#adhd things


I know people want memes but this is my place to dump ADHD stuff and I need to complain about my meds. I love my meds. They make my brain work. But they do not allow my body to work and that’s a problem -_-

I’ve gone back to taking some of my old 18mg concerta pills in the morning and not taking my early evening booster dose, (i should be taking 27mg morning + 10mg in the evening)

But when I take that prescribed dose I grind my teeth to dust and get palpitations (I have very mild heart issues already)

And now I’m really not functioning as I should, I’ve just remembered my lunch is probably burned in the oven as I wrote this. I do feel a little better physically. I hope they can find a dose between 18 and 37 for me that finds a balance.

Mixed agreement with this, can be really true though some days and as a meme it made me vaguely amused so

It’s just you do get to take breaks and you shouldn’t (hyper)focus on ‘productivity’ at the expense of your well-being. It’s so damn hard with ADHD to do any of that we’ll balanced shit or start in the first place though.

Has anyone else ever gone to work and spent the whole day in a backwards hoodie and not noticed until they got home asking for a friend

Any tips for bruxism with ADHD meds? I have ordered a night guard which looks awful but I’ll have to for now, I know it’s not good to keep grinding your teeth long term, but I finally had a medication regime that was working noticeably well for me for the first time in about 8 years

Has anyone managed to keep taking them and not wear a night guard? Because I have a feeling I’m gonna hate that for multiple reasons including sensory. It’s not just gonna go away because I realise now I’ve been doing this a while and I’ve been on the meds a while. The meds can chill my mind out a lot but at the end of the day a stimulant does what it does to your body and can still tense some parts. Add my regular stress/anxiety to that and I cannot freaking un-tense.

If you read this far then I’ll take the opportunity to turn this into one of those posts that reminds you to relax your jaw and shoulders.

I pay a subscription to an online resource I use for work and a colleague offered to split the cost like 3 weeks ago. All I needed to do was cancel my monthly payments and then figure out what I owed her and give her some money to share the account, I had literal weeks. The tab has been open on my browser. Meanwhile the next month’s payment has just gone out and I’m so pissed because I kind of didn’t forget, like maybe I forgot in the last couple of days I’d be charged money today, but I’ve been so aware of it for weeks (it’s on my planner and to do list) and I just haven’t been able to sort it.

Found on ig_adhdlife on Instagram

**edit** this post obviously came from @angeltiddies and I got it off Instagram and it didn’t even register with me that I was posting a Tumblr post on Tumblr until someone pointed it out… This sideblog is my ‘dump’ for putting all content ADHD and similar that I enjoy, and I’d like to leave this here for myself, but I am getting notes on things so if I am contacted by the OP of this post, or any other post and asked to take it down, I shall without issue.

Pepper: you aren’t going to get out of signing these papers

Tony: Don’t worry I’m really gonna do them this time, I’m just going to get a snack

☆2 hours later☆

Pepper: were have you be-

Tony: *making his third batch of cookies* wha- OH F*UCK

something funny about running a blog about symptoms of adhd is seeing people in the tags go ‘THAT WAS AN ADHD THING?’ and ‘people with adhd need to stop being so relatable or i need to see a doctor’ every. day. and i know the more they read into it they just spiral deeper and deeper and realise. what the fuck. why didn’t i know i’ve apparently had this condition that literally affects my whole life. and that’s exactly what happened to me.

So when you factor in windchill, it’s -32°C where I am. I just had to take my garbage bin to the alley, and I legit had a pair of socks, combat boots, two pairs of paints, 2 shirts, a massive sweater, a jacket, a toque (a beanie but Canadian?), and heavy duty work gloves. My ears are frozen and my fingers are cold.

Anyone else prefer this to sweltering summers though? I have a hard time cooling down, but easier time warming up.


So, I turn 23 in like 10 days. So let’s have an advice Q&A.

Do you need advice about something? Just want to vent? Want to spread good news? Need a pep talk? Well put it in an ask and let’s go.

It doesn’t have to be about schooling or ADHD, just general questions are okay too!

The Autism loves making schedules, drawing up planners, writing out every detail of everything that is and will happen

The ADHD forgets we even made the plan two days later even though we spent over four hours on it

Today was fine until I had two meltdowns and a seizure all because I can’t find a top that I really like and want to take to Scotland with me


Biggest sign that I have adhd is that like 90% of my friends also have adhd


me: *saying “WHAT?” seven times to someone giving me coherent face-to-face verbal directions*

also me: *hears a faint noise and randomly lifts head like a deer* hey did u guys hear that??? wtf how could you not hear it-




















It’s literally that simple

Friend: “hey my son can’t concentrate on his homework. He chooses to do literally anything else everytime. He said his head doesn’t feel like it.”

Me: “Did you give him music?”

Friend: “No! No tech until he’s done! He doesn’t need more distracted.”


