


Does anyone else have the problem of having to say “I like Batman” to normal people instead of saying “I love Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Spoiler, Orphan, Robin, the Signal, Alfred Pennyworth, Bat Hound, Alfred the Cat, oh and Bruce is ok sometimes.”


Does anyone else have the problem of having to say “I like Batman” to normal people instead of saying “I love Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Spoiler, Orphan, Robin, the Signal, Alfred Pennyworth, Bat Hound, Alfred the Cat, oh and Bruce is ok sometimes.”


dc bring back his little skateboard pls



I’m trying to find a way to express why the Bruce-Dick dynamic feels so different from Bruce-any other kid dynamic but the best way I can think to put it is that Dick was there when Bruce became batman. He knows what he can blackmail Bruce with and also he’s never ever going to be impressed by Bruce’s melting into the shadows routine because hehelped Bruce develop it.

And he never lets Bruce forget it either.

bruce might have been a bad parent at times to the others, but dick remembers when *he hadn’t figured out he was a parent yet*

@centrumlumina bestie ur brain…….


I’ve been reading nothing but Nightwing angst the past week. Those fics that have Dick crumbling under the weight of his eldest daughter syndrome and then the rest of the family has to take care of him *chefs kiss*


Batkids on the way to the beach

Jason: [driving] “ah shit. We forgot to grab the food in the fridge”

Duke: “at least we’ve only been driving for 20 minutes”

Stephanie: “boo! You suck”

Dick: “you were in charge of the food! Jay, take this exit”

Jason: “yea yea, I know my way around Gotham”

Cass: “you suck at directions”

Jason: “shut up”

Damian: “don’t hit him while he’s driving. We’ll get him later”

Cass: [puts fist down]

At the manor

Jason: “ok here, everyone help pack the food—“

Tim: [jogs in the kitchen] “I found my towel! Sorry for taking so long guys. I’m surprised you waited for me without complaining“

Jason: [makes eye contact with Dick]

Dick: [shaking his head]

Duke: [frozen holding a sandwich] “… h-hey Tim! Of course we’d wait for you” [nervous laughter]

Stephanie: “Tim, since we waited for you can you go and get my phone charger upstairs?”

Tim: “you got it!” [runs off]

Everyone: [groups together]

Dick: “how the fuck did we forget Tim??”

Jason: “I legit didn’t even notice. I’m not thing to be funny right now”

Damian: “I also didn’t notice”

Duke: “oh shit shit, he’s gonna know. He’s a detective like the rest of us! He’ll figure it out”

Dick: [lays hand out] “no. He will never know, because we never left.”

Cass: “we’re horrible people”

Jason: “we take it to the grave”


thinking more about this post but like. Commissioner Gordon’s POV.

you haven’t seen Robin around in a while but you’re not that concerned bcos you know he’s pretty much an adult at this stage and you’ve picked up that he was starting college so you figure he’s just Busy y'know?

but then Batman shows up to meet you with an entirely new Robin & when you ask about the original Robin Batman is just solemnly like ‘he’s not with me any more’ & refuses to elaborate

& now you’ve been awake for like 48 hours straight increasingly frantically going over recent murder & missing persons cases to see if any of them might fit w the timing of Robin’s 'disappearance’ bcos like Batman was probably just being dramatic but what if he wasn’t oh god oh god









how must the Dick -> Jason Robin switch have looked to the Gotham Rogues. it’s not as if they did a formal ‘attention, Robin has quit his job and will now be operating as Nightwing’ announcement. like after a certain point it must have become like a Known Thing that periodically Batman gets new sidekicks. but that first changeover must have messed w people’s heads right??

like. you are a B-list Gotham Rogue. You haven’t seen Robin in months. You’ve asked around and no-one else in the circles you move in has seen him either. You’re starting to get worried but you aren’t sure if you have the kind of relationship with the Batman where it would be appropriate to ask after his sidekick’s wellbeing. Every time he shows up Robin-less you get progressively more stressed out.

you are a B-list Gotham Rogue. Batman has Robin again but he is very clearly a different, significantly younger boy. This suggests that the OG Robin being gone is a permanent state of affairs. You’re starting to fear the worst. You’re like 85% sure Robin died and Batman quietly replaced him with a different child in the same costume. You’ve been asking around to see if someone killed him but no-one will admit to knowing anything. You really want to ask but you don’t feel comfortable asking the Batman if his sidekick got murdered, especially not with the new kid right there.

