#studyblr ph


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Keeping this drive despite the uncertainties of the future. I don’t know when I will become a doctor, but I’ll just try everyday to work towards that.



I remember drawing all the branches of the abdominal aorta until its terminal branches back when I was a first year med student. Yet, I can’t seem to master them completely!


immunology notes | 04.11.20

I hope everyone is doing well during the quarantine period! I’ll be answering my backlog of asks here tonight :)

you can follow my studygram (studyingdoc) because I find it easier to be active there hehe

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Going back to biochemistry basics this week really helped me understand the various clinical diseases I’ve encountered throughout med school :)


258 of 366(?)

I don’t even know if this countdown ‘til end kf internship still applies, but keeping it there for the sake of it.

Hey guys, it’s been 4 days since we, medical interns, were pulled out from the hospital because of the corona virus outbreak. Everything happened so fast. I was catching babies that day for my neonatal rotation, then hours later, I was on a car ride home to my province.

Here I am on my 4th day of quarantine. My sister recently developed fever, cough, and difficulty of breathing. She’s currently admitted in a hospital back in Manila and fortunately, she’s stable. Meanwhile I’ve had cough, colds, and malaise ever since I arrived. This is why I’m taking this self-quarantine seriously. I haven’t touched or hugged any family member ever since I arrived because I can’t risk exposing my parents (who are both >60 years old) if ever I did catch the virus.

Anyway, I have 10 days left. I’ve been using this time to study Biochemistry through online videos and books even though I’m not sure if we’re gonna be able to take the licensure exam this year. The future is so unclear, and that thought kinda makes me feel demotivated. But I try to brush it off, just try to study like I usually do.

I hope everyone’s okay at this time of crisis. I pray for everyone who can’t stay home because they have to earn for their families. I pray for our frontliners, and my co-interns who volunteered to stay in the hospita despite the pullout. It’s times like these that we really need to help each other. I pray that this will pass soon. :)



I’m done with one month of OB and I’m starting my pediatrics rotation tomorrow!!! I’m honestly excited, scared, and anxious all at the same time. I loved pediatrics back in clerkship and I honestly hope I’ll feel the same way.

I have a lot of backlogs in my asks right now and I’ll be answering them one by one in a bit! Hehe


Day 204 of 366

2 weeks down for my Obstetrics-Gynecology rotation! Being on 24-hour duties every three days has been really tiring. Nevertheless, I’m blessed to be in one of the best OB-Gyne training institutions in the country! So so thankful for residents and consultants who go beyond their ways to teach us medical interns. I’ve practiced my PE and internal examination skills multiple times in the ER, labor room, and delivery room. In just a span of 2 weeks, I was able to deliver babies and do episiorraphies while being supervised by my resident. I can really say that there’s never a boring duty shift when you’re in OB! My day is always action-packed and full of pregnant mothers celebrating the beginning of life with their newborns.


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Doing some light review before I start my Obstetrics-Gynecology rotation tomorrow! I’m excited and kinda scared at the same time.



Preparing for my next rotation - Obstetrics and Gynecology! These are my previous notes I made before for pelvic anatomy I miss those days when I had enough time to put a lot of effort into my notes!!!

