#feeling lost



This virus is devastating. Not just because of the health risk of the actual virus, but because of how social distancing and and isolation can potentially affect those who live with mental illness.

As someone who deals with depression (among other things), I can say for myself that being cut off from everything and everybody sets a dangerous tone. For me, being alone with my thoughts for too long can often lead to a downward spiral. My trick for combating that, is getting out of the house, running errands, meeting with friends, going to a movie…. social distraction.

When those options are taken away – as they have been with this pandemic – so is an important coping mechanism. Add into that a sudden loss of income, well… I’m sure you can imagine.

Sometimes, when the darkness comes, it’s too much to bear.

I lost someone very close to me the other day. She struggled with depression her whole life. She managed as well as she could, and we’d lean on each other if things got rough.

I spoke with her - not even a week ago, making plans to visit in early May.

I don’t know what happened. This one time she didn’t reach out, and now she’s gone.

I’m devastated.

I don’t know how to deal with this. So, for now, I’m asking all you religious and spiritual folks to pray for her. Pray for those of us she left behind; her siblings, her mom, her nieces and nephews.

Pray for her son.


Please. EVERYONE. If you are dealing with any kind of mental illness, or depression, or anxiety, or whatever … please lean on your community. Reach out.

If you have soneone in your life who struggles, check in. Reach out. You could save a life.


National suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255

started a little stream of conciousness and it came out rather reassuring so i felt like i’d share. i know it seems like a lot to read but it really might help

After almost 26 years, I came to realise how much affected can someone be due to the absence of a parent. I find myself feeling that I’m never enough, not worthy of love because she left me alone as a kid. No matter how much I love someone, or how much that person loves me, I’m always afraid that they’ll leave, just like she did. Suddenly.Without any explanation.

Nights in a row I cried myself to sleep, wanting her to be there, but never was, always hearing promises that were never kept.

I wanted you there. But the fact you never was, left me broken forever, questioning my own worth, thinking about what did I do, where did I go wrong… What the fuck did I do to you to leave me alone, growing up by myself craving for love and affection that was never given to me. The fuck did I do to deserve to grow up like this-to become an adult having abandon issues?

Fck I wanna kiss somebody real bad rn but I don’t wanna meet someone new, I wanna kiss an old friend, someone I already trust, someone I already love.

But there is none.

The 7 Day #IChooseMe Challenge

The next seven days, choose YOU.

Choose yourself.

Prioritise yourself.

Take care of yourself.

If you’ve been feeling lost lately, or life has been off track - this challenge is great to bring you back on track.

It helps you have some structure in your life, while allowing you to have fun and plenty of spare time.

I am not a therapist or a doctor. Take this advice as you would from a friend.

With this challenge, you’ll feel a little more fulfilled, happier, and you’ll have a set routine.

You only have to accomplish 6 small goals a day for 7 days to finish this challenge.

Download the tracker PDF to tick mark the goals you accomplish everyday! Download it from my google drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Nswwr87sQrFwWvcbexPrsJF5w0F-WyLk?usp=sharing


The Night Before Day 1

- Get in bed by 11:30 pm, even if you’re not tired.

- Try to finish all your work.

- Set your phone away from you.

- Download the PDF tracker.


Day 1

- wake up at 7 am or 2.5 hours before work/ school.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Start your day with 10 minute stretch. Do this before you eat.


- Read 2 newsarticles.

- Write down 3 things you’re grateful for today.

- Eat at least 1 fruit of your choice.


Day 2

- wake up at 7 am or 2.5 hours before work/ school.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Start your day with a 6 minute, deep breathing meditation. Sit cross legged as you face south east, close your eyes and focus on breathing deeply.


- choose a healthy option for lunch. Salads, soups, healthy wraps, a light rice bowl - eat something with lots of nutrients.

-Compliment someone at work/ school today!

-Clean your room.


Day 3

- wake up at 7 am or 2.5 hours before work/ school.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Start your day by telling yourself any 3 affirmations. Look at yourself in the mirror and speak out loud. This could be something like …”Today is going to be a good day. I’m capable of accomplishing and handling everything sent my way. I am a positive, healthy person and I genuinely love the person I am, or I am becoming.”

