

On Christmas, I gave my dog a present. This guy doesn’t really live in the moment. He’s normally always waiting. Waiting to go outside, waiting to be petted, waiting to get food, waiting for us to get home. etc. But, he accepts his waiting. He complains a lot, though. He’s big on whining for everything. Not sure where I was going with this. He’s just a big baby.


He’s pleased with the simplest things in life. He loves water bottles. After my boyfriend is done drinking water, he’ll give it to Jake, and this dog will just run to the bed or the couch and sit with it in his mouth for so long.

He loves cucumbers. They’re his favorite food. He’ll eat one in 2 minutes, probably faster. This picture really captivates how excited he was to get not only one, but two cucumbers for Christmas.

He also got a red hoodie. It’s way too big for him, but he doesn’t care. After his cucumber and his fun with the water bottle, I put it on him, and he went straight to sleep. He doesn’t care that it looks silly on him. He cares that it’s comfy.

We should all take lessons from this dog, to just enjoy what is given to us for what it is.

What vegan recipes would you like to see in my cookbook?

I have smoothies, cookies, cake, warm meals, etc.

Anything you want to see, please let me know!

I’ll be adding more witchy content soon! Don’t worry! I’ve been slacking, but it will be up later today.

Also, let me know what you’d like to know, and I’ll write about it.

Hey, everyone! “Ecosia” is a search engine where every search helps the planet. They have projects going on constantly to help reverse deforestation and simply help people in need. I’ve already searched over 500 things, which is around 11 trees I’ve helped plant!

This isn’t sponsored at all; this is just something I truly stand for. They spread awareness of the dangers of palm oil and many more destructive activities humans bring upon this beautiful Earth.

If you can, please download the app. It’s completely free to download and free to use. You can read about their projects on the home page.

I haven’t bought a shirt yet, but I’ve looked at them, and they’re super cute. I’m not really the one for buying tees, but I have to get one of theirs.

Thank you for reading. Please consider.

Vegetarian hot dogs are a veggos best friend | FNQ | Ranga_m8

Vegetarian hot dogs are a veggos best friend | FNQ | Ranga_m8

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This one isn’t super high effort might take 1-2 spoons but it can include a bit so it’s not great if you need to eat right now.

What you’ll need

  • Rice (I use sticky rice)
  • A pot or a rice cooker (I don’t have a rice cooker so these steps are for a pot)
  • A prepackaged salad kit
  • A pan (medium sized)
  • Oil is what I tend to use but teriyaki or stir fry sauces would also work
  • Water
  • Measuring cups
  • Two bowls
  • A sauce of your choice I recommend teriyaki

  1. Grab your ingredients
  2. Pour however much rice you want into your pot (I use about ½ - 2/3 of a cup) then add the amount of water required (this is normally on the back of the rice package (I think I use about a cup? But in general I think just making sure all the rice is submerged but not drowned (so just barely under the water) is a good rule of thumb)
  3. Put the pot of rice on a stove and let the water boil then turn the heat to medium or low and let cook for about 15-20 minutes (depending on the rice is may take more or less time)
  4. When the rice has been cooking for a bit but isn’t done yet open the salad package and put your desired amount in a bowl, you can add toppings but I don’t tend to (don’t add sauce at this point however)
  5. Take your pan and add sauce or oil to it (only a bit though it’s so the salad won’t burn not to fry anything) and put it on low to medium heat then take roughly a fourth of your salad and put it in the pan. Stir it around and let it cook a bit (like 30 seconds) then add another fourth of salad to the pan (don’t remove the previous salad) and stir it and let it cook for another 30 seconds. Turn off the heat.
  6. Remove the rice from the stove (remember to turn off the burner) and put it into a bowl (a larger bowl works best) then take your cooked and uncooked salad and pour them into the same bowl. Stir them together. (If you want you could also stir in mushrooms, tofu, or meat chunks at this point but it’s just as good without them)
  7. Add sauce (whatever sauce the salad came with or teriyaki sauce both will work) stir lightly and enjoy!

Not sure if anything like this has been sent yet so:

I know they can be pricey but if you happen to have a ripe avocado they make great low spoons snacks.

Cut avocado in half long-ways and remove pit (highly recommend looking up a video of how to do it most easily if you don’t already know!) For minimum spoons you can eat it just like that, right out of the skin, which is a perfect little bowl on its own.

If you have some spoons to spare and want to make it a little more flavorful, scoop the avocado out of the skins and into a bowl. Chop or mash up as desired. Sprinkle a little lemon juice and toss to prevent browning. Add salt, pepper, and cilantro if you like, and boom! You can also just season the avocado right in the skin as you eat it if you can’t/don’t want to scoop it all into a bowl.

