

Aries: Mr Garrison
Taurus: Butters
Gemini: Wendy
Cancer: Cartman
Leo: Clyde
Virgo: Stan
Libra: Kenny
Scorpio: Chef
Sagittarius: Jimmy
Capricorn: Token
Aquarius: Kyle
Pisces: Craig

Aries: BMO
Taurus: Lady Rainicorn
Gemini: Finn
Cancer: Princess Bubblegum
Leo: Ice King
Virgo: Gunter
Libra: Marceline
Scorpio: Jake
Sagittarius: Peppermint Butler
Capricorn: Cinnamon Bun
Aquarius: Flame Princess
Pisces: Tree Trunks

Aries: Ryan
Taurus: Dwight
Gemini: Angela
Cancer: Stanley
Leo: Oscar
Virgo: Meredith
Libra: Jim
Scorpio: Michael
Sagittarius: Jan
Capricorn: Pam
Aquarius: Kelly
Pisces: Phyllis

Aries: Pocahontas

Taurus: Cinderella

Gemini: Mulan

Cancer: Jasmine

Leo: Belle

Virgo: Snow White

Libra: Kida

Scorpio: Rapunzel

Sagittarius: Aurora

Capricorn: Tiana

Aquarius: Ariel

Pisces: Merida

Aries: Janice

Taurus: Monica

Gemini: Joey

Cancer: Mike

Leo: Rachel

Virgo: Gunther

Libra: Pheobe

Scorpio: Chandler

Sagittarius: Ross

Capricorn: Estelle

Aquarius: Marcel

Pisces: Erica

Aries: Fernando Sucre
Taurus: Gretchen Morgan
Gemini: Paul Kellerman
Cancer: LJ Burrows
Leo: Lincoln Burrows
Virgo: Sara Tancredi
Libra: Veronica Donavan
Scorpio: Alexander Mahone
Sagittarius: Benjamin C-Note’ Franklin
Capricorn: Brad Bellick
Aquarius: Michael Scofield
Pisces: Don Self

Aries: Lorna Morello

Taurus: Sophia Burset

Gemini: Taystee

Cancer: Suzanne

Leo: Daya Diaz

Virgo: Boo

Libra: Nicky Nichols

Scorpio: Piper Chapman

Sagittarius: Alex Vause

Capricorn: Red

Aquarius: Brook Soso

Pisces: Poussey

Aries: Dick Roman
Taurus: Jo Harvelle
Gemini: Ruby
Cancer: Crowley
Leo: John Winchester
Virgo: Bobby Singer
Libra: Castiel
Scorpio: Lucifer
Sagittarius: Mary Winchester
Capricorn: Sam Winchester
Aquarius: Bela Talbot
Pisces : Dean Winchester

Aries: Nan

Taurus: Marie Laveau

Gemini: Queenie

Cancer: Fiona Goode

Leo: Cordelia Foxx

Virgo: Kyle Spencer

Libra: Misty Day

Scorpio: Myrtle Snow

Sagittarius: Axe Man

Capricorn: Stevie Nicks

Aquarius: Luke Ramsey
Pisces: Madison Montgomery

Aries: Chris

Taurus: Emily

Gemini: JJ

Cancer: Tony

Leo: Freddie

Virgo: Michelle

Libra: Effy

Scorpio: Cook

Sagittarius: Sid

Capricorn: Katie

Aquarius: Cassie

Pisces: Pandora

Aries: Sister Mary Eunice

Taurus: Alma Walker

Gemini: Sister Jude

Cancer: Shelly

Leo: Pepper

Virgo: Kit Walker

Libra: Lana Winters

Scorpio: Shachath (Angel of Death)

Sagittarius: Oliver Thredson

Capricorn: Timothy Howard

Aquarius: Grace Bertrand
Pisces: Dr Arthur Arden

Aries: Catelyn Stark

Taurus: Sansa Stark

Gemini: Brienne of Tarth

Cancer: Margaery Tyrell

Leo: Eddard Stark

Virgo: Arya Stark

Libra: Daenerys Targaryen

Scorpio: Cersei Lannister

Sagittarius: Jon Snow

Capricorn: Robb Stark

Aquarius: Tyrion Lannister

Pisces: Oberyn Martell

Aries: Michonne

Taurus: Tyreese

Gemini: Glenn

Cancer: Beth

Leo: Rick

Virgo: Daryl

Libra: Carol

Scorpio: Andrea

Sagittarius: Carl

Capricorn: Hershel

Aquarius: Maggie

Pisces: Lori

walkingpiranha:posting for the hell of it b/c it took freaking forever. Zodiac drawings for work. walkingpiranha:posting for the hell of it b/c it took freaking forever. Zodiac drawings for work.


posting for the hell of it b/c it took freaking forever. Zodiac drawings for work. it has what drink and books each sign would be interested in. may or may not be posting detail shots once it gets displayed.

also, feline child bugging me on cue.

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The First House – Aries – House of Self  The Second House – Taurus – House of Value  The Third House

The First House – Aries – House of Self  

The Second House – Taurus – House of Value  

The Third House – Gemini – House of Sharing  

The Fourth House – Cancer – House of Home and Family  

The Fifth House – Leo – House of Pleasure

The Sixth House – Virgo – House of Health  

The Seventh House – Libra – House of Balance  

The Eighth House – Scorpio – House of Transformation  

The Ninth House – Sagittarius – House of Philosophy  

The Tenth House – Capricorn – House of Enterprise  

The Eleventh House – Aquarius – House of Blessings  

The Twelfth House – Pisces – House of Sacrifice

Mari Silva, Sun and Moon Signs: Secrets of the 12 Zodiac Signs, Different Sun-Moon Astrology Combinations, Personality Types, and Compatibility 

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Midheaven in Taurus — ruled by Venus

Ruled by Venus, this suggests that your career will be involved with beauty or things of value in some way. Depending on the rest of the chart, this could be with people, homes, or beautiful possessions such as jewelry or antiques. Taurus has an affinity for beautiful shiny things of value. It also manifests as a love for beautiful fabrics, textures, and colors.

