#baby gay


One time I tried complimenting a cute girl, and I was trying to tell her that she was really nice and sweet but I wanted to sound romantic so instead I blabbered out, confidently, “You are the kind of person who will not make it to judgement day.” And we never spoke again :)

I’m a fool. I’ve fallen hard for a friend. I think about her all the time, check her twitter probably too often, and feel so warm whenever she talks to me. When I’m hanging out with her I do stupid, silly stuff just to get her attention. The problem is that she sees herself as a mentor to me. She’s not much older than me but she’s kind of taken me under her wing, and honestly, I love her being protective of me that it’s made my feelings even strong her. I feel like such a fool: she’s the girl that everyone falls for. People ask her out constantly and she flirts with everyone. She’s been in tons of relationships, and I’ve never even been in one. I wish I could do some Sandy-in-Grease style makeover and shock her by actually turning into someone she could be interested instead of her awkward, childish baby gay. I’d do anything for her.


A lil reminder for ️‍Pride️‍ season if you’re…

  • Not out of the closet yet (or ever)
  • Questioning
  • Not sure what LGBTQ+ labels fit you best (or don’t want to use one at all)
  • Going through a rough or confusing time with your sexuality or gender identity

You do not have to be out & wrapped in rainbows - Pride is for YOU too, to celebrate in whatever little way makes you feel best! We see you, you still belong here, and it gets better.

P.S.: if any of the above applies…our TikTokYoutube, and Get Help page are pretty much made for you. ;)
