

So, of course me and Edward have our own blog we work on together, but for more personal and discoursey stuff (sometimes discourse) we’ll do all that in this blog. So, is there anything you guys wanna know about me or want me to blog about? 
For example, info on all my headmates, my system name, anything you want me to add to the blog like submission and such? Or if you wanna ask me any asks you can also do that because the ask box is open. Anyway yeah. All that will help me get this blog thing thriving as well. I’m planning to change my background to like a background of all of us together that’d be pretty cool oml but I’m just not in the drawing mood at all which really sucks.

Hey! We’re back with flags for those of y’all who are proud to be you! Edd and Edward helped me because one of fictive and the other is factive!

Before I get into it, I just want to tell a slight story thing on why I made these. So, back when I first joined plurality servers, systems used to bully Edd and Edward for who they were, calling them names for being fictive/factive and that there will be identify issues in the future. When we joined PositivelyPlurality all of that changed. When I realized how okay it was to be fictive/factive we were so happy! Edward has a lot of pride for being factive. Be happy for who you are! That’s why I made these :). There were flags before for this but I heard they were from bad systems.

Fictive Flag

Darker green on top: They are from fiction and it’s okay to be proud of that! 2nd Green: Just because they are from fiction and not an “original” they are still valid so it is a very bright colour to show that.
White: Shows they are from a source!
Gray: Shows that they do not need to be canon and can break free from it!
Dark green: They can be whatever they want and can date whoever even from another source.
Darkest green on bottom: Same meaning as top one.

Factive Flag

Red - Passion! Shows factives are based on the real world and that it is an okay thing!
Grey- Maturity, authority over who they are.
Orange- Creative for being who they are!
Green- Growing as a person, also shows they are based on the real world since it is a life/earthly colour.
 Pink- Valid. They are just as valid as any other headmate.
Purple- They are perfect as they are. Do not change yourself for others.

Fcktive Flag

Fcktive is a mix between Fictive and Factive, so the meanings above can help you with this one. And make it your own! Fcktive is different in every case.

Feel free to use them! You do not have to give credit each time you use it (although it’d be appreciated) but if someone asks or if you’re using it for a server, video, website, etc please give credit to me! Please don’t say you made the designs as that’s plagiarism.

Written by Host

-Made with love from Edd, Edward, and Host ♥


This blog is kin/fictive help for people with South Park kintypes and fictives! One system is moderating here, this is everyone that may be posting here! Everyone has spiritual lives as our kintypes/fictive lives.

Mod Lucia - I’m the main mod! I’m the core and my kintypes are Mysterion/Kenny, Craig, and Leslie Meyers.

Mod Mysterion - I am Mysterion. I will likely post/help out with Mysterion or other superhero related content.

Mod Kenny - Hey I’m Kenny!! I front sometimes. It’s super fun to post once in a while, so see yall later!

Mod Craig - I’m Craig. I’m not very good with emotions. But, I will post when needed. Happy to be here. /g

Mod Butters - Hello everybody!! I might not be the best but I’m happy to help, if you wanna request anything send an ask!

Mod Princess - Hello, dears. I may not be available much, but I shall help out when I can!


Please read these before following!

1. No racism, sexism, transphobia/transmedicalism, sysphobia/sysmedicalism, anti-kin/anti-spiritual kin/cancel people based on kintypes, anti-Semitism, MAP/p*d*philia, etc. Please don’t follow if you subscribe to any of these ideologies.

2. Yes, we are aware that the content in South Park has many of these themes- that doesn’t mean we condone them. Please don’t bring any rhetoric onto this blog. For example, asking for icons for Cartman would be alright, but referring to Kyle with derogatory language would get your ask deleted.

3. One ask per individual/per system until the last ask has been answered! please be as specific as you desire.

Things I can do!

- Icons (300x300 or 100x100, regular or with any theme)

- Moodboards/Aesthetics (let me know any themes or colors!)

- Wallpapers (PLEASE specify size and theme/colors!)

- Headers (tumblr mobile header size)

- Canon calls (specify age and where to contact you along with canon info!)

- Stimboards (specify types of stims and colors!)

- Gif icons (experimental, 100x100)

If your alterhuman identity is noncanon or an OC, that’s awesome! Just because you’re not canon doesn’t mean that you’re not real. Your experiences are real.

After some comments on one of my posts, I repeat, fictives, fictionkin and anyone else with a fictional identity are valid and are their own people, and are not to be treated like tools. We’re not here for your entertainment.

Fiction-identifying people with human or human-like identities are real, important and deserve to be able to talk about their experiences in the community. It’s not something that’s super common, but it’s still an important experience to talk about.


if ralsei was a mob boss? (Youtube Link)


#Deaulivery pardon my deauterruption but there’s always something new in my writing waterfalls, drops of which you can intercept by Subscribing from my https://deaulivery.com site. See there meanings of the word itself.✍️✌️Thank you for your visit! #fictive #reality #newfangled

#deaulivery    #fictive    #reality    #newfangled    