#fun facts

John Wayne Gacy’s last meal was a dozen deep-fried shrimp, a bucket of original recipe chicken

John Wayne Gacy’s last meal was a dozen deep-fried shrimp, a bucket of original recipe chicken from KFC, French fries, a pound of strawberries, and a bottle of Diet Coke.

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“My father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan.”-L. Ron Hubbard JrEldest child of Sciento

“My father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan.”

-L. Ron Hubbard Jr
Eldest child of Scientology’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard

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M. Night Shyamalan co-wrote the screenplay for Stuart Little (1999).

M. Night Shyamalan co-wrote the screenplay for Stuart Little (1999).

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Muppet Fact #284

When Steve Whitmire was given the Kermit puppet for the first time, he said it still “smelled like Jim.” He put the puppet on to perform in front of the mirror and made Kermit turn around towards him, as a way to encourage himself. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to do Kermit justice. This scared Whitmire so much that he put Kermit away and couldn’t look at him for a whole month.


“Muppet Central Articles- Interviews: Steve Whitmire.” Muppet Central. Kenneth Plume.

That’s okay, I didn’t need my heart.

Photo Credit: © Barry Fackler, FlickrWhat goes in must come out in some form, and with parrotfish, w

Photo Credit: © Barry Fackler, Flickr

What goes in must come out in some form, and with parrotfish, what comes out is sand.

Parrotfish chew on coral all day, eating not only the hard calcium carbonate skeleton but the soft-bodied organisms (called polyps) that cover the skeleton and the algae (called zooxanthellae) that live inside them. When parrotfish poop out the coral they eat, the soft tissues are absorbed and what remains comes out as sand-a lot of sand. In a year, one large parrotfish can produce 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of sand, the weight of a baby grand piano.

Photo Credit: Berkeley Lab

How do they get through all that sandy grit? It’s as though their teeth are made of steel.

No biomineral in the world is stiffer than the tips of parrotfish teeth. Parrotfish teeth are made of a material called fluorapatite which contains calcium, fluorine, phosphorous and oxygen, and is the second-hardest biomineral in the world. Fluorapatite scores a five on the Mohs’ hardness scale, making their teeth harder than copper, silver and gold. The teeth can also withstand a lot of pressure. One square inch of parrotfish teeth can tolerate 530 tons of pressure-equivalent to the weight of about 88 elephants.

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Thank you to our donor, who wishes to remain anonymous:

3.04 “Sin City” (Blue Revisions only):

You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google -> slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.

Casting Sides for Father Gil:

Casting Sides for Iggy (renamed Ritchie):

Casting Sides for Ruby:

The small town of Unalaska in Alaska is home to over 600 bald eagles - it has one of the highest concentrations of bald eagles on the planet.

The birds of prey are particularly attracted to Unalaska’s Dutch Harbor, considered to be one of the top fishing ports of the US.

The residents have learned to live alongside the eagles, despite the fact they have been known to steal food out of the hands of locals.

Fun fact:

The baby in Charlie Chaplin’s film ‘The Kid’ - released 100 years ago - is still alive. The actor turned 102 this month and is 1 of only 4 actors from the silent film era who are still living.

Painted trees, right?


This is a particular species of tree which reveals many different colors when shedding bark. It is known as the Rainbow Eucalyptus and it is native to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines.

When bark first peels off the tree it reveals a bright green color underneath, however this green layer changes color as time progresses - turning hues of orange, blue, purple, brown, yellow and maroon. As parts of the tree are shedding at different rates, the exposed layers can be of different ages and therefore different colors. This is what makes the tree look like it’s been streaked with rainbow paint!

Unsettling facts that will make your skin crawl

#tiktok    #tiktoks    #story time    #cs lewis    #author    #authors    #sadism    #masochism    #fun fact    #fun facts    #history    #esmelouisee    


Pokémon that was randomly selected: Duraludon!

Did you know that Duraludon only weighs about 88 pounds in total? Its body resembled polished metal, and it’s both lightweight and strong, so this Pokémon has considerable agility. The only drawback is that it rusts easily!

I think I should clarify: Duraludon weigh 88 pounds if they have the Heavy Metal Ability. If they have Stalwart, they weigh about 44 pounds, and if they have Light Metal, they only weigh 22 pounds!

