#ancient greece


Today, I’ll be making a quick and easy sesame snack from the Cretan Iron Age! A treat so sweet that it’s still popular today (with a few adaptations of course) - the koptoplakous as it’s known in antiquity - or the Pasteli as it’s known today!

In any case, let’s now take a look at The World That Was! Follow along with my YouTube video above!

200g sesame seeds
200g honey
sea salt (to taste)


1 - Toast the Sesame Seeds
To begin with, we need to lightly brown and toast 200g of sesame seeds. Do this by tossing them into a hot pan, and letting them cook over a high heat for a couple of minutes. Don’t let these sit still, keep them moving around the pan so they toast evenly! Do this for about 5 minutes, or until your seeds are nutty and fragrant.

Take these off the heat, but keep them warm while you deal with the honey.

2 - Boil Honey
Next, place a pot onto a high heat. Into this, scoop about 200g of honey and let it heat up. Keep stirring it occasionally with a wooden spoon, so it doesn’t burn. Let this cook away over high heat until it foams up significantly. Much like boiling milk, this will happen very quickly, and might catch you off-guard. If it looks like it’s getting too high, take it off the heat and it’ll cool down pretty quickly.

3 - Mix Honey and Sesame
After about 10 minutes of foaming, turn the heat down to low before tossing in your toasted sesame seeds. Stir all of this together and let it cook for another 5 - 10 minutes. The honey should start to turn a deeper golden brown, but if it gets too dark, take it off the heat immediately.

When it’s been mixed together, pour it out onto a baking tray lined with paper. Spread it out into a fairly thin layer, but not too thin! Let it sit like this for about 20 minutes or so, before slicing it into segments with a knife.

You can serve this up whenever it’s cooled like this, or leave them overnight to re-solidify a little more! Either way, the finished dish is super sweet, and has a delicious nutty flavour, thanks to the toasted sesame seeds.

The modern name for this dish - pasteli - has its origins in medieval Italian cuisine, as this kind of sweet treat is common throughout Europe, the Near East, Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. Though obviously, each region has its own takes on this basic formula, such as the addition of local spices, nuts, or other ingredients!

ΗΡΙΝΝΑ: ‘‘Η μεγαλομάρτυρας της ποίησης από την Τήλο’’

ΗΡΙΝΝΑ: ‘‘Η μεγαλομάρτυρας της ποίησης από την Τήλο’’

To έργο που συνοδεύει το κείμενο της ανάρτησης για την ζωή της Ήριννας είναι του Άγγλου ζωγράφου John William Godward (1861 – 1922)

Η Ήριννα είναι μεγαλομάρτυρας της ποίησης γιατί πέθανε πολύ νέα, στα 19 της, από μαρασμό, επειδή η μητέρα της δεν την άφηνε να ασχολείται με την ποίηση, αλλά την ανάγκαζε να γνέθει και να υφαίνει. Η Ήριννα παρόλα αυτά έγραφε κρυφά... Η λυρική ποιήτρια Ήριννα από την Τήλο είναι μια από τις πρώτες ποιήτριες που αναφέρει η Ιστορία. Το όνομά της είναι υποκοριστικό του έαρ (άνοιξη) και σημαίνει «ανοιξιάτικη». Η Ήριννα έζησε στην Τήλο τον 4ο π.Χ. αιώνα, δεκαεννέα όλα κι όλα χρόνια.

Το έργο της ήταν μικρό, όπως και η ζωή της: αποτελείται από ένα ποίημα τριακοσίων στίχων, την Ηλακάτη και κάποια επιγράμματα. Σήμερα δεν σώζονται παρά πενήντα στίχοι, αρκετοί απ’ τους οποίους είναι μάλιστα θρυμματισμένοι. Και τόσοι όμως, είναι αρκετοί για ν’ αποκαλυφθεί στον αναγνώστη μια χαμηλόφωνη και ταπεινή ποίηση, ελεγειακή, όχι στη μορφή αλλά στο περιεχόμενό της, θερμή και τρυφερή, η οποία αντιμέτωπη με το οριακό γεγονός του θανάτου, στρέφεται στην οικεία καθημερινότητα και ανακαλεί τις μικρές χαρές της ζωής, προσφέροντας την παρηγοριά που μόνο η Τέχνη μπορεί να χαρίσει στον άνθρωπο. Η Ήριννα είχε μια παιδική φίλη, τη Βαυκίδα, η οποία παντρεύτηκε (και έφυγε από την Τήλο), για να πεθάνει λίγο αργότερα νεότατη, όπως και η ίδια η ποιήτρια.

