#wonder girl

Ramon Villalobos drawing teen superheroes to prep y'all for his run with the Young Avengers this JunRamon Villalobos drawing teen superheroes to prep y'all for his run with the Young Avengers this JunRamon Villalobos drawing teen superheroes to prep y'all for his run with the Young Avengers this Jun

Ramon Villalobos drawing teen superheroes to prep y'all for his run with the Young Avengers this June in the Original Sins mini

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Boom Donna doodle from whenever I did it

yara flor | wonder girl icons • made by @clacefall • if you save or use, please don’t forget to likeyara flor | wonder girl icons • made by @clacefall • if you save or use, please don’t forget to likeyara flor | wonder girl icons • made by @clacefall • if you save or use, please don’t forget to likeyara flor | wonder girl icons • made by @clacefall • if you save or use, please don’t forget to likeyara flor | wonder girl icons • made by @clacefall • if you save or use, please don’t forget to likeyara flor | wonder girl icons • made by @clacefall • if you save or use, please don’t forget to like

yara flor | wonder girl icons

• made by @clacefall

• if you saveoruse, please don’t forget to like or reblog

• don’t edit them or claim as your own

• open the image before saving for better quality

more wonder girlmake your request

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I started reading dc comics on a whim and i figured it would be one of those things where im interested for like three days and then forget about it forever but its been over a month,,

I generally don’t like posting about a series or what have you until i feel like i have an adequate knowledge base about it and feel like i know what im talking about. But with comics theres just too much. So instead of waffling about it im just gonna post these now before i psych myself out of it again

Athena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonderAthena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonderAthena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonderAthena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonderAthena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonderAthena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonderAthena’s Summer Reading:Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight“Surely you know red robin wonder

Athena’s Summer Reading:

Teen Titans Vol. 1 ~ Its our Right to Fight

“Surely you know red robin wonder girl!”

“In fact I do… and dont call me wonder girl!”

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Tim: I just kneed myself in the face

Cassie: I feel like I should be more concerned but the flexibility required for that is incredible

Cassie: You’ve clearly spent more time with Nightwing recently

Wonder Girl: Granddaughter of Zeus and Champion of Ares

All Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for DamiraeAll Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.and one illustration for Damirae

All Teen Titan Members Illustration from Dc Animated Movie Complete.
and one illustration for Damirae.
It is so satisfied to complete all Teen Titans (DCAM) Illustration. 

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sandyjarrell:Looking at Nick Cardy art makes stuff like this happen.


Looking at Nick Cardy art makes stuff like this happen.

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reyesrobbies:‘Glasses. Thick ones. Like Clark Kent wears. I have a pair for you to, Wonder Girl!’


‘Glasses. Thick ones. Like Clark Kent wears. I have a pair for you to, Wonder Girl!’

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Okay so I recently got an ask about Diana and Donna’s relationship, but I would like to clear up a few things about Donna’s early history in a separate post before jumping into all of that.

I see a lot of people grouping Donna and Diana’s relationship alongside Bruce/Dick, Ollie/Roy, Barry/Wally, and Arthur/Garth when it really doesn’t apply.

Donna and Diana’s relationship and history is drastically different from any other mentor/mentee (including Diana/Cassie) in comics, mostly due to Donna’s creation as a character.

Despite the title “Wonder Girl,” Donna was never Wonder Woman’s sidekick, while Dick, Wally, Roy, and Garth, were created for that reason. Even in the retconned versions Donna never really worked with Diana until after her time as Wonder Girl was over. Why is this? This is where it gets complicated.

Donna Troy was a mistake. When creating Teen Titans back in 1966, the writers were looking at teen heroes being published at the time. Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash had already teamed up for some issues of The Brave and the Bold, and I think they wanted to diversify the group with a girl. And they saw the character Wonder Girl being published in the Wonder Woman title!

However, Wonder Girl was originally published as part of a series about Diana’s adventures as a teenager, so she wasn’t exactly a new character. She wasn’t Donna Troy.


Wonder Woman v1 #109

Somewhere along the way however, Wonder Girl (and Wonder Tot too) started fighting alongside Diana and started being referred to as separate characters from Wonder Woman. But there was no explanation as to whom exactly they were.

So when they published Teen Titans, they accidentally created a new character. Eventually, they realized this and gave her a name and a backstory - Donna Troy!

“Oh, mother, stop babying me! I can do anything any boy can do — and better!”The Brave and the Bold

“Oh, mother, stop babying me! I can do anything any boy can do — and better!”

The Brave and the Bold #60, Donna Troy’s first appearance

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New Teen Titans vol. 2 #19Garfield Logan is not known for his serious moments. He’s not even that clNew Teen Titans vol. 2 #19Garfield Logan is not known for his serious moments. He’s not even that clNew Teen Titans vol. 2 #19Garfield Logan is not known for his serious moments. He’s not even that clNew Teen Titans vol. 2 #19Garfield Logan is not known for his serious moments. He’s not even that cl

New Teen Titans vol. 2#19

Garfield Logan is not known for his serious moments. He’s not even that close friends with Donna. But he gave her an incredibly meaningful and honest conversation during one of her greatest periods of growth, that I’m sure she treasures greatly. In four sentences Gar told Donna exactly what she needed to hear, and I don’t think anyone else could’ve done it.

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melodramaticmelon:woop one more request to go this was super fun and relaxing and im letting lose


woop one more request to go

this was super fun and relaxing and im letting lose on the very constrained style. I think this one is closer to my natural drawing style. I miss rendering faces so bad

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jessequicks:Donna Troy as Wonder Girl jessequicks:Donna Troy as Wonder Girl jessequicks:Donna Troy as Wonder Girl


Donna Troy as Wonder Girl

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[The Flash 80pg Giant 1999]

reyesrobbies:…So then why night after night, did I dream of other lives? Little fragments of imposreyesrobbies:…So then why night after night, did I dream of other lives? Little fragments of impos


…So then why night after night, did I dream of other lives? Little fragments of impossible histories in another world and time? In them, I stood alongside other Titans, born of mortal flesh and blood. We were brave and powerful and our exploits rivalled those of our divine namesakes. I loved them. I grew up with them. They made me whole. They were my family. That world knew us as Cyborg, Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Jericho, Changeling, Arsenal - but I knew them as Victor and Dick, Koriand'r, Joey, Garfield and…Roy. They called me Wonder Girl - but I remembered with an almost blinding clarity calling myself by another name. A mortalname.
Donna Troy.

-The Return of Donna Troy #1

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[DC] REPOST bc I did not like how it desaturated the colors of the last one…. anyways wonder girl is wlw
