#dnd 5e


Aggraloths dislike taking contracts, and would rather spend their days lounging around. Whenever they must take contracts they greatly prefer guard jobs to protect stationary areas but they are sometimes ordered to cause mayhem by their higher ups, which they do without complaint, as they understand their lack of magical powers and silently fear Yugoloths with arcane gifts. An aggraloth employed for combat lumbers into the middle of a battle and uses its immense metal body to crush lesser beings.

Aggraloths are large and bipedal, Its whole body is covered in a metallic armor, looking kind of like a wide platemail knight. They have two sharp horns and piercing blue eyes. They employ their entire body as their arsenal, using whatever heavy limb is closest to an enemy at that time to slam them and disorient them.

Dents and scratches in their armor is seen as medals of victory and they wear their injuries with pride. Clean coated aggraloths are hazed and given rough jobs to either toughen them up or end their pathetic life.

It is believed that only the most twisted fey become bogeyman, as well as the victims they abduct; so long as they are male, can become bogeymen. The bogeyman looks like what the stories say he looks like. If a mother warns her son of a long thin man with knifes for hands who punishes rotten children, then the monster that appears before the child will be thin and tall with claws or metal daggers in place of fingers.

A bogeyman has its own preference for whether it’s weapons are part of their body or held and this stays true no matter what the story of it is. Either way if it is slain it and any of its equipment melt into shadow.

They relish using their abilities to torment a creature, enjoying their growing realization that something is creeping nearby. They prefer lone targets as groups allow comfort to the victims, souring their taste. They only fight groups willingly if cornered or in their lair, where their victims and food sources are stored.

They usually haunt secluded locations but the most evil bogeymen are ones who become serial killers, tormenting entire towns and cities and feeding on the mass fear, in which case their powers grow but the likelihood that competent adventurers will find them rises as well.

Lair actions under the cut

Lair and Lair Actions

Bogeymen tend to haunt places where few people wander, like the abandoned shack just outside town, but arent shy of waiting under a bed or a closet. Once a bogeyman has thoroughly learned every inch of a building it can be treated as its lair, even while an unsuspecting family still lives in the house. Vermin, and spiders seem to show up out of nowhere, and the building becomes unsettling overnight.

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the bogeyman takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the bogeyman can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

Any two creatures the bogeyman can see are assaulted by shadows from the corner of the room. provided the creatures are within 10 feet of each other and not in bright light they must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 15 feet towards the wall and be grappled until the end of their next turns.

A identical copy of the bogeyman forms in a point it can see within 60 feet of itself provided it and the point are not in bright light. This copy is physical but has 1 hit point, and can take no offensive actions but can pretend to. At the point of forming the bogeyman can choose to swap places instantaneously with its copy, forcing enemies to guess which one to attack. The double lasts until the bogeyman dismisses it as a bonus action, uses this lair action again, or dies, or the double takes any damage. In any case it shatters and disperses into its choice of vermin.

Shadows swirl in a 10 foot cube within 30 feet of the bogeyman, any creature in this area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or lose all resistances until the next initiative count 20. Can be used on targets in any light level.

Regional Effects

The region containing a legendary bogeyman’s lair is sullied by the bogeymans magic, which creates one or more of the following effects:

Creatures sleeping within or within 30 feet of the lair have difficulty sleeping, having a 50% chance to gain no benefit of resting in the area. Additionally these creatures lose their positive emotions over time.

Light sources dwindle twice as fast as normal, and if no creatures observe them for 20 minutes or longer they go out.

The air within the area blows with an unpleasant chill all hours of the day.

Creatures feel as if something is standing behind them breathing at all times.

If the bogeyman dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d4 days.

Based on the legendary Japanese yokai “Nue”

“A neui is a chimera type demon, with the head, torso and back legs of a golden snub nosed monkey, front arms of a lions, and a snake for a tail. Despite its demonic nature it acts more like a wild animal than a force for chaos. It keeps to itself in wilderness or hiding in crowded towns, hunting prey animals for food but kills in surplus which usually results in its extermination. It’s poison causes great fatigue that in weaker creatures causes death after under a week.

