#the crows


“Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent”

Where Wylan with his flute and drunk fjerdan soldier impression when you need him

Book fans: freaking out over the possibility of there being a darklina or Kanej sex scene in the tv show and how that would ruin their characters

Meanwhile Jesper: being the power bottom we all knew he was and sleeping with the stable boy

Okay I want talk about chapter 30 of crooked kingdom. Jesper asked Kaz to give him the parem so if their plan failed hed have a way to bail them all out at the cost of his own life. Jesper was willing to risk it all for his dad and Wylan and Inej and Nina and Kaz and even Mathias. He knew he wouldn’t survive it, it was said that Nina was a very strong grisha and if she had been any less so then she wouldn’t have survived. Jesper isnt confident in his powers, he knew that he wouldnt be strong enough to get through it and he still asked Kaz. But Kaz said no even though he knew that giving the parem to Jesper would be the smart choice the logical choice, and if Kaz didn’t care about Jesper he probably would’ve given it to him. Yet he didnt because they care about eachother even if they dont want to admit it. Kaz doesnt want to lose Jesper anymore than he wanted to lose Jordie and that chapter proved it. It also proved how much Jesper cares about the crew and his father, that he was willing to sacrifice it all for them.


A/N: generally spoiler free, vague mentions of the SOC duology and KOS trilogy

here’s a collection of random headcanons i have regarding the crows(that might contradict canon but we don’t care about that) because i am in agony waiting for news about season 2…

— kaz is actually really bad at speaking different languages. he understands them fine, but he’s just… really bad at accents and actually stringing together sentences.

  • which, of course, means that whenever they’re doing a heist that’s not on kerch, he gets to be the “ketterdam tourist that can’t speak a lick of shu/fjerdan/kaelish/zemeni/suli” and is incredibly over the top in his performance
    • — ofc, he actually knows what everyone is saying, and it’s a really effective way to gain information, actually.
    • — but then, to barter or anything, he’ll have to ask nina for help,,,,,, you know she makes it a pain to enlist her <3

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