

yandere!heartslabul + reader with a vision(genshin impact) rambles

vision - pyro

everyone is interested in your vision- you may not be able to use magic, but your control over fire is impressive. 

it interests riddle because even his unique magic can’t stop you from activating it. and he… doesn’t like it. it scares him. what’s to stop you from burning heartslabyul, or even the entire school, to the ground? he’s tried to confiscate it many times, and yet, it returns to being right where it was before, holding a silver and white ribbon to your uniform. 

trey, however, is far less bothered by this. it’s interesting, yeah, but he knows that you’d never use it maliciously… right? he can’t bring himself to fully trust you with it, but he’s seen what happens every time riddle’s taken it from you. it makes him uneasy, but he’s not going to overreact about it. 

and then we have cater, who actually really likes your vision! he thinks it adds color to your otherwise monochromatic and muted uniform. a little pop of red that stands out nicely. he’s constantly taking pictures of you, vision or not, but he definitely thinks it’s something interesting. 

frankly,deuce is fine with it. he does worry, but he can’t stop you. instead, it just leads him to asking many questions about it, and your home in tevyat, but it’s nothing invasive, and you’re happy to answer his questions. he does start hanging around you more as ace does (and, maybe unsurprisingly, Ruggie from Savanaclaw) to help you make sure it doesn’t get stolen. after all, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he let someone take something so important from you?

ace really doesn’t care either way. if you two fight, he can use his wind to create an opening for himself and use that to stop you with what tricks are up his sleeve.

as long as it’s not akechi and it’s on my fandom list it’s free real estate for y’all to ask things especially for spooky season

so uh I’m writing a oneshot for yandere akechi, as per my usual, and I’m on call with my best friend so here’s basically a rundown of how this goes, if y/n was like my best friend, who’s a sadist

akechi:I am the only one who actually cares about you, and our love shall not be unmatched

y/n: yeah no buddy, sorry not sorry but like I hate your guts, and actually have friends

akechi’s delusional ass: oh, it looks like I have more brainwashing to undo

just a note, i am kinda in the mood to write some potentially dirty stuff, so my askbox is open, especially if you’re horny

I’m very sorry


another@i-cant-sing inspired head cannon

They have a Yandere brother Dabi Headcanon and at the end they said Dabi as a dad would be worse and I couldn’t wait to see that so i made this https://i-cant-sing.tumblr.com/post/650810751920013312/this-isnt-a-request-just-an-errant-thought-but

reader is half black!

female pronouns!

