#art prompts



i’ve decided that inej likes to watch kaz sleep.

i second that, i might have to draw it into my roadtrip au now…

Mermay day 18 - “original”

Yeah, I know obligatory movie remakes suck joke here, but srsly imagine you are a teenage shark Heroine and they make a movie about your story only to frick it up soooo bad…

Also, Minion cameo ftw

Mermay Day 2 - “Eager”

Queenie’s mom was reading her the story of the little mermaid when she was little ❤ Queenie was very excited about the pretty dresses

TW: Noncon
Tw: Mind Control
TW: Some of these get pretty dark
TW: Masturbation

i for one would love some mind control-based noncon whump but if you’re uncomfortable with that subject don’t push yourself to do it

This has been much requested and I finally thought some up!

Forcing the whumpee to believe they’re with someone they love

Forcing the whumpee to believe they’re HURTING someone they love

Forcing the whumpee to touch themselves

Forcing the whumpee to pull away at the last moment and denying them relief

Forcing the whumpee to stay aware of what’s happening but unable to control their body

Trick the love interest into thinking the whumpee wants what’s happening

Force the whumpee to plead and beg

Force the whumpee to agree to anything

Force the whumpee into faking a relationship to prolong things

Have the whumpee strip and stay that way for prolonged amounts of time

Have the whumpee say that they want it

Have the whumpee thank the whumper

Lock a loved one/caretaker in a nearby room and force the whumpee to be loud

Make them legitimately want what’s happening

Make them relax

Make them tense

Make them indulge in different kinds of kinks, especially if they wouldn’t normally

Convince the whumpee that the mind control only works if deep down they wanted this to happen

Force the whumpee to forget it ever happened at all


I’m in dire need of one (1) Din art prompt!

I’m currently having an empty spot on a character list. Welcome to drop something in comments if you’d like to see it.

I’ll choose the one that better vibes with me today if there gonna be several ideas

What will you roll?  A.I. werewolf? Cave dwelling lumberjack? Giant seagull? Sea serpent aristocrat?What will you roll?  A.I. werewolf? Cave dwelling lumberjack? Giant seagull? Sea serpent aristocrat?What will you roll?  A.I. werewolf? Cave dwelling lumberjack? Giant seagull? Sea serpent aristocrat?

What will you roll?  A.I. werewolf? Cave dwelling lumberjack? Giant seagull? Sea serpent aristocrat?? chef cook??? 

I’m very excited to reveal what I’ve been working on most of this month!  

Rolltober is a drawtober-type combination prompt list for making unconventional, interesting characters every day in the month of October.  Roll a random number between 1-31 for each chosen genre like the header says, or just go straight down two (or more) lists.  The genres are there to inspire and organize the character archetypes, but feel free to not stick to them and do your own thing if you like :) 

Do the full 31 days, or just however many feels right.  No stress!  If you participate, please tag your work as #rolltober so that I can see :D  Happy designing!  

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I know I’ve been much of a lurker for a good while but I’d like to try and change that. Therefore, I’ll be accepting art doodle prompts in the following fandom/pairings:

Harry Potter: Harry/Draco*
Marvel: Steve/Tony**, Charles/Erik, maaaaybe Cable/Deadpool
Inception: Arthur/Eames
Teen Wolf: Sterek
Hannibal: Hannigram***

No promises for when, or even if, I’d get to prompts (I’ll try my best), but feel free to leave an ask.

*I need to practice drawing H/D again for Leviosa, although the boys are ever in my heart.
** I am on such an Avengers Academy kick, jsyk, so expect some art for that at some point.
*** I love it so much. It’s beautiful and all I ever wanted for all of us. ;3;

Inktober Vampire Chronicles Edition

I decided to make a vampire chronicles themed Inktober prompt list for myself and wanted to share. I hope the terms are vague but rich enough that they can be interpreted in a myriad of different ways with a variety of our beloved characters.

Hello ! This year I’ve decided to try making my own prompt list for October. I’ve been wanting to improve my environment/background design and so here’s a challenge specifically to motivate me to do some, with an horror theme ! I’d love it if others would participate, if anyone does tag it on insta and i’ll put it in my story ! Or don’t and just have fun with it.

Salut ! Cette année j'ai décidé de faire ma propre liste pour Octobre (à la place de Inktober). Ca fait un moment que je veut m'améliorer sur le dessin de paysages/arrière-plans et je vais donc utiliser cette liste au thème horreur pour le faire. Ce serait bien si d'autres veulent participer, si oui tag moi sur insta pour que je mette vos créations sur ma story ! Sinon, vous pouvez just l'utiliser pour vous amuser.

5th Character Design using my website artideasgenerator.com

5th Character Design using my website artideasgenerator.com

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*As a disclaimer, this isn’t a giveaway or anything, just a name I came up with for this thing I made. I don’t know if that needed to be said, but I figured I’d play it safe.

I have no art today, but I did spend a while planning something for next month. 

Dinovember is just around the corner and I thought it might be neat to come up with my own prompts for all 30 days. I wanted to take the month to draw a bunch of dinosaurs I’ve never really drawn, thought about, or really heard about, and I thought some vague prompts could help inspire me to make some cool pieces. So I made my own list at the risk of stealing the thunder of the “official” one that seems to have been making the rounds for a while now.

If anyone thinks this sounds neat, I’ve outlined the rules below:


The Dinovember Powerball

As I already mentioned, I wanted to use this month to draw dinosaurs I never pay attention to in ways I never would have thought of myself. And what better way to do it than through random match ups?

I thought a good way to do this was to get a varying list of vague prompts together where each individual prompt should feasibly work for any dinosaur. Then, randomly assign a dino to each prompt to potentially give you some new and fresh combinations. 

