


Let me tell you about something very dangerous: Werewolves.  They come out at night and they kill people.  Sometimes they stop at only brutally maiming people, but then those people turn into more werewolves.  

Given how dangerous werewolves are, maybe there should be a law that bans werewolves from assaulting humans.  There’s just one problem with such a “ban:” Werewolves aren’t real!  There are humans who kill or assault other people during the night, and there are laws against that.  But if you talk about a potential “ban on werewolves” you are implicitly saying that werewolves are a real thing.

If someone selling laundry detergent claims that drinking detergent cures COVID-19, that would be illegal.  But the law banning such claims isn’t called a “ban on the cure for COVID-19,” it’s a ban on fraud.  

If someone were to force-feed laundry detergent to you claiming it would cure your COVID-19, they would also be breaking the law.  But the law they would be breaking isn’t called a “ban on curing COVID-19,” it’s called a ban on assault

If someone locked you up in a cellar and told you they wouldn’t let you out unless you “consented” to drink laundry detergent, and claimed that it was to cure your COVID-19 (whether or not you actually have COVID-19), then that would also be illegal.  But the law they would be breaking isn’t called a "ban on curing COVID-19,“ it’s called a ban on kidnapping.

The fact is that right now, there is no medical procedure which can change someone’s orientation.  Calling any proposal a "ban on conversion therapy” is buying into the conservative propaganda that “conversion therapy” is real.  And it opens the door to bad-faith conservative talking points like “what about people who WANT to be changed?" 

 What we should be talking about is banning three very real dangerous practices: 

1)Fraud: advertising a harmful procedure as being both safe and able to do something it can’t.   

2)Assault of minors: poking kids with a shock probe is assault. 

3)Kidnapping: Locking up an adult and telling them they can’t leave unless they "consent” to be poked with a shock probe. 

 All three of those are real things that the people who claim to practice “conversion therapy” actually do.









Now remember, a lady rides sidesaddle, NOT astride. Your mother would be in hysterics at the very idea that a daughter of hers would ride a werewolf astride! Why, next you’ll be showing ankle…

That’s not how you ride a werewolf ill show you how to ride a werewolf !!


Descent Chapter 2 is up on Wattpad and A03

This night, he reclined in his chair by the fire with his newly found treasure nestled against his chest. He tightened his hold on her waist and stroked her hair as he took in her scent and marveled at how tiny she was, how her light breathing reminded him of a fragile creature of the forest.

Reblogging because Chapter 3 is up…..

Descent Chapter 3 is up

Need you… need to be near you… need to touch you…

His voice seemed to be whispering into her mind, just on the edge of her consciousness.

It should have frightened her, but it didn’t. It made her skin feel hot and tight, made her heart race. it made her feel….


Hey everyone guess who’s back!! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I promise it’s with good r

Hey everyone guess who’s back!! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I promise it’s with good reason! The holidays kept me busy and right afterwards this incredible book was recommended to me and I’ve been all wrapped up in it since! I hadn’t heard anything about it until my friends recommended it to me but now I’m obsessed - if you like lgbtq+ romances, werewolves, angst and humor you’ll love this book! If you’ve already read it totally hit me up cause I’d love to chat and if you haven’t/have any questions about it, do the same! I can’t speak highly enough about it! And (ignore the shameless self promotion) if you don’t already follow my fandom blog it’s @aglionbyfoxes, Ive been posting a bunch there about this book!

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bramblefix: Here’s some wolves!!!! Why’d I draw their werewolf forms when I never intend to draw thebramblefix: Here’s some wolves!!!! Why’d I draw their werewolf forms when I never intend to draw the


Here’s some wolves!!!! Why’d I draw their werewolf forms when I never intend to draw them again…? Shh…

Support me on Patreon!

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So I’m starting a new book on Wattpad this book has been a project of mine for the past 2 years

The name of the book will be / Howling at the Moon \ I hope you give it a chance

The book is about 4 sister who go through a lot and lose a lot, but they gain a lot also


Shatter Me

Werewolf!Hvitserk x Werewolf!Reader


A/N: This is such a fierce slow burn thank you @acrossthesestars for betaing this beast. Part 3 of @clydesducktape Moon in May Event.

Warnings: mention of dead bodies, limbs, gore I guess, tension, memories, new characters introduced, the brothers being brothers, wolf changes. 18+

Word Count: 8.3k+

Tagging:@kaybee87@a-bang-for-your-bucky@deans-ch-ch-cherrypie@strangunddurm (if you’d like adding or removing let me know!)

Keep reading

I am seriously so addicted to this story! It is such a fast-paced exciting read that I couldn’t put it down. I loved finding out part of the origin story of how she became a werewolf. That surprised me and wasn’t what I expected, but it makes so much of what is happening make perfect sense and adds such an interesting dynamic. The world building of this AU is amazing and I am really enjoying each new bit of information we learn about their world and how it works. Now sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter.

 fuckin around w symmetry lol

fuckin around w symmetry lol

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A series of quick werewolf sketch-sculpts for Halloween! A lanky boy, a dense boy, and a pair of scrA series of quick werewolf sketch-sculpts for Halloween! A lanky boy, a dense boy, and a pair of scrA series of quick werewolf sketch-sculpts for Halloween! A lanky boy, a dense boy, and a pair of scrA series of quick werewolf sketch-sculpts for Halloween! A lanky boy, a dense boy, and a pair of scr

A series of quick werewolf sketch-sculpts for Halloween! A lanky boy, a dense boy, and a pair of scrappy brothers who are the smallest of the bunch but also the most likely to ruin your day.

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tanaudel: Wolf boys for the June calendar (and for A G Slatter’s new novel, The Path of Thorns)(via tanaudel: Wolf boys for the June calendar (and for A G Slatter’s new novel, The Path of Thorns)(via


Wolf boys for the June calendar (and for A G Slatter’s new novel, The Path of Thorns)

(viaJune 2022 Calendar — wolf boys)

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someone saying: "holy shit, that's a big fuckin' coyote!" another person saying "quick! tag it before it wakes up!" a werewolf is laying there slumped over with 4 tranq darts in her buttALT
someone asking a trans fem "oh, nice helix piercing! where'd you get it?" she responds "good question!" she doesn't look quite sure of it herself.ALT
trans fem protagonist stating "can't sleep with this damn thing in my ear."ALT
she's at a tim hortons, "one large tea please" the worker respondes with "okay!" from behind a counter and a big plastic shieldALT
two animal researchers are standing outside the masc one is saying "that huge coyote should be around here somewhere..." the fem says "we're right on top of the tracker" they both look confused the protag is walking out the store behind them with her ear tag in displayALT
the fem animal researcher asks protag "excuse me! have you seen a large coyote around here?" protag responds with "can't say that i have..."ALT

been drawing some werewolf stuff over twitter, here, have them all together as one big sequence. the bit where she’s complaining about it keeping her awake is about 2 weeks later.

for the record: the talk of coyotes is because there are no wolves here on my island. they are extinct and we imported coyotes to take their place (it did not work well)

jakubsan:’hunt or be hunted’new painting from my ‘Wolfpack -1863’ world,  story about the last day o


’hunt or be hunted’
new painting from my ‘Wolfpack -1863’ world,  story about the last day of Aleksy, the huntsman, sent by Tsar to find out who is responsible for the attacks on Tsarist army patrols near Podwilcze village…

work process:

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Three more werewolves

A werewolf cooldown drawing. drew inspiration from macaques for this one!
