


one day i will do like gru and shrink the moon, but unlike him i will succeed and eat it


it appears I have broken a flower pot . I trust you not to tell !

i shall take this information to my grave, mothman

Okay so there used to be this game show called Hellevator that I really, really loved. And I went to find it again to rewatch it (and maybe even buy it because I seriously adored that show) and it’s just


like it doesn’t fucking exist anywhere???

What the fuck?????

I’ve looked on every streaming platform, the gsn website, even reddit and no one knows what the hell happened to it or why it’s literally impossible to find episodes from it.

And I’m not the only person looking either.

It honestly pisses me off so bad.

me, just about to walk out of the kitchen and head back to my room:

goblinmom, talking semi-quickly without ANY pause in between sentences whatsoever: either don’t walk through here or run quickly OOP TOO LATE-

me, still half unsure wtf her warning was supposed to warn me about and laughing in confusion over wtf just happened:

mom, yelling after me: OH GOD THAT SMELLS SO BAD-

She had farted and gassed herself out

That moment when you’re standing on the a vast lake, there’s ice beneath your feet but you can see it cracking and falling apart in the distance, and the heavy drifts of snow pooled on its surface make the lake look like a frozen version of Mars, and the sky is a beautiful sunset that could make even the gods pause to wonder, and you can finally just


I never noticed this the other times I watched Tim Burton’s version of Alice in Wonderland, but during the scene when the Hatter is about to be executed, there’s a pit in front of the stage where his head is obviously supposed to drop into. So I was like, “Hmm…so do the heads just…pile up down there and rot?”

And then it hit me.

The pit connects to the moat, where all the other victims’ heads are displayed.

shock humor is just a cursed image in text form

ωɵʀɗʂ ϙʄ ωɪʂɗϙɱ



fuck the human race

Aight so I’m sitting in the living room at my uncle’s (still housesitting the farm in the woods in the middle of nowhere) and all the crows went flipping bananasand starting raising hell. So I look outside and a whole ass murder of at least 30 some crows flocked to the line of massive evergreens (taller than you’ve probably ever realized evergreens could grow) that separates our property from the plains.

I don’t know what spooked them but now they’re all just sitting there.


Happy new year! Thanks for supporting my profile in 2020, thanks for ur reblog, comments and hearts! Thanks to u I keep this profile active, not much, but every so often I publish a new edit for you! Thank you, bc for ur help the Cryptid Academia has become better known and fills me with a lot happiness, the Cryptid Academia now unites many countries & languages! thank u, I love you. ( ◜‿◝ )♡
