#chaol westfall


Despite popular believe, Rowan, Dorian and Chaol are S tier domestic husbandos

No nuance November ( Tog edition)

I hope I don’t lose followers

  • Aelin losing her powers is actually a big thing for her character;
  • SJM completely forgot about Nehemia’s family, which is an absurd;
  • Most of her poc in tog are tolken or are there just to die and help the development of the white main character ( like Sorcha and Nehemia);
  • Chaol does NOT deserve all the hate he gets;
  • Celealena >>>> Aelin;
  • Dorian and Manon deserve a novel;
  • ToG’s plot and word building makes way more sense than ACOTAR;
  • the high point of the last book was Dorian in Morath;
  • Aedion does not deserve Lysandra after treating her so badly, when she was pretending to be Aelin;

ToG characters in a modern AU, but it’s quarantine!

Dorian: did someone said reading as a copying mechanism?

Manon: she misses being out so much, she wants to feel free, but she knows she can’t. So just like a certain priceling once told her, if she wants to feel the wind on her face, she just got to stand in front of her window

Chaol: he is still working, once he is a cop, those ar weird times, and he got to admit, he thought he would never have to arrest people because of a brunch

Yrene: also a essential worker, she’s a doctor after all, she hopes that after all this chaos, she’ll live in a world with less antivax idiots

Aelin: she’s enjoying all this free time to do things that she likes! Such as reading, playing music, Rowan

Rowan: thanks to his wife, his too tired to go crazy

Aedion: he is THIS close to going apeshit

Lysandra: even closer to going apeshit

Evangeline: enjoying herself seeing both of her paternal figures going crazy



Elide: became a DIY queen, really

Lorcan: a mess in DIY, someone please help him

Fenrys: he developed like, 3 new hobbies, someone please get him some attention

Dorian: There’s no point being grown-up if you can’t be childsh sometimes.

Chaol: you’re just saying this as an excuse

Dorian: shut up

Dorian: I bet you can´t from a sentence without using the letter “a”.

Chaol: you thought you did something there did’t you? Well sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing he first letter of the english lexicon.


Aelin: Fuck you.

ToG characters as things that my friends have said this year

Dorian: if I don’t kill myself by the end of the week it will be a miracle

Aelin: if I don’t kill anyone by the end of the week it will be a miracle

Aedion: bro, at this point, I’m just existing

Lysandra: everything is gay, even when you’re kissing someone of the opposite gender, you’re also indirectly kissing someone of the same gender as yours

Chaol: every one in this room, including myself has a chaotic alignment

Yrene: at this point, not dying is my goal

Elide, to Manon: my boyfriend and I broke up!

Manon to Elide: isn’t this like, the fourth time this month?

Rowan: idk bro, at this point, whatever comes is worth

Lorcan: I would say that you are being a little hoe

Fenrys: Love? No thanks, I’m gonna watch anime

Gavriel: sometimes I wish I could go back in time and kick my younger self in the balls

Nesryn: the reason I always look so tired is because I’m dead inside

Sartaq: love is dead and we killed it

100 followers special, I guess??

So, I just reached the mark of one hundred followers, and I’m very thankful and very happy, so, let me know if you guys want anything of special, like, idk, prompts suggestions, or ask the characters from TOG, or even ask me! Anyway, I’m really happy, so thank very much for following, and let me know what you want ( please don’t let this floop)

*Chaol, Nesryn, & Yrene tell Aelin about their time in Antica*

Aelin: *To Chaol* I’m glad to hear that the chair worked wheely well for traveling in Antica’s streets :D

Chaol, Nesryn, & Yrene: …

Yrene: …Actually, we often traveled by horseback

Chaol: *To Yrene* Yeah, Aelin’s usually like this

Aelin: *Beaming* Indeed I am

Aelin: honestly, how do some people NOT like me?!

Aelin: I’m attractive, smart, I could kill someone with a toothbrush, I bring cake to parties,

Chaol: *holds up a finger then brings it back down*

Aelin: I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing near you.

Chaol: is there a difference?


