

Person A: “Alright, what did they do this time?”

Person B: “They were saying horrible things about you! I couldn’t just do nothing!”

Person A: “Yeah, them and just about everyone else in this place, it’s nothing I’m not use to, they’ve been doing it since longbefore you came here…. Look, I know you mean well, but you really have to stop, or you’re going to get us both in trouble.”

Person A: “You wont get away with this! When they find me, they’ll make you payfor what you’ve done!”

Person B: “Oh don’t worry, once I’m done with you, there won’t be anything left for them tofind.”

Person A: “Well that went to shit a lot faster than I expected.”

Person B: “Youknewthis would happen?!”

Person A: “Of course, did you really expect (Person C) to play nice with those moronic amateurs for long? Besides, the moment they made that comment about (Person D), they went from mild annoyances, to putting themselves right at the top of (Person C)’s shit-list. Either way, they were never going to make it out of this building alive.”


*listens to ur heart with a stethoscope* *takes ur temperature* *flashes a light in ur eyes* yep…. it’s exactly as i expected…. ur really cute….. *writes a prescription for lots of kisses*


Comfort-ish Dialogue Starters

”I won’t let you die.”

”How are you feeling?”

”How’s the arm?”

”I’m trying really hard not to say I told you so.”

”You’re acting like you want to die.”

”I can’t lose you.”

”Focus on my voice.”

”Just keep breathing.”

”It’ll be alright.”

”Remember when we were young?”

”I never thought I could care for someone like this, but then I met you.”

”Squeeze my hand.”

”Don’t look down.”

”You’re going to be fine, trust me.”

”I’m going to get you out of here.”

”They can’t hurt you any more.”

”I got you.”

”Keep your eyes shut.”

”Stay awake.”

”Don’t do this to me, please!”

”I’m begging you!”

”I vividly remember telling you that this was a bad idea.”

”Maybe next time we’ll do it my way?”

”When will you learn?”

”Hey, I’m not the one injured right now.”

”Who did this to you?”

”I’m going to kill them.”

”Don’t give up on me! Fight, goddamnit!”

”We need to get you into a hospital.”

”I have to stop the bleeding.”

”Did it ever occur to you that maybe we don’t want to see you get hurt?”

”You may feel like you have nothing to lose, but I don’t want to lose you!”

”What is it going to take for you to realize you’re not bullet proof?”

”I can’t do this on my own.”



  • “please look at me.”
  • “is s/he really just a friend?”
  • “i’m just disappointed.”
  • “you know i’m not like that.”
  • “don’t give me space. that’s the last thing i want with you.”
  • “i know you still love me.”
  • “i can’t think straight with you.”
  • “why are you so stubborn?”
  • “don’t do this here.”
  • “trust me on this.”
  • “please don’t misunderstand me.”
  • “you… you never had a problem with it before.”
  • “i know i shouldn’t be here.”
  • “what do you mean by that?”
  • “you deserve more.”
  • “can you just kiss me? one last time? that’s all i ask.”
  • “i’m scared.”
  • “i swear i’ll do things different this time.”
  • “s/he’s beautiful. i hope s/he makes you happy.”
  • “i want to believe you, i do.”
  • “not everyone is going to hurt you.”
  • “i’m… i’m trying. i really am.”
  • “i can’t sleep.”
  • “how long will this go on for?”
  • “can i hug you?”
  • “do you ever mean the things you say?”
  • “you won’t understand.”
  • “you’re making me think that what they told me about you was right.”
  • “am i too late?”


the caretaker seeing the extent of the whumpee’s injuries, and knowing that they’re dying, but lying to them. 

about the severity of their injuries…

  • “you’ll be okay”
  • “you’re not hurt that badly”
  • “help is coming”
  • “shh, it’s only a scratch”
  • “just breathe, you’re going to be fine”
  • “it’s just a minor injury”
  • “the ambulance will be here any minute”

about family members or friends…

  • “yes, she made it out okay”
  • “mom’s here, and she loves you”
  • “don’t worry, he’s being treated right now”
  • “your brother has always loved you, he just wasn’t that good at showing it”

about how the battle turned out…

  • “we won the fight”
  • “the villain is dead”
  • “you fought amazingly”
  • “they’re gone for good, and they’re not coming back”
  • “everything is alright; the battle is over”


Mental Illnesses {Sentence Starters}

[both things said from someone with a mental illness and to someone with a mental illness; trigger warnings for suicide, depression, eating disorder, and self harm mentions]