everyone go follow @i-cant-sing NEOW because without them i have no ideas

Yandere Dad Dabi

  • Let’s get one thing out of the way, he would NEVER hurt you
  • He knows the pain of growing up abused by your father too well
  • Instead he would threaten you and kill your friends
  • When he found out he got some broad knocked up he couldn’t believe it
  • His first thought was to just be a deadbeat and never meet you
  • But when your mom found him again and put his hand on her warm stomach and he felt you kick
  • He
  • Fell
  • In
  • LOVE!
  • he couldn’t believe he had essentially cloned another version of himself
  • it only got better when he learned you were a girl
  • now he knows he must protect his darling from boys/girls AND villains
  • when you were born he didn’t even let her hold you before wrapping you off and whisking you away from her
  • In fact, he realized all he wanted was you
  • So there was no uses for your pesky mother
  • He locked her up in an abandoned building and sent 10 nomu’s in to play
  • Needless to say, she passed away
  • Now that he had you to himself he could sit there and adorn your face for hours
  • He loved the way your few hairs were already curled tightly
  • The way your e/c eyes would follow his without hesitation
  • He swore everytime your little hand grabbed his he was gonna die from cuteness overload
  • As a kid he always would ruffle your hair and act like he didn’t care what you did
  • “Whatever kid, I got my own stuff to deal with.”
  • But everytime you even got near the front door he would pop up behind you to question your departure
  • Let’s say when you got older you were embarrassed and ashamed of your skin and hair since it wasn’t like everyone else’s
  • If he even caught you touching the flat iron he would throw a fit and go on a rant
  • “Your hair is fine the way it is! So what you don’t look like all those losers?”
  • Especially on special occasions
  • He would act like he didn’t care to learn your culture but it was far from it
  • He was the first one to teach you about black history month
  • Despite, living in japan he made you celebrate all month by flying you to America (where your mother was from) and Africa (the motherland)
  • He can be sweet but deadly
  • When he finds he have a boyfriend/girlfriend he’s…jealous
  • Not because he see’s you in a sexual light in the slightest but because he’s afraid that they’ll take you away from him
  • He always told you no dating but you’re 16 now and all your friends had dated before
  • You thought you were ready
  • You thought was ready
  • But Dabi proved very against it when turned your boyfriend/girlfriend into ash right in front of you
  • Then he yelled at you
  • When you finally notices your tears he calms down immediately and stops his flames
  • “I-I didn’t mean to kill him. But you have to understand he would’ve taken you away from me. And you don’t want that right? Do you wanna leave Daddy?”
  • He would question you with glossy eyes to add to your guilt
  • Not only did you get your s/o killed but you also hurt your dad
  • Just like expected you would shake your head and run to hug him as tight as possible
  • Repeating ‘i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry’
  • He would hug you back as tight with s smug grin on his face
  • Now the only time you got to cut slack was when Uncle Natsuo picked you up
  • When you were with him he’d cover and say you stayed with him all night when you were really with friends
  • Auntie Fuyumi loved treating you like her personal doll
  • She would brush your hair, dress you up and just talk to you all day long
  • At first, you thought your Uncle Shoto didn’t like you
  • Maybe even hated you
  • He always held a stern cold look and when he held you as a baby it was almost robotic
  • Same with hugs
  • But keywords: at first
  • Once Natsuo told him you thought he didn’t like you he completely changed
  • He started smiling at you and only you
  • He would buy you everything, even things your dad wouldn’t
  • You like makeup? Well here you go he just bought everything in stock at Morphe
  • Why?
  • Because Shoto refused to be feared by the one thing that glued his family back together
  • When Dabi finally told them about you it was the of your birth
  • This was the first time in years they were all together and no one was yelling or fighting
  • Rei cried tears of joy
  • Enji tried to pretend he wasn’t interested but when you tried to wrap your hand around his finger and it didn’t fit
  • He swore his heart grew
  • Shoto was looking in shock that his brother was a dad now and he was an uncle
  • Natsuo was confused but happy
  • And Fuyumi kept asking if it was a prank
  • Somehow you kept ending up in Enji’s arm though
  • To everyone’s surprise Enji and Rei were whole new people to you
  • Enji would let you run around while he chased you with an undeniable smile
  • Rei wouldn’t flinch from Enji when he came over holding you
  • Even as you got older Enji always tried to outdo everyone to keep his spot secured as your favorite
  • But don’t get it twisted
  • They all are just as protective of you as Dabi
  • Don’t think you can have any secrets because….
  • You’re , is hovering over you


cw. aggression, bruises, dubcon, implies noncon, power dynamics (?), sexual themes, top yandere x bottom reader, violence, yandere themes

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Marked One

This fic was based on a very intense dream I once had about orcs. I’m really proud of this one, so I hope you all enjoy it! It’s another long one, and has been in the making for over a few weeks. Any comments are appreciated <3

Warnings: yandere, orc! Franklin, fantasy races, violence, explicit description of war, explicit description of violence, nsfw, non-con turned dub-con, kidnapping, toxic relationships, mentioned future pregnancy, violence toward reader, needles, human trafficking, 8.6 k words


The field was barren. 

There were a few people in the far distance running away, hiding behind burning carts and houses in their attempt at escape. It didn’t matter if they managed to get away now, since tonight the hounds would be let loose, following and killing anyone whose scent fled out of the battlefield. The beasts had little intelligence outside of their bred purpose, and seemed to utilize whatever they did have to be cruel, often biting off limbs first, slowly gnawing away at bone, waiting for their prey to die. 

