#take a breath






dam……..that website “you feel like shit” (it’s like a questionnaire / troubleshooting guide for when you feel like shit) really works………………….. im not even all the way thru it and i even half-assed a lot of the suggestions and i already feel loads better

for some reason, with this website, i was able to complete small tasks ive been fruitlessly bugging myself to do for weeks??

anyway, i feel almost good now :^)

im glad this got some notes!!!! i hope it helps y’all find some measure of peace or comfort <3

This is astonishing. I’m going to use and save.

Happy holidays everyone!

And if this season is not very merry for you, take care. The new year is coming, and it’s going to be okay. It’s going to be good ^^

-best wishes from me, Squid

Take a break, the moon is in sleepy and dreamy Pisces ^^

Question: how do you handle a cold? I’ve been coughing for two days straight (tested negative for Covid) but I can’t seem to shake this…. any tips? <3


Reminder that cis people get “gender-affirming” procedures performed all the time! Most electrolysis and laser hair removal is performed on cis women, and it’s safe and legal to perform on teenagers. Most breast augmentation and butt/hip enhancement is performed on cis women. Cis women are the most common recipients of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Cis men are the ones who receive most testosterone therapy, testicular prosthesis, jaw and chin implants (though this is on the rise in cis women, too), beard transplants, and implants designed to mimic muscle mass in biceps, calves, and abs.

Andsurgery on sexual organs? Yep, cis people get that, too.

Most of these procedures are performed to help the recipient feel more “feminine” or “masculine,” or to move them closer to a gendered beauty standard. Although they’re often left out of the discussion, intersex people receive many of these therapies and procedures as well. Just as with trans individuals, gender-affirmation is important to mental and physical health. Laws designed to limit access to medical care for trans folks affect us all.

But honestly?

Hurting trans folks is reason enough to oppose them.

Affirming your gender is your right.

You have no right to interfere with someone else’s medical care.

So, in case you were wondering:

TERFs aren’t welcome here. Fuck off.

take a breath

take a breath

Post link

The drumroll in your chest

The blood pumping in your head.

When the distance between you is almost nothing and everything at the same time.
