of people going to my blog and seeing that I love languages and linguistics

Hey guy!

I’ve asked around before, but if any of you are willing to practice french/english/spanish over skype or zoom, let me know. I am in desperate need of a language buddy

How many of you guys are still active langblrs? 

Let me know if you would like help with french, spanish, or even english or you cant contact me if you want a language buddy :)

Je dois réapprendre l’espagnol Qui peut m’aider??
