#fuck you


For those of you that have never had a toothache or an abscess tooth….. FUCK YOU!

“Fuck you pay me”.

“Fuck you pay me”.

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Been re-watching Evangelion on Netflix and man am I getting a lot more than I did 8 years ago when I last re-watched. And now that I’m not a teenager anymore…I also realize I can’t fucking stand the sexualization of our main characters. It’s fucked up that the only reason I can watch it now is because I first watched this show when I was 7 years old. I had a crush on Asuka as a 7 year old - because she was an older girl to me. But this show was not made for 7 year olds so therefore this pandering was not for me. It was for the older fucking creepy weirdos who wanted this shit. So It’s weird being 26 now and trying to re-watch this creep fest. It’s not deep. Ret-conning the pandering shit in Death and Re-birth as revenge porn against your fanbase does not make it less creepy, weird, or inappropriate. I can only stomach this show because I liked it as a kid. Which is weird to think about. This show is stuck in time and I’m getting older. At least the Eva’s still look cool - but holy fuck am I having a hard time re-watching this bullshit.

It’s okay to like this show. I still do. But if you try to justify this to yourself in anyway you have a fucking problem and you need to grow up.

Also Dan Kanemitsu is a fucking creep. Saying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd children instead of child is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life and tbh I’m more pissed about that than his other dumb ass stances. Because his dumb ass stances are still dumb ass stances. 

Finally - the new voice actors are great. I really like them.

Alright there is my dirty laundry when it comes to Eva. I still like this show despite all this bullshit. The background storytelling really does it for me. Even though it can be incoherent and wishy-washy with religious iconography the world building and story telling is incredibly consistent and depressing in a way that rivals some of the best post-apocalypse stories.

I don’t have very many breakable things that are important to me but I’ve got a Snapple bottle full of dried flowers that are super important to me. I put the Snapple bottle on the very top of my bookshelf where the cats shouldn’t be able to reach.

This morning my cat (I’m sure it was him) got to the bottle, pulled the flowers out and then pushed the bottle off the shelf. Fuck you Aztec.

fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you very very much

Fuck you, fuck you very very much

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cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018cardamomblessing:Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018


Oscar Isaac for GQ Style Spring 2018

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I remember the sound of your laugh because I simultaneously
Love and hate it.
I remember the feeling I get when I kiss you because
You burned your name into my lips with the lies you told
I remember the way I cried when we were drunk in the bathroom together
But those were just tears fueled by alcohol and regret
I remember saying I would never regret anything
But that’s not quite true
I regret letting you in
And holding your hand
And telling you things I can barely say myself
And letting you tell me you wanted to marry me
It wasn’t a commitment thing
Just a thought
A “that’d be nice maybe”
Those never seem to be nice in the end though

1) Remember that body shaming is always wrong, because people can’t help the body they were born with. If someone disagrees with you on this or anything else in regards to feminism, it’s perfectly okay to suggest that they are a male with a small penis, or that they have a “neck beard”, both of which are totally gross.

2) Insist that everyone who disagrees with the tenets of feminism is a privileged white male who does not believe that women should be able to make their own choices in life. Either that, or they are women who have been brainwashed by the patriarchy, because feminism is the only right choice. 

3) Understand that women should be able to wear anything they want in public, even if it’s a mini-skirt and a tight tank top that has the word “slut” emblazoned on it, without total strangers assuming something about their character. Don’t forget that any guy who wears a fedora is obviously a misogynistic douchebag, and most likely one of those MRA assholes.  

4) Harp on the fact that women and girls are the only ones who have to be careful about walking alone at night, because men and boys NEVER have to worry about getting jumped, mugged, robbed, killed or molested by some criminal. Remember that if men do get victimized, it probably sucks for them, but it’s kind of their own fault anyway, because they’re part of the patriarchy and the patriarchy is the reason all crime exists. Just don’t ever blame the victim, because that would be wrong. 