Στην Ηλακάτη (πρόκειται για τη ρόκα στην οποία τύλιγαν το νήμα οι γυναίκες πριν ξεκινήσουν το γνέσιμο στον αργαλειό) η Ήριννα αναθυμάται και περιγράφει με πόνο και νοσταλγία, με θλίψη και τρυφερότητα, τα παιδικά παιχνίδια των δύο κοριτσιών, «γιατί μες στην καρδιά τα χνάρια τους ζεστά / βρίσκονται ακόμα», τις δουλειές που οι μητέρες ανέθεταν στις μικρές φίλες αλλά και τη Μορμώ, το φόβητρο κάθε παιδιού εκείνης της εποχής. Κι ύστερα αναθυμάται τη θλίψη της για την απομάκρυνση της Βαυκίδας όταν παντρεύτηκε και «σε κλίνη ανδρός βρέθηκε» αλλά και τον άφατο πόνο της, στην κηδεία της φίλης της. Οι στίχοι της Ηλακάτης που σώζονται μαζί με τα τρία επιγράμματα της Ήριννας που γνωρίζουμε, αν τα βάλουμε το ένα κάτω από τον άλλο, δεν φτάνουν για να γεμίσουν δυο σελίδες ενός βιβλίου. Κι όμως, με αυτούς τους ελάχιστους στίχους η Ήριννα κατορθώνει να ζωντανέψει έναν ολόκληρο χώρο, πραγματικό και ποιητικό ταυτόχρονα: τη ζωή στη Τήλο κατά την ύστερη αρχαιότητα, την καθημερινότητα των κοριτσιών, τα παιχνίδια τους, την αγάπη που τα συνδέει, όπως και το πέρασμα του χρόνου όλα που τα αλλάζει.

Στην αρχαιότητα θεωρούνταν ισάξια της Σαπφούς. Πολλοί αρχαίοι συγγραφείς εκτιμούν ότι θα την είχε ξεπεράσει αν δεν έφευγε από τη ζωή, στο άνθος της ηλικίας της. Ο Ασκληπιάδης αναρωτιέται πόση να ήταν η δόξα της αν δεν πέθαινε τόσο νέα, ο Μελέαγρος μέμφεται τον Άδη γιατί την άρπαξε κι ο Αντίπατρος ο Σιδώνιος παρομοιάζει την ποίησή της με χαμηλόφωνο τραγούδι κύκνου…

I just had a deep deep session yesterday with Zeus. Read a few hymns for him, said some prayers and gave him my true and deep thanks for everything that he does for me in my life. I nearly cried at the deep presence of Zeus as I praised him. At the end of my prayers I sat there, my gentle hand caressing the smooth bronze of my Zeus statue, thanking him for being there for me when no one else was, for the path he has shown me, for the guidance he continues to bring to me. Thanking him for the joy and calmness, the storms that kept me and continue to keep me safe and for the blessings he continues to bring upon me when I need them most.

Zeus truly is a kind loving God full of goodness and mightyness. A God that watches over this world with a kind heart and wise mind of law, order and truth.

Feeling his loving presence is something I will forever be grateful for.


It’s a Thursday and I get news of Northern Lights on Jupiter, I am wearing my Zeus shirt, Zeus ring, lightning necklace and my lightning earrings. I feel like a walking Zeus shrine today! I feel GREAT becuase of Zeus!

I praised Zeus for a bit, taking care of the staute of him on my altar making sure he isn’t dusty. Of course, my big bronze Zeus getting alot of hugs today and forever. Listening to some amazing Greek music feeling nothing but euphoria!

My passion for this path is endless, worshipping Zeus brings me absolute joy that I can never explain in full words.

I feel really relaxed and calm. I feel the sweet energy and presence of Lord Zeus! I feel Electric!

Lord Zeus, you light up my little world with your divine mightyness. I adore you and all that you are, all that you do and everything you bring to this universe!

Strong wielder of the Thunderbolt, one of true law, order, truth and justice ⚖You keep this universe running smooth. Such an amazing ruler you are.

So fatherly and caring, loving and accepting.

I thank you everyday for your love and protection. I appreciate you and the amazing blessings your bring.

I love you unconditionally, Lord Zeus


My area was spared from the worst of the storm but we did get a little wind and heavy rain!!

I thank Zeus for that!