- Drink 2 litres of water today. Add a piece of lemon or mint if that helps!

- Read 5 pages of any book of your choice. If you don’t like reading, then listen to this podcast (start at 1 minute to skip the intro) :


- write down a listofqualities you think you need to work on. It could be things like being on time, working on your anger, etc.


Day 4

- wake up at 7 am or 2.5 hours before work/ school.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Start your day with a lymphatic drainage massage! This is a 10 minute video.


- Write down 3 things you’re grateful fortoday.

- Do a 20 minute workout.


- Change your bedsheetsandcovers. If you have some lavender mist lying around, spray it under your pillow for a good night’s rest.


Day 5

- wake up at 7 am or 2.5 hours before work/ school.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Start your day with a 6 minute, deep breathing meditation. Sit cross legged as you face south east, close your eyes and focus on breathing deeply.


- Eat a fruit of your choice.

- Read 2 news articles.

- Drink 2 litres of water today. Add a piece of lemon or mint if that helps!


Day 6

- wake up at 7 am or 2.5 hours before work/ school.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Start your day with a 10 minute stretch. Do this before you eat.


- Write down 3 things you’re grateful for.

- Tell yourself any 3 affirmations. Look at yourself in the mirror and speak out loud. This could be something like …”today is going to be a good day. I’m capable of accomplishing and handling everything sent my way. I am a positive, healthy person and I genuinely love the person I am, or I am becoming.”

-Call up your mum, family member, friends and have a chat with them. Find out how they’re doing.


Day 7

-Sleep in till 9 am today if you like! But if you have work or school, get up at 7 am / 2.5 hours before you have to go.

- Make a to-do list for the day. Groceries, laundry, assignments due, appointments - make it a habit to note it down around 20 minutes after you wake up.

- Put on a face mask of your choice.

- Eat a healthy, filling breakfast. If you can’t eat in the mornings, then have a glass or two of water.

- If you can step outside, go for a 30 minute walk. If you’re unable to, then do some stretching at home.


- Write down how you felt this whole week. Did you feel better? Was there some structure in your life?

Three Days to Getting Your Life Together

If a 7 day challenge is a little too intense for you, try 3 instead.

7 day challenge : (https://csuitebitches.tumblr.com/post/657588886457974784/the-7-day-ichooseme-challenge)

I’m not a therapist or a doctor, take this advice as you would from a friend.

Day 1 :


1. Clean your bed

2. Remove the bedsheets

3. Change the pillow cases and the duvet covers

4. Put fresh sheets on and put the old ones for a wash

5. Spray some essential oil on your pillow (lavender is my favourite) if you like


1. Take a shower

2. Do your personal hygiene (skin care, nail care, hair care)

3. Practice gratitude for 30 seconds

To Do

1. Make a to do list of all the pending things you have to do

2. Sort it out by date / priority, the most relevant to you

Day 2 :


1. Remove everything that’s on your desk and wipe it clean

2. Place all your books where they should be (a shelf or a cupboard)

3. Put all your pens / pencils in a pen stand

4. Clear up the chargers

5. If there’s any old mugs or plates, put them away in the kitchen


1. Do a workout - minimum 15 minutes

2. Take a shower

3. Cook yourself at least one healthy meal. If you can’t cook, then try to. It doesn’t take a lot to make a quinoa bowl or some vegetables and rice

To do

1. Start your to do items

Day 3 :

Floor and Closet

1. If you’re someone who throws dirty clothes on the floor, pick it up and put it in the laundry

2. Sweep everything, under the bed, the corners of your room, under the desk

3. Mop everything clean after you’re doing brooming / sweeping

4. If you have a carpet in your room, then vacuum

5. Put all your clean clothes back in the closet as they should be (I like colour coding)

6. Make sure your shoes are organised properly or they could get spoiled


1. Practice a 3 minute meditation

2. Take a 20 minute walk outside of your house

3. Sleep early tonight

To Do

1. Mark off the things you accomplish today