#i don’t know anything about Jason’s early robin days#so I don’t know if JASON knows if Robin the og was alive either#like clearly it’s a touchy subject for Batman#i imagine if he didn’t know dick was still alive he would come to the relatively reasonable conclusion that nightwing killed him#like#Robin disappeared. nightwing appeared nearly simultaneously. Bruce refuses to talk about robin one and he has Complicated Feelings about#nightwing that can be interpreted as anger#some villain with more balls than the rest asks Jason Robin where robin 1 went#and Jason’s like ‘uhhhh I’m pretty sure he died and I think nightwing might have done it?’#literally the next day he learns dick is alive and is nightwing#this is really unlikely to have happened but it’s really funny

gfkhgfk ok but that gives me the image of the Rogue in question being like *loading up on weapons* ok I may be a villain but I draw the line at killing teenagers, that’s just messed up, I’m going straight over to Bludhaven to make that bastard pay ):<

& then they proceed to have just the Most confusing series of interactions w Nightwing before the two of them figure out what the hell is going on

Ok but what about three years later when all this actually happens to Jason?

you’re a B-List Gotham Rogue. You haven’t seen Robin 2.0 in a couple of months, but you’re not too worried, based on previous experience you figure he’s just moved on to do something else. You ask around to see if anyone’s run into any new costumed vigilantes who might be him and -

- wait he died? for real?

you’re sure?

ok who was the son of a bitch who did it, that’s messed up, we’re gonna find them and - oh it was the Joker? oh yikes. oh man. that’s just awful. I hope he didn’t - with a crowbar??oh my godoh no no-

AU where the Joker actually fucking dies and it’s because the villains and henchpeople of gotham all took turns beating the shit out of him until he died.

When Jason comes back he find out that it was the “bad guys”, NOT Batman, not his own dad, that killed the Joker to avenge him and he’s like “y'know what? I like these guys better” and becomes a crime lord to give them better working conditons

i don’t know the specifics but I want this to tie in with @thisiswhereikeepdcthings thing where Jason is the goons’ adopted dad

That would be perfect

Jason: The rogues killed the Joker before you ever did!

Bruce: I know, right? They didn’t even ask me about it!

Jason: *pauses* Wait what?

Bruce: I had so many plans formulated too! They couldn’t’ve sent me like a notice about it? Really?


Jason and the Wilsons

I don’t think it’s a secret that I ship Rose and Jason. I want this ship to be one of the few that is as set as Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

Not only because they potentially have a lot in common to bond over. They’re both killers that could “get” each other, morally grey, sassy, insane siblings, near death trauma, and parental issues (the butler is my favorite dad)

largely because I can only imagine how funny it would be for Slade to be the best Father-in-law to Jason while simultaneously flipping off Bruce and Dick. Like how ridiculous would it be for the Wilsons ending up as the better family that Jason wants to be a part of post joker death.

Imagine all the “you only live once” jokes Jason would make with Grant and Joey. Maybe even comparing throat scars (batarang) with Joey. Jason having the instinct to following around Wintergreen like he did with Alfred as kid. Slade taking his boys out for insane missions, father son bonding, and Jason being the only one who’s actually happy to be there.

If there’s anyone who’s ready to spite some morally holier than thou superheroes, it should be Slade. Especially if he’s showing up Batman with his son.

A Different Batman

I want a Batman story where he starts off as a cheerful and a bit socially daft guy. Where Bruce Wayne is a complete goof and hopelessly romantic fool. He tries to court Talia or Selina with the extravagance and thoughtfulness of a man with the means and mind to try to give his love the most fantastically romantic time ever. He’d be so proud and happy for Dick and his team of superheroes, and all he can imagine is the good they’ll do when they become the next Justice league. Even the criminals in Gotham aren’t too violent, just people looking out for their own.

Then Jason comes into his life, He loves this child so much. The kid adores Alfred and follows him around like a duckling and is quietly delighted with all the toys, books, schooling, ect. that Bruce can provide. He’s smart, studious, sassy, curious, and adorably enthralled with magic (magic!Jason) practically a prodigy but still playing little pranks here and there. He can imagine Jason fitting in very well with Justice league dark if he wants to follow his big brother’s footsteps. Though that plan doesn’t quite play out as he’d hoped.