I love you, Lord Zeus

Your presence melts my heart and lights up my little world

Even tho I was a little cranky over my stuff getting soaked out in the rain this morning while grabbing a coffee, I deeply enjoyed feeling your soothing rain on my skin. Came back home feeling great after it. Your storms truly amaze me.⚡⛈⚡

Got my new addition to my little altar for you Lord Zeus! A little meditation tea infuser that is dedicated to you!

Zeus I honor, Zeus I praise, my devotion will last forever and always⚡⚡

Such a handsome and mighty God you are, you truly bring light, law and order to this universe. All-seeing Allfather Zeus, who wields the power of Lightning, who brings the rain upon the lands. You amaze me in every single way.

I thank you for being the one who was by my side through my toughest days. I thank you for your continued protection, wholesome love and care. You truly bring joy into my life, Lord Zeus

You are my light, Zeus⛈


Big storm about to hit my area.

Going to take this time during the storm to honor Zeus and all that he is and all that he does.⚡⛈⚡

He is so mighty and magnificent, such an All-seeing father. Master of the storm, powerful wielder of the Thunderbolt.

I will take in the beauty and power of your storms and respect them. May it go easy on us.

Zeus, I love and honor you with everything in my heart! Forever grateful for the relationship that we have, you are so special to me and I love you unconditionally

O Thundering Zeus, I will honor you during your big mighty storm coming my way⚡⛈⚡

Your presence in my life is truly magical, and I thank you for it every single day. My heart even melts for you, Zeus, that’s how happy you make me when you are around me.

I will never stop showering you with nothing but true devotion, love, care, affection and honor.

I will be a walking shrine for you, Lord Zeus, that’s how passionate I am with honoring you

I am SOO very proud of my altar for Zeus!

I am so passionate towards him.

The fact that he accepts and loves what I give him makes my heart so happy.

Doing this makes me happy and I enjoy it every time.

I love and adore the almighty Zeus, he is so special to me and he truly is such a wholesome God.

He is so mighty but so sweet, he’s got a bit of tough love but still very kind and guides me through situations. I thank him everyday for everything that he is and everything that he does.

I truly honor Zeus, the almighty wielder of the Thunderbolt, all wise and All-seeing l, fatherly and full of law and order. He truly brings light into this universe.

Zeus, I love you unconditionally and honor you with all my heart

Praise and hail to you, Lord Zeus!⚡⛈⚡


It’s so dark and stormy today

I feel the presence of the almighty Zeus heavily today!

I actually went out in the rain for him and I felt pure bliss and joy. I love stormy weather, always felt connected to it! I praised Zeus in the rain as the drops hit my skin so flawlessly. I wanted to stay out there for while, just enjoy Zeus’ storms all day and meditate.

Storms bring me such comfort, I thank Zeus for that


The almighty Zeus!!!! So very powerful, so magnificent and pure. All-seeing and wise, full of truth, justice, law and order. Fatherly, caring and loving. Such a amazing God I am forever grateful to have a strong relationship with. Powerful wielder of the Thunderbolt, master of the storm, bringer of rain and wind. A true protector I feel safe with. Trusting and wholesome, ever so divineand sweet. Zeus amazes me in every single way.

I thank you Zeus for being the most wholesome God I have ever worshipped in my life. I am truly grateful for your protection and true presence in my life. Honoring you is such a passion of mine and I cherish every moment I have with you. I wouldn’t be who I am if it weren’t for you, Lord Zeus. I love you unconditionally and purely


My altar just keeps growing and growing!!

I got my herb blend in the mail today!

The little container with “Zeus” and a heart on it is the herb blend.

Zeus loves my little altar and I am SO glad I can make the king of Gods happy, giving him so much love and care for all that he’s done for me and this universe.

I praise you, Lord Zeus! I love you unconditionally and I am forever grateful for the true bond and connection we have together


Love you, Lord Zeus!!!

I got a little necklace to represent my true love, devotion, praise and honor to you. You really are special to me in my life

I never go a day without honoring and praising you!

I thank you with a full heart for being the absolute most amazing God I have ever worshipped in my life

All wise and mighty, full of truth and justice, law and order. You keep this universe alive with all that you do and all that you are. My love, honor and respect for you will never fade away. I forever appreciate your protection and love. I will never know what I’d do without you in my life. Thundering wielder of the Lightning bolt, bringer of rain, master of the storms and wind. Thank you for being such a light in my little world I thought would always be dark. I love you unconditionally



⚡️The Month of Zeus ⚡️

January is the month of Zeus here on my blog! So I encourage you all to share your stories (or really anything) about Big Poppa and ask any Zeus related questions!