In the midst of the field laid a soldier, crying out in pain, probably due to his armor being dented in a way that implied massive internal damage, as well as his legs being about ten feet away from his main body. It would take about five minutes before he succumbed to the pain and died, but until then he’d scream in agony, which is why the nearest orc, looting the nearby corpses for their valuables, drew his club and smashed the soldier’s head in, the battlefield a bit quieter. 

It had been a messy battle, an unsatisfying one as well. The settlement had drawn the orc’s ire by delivering a pledge of war, a spike embedded with the tusks of their kin. Few still dared to make such bold claims after years and years of endless one-sided conflict, the orc’s decimating all that was in their path. They were stronger, did not complain about anything, and honored their ancestors and progeny by expansion of their land, of their influence. Every inch of soil was paid for in blood, and it was not theirs that would pay the price.

The only down side the race had was their low numbers, but that did not matter greatly, one orc managing to kill villages without breaking a sweat. 

Keep reading

Anon asked: Hi, I’m a new follower, but could I request a mafia/slight yandere Zico scenario where his s/o is one of his maids, and he falls for her??❤️

Oh my gosh! I love this! I had been writing something along the lines of a ZICO and Dean mafia AU last year but never got around to posting it, but this is brilliant! Maybe I will post it after all! But here you go sweetie!

Zico + Reader


Gender:Mafia | Light Yandere | Romance

“We met less than a week ago and in that time I’ve done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance…all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I’m able.”


It was you. It had always been you. Well, only since the beginning of that month where he had met you, but still, it was you.

He had never yearned for anything so bad in his life, besides money, and power; but he was never one to flock after someone else. Most women gravitated towards him, and for what? His money? Looks? Status perhaps? That’s what made him so cold and bored when it came to “catching feelings” or dare he say the “L” word.


Sure he loved things too. Seeing a beautiful, voluptuous lady, dancing on him in the silhouette of the club’s colorful, flashing lights. Taking a swig from a malt whiskey on the rocks, that would surely burn his throat at first, but bring him a feeling of calm soon after. Money. And most of all, the woman who brought him into this world, his mother.

But other people? There was no way he could use that word towards them. Not even the word liked, crossed his mind, until you.

You needed a job, desperately enough to even consider taking such a job as tending to the house of a well known mobster. You had previously worked for helping to tend a local cafe down the street from this job, but that was soon pulled from under your feet as it came to a close from slow work and less money coming in. The owner, whom you had known for years, had mentioned that his older brother knew a friend who was looking for someone to help with housekeeping, but of course didn’t give too much detail. It wasn’t until you had been brought into the lavish palace that you had suspicions, still you decided not to ask questions.

It was a job, and a job you instantly got so there was no reason to question or complain about it.

The first week was hell. You put up with the berrading and sleezy comments from other men that came in and out the house while you did your cleaning duties. They continued to harass you with comments about your outfit to the way you were cleaning certain things. You admit, it hurt and you just wanted out, but you couldn’t quit now. You just had to push through.

However, after another two weeks of that, you had had enough. Instead of quitting you decided that it was best to try and talk with the head of household. That’s where you first met him. Jiho Woo. He wasn’t as easy on the eyes, that matched his sharp personality. He was indeed handsome, but you his narrow and cold eyes, that starred you down as you were escorted inside, made you freeze up, making you forget what you had went in there for in the first place, for a quick minute.

He opened his mouth as he began.

“What’ya need sweetheart?” He asked as he gave you another quick glance over before going back to writing something down.

This took you by surprise, being as the way he looked, you thought his voice would match. “Uh- well I was wondering if you could tell the other men if they could wait to make commentary until I’ve left for the day? It really makes me uncomfortable if I’m being honest..”

“Huh..?” This made him look up and over at you again, only this time with a small smirk of amusement. “My men are free to say and do what they want. This is partially their humble abode too,” He continued as he leaned back in his chair while propping up his feet on one corner of the giant crafted desk. “You’re just the guest, and I’m paying you, am I not?”

“Yes sir..” it took you a while to gather words, any words, as after he said that, it felt as if he had shoved all you just said, right back down your throat until it grew into a right and painful ball. “I’m sorry.” You said abruptly as you made your way out the room and back to work.


