#study desk

latenightsvshi: Took a break from my existential crisis to rearrange my desk in order to accommodatelatenightsvshi: Took a break from my existential crisis to rearrange my desk in order to accommodate


Took a break from my existential crisis to rearrange my desk in order to accommodate the monitor I finally got from my workplace - I think we’re going to be remote for much longer than anticipated

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A brand new study corner full of sun lights✨


5/5/2020 | 2020 Quarantine Studyblr Challenge | Week 7

Tues: are you and introvert or an extrovert?

I’m an introvert in the traditional sense where I get re-energised from being alone. But I’m not shy at all.

philology-studies:10.05.20 / running low on motivation lately so i moved my desk to a different cornphilology-studies:10.05.20 / running low on motivation lately so i moved my desk to a different corn


10.05.20 / running low on motivation lately so i moved my desk to a different corner of the room. i’m frustrated over my routine falling apart–and maybe it’s because i’ve been trying to do so much in one day–but at the very least, tomorrow is monday and i can start fresh. hope you’re doing ok ♡

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12.02.2020 | 17:00

Here’s to the last round! Survived yesterdays exam, next one is on friday! There’s a hell lot to study for, so i’m gonna spend the next two days cramming madly. I’ll be so relieved when this will finally be over! My body is reacting to all the sugar and coffee already - and not in good ways. So i need to reduce that consuming again after this, so that i can stay healthy. Hope you’re all doing good, don’t make the same mistakes than i do! Stay healthy and motivated xx

36/100 Days of Productivity - 06.02.2022

What a week! I am still trying to figure out how to reorganize my life now, but I think I made it.

It will be impossible to keep waking at 3 a.m. or even 4 a.m. as I am learning a lot of new things, and my brain is exausted in the end of day, I definitely need to sleep well or my afternoons will be painful :p

Plus, I need to study during the week (earnly in the morning) and the weekends. I will wake up 5 a.m. from Monday to Friday, and at 6 a.m. on weekends to take care of everything… wish me luck <3

29/100 Days of Productivity - 30.01.2022

Oh my God guys! My life will change next week, so I am changing things here. I will use this desk for studying, and the other for working, once I am finally in a tech company!!!

I quit my job last Friday, and in February 2nd I will start working at MJV Innovation. I am excited, scared, happy, thankful… all in once.

I will show you my new layout for the desks as soon as possible! And one thing: this doesn’t mean that I will stop the hard work for studying, no sir, actually I will study lot more now, focused on the technologies I will work on all based in Java.

Thank you for your support, kindness, messages along the way, this will always make the difference in my life! The Tumblr studyblr community is wonderful.

Keep fighting you all!

21/100 Days of Productivity - 22.01.2022

Final project from Java School coming and I need to hurry up as I will not be able to finish it on Monday or Tuesday, it must to be done by Sunday night. The presentation is on Wednesday, and I have to go to the office at least on Monday to do a lot of things in place.

There is a huge news coming up, and I am happy and a little nervous, but I can deal with it. Until there, I need to code a lot, be focused on my project, and test it until works.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

14/100 Days of Productivity - 15.01.2022

Woke up early today to take a walk hearing music (rock) and to think, as yesterday I had a hard time at my online Java class. We suppose to make a database integration using REST API coding live with the teacher, but some things went wrong with my configuration, so I had to stop and just watch once the whole class couldn’t stop just because of me.

I fell terrible! It is hard to realise you will take more time than others to be good at something (when you want that so badly). I know we cannot compare ourselves with other people, however, from time to time we tent to forget it.

Well, is another day, the class was recorded, and I will study my heart out and deliver the best Java project I can, no matter if I am only a begginer. I will not give up!

13/100 Days of Productivity - 14.01.2022

Guys… I can’t believe I was able to do it again, but I woke up at 4:30 am again to study!!!

I thought it will be harder for me to keep doing that in the same pacing I did last year, but hey, here I am.

Yesterday I was so mad with my job that this may worked as some kind of motivation to keep this routine in order to leave there according to my plans (or earlier)…

Well, it was a great study session with a Twitch streamer that I like a lot (with Harry Potter soundtrack), I am greatful for that.

It is Friday and there is a lot to do today! Hey ho, let’s go ❤

10/100 Days of Productivity

Almost 11:00 pm now and I am very tired, as I woke up at 4:00 am, but I am happy because it was a very productive day.

My study desk is ready for tomorrow.

There’s a lot of new people here! Hello everyone and thanks for following me.

I hope all your dreams and goals come true❤

7/100 Days of Productivity

Saturday ❤ I love Fridays and Saturdays, they are my favorite days since I was little. Today I have a lot of stuff to do, as I am coming to the final days of my Java School with the MJV company and we will have to make a big final project with Java integrated with a web page.

I am liking Java more than I thought I would, and I think there is something here, as I could understand Programming Logic much better with C++ than with JavaScript. Oh my… am I a back-end programmer instead of a front-end programmer? Well, HTML, CSS and JS were my first contact with programming, I thinks that made me think that was my path, but I can be wrong, right?

All I know now is that I like Java and the market likes it too, so, if this will be my door to start for real in the tech world, so be it .

I wish you all to keep fighting for your dreams! Nice weekend everyone.

reading atomic habitsig.: @fivestarstudy_reading atomic habitsig.: @fivestarstudy_

reading atomic habits

ig.: @fivestarstudy_

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*post from november 2020today i want to talk about something i am very proud of! my overall goal for*post from november 2020today i want to talk about something i am very proud of! my overall goal for

*post from november 2020

today i want to talk about something i am very proud of! my overall goal for November was to quit caffeine because it made my anxiety worse & it messed up my sleeping schedule. I managed to go 18 days without coffee in a row and 20 days overall.

some positive changes i experienced:
- i hade a balanced energy level through the day, no more afternoon slump
- i didn’t need naps!!!
- i was tired by the end of the day & i slept much calmer

are you a coffee lover? how many days could you go without it?

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 ✨ 19         ✨ ig.: @fivestarstudy_

✨ 19         ✨

ig.: @fivestarstudy_

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desk makeover: functional + aesthetic + cheap // ugly (dorm room) desk & matcha latte