5) NEVER engage in actual debate with someone who is bringing up facts and statistical evidence that proves whatever you just said wrong. Instead, you can still win the argument by calling them “over-privileged”, saying that you “took some classes” on the subject and they are not worth debating because they hate women, throwing out a feminist catch phrase like “patriarchy”, “male tears” or “what about the menz” over and over, and then blocking them. If you have time before your brain starts making you think about the facts they just proved you wrong with, call them some worse names just to let them know you don’t tolerate misogynists. Then go read some feminists blogs to get those pesky facts out of your head, and maybe drop a comment or two about how you “just won an argument against an MRA”. Whew, that was a close one.  

6) Realize that not only is it perfectly acceptable to lump ALL males into the same category as rich, conservative white males with unlimited political power who come from old money, but also that it’s actually harmful to feminist theory to make any distinction at all between some guy who is living in a trailer park in Idaho and say, Mitt Romney, so don’t do it, otherwise this whole “male privilege” theory might take a hit and that’s the last thing you want if you’re gonna keep spouting feminist rhetoric.

7) Constantly complain about the “over sexualization” of women in advertisements, television, and movies, and how that holds real women up to unattainable expectations as far as their bodies go. This is an especially good point to keep bringing up in defense of feminsism, because everyone knows that men aren’t expected to look a certain way in any of these areas. Nope, men in the entertainment industry can be fat, ugly trolls and still be successful actors and models. Just ask Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson, or any male underwear model. Looks mean nothing where men are concerned in the entertainment and fashion industries, and it’s totally unfair for any industry that’s rooted in sex and fantasy to keep perpetuating sexual fantasies. It’s all because of the patriarchy.

8) Remember: it’s totally cool to assume that all men are rapists because one of them molested you in some way at some point. Also, all women are bad drivers, on the strength of that one dumb broad who turned left into oncoming traffic and totaled my car a few months ago. It’s just logic, people. If someone of a certain gender did something to you, then everyone of that same gender must by definition be EXACTLY LIKE THAT PERSON. Why is that so hard to understand?

9) Don’t forget to bring up advertisements, statistics, data, or political quotes from over 50 years ago or more to illustrate how bad all women have it in the year 2013, because clearly nothing has improved for them since the 1950’s. If you think that it logically follows from this that either your old statistics are deliberately misleading or that feminism itself is completely ineffective, well, just stop thinking about it because…..patriarchy.

10) If confronted by a skeptic on feminist theory who claims that real equality can only be attained by concentrating on the whole population of the human race and not just half of it, always bring up the fact that feminism is actually fighting for men too, because every unfair thing that happens to men is perpetuated by the patriarchy, which is run by men, so by actively working against men, feminism is actually helping men because men shouldn’t act like men in the first place. Or something like that. I admit this one doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but hey, you’re fighting the good fight here, and it’s okay to bend the rules of logic as long as you think you’re right. If someone argues, just refer to step 5.

I’m currently re-playing Borderlands 3 (for like the tenth time or so). 

I have the Handsome Collection and Borderlands 3 at home. So, naturally, I’ve started looking for the first OG one and I’ve started searching for Tales from the Borderlands so I would have all the games at home whenever I would like to play them (which is more than 4+ times during a single year.) 

I would start with the first one and work my way up. And I’ve found out that OG Borderlands (Game of the Year edition) for PS4 isn’t availible in my country and not even on the PS4 store? 

And TFTB was completely pulled out of the market, not even on PS4 store or Steam for that matter because it’s licence had expired… What the fuck, bro? 

Sure, the games aren’t the best ones, but the nostalgy value is HUGE with these badboys. The story of BL1 is non-existent, the resolution and FPS rating is terrifiying, but I would still love to replay it. Don’t take it as whining, BL2 is my favorite title of the whole series… But… You know, it’s kinda sad.

I’m getting an iron infusion tomorrow then again a week later. Hopefully that will help with my constant need to nap. But the pressure in my head is getting worse. I can’t get an MRI until this Corona shit calms down. In the meantime I’m fucking dying. I don’t know what to do. I need something to help with the pressure and pain. And I’m told to “hang in there”. Fuck you and fuck everyone for punishing me and trying to make me feel bad for attempting suicide.
