

the bitter sweet reality of a famous person being diagnosed with EDS/MCAS/POTS.

I’m so glad people will have more awareness & recognize someone can appear to be fine but struggling medically and that somebody they care about and idolize has these struggles so anybody can. The reality is also that even if a celebrity gets all three diagnoses….these are medically rare & isolating conditions that are difficult to come to & in most cases chronic and lifelong. The fear that everyone’s favorite entertainers’ dx’s are publicly known & that may inspire people to think they are now experts on the condition. Our doctors at times have yet to understand so it’s terrifying to think that people may want to start raising public awareness about something still widely misunderstood in medical spaces. The public already thinks suggesting unsolicited medical, dietary, health, and wellness tips are acceptable & helpful. It’s not. As much as it feels good to be able to identify and feel understood….the statistics & understandings are limited & isolating.

Still emotional thinking about the day my EDS diagnosis was confirmed. So many years of medical trauma, gaslighting, misdiagnoses, and learning about my body. It was a difficult journey but I remember crying & feeling so relieved & that everything finally made sense.

tinder with chronic illness be like…….

(he’s a doctor so at least he knows what he’s talking about)

Trying really hard not to give up right now. Asdfjkl;

a breakthrough, maybe?

it felt sooo amazing to have my mother sit down & listen to me talk about why I need to talk about mobility aids & she committed herself to learning & raising others’ awareness of my condition.

painz n gainz

tomorrow I get to reconnect with my long lost physical therapist that first identified my EDS. she moved away & I’ve tried other pt’s but I’ve found my way back & I’m willing to wait & go the distance for the right fit. I just know it’s gonna go so well.

living with a chronic illness is really depressing sometimes. you can do everything right and still hurt. you can make all of your appointments and still be struggling. you can do nothing and feel completely exhausted and defeated. le’sigh..

having your loved one shame you for not being able to immediately do the task/activity they requested because of your pain/physical limits is a special kind of isolation…

Shout out to my racist auntie who full heartedly believes pain makes you stronger. Btw thank you for that post that you found & shared on FB about how we all have to keep indulging in toxic positivity so that way our anxiety and fear doesn’t take over. I’m so glad you were looking out for me. Also I didn’t realize you had expertise in the physical and mental health field. Someone with knowledge and consideration at your caliber certainly shouldn’t have been a domestic housewife for the last 30 years. The masses need you.

steps & boundaries I’m currently pursuing to cope with stress & chronic illness

-setting up virtual physical therapy appointments for twice a week

-setting up virtual counseling appointments for once a week

-not checking work emails outside of scheduled business hours

-making time to do something intentional& enjoyable just for myself - at least once a week

-start making lists again

-loving myself

to counter my losses…some things I’m grateful for:

-being able to walk

-being able to drive

-being [relatively] mobile & flexible

-being aware of my body/limits

-being realistic about my chronic illness

-working to set healthy boundaries to preserve my physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing

-being [non-a]cute

No me desmayé#blooddraw #hypothyroid #hypothyroidism #hipotiroidismo #chronicpain #dolorcronico

No me desmayé

#blooddraw #hypothyroid #hypothyroidism #hipotiroidismo #chronicpain #dolorcronico

Post link

Pain again, of course. I feel like knifes stabbing my whole body, upper back, lower back, hips, breast, jaw, shoulders, neck, head, stomach, legs, arms, every freaking part of my body, pain killers don’t work, oh, and also panic attacks. More than 2 years and they still don’t know what’s the cause, I hope this month blood test shows what it could be.


Dolor otra vez, por supuesto. Me siento si me apuñalaran mil cuchillos todo mi cuerpo, parte superior de la espalda, espalda baja, caderas, pecho, mandíbula, hombros, cuello, cabeza, estómago, piernas, brazos, cada parte de mi cuerpo, los calmantes no funcionan y encima ataques de pánico. Llevo así más de 2 años y aún no saben la causa, espero que el análisis de sangre de este mes ayude.

#chronicpain #hypothyroid #hypothyroidism #dolorcronico #hipotiroidismo
