
January is the second installment of what will end up being a calendar of gals. I got such a positivJanuary is the second installment of what will end up being a calendar of gals. I got such a positiv

January is the second installment of what will end up being a calendar of gals. I got such a positive response to ‘December’ that I decided to make a calendar of portraits. Each month will somehow fit that month. So, much like December was a girl playing in the freshly fallen snow, January is all about curling up beside a warm fire. Because, by January, the novelty of the snow has worn off and all you want to do is be warm again.

Or maybe you’re like me, and you like the winter specifically because of how wonderful it feels to warm up by a fire. Or curl up in a nice, fuzzy blanket. With a cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate by your side, of course. The blues and reds in this painting are all about this juxtaposition of cold and warmth.

Painted in Photoshop with a Wacom Cintiq tablet

The video is a time-lapse and tutorial, including tips on painting fire, backlit hair, the furry blanket (using a custom brush) and more!

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Lambs. | Make sure you follow > Shot By Canipel&Instagram

TODODEKU WEEK 2018Day 1: WarmthFirst time joining this challenge for this ship after seeing the prom


Day 1: Warmth

First time joining this challenge for this ship after seeing the prompt lists at @tododeku-week. Hope I can make through at the end. \(^0^)/


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[Plaintext transcription: Queer Native Americans and indigenous people are beautiful and deserving of affection and respect. Queer BIPOC make the LGBTQ+ community better by being in it. \End transcription]


found these screenshots and realized i forgot to ever post them lmao oops

transcript: two tweets from twitter user Sascha commissions open @/confusedophan

“the whole point of being nonbinary is using they pronouns!” “the whole point of being nonbinary is to be androgynous!” you fools. the “whole point” of being nonbinary is to be yourself, a person that can’t be put in binary boxes. why do you want to push people into a third box??

nonbinary people can use any pronouns. nonbinary ppl can look like anything. nonbinary people can wear whatever they want. we can be masc, femme, androgynous, whatever feels comfortable. no boxes, no checklist. just our authentic selves.


Be trans, throw hands – but also don’t be afraid to walk away from a conflict. If someone’s debating your existence, you don’t owe them the time of day. You don’t have to write an essay on why you should be respected; by nature of being a person, you should be given basic respect. Be trans, put yourself first and don’t use your energy on arguments if you really don’t want to.

Reception Desk (General Motors Tech Center. Warren, Michigan, 1965)

Reception Desk (General Motors Tech Center. Warren, Michigan, 1965)

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good morning from Stratton Mountain… #design #sexybachelorpadnyc #rustic #cozy #leather #text

good morning from Stratton Mountain… #design #sexybachelorpadnyc #rustic #cozy #leather #texture #light #sexy #stratton #vermont #warmth (at Stratton, Vermont)

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The sun is shining and I’ve spent the day buried in a library with no windows, definitely don&

The sun is shining and I’ve spent the day buried in a library with no windows, definitely don’t feel i’ve taken enough advantage. xo

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@fransweek  Day 3:  Warmth Swapfell: Royal Frans AU by me :pThank you @shayromi helping me making th@fransweek  Day 3:  Warmth Swapfell: Royal Frans AU by me :pThank you @shayromi helping me making th@fransweek  Day 3:  Warmth Swapfell: Royal Frans AU by me :pThank you @shayromi helping me making th@fransweek  Day 3:  Warmth Swapfell: Royal Frans AU by me :pThank you @shayromi helping me making th

@fransweek  Day 3:  Warmth

Swapfell: Royal Frans AU by me :p

Thank you @shayromi helping me making this even more cute~

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Note: Ok. Comfortember is going to be comfort, damnit. This is fluff, nothing more. Possible sequel to Day 25 of Whumptober (possible because I like the open-endedness of the ending and I can honestly do so much with that). 

Prompts: Cuddling, Warmth, Crackling Fire, Blanket Fort

Luigi paused when he spotted his brother sitting by himself in the living room. He was sitting on the ground, in front of the fire. Luigi hesistated. ‘It’s not better for me.’ He was right. He was sure he was right ignoring his brother like he had the past year but… He remembered how devastated his brother looked. Slowly he approached his brother. “Are you ok, Paviche?" 

Pavi looked up at him then back at the fire. He nodded slowly, "I…i…it’s nice and w…warm." 

"Are you cold?" 

Pavi froze and slowly shook his head. He held the throw pillow in his arms tighter. 

Luigi removed his jacket and draped it over Pavi. 

Pavi stiffened. "P…p…please don’t, fratello." 

But he was warm, Luigi nearly protested. But he saw the way his brother gripped the pillow tighter. He picked the jacket and threw it over the sofa. 

