#alternate universe


Saviours Coffee House Sneak Peek Ch. 2

…A few days prior, he’d watched you from the security camera feed in his office as you received a text, read it, and the appeared to shut down. Your body had stiffened, your face had fallen into a vacant expression, and you had moved about the rest of your shift in a zombie-like state. It was fucking weird, but he hadn’t asked you about it. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, admitting he’d happened to look up at the cameras and see your reaction.

The woman in front of him now, he thinks, is the real you. The joy in your expression is genuine as you give the old man a hug before turning to continue on with your day. And when your eyes scan the room automatically, and fall on Negan as he stands there smiling, your gaze softens just enough for heat to pool in his belly. Maybe you merely tolerated Negan, maybe you actually liked him, either way he was nearly bowled over by you—and unbeknownst to his conscious mind, a protective force was becoming more and more prominent within him every single day…


Namor in The Age of the Sentry #5



I’ve been so behind this fic lately. But gonna catch up soon! ✨✨

[Reference photo: The Americans poster but I forgot I flipped it while drawing so

1) Jaime’s wedding ring ended up on the right hand

2) Jaime doesn’t have a right hand *face-palm*

3) I tried flipping the drawing but it looked weird sooooo I have no choice but to live with my mistakes.

Let’s just pretend that’s Jaime’s prosthetic hand…kay?

…The latter part of their set quickly was coming to an end and Ash had no idea how or why she

…The latter part of their set quickly was coming to an end and Ash had no idea how or why she decided she was comfortable enough with him to humor Johnny with his piano prowess she didn’t know existed until he touched the ivory keys. But here she was, nearing the end of their performance, sitting atop the piano and strumming her guitar while Johnny playing along as they shared the microphone between them.

All too soon it seemed, their latest song ended. The last note giving way to the excited audience and their claps and cheers drowning out the abrupt lack of music.

Ash flashed Johnny a quick smile from atop that piano, ready to climb down and finish the last song of their set when Johnny suddenly leaned forward…

In that split second, Ash wondered what he was doing with his handsome face quickly nearing her own. She wondered if he was going to kiss her and she knew right then that even if they were still basically strangers, that she would let him but he pushed past her. His cheek brushing her own and she held back a shiver when his soft gray skin brushed her thin fur and his hot breath skirted over her ear and spines. Something akin to disappointment swirled in her chest but she ignored it when he suddenly spoke in a hushed whisper.

                                        (Keep Reading)

Taken from the latest chapter of my Sing AU fict, the Rocket and the Mechanic.

OMG, I FINALLY wrote something that wasn’t some lazy ramble lol. It’s been too damn long since I actually completed a chapter for an existing story. Ugh. Sorry about the wait but hopefully this will continue to push me to finish the other stories hanging over my head. ;-p

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