“Why did you say that?!..Idiot…”

Jiho stood there, beating him up about the first time he officially talked with you, as he stood there in the same place that it took place. The door handle turned and pulled back as the door opened, before one of his men walked in, dragging another man into the room who was curssing at the top of his lungs.

“Let me go you stupid f*ck! I’ll *uckin’ k*ll you!”

“Shut up!” The man holding him yelled back while thrusting his fist into his mouth.

Jiho calmly walked over to him as put a foot against his head with a serious expression. “Is this him? The rat that has been sending information to the others!”

“Yep- This is him boss. What do you want us to do with him?”

He sniffed as he watched him start to squirm again and grow loud with a blank stare, before slamming his foot down on him. “You know what we do with rats..” He said as he pulled his foot away, and stood upright, watching as the man who yelled out just a second ago, lay there now in a painful daze.

“You got it boss” The tall, slender man said as he started to say as he dragged him away. “Want me to go get that pretty piece and have her clean this blood up? She would probably look better on her hands and knees huh boss?” He stifled a laugh but it didn’t last long as he was struck on the side of the face by Jiho’s burning fist.

“You better stop with the way you f*ckin’ talk bout her, you hear? Otherwise, you’ll end up joining this rat too. That goes for everyone, let them know too.” He said with an ice cold tone as he watched him hurrying out the room with a look of shock while nodding. “Of course sir- I’m sorry-“

“F*ck-“ He sighed as he leaned against the front of the desk while looking down at the bruise that started to form on his define knuckle. “Why the hell did I do that..?”

You had seen the whole thing from a sliver from the door that was open just slightly. This now confirmed it. You heard from friends that the house you had worked at was that of a dangerous mobster and his men. At first this didn’t scare you, as you didn’t believe it. There was no way that they would let someone such as yourself inside their hideaway, but now after seeing all of what just happened, you felt scared. You knew you had to get out of there, but how-

“(y/n)?” You felt your body grow stuck in place as the door creaked open, revealing Jiho standing there, his bruised hand, above you, holding the door, the other hand on his hip.

“Mr. Woo- I.” You panicked, but your body felt so heavy that you just couldn’t move. And how could you? If you ran after he knew what you had see, there’s no way he would let you leave. You were now a witness to the beating, or even worse, death, of that man. “ I didn’t see anything..I just…”

“Can you just get some ice and bring it here?” He exhaled and spoke out in an exhausted tone. He couldn’t help it. Seeing you, in so much fear and confusion, made him recoil. All the pent up frustration, made him tired in the end. He just needed a stiff drink.

“O-okay.” You said before zooming downstairs and going towards the kitchen. You could have just left, but you knew he had your information and could easily track you down, knowing that now he was a gang leader. There was no use. You decided you would take him the ice, then try and come up with a reason you had to go home. There was no way you could quit now; you thought that if you did he was sure to get to you before you could. It would just make things more suspicious.

You made your way back upstairs, each step feeling heavier than the last. Finally there you were, meeting him, and him alone in the office.

“Here you go.” You said softly as you walked over to where he was, sitting on the chair a few good inches from the desk, and grabbed his hand to place the bag of ice on it, to which he quickly pulled away.

“The hell are you doing?!” He asked in surprise, though it sounded like anger. This made you take a step back to which he lowered his voice and arched eyebrows. “Sorry- I just meant that the ice was for my glass.” He said as he opened the bag, and pour the cubes into his glass with a clink, before pouring himself a stiff drink of that amber liquid. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He could feel the fine follicles on the back of his neck stiffen as his face grew hot in embarrassment. What the hell was this? Had you just made him anxious? No one had even done that before, not even when it came to his enemies and the many times they looked him in the eyes as they got close to taking his life.


Although you were at first, you could then sense the sincery in his voice and took a step towards him. “it’s okay..”

The air was thick and heavy as you waited for him to take a long and hard few gulps from his glass before setting it down again. You looked around the giant, dim room, only to stop your sight on the speckled blood that stained the rug.

“I- let me go get my materials to come clean that up before it seeps into it!” You started to say as turned to rush out, more so from this awkward atmosphere.