They are tremendously difficult to bribe or coerce into work, with physical bullying being the only known way to cause one to act subservient but only until out of view in which case it attempts to regain its freedom.”

Dire rabbits are tunneling colony beasts. They emerge to defend territory or to prey on creatures that have walked too close. Unsurprisingly they have excellent hearing, meaning they rarely get snuck up on, and they always have at least one lookout while the remainder of the family unit further expands their underground home. They rarely eat meat as they find most of their nutrients in the form of underground roots and plants, as well as supplementing their diet with minerals from dirt, as well as insects.

I’m not sure exactly how to port a monster from earlier editions, as I straight up don’t know what all those words mean. However I hope I got the spirit of the razor boar across.

“This enormous boar has a black-bristled hide marked by hundreds of old scars. Its eyes are wild and bloodshot, and its tusks are more than three feet long, gleaming like polished ivory and sharper than many swords.” While at first believed to be the source of vorpal weaponry, weapons made with these vorpal Tusks are imperfect and only increase critical damage not guaranteeing a decapitation.

I imagined the beast as a feywild monster, it’s a simple creature but it’s fey features cause great caution to be required around it. Many amateur adventurers have met their end in one blow to this creatures Tusks, having their fragile heads skewered atop them. Settlements steer clear of their territory if possible, but special precautions such as flying mounts must be acquired in the case of a roaming razor boar getting too close for comfort.

An alraune is a large plantlike woman, with thick petals surrounding her. Large ones are usually bound to a certain spot while the younger ones are able to walk around, so long as they return to their flower before long. Alraune can grow up to 15 feet tall once they reach around 200 years of age, however the threat they pose often results in them being cut down before then. They utilize long spiked vines to ensnare creatures, and either drain them of their life or in the case of humanoids they are especially fond of, charm them into doing their bidding.

They reproduce via seeds that require meat, usually dead creatures but the more sadistic ones will turn living creatures into slaves and then used as fertilizer.

The older an alraune grows the more her magical abilities take over her physical prowess; an alraune of any age is capable of deftly fighting using its vines but the older ones simply require anti magics to defeat no matter the opposing forces strength.

I might make some younger and a matriarch version if this is well received

Perfect gift from a dark entity that wishes to challenge someone, or maybe just a liches failed creation it discarded into its pipe of loot, or maybe an orc tribe leader must wear this into combat to prove their skills before being accepted as the strongest member.

And here’s a miniature commission I got as soon as I showed the other one to my group! She stands arAnd here’s a miniature commission I got as soon as I showed the other one to my group! She stands arAnd here’s a miniature commission I got as soon as I showed the other one to my group! She stands arAnd here’s a miniature commission I got as soon as I showed the other one to my group! She stands arAnd here’s a miniature commission I got as soon as I showed the other one to my group! She stands ar

And here’s a miniature commission I got as soon as I showed the other one to my group! She stands around 3cm/1.2″ tall (excluding the horns).

These are so very tiny so it’s very difficult to photograph them without a proper camera.

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And now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, anAnd now for something completely different!I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, an

And now for something completely different!

I realized I haven’t made anything with fimo for ages, and I used to really enjoy it, so I decided to make a miniature of my character Mok, as the game she features in regularly uses a grid. It was a fun challenge as she stands less than 2 cm/0.8″ tall, and on top of that I decided to give her a swappable head. I don’t think I’ve ever sculpted something this small and detailed before!

In other news, I should be able to be more active here again. Early autumn has been very busy with a new job and a couple additional projects on top of that, but now the situation has calmed down a little, so I’m eager to get back on track!

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At the end of my studies I finally got around to buying a wacom and TVPaint, and have since been trying to have fun and hone my digital drawing/animation skills every now and then!

So, here’s Lambi hearing their name (or possibly the sound of a coin) at a party maybe (altough usually they don’t just stand around all zoned out at parties, but are rather trying to charm people to do them favors or just dancing in a bathtub).

I do love smears.

(edit: just realized that I forgot their horns! Poor Lambi. xD)

#animation    #head turn    #character animation    #warlock    #dnd 5e    #characters    #animations    
(Phew! Been silent for a while because of various deadlines, but now they’re in the past and it seem(Phew! Been silent for a while because of various deadlines, but now they’re in the past and it seem

(Phew! Been silent for a while because of various deadlines, but now they’re in the past and it seems I’m going to graduate from the animation course very soon!!)

