#writing prompt


The villain turned on their side to face the hero. “That was nice, but I thought you hated me.”

“I guess I hate myself more.”

The prison cell was deigned to be perfectly secure. The only place on earth Supervillain couldn’t break out of.

Unfortunately, it was so secure that the guards couldn’t figure out how to open it to get them inside.

The year is 2144, and the final two companies are undergoing the last merger.

“I could have saved you,” the hero said.

“I wouldn’t have needed saving if it wasn’t for you,” the anti-hero replied.

The modern woman can have it all: a family, a career, a bloody quest for revenge that leaves her unsatisfied and dead inside. The sky is the limit.

“He’s a good prospect,” the queen placated her daughter.

“Just not a good man.”

There was a clanging in her cellar. Something was down there. She had to go see what it was.

“Please don’t be rats. Please don’t be rats,” she whispered to herself as she took each step gingerly, barely able to see anything in the weak glow of her torch.

“Don’t worry,” a voice in the darkness spoke up. “It’s not rats.”

“I can’t think of a single colour the sky hasn’t been today.”

“You have the ability to talk to animals,” the spymaster walked around the chair they were tied to as they talked, “which makes you either very valuable to us, or very dangerous in the hands of our enemies. So it’s really very simple, would you like to be an asset we protect or a threat we eliminate?”

“I’m not going to be either,” the young captive pleaded. “You don’t understand, my gift isn’t useful to anyone. I can literally only talk to animals, I can’t control them. I mean you have the power to talk to people but that doesn’t mean they’ll do everything you want, right?”

In an instant there was a knife against their throat. “Oh no dear, people always end up doing whatever I want.” He pressed harder with the knife, and the first few drops of blood started to flow. “It’s just a matter of how much pain they endure first,” he whispered.

The ghost ship was looking for new recruits.

“You were supposed to love me,” the villain whispered.

“You were supposed to be lovable,” their soulmate whispered back.

“I owe you a great debt,” the knight said. “My sword is yours until my dying day.”

The wizard nodded, as if that were somehow a great honour.

“You know most people pay debts with money,” his apprentice piped up. “You could always give that a try.”

“That was your last chance,” the hero threatened.

“And that was your last breath,” the villain replied with a serene smile.


Writing Prompt: Title #803

Write something based on or inspired by the book title:

Orange Harvest


Writing Prompt #1949

“Well, I mean, you could just marry both of us.”

“You…you guys do that here?”

“You don’t?”

TW: Needles

TW: Body Horror

The whumper leaves knives and needles stuck within the immortal, knowing the immortal’s body will over and around it

The whumpee is forced to experience a traumatizing VR simulation

(“Traumatizing” is specific to whumpees which is why this is so vague)

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #62

  1. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve been listening to myself speak for twenty years.”
  2. “Let’s just say we have unfinished business.”
  3. “You’re in my way. Move.”
  4. “Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense later.” “I sincerely doubt that.”
  5. “Do you have to wear that?”
  6. “You drugged them?!” “Yeah, what’s the problem?”
  7. “Are you always this jittery?”
  8. “What are you doing?” “Tidying.”“…Why?”
  9. “Listen here, ugly.”
  10. “Let me throw up real quick-”