“(y/n) wait a minute-“ Jiho said abruptly as he started to get up from his seat.

You stopped in your tracks, still afraid from the scene before, worrried if you didn’t listen to him, you would get the same treatment as that unfortunate man.

“You don’t have to worry about it, m’kay?” He said reassuringly as he sat back down in his chair. “All I really want you to do, is stay, and listen.”

You were surprised by all of this but nodded as you came back and stood with your hands clasped together in front of you next to the desk he sat at.

Jiho knew in this moment, it was a big mistake for him to call you back in as you stood there, looking pretty, seriously pretty to him. He noticed your lovely features that made you, you. Your hair, the hues you had to your body, eyes, strands, lips, fingertips. How had he never seen you in this light before?

He reached for his glass to get another drink, but accidentally knocked it over onto him with a low and and frustrated growl, to which made you smile and giggle. You had never seen him so clumsy, but cool all the time so seeing his was a rare sight.

He quickly looked up at you just in time to see your smile, followed by your giggle, and couldn’t help but stare. This scared you though, thinking that you had made him mad for laughing at him, but that didn’t seem like the case as he smirked. “Wow- that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile around this crummy place.” This moment confirmed it. He had taken interest in you.

You could feel the air lessen and feel lighter as you blinked a few times before giving a small smile and shrug, “It’s because this is the first I’ve seen you being clumsy-“ You paused as your smile faded. “Sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“Laughing at you- which I’m not! I just thought it was a little funny..”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to explain yourself or emotions. I should be the one apologizing.”

“What? For what?”

“I was a real d*ck to you, and so were my boys. You were just doing your job, and that’s not a way to treat a lady. That, and you having to see that mess from earlier.”

You looked down back towards the stained rug. That was sure to stick with you for sometime, but you were happy to have him acknowledge the treatment you were getting and felt happy to have an apology.

“Thank you.” You gave him a smile, to which he smiled back at. In this moment he didn’t seem like the scary gangster you had met back then. “I should get back to it then.”

“Stay.” He said as he stood up, gently putting his hand near yours, gently touching his fingers against yours. Usually he had always gotten what he wanted, and as bad as he wanted to grab your hand, or just all of you within his arms, he knew that patients was important so he didn’t scare you away, let alone disrespected you. “I mean, I’d rather you stick close until my men are done downstairs. Don’t want you running into anymore violence today.”

That last sentence made him pause.


That was one thing you were sure to be around if he pursued you. He couldn’t have that, it hurt him to let you go, but maybe it was the best thing. No- He has never felt this way for someone before, and he wasn’t sure if he would ever again. He had to at least try even if it might have meant that you were to be in danger, but he knew one thing. If you were to somehow magically give him a chance, he would give you the world and make sure that no one would ever touch you.

With a tight expression, he looked over at you and pursed his lips together before opening his mouth. “(y/n)..I have something I want to ask, would a pretty gal like yourself want to go out?”

Your eyes almost popped out of your head as you looked at him in a surprised manner. “Go out? Like a date?”

“Just one night, give it some thought at least okay? I’ll be honest in saying that I’ve never done this before, asked someone else out, but I’m hopping to get a chance to talk with you in a less formal setting.”

All the fear and anxiety you felt before wasn’t quite there anymore. You sighed as he spoke, but happily. You wanted to give him the ne edit of the doubt and get to know him since you would be working with him.

“Yes, I would love to.” 

He smiled and leaned back in his seat, wondering how this would all play out.

-Admin Bonbori

Friendly reminder that my suggestions are O P E N.

I’m writing for:



Dead by Daylight

Everything I write is specifically WLW but is inclusive to all identities under the umbrella. I know I use to have a much different list, but I’m revamping blog to be more aligned with what I enjoy now.

This is a Dark fic blog.

Yandere Adora and Catra x Reader

@atdawntheysing I’m sorry this took forever. I was like 2000 words in when it got eaten by tumblr. So, I had to re write it. This is approximately 700 words. I hope you enjoy

Edit: Since I’m illiterate and can’t use commas/finished sentences, I fixed it a bit. I am proud of this one tho.