I eventually got around to buying TVpaint and a wacom and, since I can’t seem to get pen pressure to work easily in GIMP, I decided to try out Krita, and it seems pretty neat.

Here’s my character (in full gear) for an upcoming DnD campaign, an elderly goblin paladin, Mok. Her faith in fate (or destiny?) is so strong that she literally lets a coin flip determine all important decisions for her. I can’t wait to see all the trouble this will lead her into.

The lineart is traditional ink, colors painted digitally in Krita.

Here’s a picture of her being a good paladin, exercising her faith:


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Chromatic dragon washii tape for sale, perfect for your campaign notes or bullet journal

100% of proceeds go to the Mutual Aid Network of Yipsilant MI

One roll for $5, three for $12

$3 shipping or local pick up in Ann Arbor MI

DM me here or DM chicken.cooperative on Instagram for orders!

The individual pieces for the commission I did for @PressXToJSun! If you like my work and want to coThe individual pieces for the commission I did for @PressXToJSun! If you like my work and want to coThe individual pieces for the commission I did for @PressXToJSun! If you like my work and want to co

The individual pieces for the commission I did for @PressXToJSun

If you like my work and want to commission me PM me here or email me at: [email protected]

Info/Rates can be found here

Can’t commission me right now but still want to support me and my work? Consider donating to my Ko-fi

I also have a Patreon

[ Image I.D : An Illustration of a man, Zolham Veao, standing in front of a full moon crowned with a marble, crescent gem, looking at the viewer while crying.  Zol is a thin, white man with long raven black hair fashioned into a braid reaching past his waist and bright silver eyes. He is wearing funeral robes adorned with various gems and jewels.  He is wearing a silver, bejeweled headdress and in his hands is holding a black rose.  He is bleeding silver blood from his hand that is gripping the stem of the rose.  He has a soft smile on his face and is sobbing.  Behind him are feathers tipped in silver blowing in the wind, fanning out behind him like bird’s wings. 

 Second image is the same illustration as the first image except Zol is wearing a funeral vail over his entire person in this version. 

Third image is Zol but several years older.  He has a sickly sallow tint to his pale skin.  His hair is shoulder length and graying.  He is in old, worn, travel clothes and a dingy breast plate.  His right hand is holding a rusted flask to his chest while his other hand rests on a bloody mace at his hip.  Behind him is a set of skeletal wings and a skeletal hand reaches above him holding a set of scales.  He has an expression of apathy and fatigue on his face.

Image I.D ends. ] 

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Oh yeehaw got to do the season 3 cover art for @compelleddual Thank you again @definedredeemed for cOh yeehaw got to do the season 3 cover art for @compelleddual Thank you again @definedredeemed for c

Oh yeehaw got to do the season 3 cover art for @compelleddual Thank you again @definedredeemed for commissioning me! If you like DnD narrative podcasts - go give Compelled Dual a follow and listen!  You can find them here. 

If you like my work and want to commission me, PM me here or email me at: [email protected] 

Info/rates can be foundhere. 

Can’t commission me right now but still want to support my work? Consider donating to myko-fi! 

I also have a Patreon! 

[ Image ID: First image is cover art for the podcast “Compelled Dual”.  It features Phi and Leo from the waist up.  Phi is a tall tiefling woman with ram-like horns framing her face. She is in opulent armor with a flowing dress underneath and a plunging neckline.  Her wavy hair is tied into a high bun.  Across her neck and chest are lightning scars.  She is holding a kite-shield with a plasma orb in it’s center in one hand and her other hand is holding Leo’s shoulder.  Leo is a short, lithe, elven man in opulent robes.  He is wearing a golden chest piece inlaid with gems designed to look like a rib cage and a circlette around his head.  His hair is shoulder length and tied into a half bun with braids.  He has two jagged scars on the right side of his jaw. He has one hand wrapped around his sister Phi’s back and in the other he is holding a curved dagger at his waist.  They are both smiling and looking at each other.  Over the image is a frame and text that reads “Compelled Dual”. 