Am I sequencing DNA or talking about Aelin Ashryver Galathynius? The world will never know.






why does SJM never follow up on or stick to anything she writes?

nesta says fighting isn’t the only strength that exists and now she’s a ✨warrior✨

nesta says she wants to go travel the world and see what it has to offer and now she’s ✨stuck in a house where the only way out is to either take 10,000 steps or ask someone to get her out✨

feyre says she doesn’t want a child and wants to experience life and next thing you know ✨she’s a mother✨

I also feel the same way, like realistically people change their minds about things all the time but with SJM isn’t her writing her characters to fit the plot not her writing g the plot to fit her characters.

I personally say she’s writing to fit the male narrative. Which is interesting since the male character never even has more of the POV.

Cassian’s a warrior. Nesta’s a warrior. Who has to do more of the groveling? Nesta. Who shouldered the emotion and romance of this ship? Nesta. Who had more of the power (money influence friends etc)? Cassian. Was that ever evened out? Nope. She changes her BODY to have a baby. What???????? That’s something that happens. Literally. Forget Cassian saying I love you. he didn’t apologize even once. But? Nesta. She did.

Rhysand’s a high lord. Feyre’s a high lady. Does she ever get to be in the high lady role that we see her in? No. Who has more of the voice in pregnancy arc? Rhysand. Literally fucking Rhysand.

Who is now the main intersection between Gwyn, Elain, and Mor? Azriel. It’s always Azriel!!!!

Even in the main plot of Mor, who now has more of a voice and influence? Eris. Who do we almost believe more and have sympathy for based on context alone and how it’s presented? Eris!!!

Does Mor even have a narrative? no!

Does Elain have a narrative? no! Do we even have any details? no!

They can fix wings and eyes for the male characters. But for the female characters? Emerie cant fly. Too complicated to fix. Feyre almost dies. No c sections exist. There’s a library full of women who are sas and they have an entire people who have no rights for women. Even Amren now looks like a tyrant.

Every single mother character is abused. LOA. Cassian’s mom. Rhysands mom. Azriels mom.

Feyre is the first high lady and there still is no new high lady. Amarantha is a powerful women and she’s the first villain. The queens are the villains. Vassa is cursed, lost her kingdom.

Has any of this been resolved in any concrete way that even makes it seem like a smidge that women have power in this world which satisfies girlboss feminism? NOOOOOOO.

So I say maybe when she gets that straight everything will actually start making sense here.

Wow, this was so spot on! Her thirst for her male characters drives so much of how and what she writes.

Anyone who isn’t currently in a loving, committed relationship is thisclose to being useless to the story. That’s why Mor disappeared, and Elain is nearly MIA.

It’s what I’ve been annoyed about since acosf came out - how she can’t even consider a character’s existence if they aren’t literally on the page. I guess this is another aspect. 

To me, this is also another sign of her being self-indulgent in her writing, which on the one hand is okay! We won’t write if we don’t enjoy it! But uh… there are readers and stuff We can and will find inconsistencies and plot holes. 

I think this is one of the many reasons I very much prefer ToG to ACOTAR. While both series have their merits and flaws, I think ToG sticks to it’s guns more. The characters have more agency outside of relationships. The reason Aelin can have four different relationships in her series, all of them rounded out, is because her life never revolves fully on them. Even her relationship with Rowan is secondary to her own goals and achievements as a person. Because ToG is, at it’s heart, an story of adventure. ACOTAR, at it’s heart, is a self indulgent romance that follows more of the male-dominating, submissive woman, BDSM sort of vibe that Sarah enjoys reading. (She has mentioned the Black Dagger Brotherhood many times in interviews and I read some way back in the day and they are very much a narrative on a man finding, claiming, and dominating a woman into sex marathons and baby-making). And there isn’t anything wrong with people enjoying that sort of fictional narrative.

The issue is that after reading ToG, we expected more to the story. ToG has well rounded women who, while they all eventually do end up in relationships and while the men do still have these ridiculous “alpha male” type personalities, it is the women who carry the series.