(I’m just so done with Jason only ever being destined for death and nothing more, and the death of a child being treated like no biggie or a goddamn joke. That shit should be goddamn traumatic and serious.)

However Jason is mercilessly murdered by the Joker, then Barbara is paralyzed, Talia doesn’t want anything to do with him, and Harvey well…Harvey went insane chasing shadows before killing himself. Bruce then starts to spiral into his dark and broody, emotionless, cold and calculating Batman. Turning paranoid and controlling, because if he could have planned for everything then he would have prevented the worst from happening to the people he cared about.

I want Batman’s closed off and harsh personality be a result of his life getting to a point of falling apart instead of the insanity of “dead parents” because frankly I’m sick of those damn pearls. I get it as a motivation to start being a hero but the rest of why he’s a dick to his allies and so damn standoffish about being in control all the time shouldn’t be tied to that. I think it should be a process of him losing his hopefulness to the thoughtless acts of cruelty later down the line.

Give me a batman that starts with everything to lose, a hopeful man who believes that people can change for the better if they were given a proper chance. That goodness is inherent because superman who has all the power to do anything still decides to do good. A batman who thought people were only evil because of desperation, or needed/wanted something but is proven so wrong that it slowly breaks him, into the batman we’re familiar with.

(the kind of batman that lashes out at Dick, ignores or doesn’t care for Tim and Steph, beats & banishes Jason from Gotham, and makes contingencies & plans to be able to take out his JLA friends)

Maybe even have the parents be secretly not the best people. I’ve been thinking about Martha Wayne being a high ranking member of the court of owls, and his father sharing a hand with Hugo strange to make Arkham asylum a hell on earth.

Lemme know what you guys think because frankly I kinda hate how toxic Batfam is and I really don’t care for trying to pretend it’s a good time to be with the kind of batman we have. Straightup fanon gooddad!Bruce is so far away from what Batman is, I can’t imagine them being the same person at all. At least with this kind of timeline I feel like it could possibly work.

should Jason Todd be the magic robin? Not just the “Robin gives me magic” line but like have some legitimate magical proficiency. I was thinking maybe giving clues that if he didn’t die to joker that he could have been the justice league dark’s magic bat family guy.

Imagine Constantine and Jason snapping at each other about demon identification and the best way to kill a given monster. Jason doing all the research before they start a job and clearing whiskey bottles off his desk. like how funny would it be for Constantine to think that Jason is just some pretentious rich kid and keep pushing his buttons until Jason shows off some street kid savvy and accepts a cig just this once after a mission that went particular to shit before going back to the manners Alfred taught him to uphold. Or Jason having to introduce himself and and clarifying he’s Jason Todd not Jason Blood and he can’t turn into Edrigan not now or ever.

Superman: You need to stop collecting kids, Bruce

Batman: In my defense at least two of them adopted themselves

Batman: and Stephenie isn’t even mine! She just acts like she is!

Red Hood: the first rule of Fight Club is don’t talk about Fight Club

Batman: Jason, this is a League meeting

Nightwing:we’re not going that way, I already had to text the police Commissioner to tell him we’re gonna be late!


Talia KaneasRobininMULTIVERSITY:TeenJustice

I think I wanna keep baby Babs’ crush on Killer Moth in Earth-24, but since I cannot properly imagine Drury with a deep voice, the attraction will be less “Is something wrong, Principal Moth?” and more “I want that twink obliterated.”

Though I suppose it’s possible he was using a voice modulator initially, so it was the first kind until the helmet came off and he’s squawking indignantly, and you know, this is fine. She can work with this. She’s adaptable.

Moved on from Batgirl: Year OnetoRobin: Year One (doing it backwards, I know), and Dixon and Beatty sure do like Killer Moth, huh?

Tim: Try using emojis to seem cool!

Bruce: ok!

Bruce, texting Dick: Heard about patrol last night

Tim texting Jason: incoming

Jason: ????

Dick is calling

Jason: do you k-


Jason: I’m going to stop you right there. THis is about the emoji isnt it

(Written with @todaysgenderisfinaleblackbeard)
