
Be an active participant in your care by devoting time to self-care and self-healing. Take care of y

Be an active participant in your care by devoting time to self-care and self-healing.

Take care of yourself as you are worthy.

You are not alone.

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So! Your shitty social media website has become even shittier? So much so that you’re running to our beloved little hellsite? Welcome! Despite all the jokes, this is genuinely one of the last good social media websites out there that has a considerable userbase, and it’s probably for the best that its growing and people are beginning to grow used to experiences that aren’t dictated by advertisers and algorithms. 


If you want to be welcomed with open arms from said userbase, you are going to have to learn how to use and navigate Tumblr. 

Having been stuck here for almost 11 years, now (the fact that this is a retired Once-ler askblog should be proof enough), I feel like I’ve seen a lot of posts that have touched on many different aspects of Tumblr that new users should be wary of, but none that have put the entirety of new user advice into one big post. I feel a little bit of a lacking in both content and convenience that might make taking all this advice in difficult.

So here I go, making a big long post that new users can have as reference.

I strongly recommend that new users at least start the account-making process on a laptop or desktop computer, as opposed to a mobile phone, for reasons I will get into later, but it’s not a requirement.

(PLEASE NOTE: Table of Contents only functions properly when you view this post on my blog, sorry for the inconvenience!)



   - Editing Your Blog’s Mobile Appearance

   - Editing Your Blog’s Desktop Appearance

   - Your Blog’s Settings



   - Types of Posts

   - Content in Posts

   - The Tagging System


   - Following Blogs You Already Know

   - Finding New Blogs


   - Reblogs, Comments, and Likes

   - Asks, Submissions, and Messaging

   - Blocking


   - You Have None


   - Post Circulation

   - Miscellaneous Etiquette

   - Tumblr-specific Memes

Let’s get started, shall we?

Keep reading

What a pleasant surprise coming back from Naka-Kon this weekend!  Thank you so much Tumblr for putting my art on the Tumblr radar, and I’m glad you all like my work!

Here I mostly post drawings, but I also have a Twitter where I am much, much more active!

Thank you so much for enjoying my art!

worldieco: DANIEL BRUMMITT is now the Chief Marketing Officer for Worldie.com and is a co-founder! 


DANIEL BRUMMITT is now the Chief Marketing Officer for Worldie.com and is a co-founder! 

Welcome to the TEAM! 


So glad to see Daniel on the team!! :)

Post link

Hey ihr lieben Leute! 

Ich weiss, ich war sehr lange inaktiv. Ich habe sogar überlegt den Blog zu löschen, glücklicherweise hab ich das aber nicht gemacht :)

Es gab viele Veränderungen in meinem Leben und ob ihrs glaubt oder nicht, aber eine zeitlang hatte ich sogar die Oberhand gegenüber der Krankheit. 

Aber diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Wir sind wieder da. Und wir sind da für euch alle.  Ich bin offen für Fragen Anregungen und alles andere, was ihr mir mitteilen möchtet :)

Wir hören bzw. lesen voneinander!

 Welcome to Badlands La MateaPhoto by @elreticente

Welcome to Badlands 

La Matea

Photo by @elreticente

Post link
//you are all welcome here with love\

//you are all welcome here with love\

Post link


Hello, I’m relatively new to tumblr and this community, so if you are a sickfic author for OC’s or any fandom then reblog this and I’ll follow.  I just need to get a wide option of authors to binge-read!

Meus amigos reclamam que eu nunca saio com eles para um happy hour, mas não tenho a menor vontade de

Meus amigos reclamam que eu nunca saio com eles para um happy hour, mas não tenho a menor vontade de me demorar longe de casa sabendo que minha amada me espera nua em nossa cama, com os braços cheios de carinho e o corpo lambuzado de saliva, suor e esperma contando a estória do sexo que acabou de fezer com outro homem. Como sair para tomar algumas cervejas sendo que a melhor parte do meu dia é voltar para os braços desta mulher?

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I just wanted to say..

Thank you,

So much-

For following, reblogging, and interacting with me. I’ve been away for a little while, but my notifications had BLOWN. UP.

Clearly it’s time for me to come back!

I want to get to know all of my new followers and you all who have started showing me so much love. So maybe leave me a little something about you?



Studyblr Intro post

Why do I want my own studyblr:

  • Mainly for the motivation, to grow academically and get out of my personal hell which is the degree I’m studying rather than the subject.
  • Plus to make some friends all over the world who are like minded but have their own goals.
  • To track my growth within academia and possibly motivate me when I look back at the progress I’ve made, sort of like a diary but for everyone to read.

About me:

  • K
  • INTJ-T
  • B.A econ major
  • 19
  • Ace/Bi
  • currently (at the time of posting) 1(hopefully 2nd after finals) into a 3 year undergrad
  • Wannabe academic/researcher

My interests:

  • Philosophy
  • Writing
  • Literature
  • learning more stuff in general
  • Museums
  • Coffee (both learning how to make good coffee and drinking it)
  • Dark academia/cottagecore
  • Poetry (poetryblr is in the additional info tab)
  • Math especially calculus which is ironic cause I bombed it in my boards lol

My goals

  • Get a decent GPA for my degree and move abroad for a master’s program, hopefully to Europe
  • Write more often and finish up my poetry collection before going for my masters
  • Make some really good memories with the community
  • learn more in econ and other subjects

Blogs that I like and are my inspiration:

Daniel Vargas : Christ air : Lake Elsinore, CA

Daniel Vargas : Christ air : Lake Elsinore, CA

Post link

Jason Salillas : No : Los Angeles, CA

Daniel Vargas : Yellow : Los Angeles, CA

Daniel Vargas : Yellow : Los Angeles, CA

Post link

Roman Pabich : Backside tailslide : Palm Springs, CA

Nora Vasconcellos : Puppy love : Cambria, CA

Welcome to this blog attempt!

I have never taught makeup to anyone. In fact I haven’t been doing it for such a long time, but everybody tells me I’m doing it right, so I thought I should share the tricks I developed over time.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a pro! I don’t want to pretend I am! But I like makeup A LOT! I try to learn as much as I can on the subject and I like to try new techniques and products. Everything here is only my opinion, based on my experience! Some products might not work as well for you, it’s part of the game, sadly!

When I started doing makeup, I did not want to achieve big glamorous looks with crazy eyeshadow and glitter everywhere. My main goal was to feminize my face as much as possible so that I could pass in public. I never really wanted to draw attention to me, in fact I wanted to achieve quite the opposite. Look like the girl next door.

So, if you are here for flashy makeup, glam looks and the likes, you are not on the good blog!

Of course, makeup can be expensive. I’m not rich, so I try to find good stuff at reasonable prices, either online or in store. Don’t worry, no need to break the bank at Sephora or MAC!

I hope it will help some of you get started!