You lay, stomach to the ceiling, as you wait for the devilish pair return to “their precious little darling”. Ankle chained up to the bed post, you can only walk so far before reaching your limit.

From what you can count, it has been three days since you were reluctantly going out to diner with them, their treat. You had just divulged your story in the Horde support group. How if it weren’t for the so called Hero of Etheria, lives would have been spared from fighting for the Horde, you would still have a family. How Catra refusing to abolished the traitor only prolonged the war. It would have been over in weeks if the Force Captain only did her job. How you could never forgive those who ruined the lifes of the common Horde soldier, and for what? A break up? 

Of course, they had to have been in the crowd when you finally bared your soul to the world. They approached you after the meeting, saying how they were trying to be better, and that they would like to give a peace offering. They wanted to buy you diner. Your empty pockets requiring you take the offer. Only if you knew. 

The door creaks open, the room still dark. Next thing you know clawed hands trace your body as heavy purring fills your ears. Another set of calloused hands grabs your ankle as you feel the weight of the maniacal lift from your leg. The only words spoken being an inaudible mumble.

“Don’t make us regret that, understand?” You can only whine in response. Days of playing their game, being a “good girl, has only allowed your rage to fester.

Eventually, Catra’s hands rest on your hips as another weight shifts the mattress. Adora climbs in snuggling up against your nervous form. An arm wraps it self around your chest, tracing her fingers along your collarbone. They spend hours like this, a ball of affection and fear. Eventually, you squirm and ask to go to the bathroom.

You slink into the cold room. Grabbing a sliver of glass you stole from your last "tantrum”. You carefully exit the bathroom, and instead of returning to bed, you go for the door. Within a second, Catra is latching on to your back.

“Where you going?” You swing and she instantly backs off. 

“I’m leaving. I’ve had enough. I’m done tolerating this shit.” You turn to open the door and run out, only to find yourself in a maze of hallways. You can hear their footsteps right behind you. 

A left, a right, down the stairs. Every now and again you test doors. Looking for a place to hide. Eventually, you find such a door. You close the door and lean against it, hiding in this dark room. A deep sigh leaves your lungs. You hear them running down the hallway when an all too family sword entering the door beside your head. The wood splinters and groans as it is opened, sending you tumbling into the room. An ethereal glow fills the darkness as you see Shera and Catra standjng in the doorway. You quickly back up, still holding the glass. They both move forward, cornering you. Heart racing, all you can do is slash at your captors. Once that proves useless, you hold the glass to your neck.

“Back off.” Catra only chuckles. In an instant, she pins you to the wall, claws digging into your wrist.

“I don’t think so, Kitten.” The glass is gently removed from your hand and shattered on the ground. You can only tremble and cry as Shera picks you up, carrying you like an exhausted toddler. Eventually, you put up a pitiful struggle, clenched fists hitting her back, and legs kick out. You can’t wiggle out of her iron grasp and you only seem to amuse her with your fight. Slowly, you give up as you’re carried back into your room.

While they do seem amused at your little… trip, you know there is a certain malice in their chuckles and coos. Eventually, Shera sets you down on the bed, Catra shackles your ankle. They climb in bed and cuddle up to you, ignoring the tears and fear. Catra’s claws threaten to break skin and Adora presses a soft kiss onto your forehead.

“Calm down, my love. You’ve worn yourself out; you need to rest. We’ll deal with this… outbursttomorrow." 

Bound time I got to this one.

Her frozen lips hover over your own. Pinned down, all you can do is squirm. She’s covered in frost, skin almost blue.

Mei had to go out for the monthly pallet drop. Food, supplies, medicine, the essentials for survival. She always took it upon herself to brave the blinding blizzard that seemed to never dissipate. Usually she would tie you down and leave you with rope biting at your struggling form. Yet, today, you had been so good. So, she trusted her pretty little wife. Leaving you all warm and snuggled up by the fire as she suited up, she couldn’t wait to reward you for finally realizing that the two of you are meant to be. 