It is Aelin working herself out of slavery and oppression, Aelin coming to terms with an abandoned heritage and then fighting like hell to reclaim a land and a people who have been submerged in darkness for ten years. It is Aelin’s story of evolving from self-centered assassin to a Queen of the People.

It is the story of a witch who learns what love is, and that love is the only power worth fighting for. Who learns this from her bonds with her wyvern and her friends and secondarily, if that, from a romantic partner.

It’s the story of a woman who travels to the ends of the continent, overcoming disability and the evils of men and war, on the slim chance of a better world. Elide is the carrier if the word key, and the one to plot the demise of the dark villain.

It is the story of a woman who chose healing over the darkness the world. It is Yrene who brings Chaol out of the dark, who defeats Erawan, who’s bravery and merit combined, not with Chaol but with the cunning and courage of Nesryn, that wins them an army.

ToG has women who carry the plot. Women in true seats of power. Aelin is Queen. Rowan, even as her husband, is still King Consort. It is Manon who is Queen, even with a romance with Dorian that might have given her a crown. It is Yrene who is the savior of the world, the title of Lady never a needed addition to the power she has amassed for herself.

ACOTAR was a romance with a flimsy fantastic plot beneath the main story that is Rhys and Feyre. And yes, even with all Rhys spouts about being pro-woman, Feyre still dresses the way he likes, is only close friends with his friends (Lucien, Alis, all of Feyre’s friends outside of Rhys’s are either forgotten or sidelined), and lives his lifestyle. She talks about how Tamlin just wanted her in pretty dresses, having babies, and painting, but in the end, that is exactly what she does with Rhys. She can’t even have an argument with him about how he treats her sister without Rhys telling his buddy that he’s sending away the servants not because of their arguing, but because she’ll soon forget about it while having sex with him.

And then Nesta falls into the exact same pattern with Cassian. They argue, she submits to him, he fucks her. He’s a dick, she retaliates, she feels bad, she submits, he fucks her.

Sarah is GOOD at chemistry. She’s good at making the audience thirst for the next kiss and the next round of heat. She’s good at making characters want each other, and making the audience then want them to want each other.

And it wouldn’t be so frustrating if that was ALL she was good at. If ACOTAR was just a sex romance book that I picked up when I was in the mood. But she adds enough elements to make it have the potential to be SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. And so it’s incredibly disappointing when it falls short.

The women, given so much potential for greatness, settle to be what is most comfortable for the men in their lives to live with.

Friendly reminder that Aelin technically started all of the antagonistic shit between her court and Lorcan. Lorcan didn’t do anything to her until after she almost got him killed by Valg and Wyrdhounds. And even then, when he got the better of her, he only wanted to make a deal with her and Rowan. He could have just threatened to kill her to get the Wyrd keys, but instead he offered to make a deal with them– a fair deal, giving them something that was truly valuable and did what he said it did. A deal which *he* adhered to and they lied about.

And the main reason Aelin hated him was for the fact he whipped Rowan on Maeve’s orders, despite knowing that the blood oath made it impossible to refuse and the fact that, when Rowan gets whipped Aelin describes both Gavriel and Lorcan as being blanked faced and pitiless, guessing to the fact that they had both delivered and received the same punishment before. (Which I’m sure Rowan had also been on the giving end of that punishment at one point or another).

So yeah, that’s my Ted Talk. Thanks for showing up.

Headcanon that all these telepathic conversations between Rowan and Aelin are completely one sided and Aelin is just playing out a deep conversation in her head while Rowan gazes moonily at her and his only thought is, “Golly, she’s purdy”

Friendly reminder:

Despite the fact that Manon is called eternal and ancient by so many people in HoF and QoS, she’s a baby compared to the Cadre.

Manon: Literally kills and murders people for fun– everyone loves her, fuck yeah redemption arc, she’s so cute with her little wyvern

Chaol: Doesn’t fully accept Aelin and her choices, can be kind of an asshole on occasion– everyone hates him, he’s a piece of shit, he doesn’t deserve a happy ending