Pavi visibly relaxed but still didn’t say anything. 

"What’s wrong, Paviche?" 

"N…nothing.” Pavi’s gaze still didn’t leave the fire. 

His brother never used to hide anything from him. Pavi would tell him everything. But…he supposed, he had no right to complain after ignoring his brother for a whole year. He quietly sat next to his brother. “Pops said you refused to tell him why you left GeneCo that day. Why?" 

"D…d…did you t…tell him?" 


"I…I…I didn’t w…want to get her in…in…in trouble." 

"You’re too nice to her." 

"I…I…I think she feels b…bad. She’s b…b…been nicer." 

"That doesn’t make what she did ok." 

"I know.” Pavi still continued staring at the fire. 

Maybe Luigi should leave him be. He was right. Ignoring his brother for the past year was the right thing. His brother didn’t need to miss him. His brother should get used to him not being around. He was right. 'You can hate me if you want, fratello.’ Luigi sighed. “Paviche, I…I need to tell you something. When I woke up.”

Pavi hugged the pillow tighter. 

“Pops told me… He’s never been honest with me before. But this time, he was. With the frequent arrests, my heart is… He doesn’t think he’ll get the heart in time. He doesn’t think I have long left…maybe a year… I… I don’t want you to think I hate you. So I’m giving you the choice, Paviche. We can continue what we’ve been doing. You can get used to me not being around. You-”

Something barrelled into him. He felt arms encircle him. “I…I…I j…just want to s…spend what t…t…time we have l…left together, fratello." 

Luigi sighed. "Ok Paviche.” He placed a hand at the back of his brother’s head. 

“Are y…you scared?” Came Pavi’s quiet voice

Terrified. “No.” But nothing would compare with how scared he was sitting in that concrete pipe, clutching his too-still brother to him. 

“T…then I’m not s…scared either, fratello." 

Luigi held his brother tighter. "Everything’s going to be ok, Paviche.” They sat like that in silence until Pavi quietly broke it. 

“Sorella’s watching us." 

Luigi pulled away and spotted his sister staring at them from behind the wall. Luigi sighed. He supposed he owed his sister the same choice. Even if she’s probably too young to understand. "I’ll be back.” He told Pavi as he stood. He apporached Carmela quietly. 

Carmela just stared at him quietly. 

He bent to her level. “Hey, Carmie." 

She just stared at him shyly, like she was meeting him for the first time. 

Luigi was right the first time. She wouldn’t remember him if he just left her be. Talking to her now was just being selfish. He stood. It was different than with Pavi. She was so young. Luigi didn’t remember anything from when he was her age. Leaving her alone was better for her. "Are you waiting for Pavi to play with you?" 

She just stared at him. 

"I’m done talking with Pavi. You can play with him if you want.” He headed towards the door. 


Luigi froze. 

"Wee-gee, play with me." 

He turned to his sister. 

She met his gaze and looked to the ground. "Wee-gee, play." 

It was better if…if… Damn it. "Lu-i-gi.” He bent to her level. “Say 'Lu-i-gi’ and I’ll play with you." 

She pouted. "Wee-gee." 

"You’re not even trying." 

She stuck out her tongue at him. 

Luigi sighed. "Come on then.” He headed out of the living room and Carmela slowly followed. 

“Wee-gee, what you doing?" 

"I have an idea.” He headed to the supply closet and picked up a tall stack of blankets. They headed back to the living room. He dumped the blankets on the ground. 

“W…what are you doing, fratello?" 

He turned the sofas around and threw the blankets on top. "Making a blanket fort." 


Luigi shrugged. "Seemed like fun." 

"Make it higher." 

Luigi smiled at his sister. "I’ll go get chairs from the dining room then." 

"Fratello, I… b…b…be careful." 

"I’m fine, Paviche.” Luigi saw Pavi’s downcast look. “Come help me then." 

Pavi quietly followed him to the dining area. 


Rotti opened the front door. It was past midnight and he was exhausted. Why was he still doing this? The doctors had already insisted that there was no hope. Was foolishly working on the heart really the best option? Or should he be spending time with his family instead? He didn’t know. If he stopped working on the heart, it meant he was giving up. He couldn’t give up. 

Rotti froze as he entered the living room. Blankets were strewn everywhere. Furniture that belonged to various other parts of the house were placed haphazardly. What was this mess? Weren’t the Genterns supposed to be keeping the house clean? 

That was when he spotted his children. They were curled up against each other in front of the fire. Rotti let out a small smile and decided against waking them. He headed to bed. 


We all need.

Go ahead and spread it.