  • ❛❛ I don’t want to eat. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Stop trying to fix me. I can’t be fixed! ❜❜ 
  • ❛❛ Can I have a hug? ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I’m sorry… I’m sorry I’m like this. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to live either… I just wish I didn’t exist. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ My room’s a mess because I have no energy. Not because I’m lazy. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I’m tired. I’m so tired and I don’t want to do this anymore. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ If I pay you, will you kill me? ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I didn’t mean to get blood on the floor… ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I want you to take my razors and hide them. Don’t tell me where you put them no matter what, okay? ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I can’t… can’t breathe, c-can’t… ❜❜
  • ❛❛ No one would miss me if I was gone. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ No, thanks. I’m not hungry. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Please give me permission to end it. Please. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ It’s no big deal. Just cat scratches. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ You’re the only reason I’m still here. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I’m too scared! ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I just want to feel normal for once. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ My therapist isn’t helping me. I don’t know what to do. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Give me three reasons why life is worth living. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Don’t make me get out of bed. I don’t want to move ever again. ❜❜

  • ❛❛ You’re not alone in this. ❜❜ 
  • ❛❛ You’re important to me. ❜❜ 
  • ❛❛ Just breathe. Breathe. I’m here, it’s okay. ❜❜ 
  • ❛❛ Here, let me do that for you. Go rest. ❜❜ 
  • ❛❛ You are not going crazy. ❜❜ 
  • ❛❛ We are not on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through. ❜❜
  • ❛❛  I know how hard it is for you to find the energy lately, so I made supper for you instead. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ When all this is over, I’ll still be here and so will you. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ If you need to cry, then cry. It’s okay. I’m here. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I can’t really understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Please eat. Even if it’s just a little. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Tell me what you need. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I’m not going to leave you or abandon you. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Please, if you stay alive for anyone or anything, let it be for me. I need you. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I am going to take care of myself, so you don’t need to worry that your pain might hurt me. I want to be here for you. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ This is not your fault. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ You don’t have to apologise. I’m not angry, I promise. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ You can do this. I believe in you. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ What kind of thoughts are you having? ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I love you. ❜❜


hospital themed starters

  • “ stop messing with your IV. ”
  • “ hey there - you gave me quite a scare. ”
  • “ this IV itches. ”
  • “ i think my nurse is trying to kill me. ”
  • “ i don’t want to have another surgery. ”
  • “ i’m tired of laying here in this stupid bed. ”
  • “ this medicine makes me feel so out of it. ”
  • “ i just want to go home. ”
  • “ i’m not leaving this room. ”
  • “ i feel so tired all the time. ”
  • “ i’m pretty sure this place is haunted. ”
  • “ i keep telling them i’m fine. i can go home! ”
  • “ you’re not fine. you need to rest. ”
  • “ it’s just a few more days, then i’ll take you home. ”
  • “ will you stop playing with the bed settings? ”
  • “ they said i might need another surgery. ”
  • “ the doctor said it could be worse. ”
  • “ the doctors are still running some tests. ”


“Don’t move.”

  1. The carer says as they stitch Up A’s Wound
  2. Says the torturer who is going to get another instrument (though A cannot even move due to their injuries)
  3. Says the torturer as a commotion can be heard outside of the room. 
  4. Says A to B while B is stood in the middle of a minefield / a movement triggered trap
  5. Orders A to B while A is rushing off out of the room to face the bad guys.
  6. The carer says to the now waking up whumpee.
  7. The torturer bellows in A’s face, as A’s body trembles with the exhaustion of being forced to stand. 
  8. The police order A as they’ve been caught for a crime they didn’t commit (perhaps they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.)
  9. The torturer whispers while holding a knife close to the whumpees eye.
  10. The hero says finally, their gun trained on the bad guy at the end of the fight. They’re bleeding from multiple wounds and are favoring their left leg, but the fight is over and finally, finally,the whumpee can arrest the bad guy and get some rest. 

Whump dialogue prompts:

“Ok, I know you had to push through that, but now that it’s over, it’s time for you to rest. Come on, let’s get you home. You need to get some sleep.”

“Are you sure that you can handle that? You’ve barely been out of the hospital for 2 days, you need to take it easy.”

“Honestly, it’s really not surprising that you passed out. How exactly did you think staying up for that long would go?”

“Ok, we really need to get you to an actual doctor. This looks infected, and that’s more than I can handle here, you need actual, professional help.”

“I know you hate accepting help, but you don’t really have a choice at this point. You’re too weak to even stand, so letting us care for you is the only option you have.”

“Go take a nap, _________. You look like you haven’t slept for a month.”


writing dialogue is so fun bc its so easy. its just like what the character would say. you just sit there and pretend to be the character and then say things

“It’s about time!”

“Carrie? Wh-what are you doing here? Why are you-?”

“Oh, I think you know!”

“Know what? What are you talking about? What’s going on?”

“Oh, drop the act! I know you did something to me. Why else would I constantly fantasize about fucking you?”

“Wh- you what?”

“And why would I suddenly have all these dreams about worshipping your cock?”

“I-I don’t know, Carrie, honestly… I-”

“And why else would everything else feel so incredibly unsatisfying?”

“I think you need to get some help, Carrie…”

“No! I just need to fuck you! Now come on! I’ve been standing here naked and DRIPPING for hours now… You’ve won. Claim your prize.”

“I honestly don’t… Umm… Yea. Ok. We can figure this out later.”