Second image is the exact same image as the first without the text. 

Image ID ends. ] 

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Commission I did for a private client.  Thank you again for the commission! If you like my work and

Commission I did for a private client.  Thank you again for the commission! 

If you like my work and want to commission me PM me here or email me at: [email protected] 


Can’t commission me right now but still want to support my work? Consider donating to myko-fi! 

I also have a Patreon! 

[ Image ID : An illustration of a Lizardfolk warrior in armor, standing with one foot resting on a small pile of rocks, holding a macuahuitl over his shoulder and a shield strapped to his other arm, resting at his waist.  His armor consists of a fabric bodysuit and a woven vest that is lined in small feathers and shows off his chest that has the names of stars in draconic carved into his skin.  He has a maxtlatl around his waist and greaves that have been carved to look like serpents with feather adornments at the kneecaps.  He has a large turquoise necklace and a helmet fashioned to look like a serpent’s head, with large feather adornments coming out of it that falls all the way down his back.  There is a prickly pear cactus behind him that is blooming and in his shadow a small lizard looking up at him. Image ID ends. ] 

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Commission for a client on twitter of his Goliath snake oil sales-woman warlock Rhila!  If you like Commission for a client on twitter of his Goliath snake oil sales-woman warlock Rhila!  If you like

Commission for a client on twitter of his Goliath snake oil sales-woman warlock Rhila!  

If you like my work and want to commission me PM me here or email me at: [email protected]

Info/rates can be found here

Can’t commission me but want to support my work? Consider donating to my Ko-fi! I also have a Patreon. 

[ Image ID:  First image is a full color illustration of Rhila, a Snake Oil saleswoman goliath in a three piece suit and a top hat.  She is holding up a gem in the air inspecting it while in her other hand she is holding a six shooter pistol.  Her vest and top hat have intricate embroidery on them.  Her shirt has ruffles and she is wearing a bolo tie with a green gem in its center with a golden frame that has three rings at the top and two hands outstretched where the strings of the tie start.  She has long, thick hair that falls in curled ringlets.  She is wearing a long overcoat and cowboy boots.  She has markings on her skin and is wearing make up.  She has a sly smile on her face. 

Second image is almost exactly the same as the first image except with her overcoat dissolving into long tendrils of black smoke at the ends.  There is also black smoke coming off her pistol and top hat.

 Image ID ends.  ] 

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Commission for WiddleGayGoats on twitter and @daruther! Thank you again.  I had a blast drawing this

Commission for WiddleGayGoats on twitter and @daruther! Thank you again.  I had a blast drawing this lovely lady!

 If you like my work and want to commission me, PM me here or email me at: [email protected] 


Can’t commission me right now but still want to support me? Consider donating to my Ko-fi! 

[ Image ID : An illustration of Nikola, an albino, anthropomorphic velociraptor person about to swing a hand axe. She is tall and lean.  She has her mouth open showing off her rows of sharp teeth.  On her head and the tip of her tail are small feathers tipped in green.  She has a single large, hooked, claw on each of her feet. She is wearing a short, red dress with a low v neck, a cape and pants.  She is wearing an intricate necklace around her neck with a large gem in it’s center carved to resemble a dragon’s head.  She is also wearing a matching bracelet with a raven’s skull on it.  In her right hand she has a hand axe she is about to swing. She has a long vertical scar on the left side of her chest and several patch-like burn marks on her right arm.  She has body paint all over her body.  Behind her a glowing orb floats.  

 Image ID ends. ] 

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Roll to Fall in LoveThe final of my three Dames and Dragons pieces, it’s Fran! She’s a huge dork (bu

Roll to Fall in Love

The final of my three Dames and Dragons pieces, it’s Fran! She’s a huge dork (but she’ll never show it) and one of my favorite characters in the show.  

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He’s Pretty Tall for a CrowThe boy who believed he was a crow, Crobin from the Dames and Dragons pod

He’s Pretty Tall for a Crow
The boy who believed he was a crow, Crobin from the Dames and Dragons podcast! The second of three drawings of the original cast of guardians. 

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