#autism pride

asd-n-me: So made a neurodiversity symbol in MC. Sorry it isn’t even, i used a cross stitch pattern


So made a neurodiversity symbol in MC. Sorry it isn’t even, i used a cross stitch pattern to save myself some headache. Happy autism acceptance month!

Reblogging for Autism Pride Day.

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caitymschmidt: It’s April in a couple of hours here.Which means its time for a reminder that A*tism caitymschmidt: It’s April in a couple of hours here.Which means its time for a reminder that A*tism caitymschmidt: It’s April in a couple of hours here.Which means its time for a reminder that A*tism caitymschmidt: It’s April in a couple of hours here.Which means its time for a reminder that A*tism caitymschmidt: It’s April in a couple of hours here.Which means its time for a reminder that A*tism


It’s April in a couple of hours here.Which means its time for a reminder that A*tism Sp*aks thinks that we need a cure - that this is something that we need to save people from.

It’s not new, it’s not going anywhere, and it isn’t a problem to be solved.

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Recently a couple of the autistic kids I work with have inspired me with openly, unapologetically owning it.

Like one kid saying “if I don’t make eye contact it’s because I find that hard and it’s easier to concentrate on what you’re saying if I’m not looking at you.”

And another one asking for clarification of an ambiguous statement to check understanding instead of just hoping for the best.

And one saying “I’m going to stim now, this conversation is hard”

I have so much respect for them for being able to voice those things! It’s inspired me to try harder to do that instead of masking until I meltdown because I’m so scared of how people will react.

This autism acceptance month I want to recognize all those in the autistic community who arent your uwu aesthetic autism soft pure bean

To my autistic people who have harmful stims

To my autistic people who don’t like being autistic

To my autistic people who have “gross” or “inappropriate” special interests

To my autistic people who have meltdowns in public

To my autistic people who can’t take care of themselves alone

I love you and you are just as much a valid part of this community as anyone else


me: *saying “WHAT?” seven times to someone giving me coherent face-to-face verbal directions*

also me: *hears a faint noise and randomly lifts head like a deer* hey did u guys hear that??? wtf how could you not hear it-

[ID: One nonbinary pride flag and two autism pride flags colorpicked from Lori M. The nonbinary flag has an image of Lori over it, with an outline around her so she doesn’t blend into the flag so much. One of the autism pride flags has an image of Lori over it, and the other one is just the flag itself. End ID.]

Lori MeyersfromNight in The Woods is a nonbinary and autism pride flag!

Have a good autism acceptance day. Be yourself, Stim lots and give A$ the middle finger [do not remo

Have a good autism acceptance day. Be yourself, Stim lots and give A$ the middle finger

[do not remove the caption]

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