It is important that the work environment is beautiful, peaceful, and that it has a state of harmony and a sense of nurturing. Other expressions of a Midheaven in Taurus, as it is a fixed Earth Sign, is to work with the Earth, making beautiful gardens, or to be involved in farming or sustainability. The rest of the chart will give clues as to which way this will go, but there is a fertility around Taurus, a desire to make things grow and be lovely. Sometimes Taurus Midheaven is found working with land or real estate, or building, because of its connection to the Earth and enduring tangible things of value.

Another expression of Taurus Midheaven is for you to work with the physical body, for example as an aromatherapist, giving massage, or doing energy work. There is a strong tactile sense with Taurus, so working with the body is a natural way to help people via a sense of touch.

Unlike Aries, Taurus likes to approach things slowly, steadily, and with a strongly developed appreciation of the physical senses. There is no rush; it is important to feel grounded. There is often very good business judgment with Taurus Midheaven, because of this grounded sense. Decisions (unless the chart has indicators to the contrary) are usually taken slowly and carefully.

—Pam Gregory, Using Astrology for Your Empowerment

Midheaven in Aries — ruled by Mars

Ruled by Mars, Aries is one of the most ambitious placements for your Midheaven. It suggests a strong drive and focus to achieve, and you would have natural leadership qualities. You are not only happy to take the lead, but also to go solo, and to be a pioneer in your work. There is admiration for strength, courage and assertiveness in work, taking tough decisions, and an ability to work quickly and be decisive. Generally there is energy and great focus demonstrated in the work, and high achievement is very important. This may (depending on the rest of the chart) take the form of sporting achievement, especially in early life, as Aries is a very physical, driving, active fire sign. There is often impatience to achieve, wanting to get things moving quickly, and potentially this is a great placement for ‘trouble shooters’: people who can come in and shake up any staleness to achieve a more streamlined operation. An Aries Midheaven is very common in the charts of entrepreneurs and solo workers, who want to do it their way, and quickly.

—Pam Gregory, Using Astrology for Your Empowerment

Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires intuitively, viscerally, sensitively, emotionally, indirectly, romantically, and dreamily rather than purely logically. Pisces martial energy is devotional, spiritual, visionary, impressionable, suggestive, diffusive, circuitous, veiled, tangential, inspiring or confusing, and psychically and psychologically sensitive. Piscean passions are expressed intimately, tenderly, allusively, indirectly, hesitantly, unobtrusively, evasively, impliedly, and affectively. Pisces Mars seeks empathy, peace, mental stability, security, psychological sensitivity, and kindness. If Pisces cannot find empathetic concurrence, or a safe, gentle, kind, or spiritual outlet for their energy, they can become evasive, avoiding, obscuring, elusive, psychologically ambiguous, inconsistent, tactically manipulative, fearful, compulsive, and prone to escapism. Traditionally, Mars in watery Pisces is not well placed in this Water because passions are sublimated and diffused. Pisces Mars makes for a vitality that is fragile, inspired by faith, changeable, susceptible, influenceable, diffusive, mushy, insulated, sympathetic, withdrawing, psychologically inspiring, or manipulating, and vicariously supportive.

–Shiva Das, Divine Love Astrology

Mars in Aquarius

Mars in Aquarius indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires proactively, with intellectual passion, idealism, and creativity. Aquarius martial energy is scientific, intelligent, inspired, humanitarian, ingenious, inventive, progressive or liberal, inspiring or instigating, original or unconventional, profound or revolutionary, rebellious or groundbreaking, independent or socially conscious. Aquarius passions are expressed imaginatively, reactively, impulsively, dispassionately, novelly, innovatively, radically, and artistically. Aquarius Mars seeks social acceptance, alliance, and philosophical, moral, and strength-in-numbers support. If Aquarians cannot find an altruistic, creative, humanitarian, novel, or progressive outlet for their energy, they will direct their energy toward non conforming, counterculture, bohemian, subversive, rebellious, or revolutionary expressions. Mars in airy Aquarius is in some ways not well placed in the Air Sign where passions become embroiled in social issues and can justify subversive, destructive, or violent reactions, yet can always work tirelessly for social reform. Aquarius Mars makes for a vitality and drive that is dynamic, independent, experimental, resourceful, imaginative, inspired, reactionary, strong willed, clever, and enterprising.

—Shiva Das, Divine Love Astrology

Mars in Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn indicates people who express themselves and pursue their desires cautiously, concentratedly, ambitiously, orderly, efficiently, expediently, and purposefully. Capricorn martial energy is disciplined, directed, reserved, conscientious, focused, responsible, organized, methodical, systematic, preserving, and conservative, and produces managers, achievers, executors, organizers, statespersons, and administrators. Capricorn’s passions are expressed calmly, attentively, respectfully, and prudently according to social standards. Capricorn Mars seeks honor and respect, and efficiency. If Capricorns cannot find meaningful achievements or public distinctions,their energy can be directed toward selfish ambitions, self-contained personal pleasure, repressed passions, self-centeredness, establishing boundaries and privacy, control of others, and being motivated by success and reward. This Mars can get very aggressive about protecting its boundaries or insisting on control. Mars in earthy Capricorn is exalted in the Cardinal Earth Sign because martial energy is focused and controlled toward aligning and working with the established systems and arrangement of things. Capricorn Mars makes for a vitality and drive that is focused, pragmatic, socially conscious, proprietary, and efficiently productive.

—Shiva Das, Divine Love Astrology