You woke to still silence. Mei always had something playing. You search the bunker. Once again nothing. You celebrate, cussing “that bitch” out as you rush to Mei’s closet. While her clothes aren’t a perfect fit, it has to do when the bitter cold always seeps inside no matter how warm Mei tries to keep it. You reach for the sturdy handle, and right as you grasp the handle the door opens. You take step back, tears filled your eyes as you wonder what she is about to do to you.

That’s when she grabs you and pins you before you can act. 

“What are you doing, sweetheart?” Her lips graze yours.

“I-I…” Your eyes look away, panic settling into your chest, “I was… worried.” Your eyes meet hers as you hope that she believes the obvious lie.

“Really now?”

“Y-yes… Lo-ove…?” She smiles at the pet name. Picking you up, she carries you to your shared bed. Once you’re placed under the covers, she quickly strips, and climbs atop of you. Snuggling into you, you feel the cold seep into your bones as she steals your warmth. 

“Remind me later, Love, to check the cameras. I wanna watch what you did when I was gone.”


Remastered with permission from the creator. Original alphabet found here.


Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?

Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?

Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?

Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?

Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?

Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?

Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?

Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?

Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?

Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?

Patience: How patient are they with their darling?

Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?

Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?

Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?

Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?

Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?

Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?

Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?

Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?

Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?

Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?


Giving this a shot

Yandere D.Va

Tumblr is a pos that hates me. But here’s y'alls gamer fuel.

  • She loves to show you off.
  • But in subtle ways. She’ll have you sleeping on the bed in the background or the camera would see your hands place a plate of microwave food in front of her.
  • Her fans fawn over the mystery girl.
  • But they don’t see the tremble in your hands, or the shock collar that rests against your pulse. They don’t see how she pins you down and shoves nyquil down your throat.
  • You’re her perfect house wife.

P.s. If y'all ever want not read HC’s just know the more specific the more I’ll just write.


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Join this group to talk about all types of romance manhwa❤️

Everyone is welcome.

Random possessive ( with a touch of yandere ) sentence starters. Change to make it more fitting, etc. Trigger warnings for: Suicide, Self harm, Kidnapping, Abuse, Manipulation. 

  • “ Do you really think you can get away from me? “ 
  • “ You’re mine and only mine. “ 
  • “ I don’t want to see you talking to them again. “ 
  • “ The only person you need is me. “ 
  • “ I love you more than anything else. Why don’t you love me back? “
  • “ If you leave me I’ll kill myself. “ 
  • “ You’re so beautiful and all mine. “ 
  • “ If you try to run away again I’ll make sure you won’t be able to walk for a while. “ 
  • “ I’m sorry that I had to lock you up but that’s the only way to protect you. “ 
  • “ No one could love you as much as I do. “ 
  • “ C’mon, I want to hear you saying that you love me and only me. “ 
  • “ I won’t let you go. I love you too much. “ 
  • “ I don’t like it when someone else touches you. “ 
  • “ I want you to look at only me and no one else. “ 
  • “ If you really love me then tell me who you were talking to. “ 
  • “ No one can take you away from me now. “ 
  • “ I made sure that no one can get in my way now. “ 
  • “ Just give up and give in, my love.~ “ 
  • “ You can try to run all you want but I’m always going to find you. “ 
  • “ You look so cute when you’re scared like this.~ “ 
  • “ You’re the only person that makes me feel that way. “ 
  • “ I know everything about you.~ “ 
  • “ Be a good boy/girl and do what I tell you to~ “ 
  • “ Don’t you lie to me. I know you were seeing them again. “
  • “ I’m doing all of this for you! Don’t be so ungrateful to me! “
  • “ I want to be the only person on your mind. “ 
  • “ You don’t need them. You have me. “ 
  • “ You belong to me. Your heart, your soul, your body. All of this is mine. “ 
  • “ Please don’t leave me or I’ll hurt myself! “
  • “ I’m sorry that I hurt you but how else was I supposed to keep you from leaving? “
  • “ Please don’t look at me like this. It really breaks my heart. “ 
  • “ I don’t care how horrible you are to me. I love you and I won’t let you go.” 
  • “ Break me, if that makes you happy then I’m fine with it. “ 
  • “ You should only trust me. I know what’s good for you. “ 