#witchy memes



Me:i love all magical creatures! Fae? of course! Goblins, trolls, and giants? Come here babeys ❤ :)

Also me: *sees any type of movement in the corner of my eye* fuckfuckfuckfUcKFUCK

Witch of The Week


What is ‘Witch of The Week’?

Every week, I randomly choose one amazing, underrated witchblr to feature! I want to make sure that more people discover these great blogs, and also to Wake Witchblr, because there are a LOT of interesting blogs to follow; you just haven’t found it yet ‍♀️


JustAWitchyGirl is a devotee of Aphrodite and she posts a lot of sweet appreciation posts of her

Her blog gives you a daily dose of wholesome relatable Aphrodite appreciation along with plenty of posts directed at baby/beginner witchies.

She also runs the discord server 'Just a Witchy Coven’, which I absolutely LOVE. It has a strict anti-bigotry policy and everyone there is just so welcoming.

Currently, she is looking for a mentor. I’m not sure if she is still looking atm, but if you feel you would be interested in this, definitely contact her, and join her discord too, while youre at it!


*crouching ontop of the fridge in the dark wearing a cloak and holding a deck of tarot cards and some herbs in shady raspy voice* Hey kids ya wanna do some witchcraft?