Now the actual selection is where all the random chance (and in my opinion the fun) comes in. What you’ll need to do is compile a group of 30 different dinosaur names using whatever methods work best for you. You can hand pick them, randomly flip to pages in a book, go surfing the web for a while, or this website can be pretty helpful as well. Once you’ve got your dinosaurs together, pick them at random one by one and assign them to prompts moving down the list. You can use random number generators for this, pull names out of a hat, again, just whatever sounds practical and fun. 

This “Powerball” mechanism (however you choose to go about it) helps to keep the prompts interesting. Tropes get broken down and switched around, “what ifs” arise, and imagination takes over. And that’s not to say you can’t assign prompts to certain dinosaurs as you like, I just think the chaotic element helps to really shake things up. You do you, I’m not your mom.

But enough of my overly wordy explanation. Here are the prompts. The blanks are where the dinosaur names go (duh).


Day 1: ________ engaging in intraspecific combat (same species).

Day 2: ________ on a pleasant stroll.

Day 3: ________ sleeping or lying down.

Day 4: ________ escaping.

Day 5: ________ drawn from the front.

Day 6: ________ with a nest.

Day 7: ________ in color/vivid colors.

Day 8: A highly speculative reconstruction of ________.

Day 9: ________ eating.

Day 10: ________ in a dynamic/cool pose.

Day 11: A landscape that also includes ________.

Day 12: ________ falling.

Day 13: ________ in a different art style than your usual.

Day 14: A scarred or injured ________.

Day 15: ________ in black & white/with dull colors.

Day 16: ________ in the rain/snow/inclement weather.

Day 17: ________ as a baby/juvenile.

Day 18: ________ with other (contemporary?) dinosaurs.

Day 19: ________ running.

Day 20: ________ engaging in interspecific combat (different species).

Day 21: ________ drinking.

Day 22: ________ with its offspring.

Day 23: An old and weathered ________.

Day 24: ________ being eaten.

Day 25: The head/head and neck of ________.

Day 26: ________ being aggressive.

Day 27: Possible sexual dimorphism in ________ (difference in sexes).

Day 28: ________ swimming.

Day 29: ________ in the modern era.

Day 30: ________ interacting with some non-dinosaur.


I already have my dinosaurs and days all figured out, so I’m set to go. But I’ll leave the actual combinations a surprise until they’re posted.

If you think of anything that could add to a certain prompt or need to tweak it somewhat for your means, feel free to play with this template. I just wanted to get this out there to see if anybody might benefit from it.

Happy Dinovember!


Inktober Vampire Chronicles Edition

I decided to make a vampire chronicles themed Inktober prompt list for myself and wanted to share. I hope the terms are vague but rich enough that they can be interpreted in a myriad of different ways with a variety of our beloved characters.

The Vampire Chronicles Inktober Prompt List I’ll be working from on and off this month (made and shared originally on my fandom/cosplay blog @asssamuraikoujaku)

Your OC has been handed a list of housework chores.

You guessed it! even in the wasteland you still have to do them! No time for slacking off while rebuilding civilization!

Which would be the one they hate the most?
Bonus: Which would they like because their LI or Companion does it with them?

Your OC’s favorite Wasteland Soup or Stew?! 

If PreWar, what was their favorite then?

With Fall around the corner…

How does your OC plan on finishing out Summer? Did they have any favorite summer memories?

Does your OC have any new years resolutions in mind?

If so are they one to stick with it or say “always next year!”

October 3rd - Tarot

The prompt was tarot cards and because I didn’t want to choose I asked my friends which one to draw and they decided on the Fool! I‘m actually really happy with it! It turned out really cool!

October 2nd - Mushroom Girl

heyyyyy so I need to do way more animation practice but i never know what to do and end up with noth

heyyyyy so I need to do way more animation practice but i never know what to do and end up with nothing, so here’s a handy dandy prompt list to help out with that!

You can choose between character/creature or scenery/object, or combine them both together! Basically the aim is to help us animators who struggle to get any practice in because of art block, so here we go!

If you use any please tag me, i’d love to see what ppl do with these! 

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sidebloggable:Crop Tops art meme! Send the artist a letter+number, and a character to draw wearing i


Crop Tops art meme! Send the artist a letter+number, and a character to draw wearing it!

(ID: Twenty crop tops drawn on simple torso mannequins. Further description under the cut.)

Keep reading

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the-quantum-relish:Ooh, what’s this? Pallets I spent entire night making to probably never use in a the-quantum-relish:Ooh, what’s this? Pallets I spent entire night making to probably never use in a the-quantum-relish:Ooh, what’s this? Pallets I spent entire night making to probably never use in a


Ooh, what’s this? Pallets I spent entire night making to probably never use in a drawing? Yeah, I do that.

Send me a number and/or a name of the pallet + character, if you’d like me to draw something. You can use these pallets in any way you want as well. Tag me, maybe. I’d love to see what you do with them.

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New prompt list time!!

Cottage Charms is all about romanticising the small things, making the everyday magical.

I’m using Cottage Charms for Inktober but it is open to ANY medium! Feel free to use this list if you would like to, no need to ask for permission or anything, just go make stuff.

The official hashtag is #spellstober

I can’t wait to see what you create and I hope you find some magic this October <3

Art Prompt Submissions Open!

Would you like to help generate IT-related ideas/ inspiration for the Reversebang?

You can send anon prompts for the LCRBB artists!

Prompts can be anything at all, from ‘Ship x Trope’ eg; 'Benverly Wedding Day’ to fully detailed plots, or description of an image or a scene you’ve had in your mind forever, or even a song that you feel strongly about in relation to a character or ship.

Submit via anon form - > https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdcO1z8yPSPmVZ97y2fXWGhh4fOkbzRK-HNBcbqDwJq55FYQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