“k, bring me the child”

*Go to her house*

*points to the obviously ADHD boy struggling with his homework*

Me: “so your head doesn’t feel like doing homework?”

Son: “yeah. It would rather do ANYTHING else.”

Me: *unwrapping earbuds* here, listen to this for an hour while you do it.

French voice: 1hr later

Son: “k I’m done! :-)”

Friend: “wow, what’d you give him? Concentra, Adderall, Ritalin‽”

Me: “Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics” and some lo-fi.

I-I’m gonna try this for myself

Go for it! From what I’ve seen, everyone has a different genre but instrumental (no words) seems to be key. I guess Sweet Dreams words are so ethereal, ADHD just rolls with it????

For me, orchestral covers of songs I know work best since my ADHD is using the extra hyperfocus to remember and keep up with words. Have fun experimenting!!

I have some arrangements of songs I did that I just loop. Mind you, these are, like, 1-3 minutes long, but the drone really helps with focus

Y'all I just listen to Lana Del Rey. Would recommend because with instrumentals I tend to focus on where actual words would be but with Lana’s stuff her vocals sound like music but it’s words

really wish I could’ve done this when I was spending 4 hours on every page of math homework in the 90′s. Fast forward to my last year of college when I finally figured out I could just listen to Blackmill and blaze through an entire semester of college math like it was nothing. 

Find the study methods that work for you!!! Help kids find the study methods that work for them!  

It takes me all day to do simple chores because i keep getting distracted. If i put in earbuds with upbeat music I’m done with everything in a couple hours AND i feel really good and probably danced a little i.e. exercised.

Try songs in another language - one you don’t speak. The idea is that since you don’t understand the words, your brain doesn’t go “Oh hey, someone is talking to me” and thus you can maintain your focus. Although, this is something probably  best suited to writing. But on the other hand, if it works, it works. 

Personally, I like Opera. BUT, I advise against using Pandora’s Opera Station. At least in the free version, it either cycles through the same ten Singers/Albums or drifts off into instrumental covers. 

On the other hand, it’s great for background noise when gaming. Just be sure you have an ad blocker running. You will also have to confirm that you are listening every hour or so. 

Followup on the lofi front:

I recommend the following channels.
Chillhop Music:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOxqgCwgOqC2lMqC5PYz_Dg

In particular, I recommend the relax/study livestream radio. Or just about any of their mixes.

Fantasic Music:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZyyXrEF2WCZbI653PFNBbA
h the Chill and the Jazz playlists are excellent. 

Jazzhop Cafe:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi8wqezBudeAiTdKOX571ug

Their ChillMix videos are the best. 

Jazzhop Cafe Archive:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKbD–QKXKosHmSXarqYUeg
Name is self-evident. 

I believe ChilledCow also has a livestream, but I honestly prefer Chillhop. YMMV

EDIT: Oh, Pandora’s Vitamin String Quartet IS good, but it tends to drift off into New Age type stuff. Adblocker thing still applies though. 

Here is my personal ADHD get shit done playlist. It’s mostly film and game soundtracks. 

I use orchestra covers of video game music and the LOTR soundtrack

I also find jazz, city pop, and vaporwave work well for this purpose too. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and Vivaldi’s Four Seasons also got me through many a college paper back in the day.

I use Pokemon music or Youtube readings of reddit stories to do my work. 

Pokemon works great for me too, i also have a couple other songs from video games i like to listen to

Headphones are essential for this, I’ve found. Don’t play the music through your speakers.

I don’t have ADHD but listening to music while doing honework or chores makes it so much easier and more fun to do.

Very good tip for kids ❄️✨

Every single sound I could hear distracts me when I’m doing something involving cognitive focus. I usually have to pause whatever I have on youtube while I type a post or comment on here because my brain automatically prioritizes sound. Because of this, I had a ton of trouble reading and writing in high school and college. I would hear the littlest thing or subtlest change in my surroundings and my brain would completely shut off from doing its task and I would end up doing something else. I’m not a reader or a writer by any means, so I can never keep my attention on that. I eventually resort to something audio or physical every time. I also tend to fall asleep if I have nothing to keep my attention.

Audiobooks are a savior to me, but when I can’t use one, I put acoustic guitar on my headphones. Any acoustic guitar playlist will do, so long as it is consistent and has nothing resembling a human voice. That got me through every single college essay I ever wrote and every single reading assignment for 4 years.

My other favorite thing to do when doing mindless tasks is to put on an EDM playlist because it keeps me moving and upbeat while giving me something for my brain to stay occupied. These tasks like cleaning don’t require my brain to focus, so I can have more fun and include vocals into it.

I have ADD/ADHD and I teach SPED. I really like this playlist, and my students seem to really get some good focusing out of it.


It’s video game music for studying.

I love making playlists. Songs that work best for me are songs that I’ve heard quite a bit (that way I don’t start daydreaming music videos) or instrumental if I’m doing math.
