#white wolf

 Toss a Coin to your WitcherI have The Witcher Season 2 playing in the background of the shop today

Toss a Coin to your Witcher

I have The Witcher Season 2 playing in the background of the shop today for the second time through.

Seriously thinking of learning to play the lute just so I can play Burn Butcher Burn.

Wishing you all a wonderful Tuesday.

If you want to toss a coin to this Witcher please consider checking out the Loreamour Kickstarter. ❤️

“Thank you ladies and gentlemen you have been the most beautiful audience.”  ^^

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Ciri and the White Wolf‍

Ciri and the White Wolf‍

Post link

This is a thing. What. How did I not know? (The answer is obviously because I don’t pay enough attention but let’s pretend I’m not some sort of hermit crab.)

I wish I had time or energy for this. I might try since it matches my mood anyway.

Peter: lets get this bread

Shuri:obtain the grain

Loki: yeet this wheat

Thor: attain this loaf

Bucky: collect this baguette

Sam: gather this bagel

Nat: capture this crumpet

Clint: sieze the brioche

Loki: procure the pita

Thor:acquire the sourdough

Peter: possess the pumpernickel

Shuri: burglarize the croissant

So like, for Halloween, I feel like the Avengers would dress up in their uniforms and walk around where kids trick or treat

First their intentions are just to make some kids happy/surprise them, but then it turns into a really competitive game (between the avengers) where Nat tries to blend in with the trick or treaters and the rest of the Avengers would try to find her (like some kind of ‘where’s Waldo’ thing)

And there’s not even a prize or anything, they just get really into the game, and they reallywant to win

And they’re in full gear, trying to find a trained spy, in a huge crowd of kids in costumes, in the dark

So now you have the literal avengers frantically trying to find Nat, running/flying/swinging through different neighborhoods on Halloween

Imagine being a kid trick or treating and u just see fricking iron man flying above u then Hawkeye in a tree and spidey on a telephone pole and captain America running rly fast/jumping to high places all just to find nat

Plot twist- nat is in the avengers tower the whole time watching them try to find her

Day 17: Best Rivalry

→ Sam Wilson(AKAThe Falcon, AKA CaptainAmerica) and Bucky Barnes(AKAThe Winter Soldier, also known in Wakanda as The White Wolf) in Captain America: Winter Soldier,Captain America: Civil War,Avengers Infinity War,Avengers EndgameandThe Falcon&The Winter Soldier)

Bucky: “Why did you give up that shield?”

Sam: “Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?”

Bucky:“Stevebelieved in you. He trusted you. He gave you that shield for a reason. That shield that is… that is everything he stood for. That is his legacy. He gave you that shield, and you threw it away like it was nothing.”

Sam: “Shut up.”

Bucky: “So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me.”

Bucky Barnes(The Winter Soldier) and Sam Wilson(The Falcon; and now the new CaptainAmerica) in The FalconAnd The Winter Soldier

FYI:CLICK HERE to see OP @quxntumvandyne’s original 30 Days Of MCU Challenge posts.

my humble brain exactly 0.4 seconds later

what do you mean this isn’t quality content??


So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me. 

Bucky Barnes | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me. 

Bucky Barnes | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