Avocados go great with eggs too! Fried, scrambled, in an omelette, and probably lots more, whatever you have the spoons for, all delicious and filling.

Whenever I’m super tired but still want to eat something substantial, I make naan bread pizza. You’ll need:

  • 1 pack of garlic naan flatbread (I personally love the Stonefire brand)
  • Pizza sauce, shredded cheese, and any other toppings you’d like

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. While the oven is preheating, put together the naan bread pizza using the naan flatbread as the “crust”. Spread pizza sauce evenly onto the flatbread using a spoon. Add shredded cheese, additional toppings, etc.

Bake for 10-13 minutes. Once finished, let pizza cool for a few minutes before cutting/eating. Super easy and delicious!

Three ingredient mac ‘n cheese! So much more filling than the boxed kind, and not much more time (less than 20 minutes total). This makes four servings, but can easily be scaled smaller or larger. It’s equal parts by weight! 

3 cups / 12 oz macaroni or other pasta 

3 cups / 12 oz cheddar cheese (I’ve used mild or sharp, sometimes mixed with colby jack)

12 oz can evaporated milk

Put the pasta in a pot and fill it with just enough water to cover the pasta. Watch it carefully - bring it to a boil and then turn it down to a simmer. Cook it until tender, then add the can of milk. Let the milk warm up a little and then add the cheese. Stir, stir, stir! It’s ready to eat when it’s just started to thicken slightly.

If you have the spoons and supplies, it’s even better with a little hot sauce and mustard powder mixed in. 

Easy Mac & Cheese


(Makes 2 bowls)

Cream cheese (regular or whipped work - just make sure it’s not any of the sweet flavored ones) - about 2 tablespoons (assuming my big spoons at home are actually tablespoons haha)

Noodles (I like the big elbow kind but you could probably use anything you want) - fills about a spider (bowl shaped fryer thingy with a handle on it) and a half or so when dry

Cheese (I like sharp cheddar) 2-4 handfuls (go lighter for mild flavor)

Milk (optional) - just a little splash

Salt & butter - to taste


  • Add noodles to boiling water on medium heat , mix in some salt here if you want
  • Stir to make sure they don’t stick
  • Set a timer for 5 minutes and just leave it alone
  • After five minutes you should see some white foam on top, this is starch. If you save this it’ll make the sauce part easier
  • Drain noodles and set aside (if you put the strainer backwards inside the pot it’ll hold all the noodles in and only water comes out!)
  • Add starch to the now empty pot, if you saved it - also melt butter here if you want (pot should be hot enough on its own to melt without having to turn heat back on)
  • Add cream cheese and stir a bit to encourage melting
  • Turn heat to lowest setting and add cheese, letting it sit for a second then stirring until all cheese is mixed in
  • If you don’t like the texture you can add water or milk to thin it out (I’ve found certain cheese responds better to water than milk and vice versa) or starch/more cream cheese to thicken
  • Add noodles to pot and set a timer for five minutes. Stir occasionally

You can also add hot dog pieces to this if you want, treat them the same as the noodles

Easy Corn Casserole

My favorite low-effort recipe is corn casserole. Melt ½ cup butter in the microwave, then combine in a casserole dish with:

  • 1 can whole kernel corn, drained
  • 1 can creamed corn
  • 1 8 oz. package sour cream
  • 1 package (8.5 oz) of cornbread mix or corn muffin mix
  • at least 2 eggs (more depending on how eggy you want the taste, I usually use 3-4)

Plus whatever else you have on hand you want to mix in. I like pizza sauce, though it makes the casserole a bit soupier. Shredded cheese and bacon bits also work well.

Then cover and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, until the center sets. It keeps for at least several days in the fridge.

DIY Forest Floor Vegan Meringue Mushroom Cookies Are these vegan meringue mushrooms the cutest thingDIY Forest Floor Vegan Meringue Mushroom Cookies Are these vegan meringue mushrooms the cutest thingDIY Forest Floor Vegan Meringue Mushroom Cookies Are these vegan meringue mushrooms the cutest thing

DIY Forest Floor Vegan Meringue Mushroom Cookies

Are these vegan meringue mushrooms the cutest things ever? Maybe! They’re sweet, crunchy, light, and melt in your mouth with just a touch of chocolate to contrast the flavor. Perfect for gift giving, cake decorating, and making sure you’re eating enough vegetables (just kidding!).


sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.

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DIY Tomato Tulip Bouquet This Cherry Tomato Tulip Bouquet is a bright & beautiful way to create DIY Tomato Tulip Bouquet This Cherry Tomato Tulip Bouquet is a bright & beautiful way to create

DIY Tomato Tulip Bouquet

This Cherry Tomato Tulip Bouquet is a bright & beautiful way to create a vegetable platter for your next spring party or Easter brunch!


sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.

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