

Anyone else in health care being gaslit by the government, society, and their institution into feeling survivor’s guilt because even if things are crappy for you, they’re crappier for somebody else?

Really feeling for my primary care/family medicine, critical care, emergency/urgent/acute care, and mental health colleagues at the moment. This pandemic has been going on way too long, and no one seems to care about the fact that even when things were reopening, you were all still being worked into the ground (and through the crust of the earth into its molten core) by all the ripple effects of this pandemic uncovering the systemic inequities and BS that was just lurking in the shadows before 2019… All the stuff that health care workers, in general, managed to barely keep at bay from their sense of altruism and dedication (now obligation?) to their patients. If I’ve learned anything from COVID-19, it is that everyone will do their best to take advantage of you, and short of doing your job well, you actually don’t owe them anything.

You really do gotta take care of you first, otherwise this system will beat you down to nothing before you even realize it. “Resilience” is great and all, but it’s really just the system shifting all responsibility for surviving its BS onto its victims.

This system has been sick for a very, very long time. It’s gonna need a lot more than a bandaid and some yoga to rehabilitate it.

Act. Even when terrified. Even when burnt out. Light back that flame. The sun rises if you only get

Act. Even when terrified. Even when burnt out. Light back that flame. The sun rises if you only get up, look at the window, and find love within. Creation is love. 

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#Book 16 in #22booksin2022 #challenge Successful to Burnt Out by #KarlettaAbianac This was an intere

#Book 16 in #22booksin2022 #challenge Successful to Burnt Out by #KarlettaAbianac This was an interesting glimpse into the lives of people in the spectrum and a sneak peek into the #healthcare system in #Australia Can’t help but wonder how many females, especially BIPOC continue to not get diagnosed w/ autism because people still equate it to a boys/males only phenomenon. #22booksin2022challenge #reading #autism #autistic #aspergers #aspie #asd #reading #burnout #selfcare #adhd #neurodivergent #lategram

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On twitter I’m seeing dozens of threads from Black activists warning people against burnout, giving all sorts of useful tips about preventing and managing it for the sake of a long-term, sustainable effort.

On tumblr I’m seeing a hell of a lot of young white kids yelling at anyone who actually follows those steps, and acting like burnout is a moral falling rather than a well-proven psychological phenomenon.

Be careful who you get your information from. Don’t let guilt lead you to make choices that will harm both you and the movement.

I’m going to reblog this again since I see more individuals are inquiring about burnout prevention tips in the notes and it’s why I sought out this resource. I hope it helps you!


“It took me four months to write this sentence.

I wanted to capture my feelings as a doctor in training who has been bludgeoned by the Covid-19 pandemic the last year and a half. But I’ve been too burned out to write about burnout.”

This article captures the emotions that have kept me from trying to write anything substantial about the pandemic, the massive systemic failures involved, and the social selfishness/ignorance it has revealed.

Been losing so much time. Thursday was a continuation of Wednesday. It was Wednesday until it was Friday. There was no Thursday. But it was Wednesday that didn’t start until Thursday. The Thursday that never happened. We probably shouldn’t have Ativan anymore. I forget that We used to black out from Ativan and alcohol. Maybe We are more sensitive in our current condition. We had the outsider hold on to our Ativan for us. Because We knew that We couldn’t trust ourself in the state We’ve been in. Yesterday We asked him for our medicine. He said He gave it to us and that We said that We didn’t need him to hold on to it anymore because We wouldn’t need it anymore…???!!! It wasn’t Teen. It wasn’t Animal. It wasn’t Malice and it sure as fuck wasn’t The Gobos! So who was it? We suffered full amnesia! This isn’t our norm or at least it hasn’t been in a long time. And We’ve been hallucinating. Full, head on hallucinations. That is also not our norm. Not since We were a child. Visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations. We look at our “Trip Check Painting” and the shadows move like We’re on LSD. But We haven’t taken LSD in about a week. We don’t know what this means. But it seems like when We push and stress for an entire semester, by the end of it, something happens to our mental state. We pushed ourself hard, not even this hard but hard enough to cause a state of psychosis in 2019. The last day of class or the very next day, don’t clearly remember, Teen tried to kill the vessel. It was a very serious attempt. And he very nearly succeeded. Was almost rushed to another hospital for a liver transplant but our levels suddenly started coming down. Waking up in the hospital… Never hallucinated that bad in our entire life. A dark shaking figure stood in the corner of our “room”. The walls had weird writing all over them and were moving. Everything had a yellow tint to it.

We are not suicidal. But We are not okay. We do not believe that We are a risk to ourself or anyone else. Other than a possible accidental overdose! That Ativan shit is scary! If We try really hard, We can see someone dropping one of the pills in the trash accidentally then popped the last… 3??? In our mouth. If there were more in there We don’t know if, whoever that was, would have taken all of it.

We did well in Music Theory 101. We did not great at all on our project but ended up getting a 90 on it! Our average was an 89 but when We checked, our overall grade is a 99 point… Something. Can’t really remember but a fucking 99??!! How? Since March We’ve been doing horribly! When We submitted our final project We also wrote a little over 300 words vaguely explaining why We submitted such hot garbage. He wrote back telling me that he thought We were doing well and that he could tell how much work We put in all of our work. After our presentation he clapped…??? We thought he was gonna be like, “Wtf is this?” Even though he did let us know where We fucked up he still seemed to understand that We did know the material We were just having a bad time. None of us saw that coming.

So why are We starting to spiral? Is this just what a burnout feels like for us now? Is there something seriously wrong? We don’t know yet. Hopefully this fades with some rest.

My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. We all experienced this at some points of our

My Dress Up Darling (Ep 4)

Imposter Syndrome. Burnout. 

We all experienced this at some points of our lives. Wanting to be perfect, even at the start, without realising that everything takes time and patience.

It is easy to criticise yourself for the bad things you’ve done but it’s hard to praise yourself for the good things you’ve done.

Which is why you need someone to talk to, so you won’t feel alone.

Every job has its own sets of challenges and problems. 

What separates a job that you like and a normal job that you do simply for money is, a job that you love is more bearable as it is something you love doing because of it’s non-monetary fulfilment like wanting to see your own craftwork being used by customers who becomes happy by your hard work.

So if you are doubting yourself or feeling down, remember why you started it.

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Can you tell I’m happy to be complete again in the water?

What’s your happy place?

#mermaids #finfolkproductions #swimming #pool #underwater #tiles #zeemeermin #zwemmen #nederland #instafit #workout #healthy #happy #happyplace #mentalhealth #burnout #underthesea #water #mermaidlife #mermaidsarereal #professionalmermaid #mermaidsofinstagram #glamour #graceful #smile (at Zwembad De Grote Koppel)

#zeemeermin    #healthy    #burnout    #happyplace    #instafit    #nederland    #professionalmermaid    #mermaidlife    #mermaids    #mentalhealth    #mermaidsarereal    #underwater    #zwemmen    #finfolkproductions    #underthesea    #glamour    #workout    #swimming    #graceful    #mermaidsofinstagram    