#need to lose more weight


I’m getting crazy.

I restarted purging a month ago and I’m slowly losing control.

I need to lose those 4 kg to be skinny again.

I miss people telling me I’m soo skinny

I miss felling good with my body

I miss the power I felt starving myself

I miss feeling confident and beautiful

The worst part it’s I’m only 4 kg away from all of this, from the old better me, but I can’t, maybe I don’t put enough effort into making it.

I really wanted eating in an healthy way, but I feel like I haven’t the ability to eat like a normal person. I’ve been struggling with food and my body since I was 12. I’m tired of this struggle, but I need to lose those 4 kg.

I know it won’t stop if I don’t work on it in therapy, but it’s so difficult to let it go, it’s like it’s a part of me, a super important part, I know it’s a lie. I know how much simpler my life would be if I put an effort into recover, but for now I don’t think I will

I’m not that sad anymore, I just want to keep losing weight without feeling sick

You know how when you stand up n you dont necessarily get “dizzy” so much as your vision gets a little speckled with tiny tiny black dots n you hear this ringing that drowns out all other noise n you have this strange pressure in your head till it goes away?


Redoing this cause the rational part of my brain was like….yeah way too many creeps on here to keep that last BC up. Plus I look so gross so…yea

normal > sucked in > normal > pushed out

I love how roughly 50% of this community post pictures of women/men/people who clearly weigh more than us and are fully developed,grown ass women/men/ppl yet we starve ourselves expecting to look like/similar to them…. ( ._.)

If that doesn’t apply to you dont start invalidating yourself cause you being in this community is enough to qualify you as “sick”. Recognize that I said “roughly 50%”, not “everyone"

“oh baby, you just have to set limits”

That’s the problem. I have no limits, I have no control.

And sometimes I can go from eating 4000 calories in a day, to eating absolutely nothing. There is no middle ground.

I can’t stop.

Restricting your calorie intake is like sticking your tongue over the edge of a knife. At some point you’re going to push too hard and hurt yourself.

Eating less and less isn’t setting a limit, it’s pushing the limit towards the lowest.

And for me, whatever limit I put myself, it’s unreachable.


Hack #15267

I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this:


I usually eat very fast and I know that this influences the way my digestive system digests food, but I am so used to eating in that way, that the classic advice of “eat slower” doesn’t work for me.

First I have to get used to my mind, because it is a habit that I’ve ingrained from forever.

What I do to “train” my brain to eat slowly is to use the cutlery the other way around.

If I eat soup, I do it with a fork, if I eat chopped fruit, I do it with a spoon. In this way it is more difficult for me to eat and I do it slower and in fewer better bites, which psychologically makes me feel as if I had eaten a lot.

It may seem ridiculous at first, but it’s a small change that makes a big difference.

Pd. I only do it when I’m at home, because people might see it as something weird lol


Hey guys I made a new blog called NokiaWrites, where i write fanfics instead of eating, please request stories so I have a reason not to eat

Hi everyone!! Still not fully back into fasting and exercising as much as I was. Trying to just think positive and find motivation. I would like to be 130 by July. I know I can do it! We got this. Put good into the world and get good.

My first time fasting in a long time. So far at 19 hours. Let’s see how long I can go!

Anyone wanna talk? I’m having troubles getting back into fasting and tracking what I’m eating. I could use some motivation and help.

Recently I’ve been eating horribly. I’m moving away from home in Tuesday and I can’t stop stress eating. I feel disgusting and ugly. I just want to be pretty.

Just weighed myself! 143 pounds! I’m freaking OUTTTT! also I drank so much last night idk how I didn’t gain but I also haven’t eaten in two days so oops.

I have a dentist appointment on tuesday (christmas eve) and I can’t eat any solid food for 4 days after! Sooo, I don’t gotta get christmas eve dinner or christmas dinner and leftovers christmas miracle

nothing better then getting sick and dropping from 135.4 to 123.7

Uh wow, 1000 of ya? I don’t know if it’s to fucked up to say thank you, but thank you. i talk to so many of you all the time. some of us here for years. any way. you’re all great. all my peace and love