And since Thursday can be viewed as sacred to Zeus, I’ll be uploading his Tea with the Gods episode then and hopefully every Thursday throughout the month!

So let’s take this time to get to know our Almighty Father a bit better and give praise to the blessings he bestows on us and the world! Praise Zeus!

It all started from childhood when a Thunderstorm was so strong it brought fear into me. The lightning struck so close to my window, so loud, so bright, so powerful, I screamed. Since then, I can feel a Thunderstorm, I feel this presence with me everyday that I really couldn’t understand. Day in and day out, I feel this energy, or presence with me, always, protecting me. But each time a storm happens, I am scared those same train of events will occur again but never did, the storms were just strong.

Storms became a passion in my life, I became so fascinated by the weather and wanted to learn everything about it.

I felt a connection during Thunderstorms, got over the short term fear and felt drawn to the energy. As I grew up, I learned about ancient Greece and Zeus was mentioned. He stood out to me and matched the energy I’ve been feeling but never thought anything of it till I grew up more. Fast forward to turning 20 years old, my attention was turned to Zeus again, I looked into him deeper than I have before. I was so drawn to Zeus, his energy, his awesomeness and Godly powers that never fail to amaze me. That same night I decided to finally devote my heart to him, I dreamed of him, he was standing in front of me, the majestic handsome old but strong man that he his. A smile was on his face as he stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me, holding me, telling me that no matter what happens, he will always be here for me. He even told me he loves me and kissed my cheek before I woke up, feeling happy, feeling peace now knowing who was there all this time, teaching me, guiding me and protecting me all these years, and still does now. Now I devote my life to him, pray to him every morning and every night. I thank him daily for everything he does. Zeus is so mighty, so powerful, his energy is strong when I feel him. I adore him with all my heart. With this statue I have of him, he is not just standing on a shelf, I shower him with hugs and attention in return for everything he has ever done for me. I love Zeus with everything I have in my heart. I am proud to be a follower, and a dedicated devotee of Zeus⛈⚡

The almighty king of Gods is always on my mind and in my heart

I hold him so close to my heart, he literally touches my heart

He is so mighty and so magnificent, I just love him!

I am very protective of him and will do anything to keep him safe and loved

I love Zeus unconditionally and unendingly

I PRAISE YOU, LORD ZEUS!! I love you and everything that you do.

Worshipping you is the best thing I could ever do in this life of mine..

Almighty wielder of the Thunderbolt, you amaze me in every single way.

So wise and righteous, bringing nothing but truth and just.

Master of the storm, your presence is powerful and fatherly.

I honor you deeply with all of my heart and soul.

You bring such light and life to this big vast universe. You are a true ruler so mighty and powerful, caring and loving.

I thank you everyday for being the most wholesome God I have ever worshipped in my life.

You bring law and order that keeps this universe running as smooth as it can be.

I appreciate everything you do.

You are truly special to me and I will never go a day without praising you.

You are divine, so divine, my words can not even describe it well enough but you know I will do only the best to honor you greatly, Lord Zeus.

Zeus, I love you


 Evening Dress. 1944, America.  I love this one, it’s beautifully reminiscent of the Ancient G

Evening Dress. 1944, America. 

I love this one, it’s beautifully reminiscent of the Ancient Greek style of dress.

Source: Met Museum

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The Mask of Agamemnon is an artifact discovered at Mycenae in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann. The artif

TheMask of Agamemnon is an artifact discovered at Mycenae in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann. The artifact is a funeral mask crafted in gold, and was found over the face of a body located in aburial shaft, designated Grave V, at the site “Grave Circle A, Mycenae”. Schliemann believed that he had discovered the body of the legendary Greek leader Agamemnon, but modern archaeological research suggests that the mask is from 1550–1500 BC, earlier than the life of Agamemnon, as tradition regards it. The mask is currently displayed in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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Spring IV

Look at the middle picture. Why? Such a communistic station, so why that pillar?

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historyfilia: Kore statue from the Acropolis of Athens (1919) - Daniel Baud-Bovy, Frédéric Boissonna


Kore statue from the Acropolis of Athens (1919) - Daniel Baud-Bovy, Frédéric Boissonnas. Des Cyclades en Crète au gré du vent, Geneva, Boissonnas & Co.

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