Things From TMNT 2012 That NO ONE Talks About and SHOULD Talk About

- Casey HATES dubbed anime. He’s also played by Josh Peck from Drake and Josh.

- April was failing trigonometry at one point, but at the time she was still tutoring Casey.

- April has an aunt that we’ve never met. Casey has a dad and a sister. Karai and Shinigami had been friends since childhood and Karai never mentioned her.

- Alopex and Tigerclaw probably killed their parents and joined the circus.

- Raph has a drum set in his room. He also sleeps with a teddy bear.

- Karai’s makeup has never smuged and it took us 5 seasons to see April with her hair down.

- Raph grew a beard, so the turtles can grow hair?? Maybe idk??

- The guy who played Donnie played Raph in the 1987 series. Mikey’s VA plays a character in ROTTMNT. Leo has had 3 voice actors.

- Mikey wears a pair of underwear because he can.

- Irma was LITERALLY A ROBOT and they kinda just forgot she existed.

- What happened to Timothy?? Like is he still in Donnie’s lab??

- Master Splinter has cheese popsicles in the freezer the entire time.

- In the future apocalypse, Casey is dead and Raph just kinda keeps his skull.

- Mondo Gecko got kicked out by his parents after he was mutated.

- Casey is afraid of rats. April is afraid of bats. Mikey is afraid of squirrel monsters. Donnie is afraid of April hating him. Raph is afraid of cockroaches. Leo is afraid of loosing his brothers.

- Tang Shen has a robot toy in her window.

- Leo held baby Karai when they went back in time.

- Mikey makes everyone breakfast in the morning.

- Raph read the same magizine for like 5 years. Did he ever finish it tho?

- I have a headcannon that the Little Girl Leo has tea with is actually Casey’s little sister.

- Leo still continued to have tea parties with the little girl, whose name is Chloe.

- Leo was a clumsy baby and fell over a lot.

- Renet didn’t tell the boys about the apocalypse.

- Donnie and Casey still have unexplained gaps in their teeth.

- In the episode with the ghost that possessed Leo, Mikey, and Raph, you can see on Donnie’s computer that he was taking a Buzzfeed quiz about which goat he is.

- Raph is probably a fan of Resonance art since he names Chompy “Chompy Picasso” and Y’Gbtha “Mona Lisa”.

- This is the second version of Mona Lisa to appear ever.

- Mona is part of the Mutanimals.

- Leo had a crush on his half sister.

- The 2012 boys met the 1987 boys. That was a greattt episode.

- April used to have braces and wear glasses. She’s also a sophomore.

- Karai kissed Casey.

- It’s cannon that in the later seasons, Casey may not have a crush on April anymore.

- Bigfoot LITERALLY had a crush on Donnie.

- Raph stayed up for nights on end to watch over Leo when he was in a coma.

- Casey had a toxic friend named Tony.

- April helped volunteer at a soup kitchen.

- Casey has a diary.

- Raph still plays with action figures.

- Mikey used Leo’s comics as toilet paper.

- April was almost black and Raph almost had feelings for her.

- The boys were born in 1999.

- The 2012 series ended 2 years ago.

Things from TMNT 2007 That NO ONE Talks about and SHOULD Talk About

- The 2007 movie is a continuation on the 1990 film series. It came out almost 11 years after the last 90’s movie and they made it CGI. Also, the turts are all in their late 20’s early 30’s. Also, there was a point in my life that I had every line to this movie memorized.


- April is literally living her best life. She has a mans, she owns her own company (who knows what happened to the news reporter thing or the antique shop tho), she’s a NINJA. Girl has her life together and I’m kinda jealous.

- Someone called Donnie’s tech support line thinking it was a phone sex line.

- Casey Dumb as a Brick Jones was the only one to figure out that Raph was The Nightwatcher.

- There is a deleted scene in which CASEY PROPOSES TO APRIL IM HERE FOR IT I STANNNNNN.

- Karai is kinda hot tho. And like what’s up with her and the turtles?? Friendship I presume??


- Leo was able to sneak onto a plane to get back to America?? Like yeah it’s 2007, but someone would notice??

- Splinter watches the Gilmore Girls and likes Soaps.

- Casey and April literally argued while being chased by the monster. Karai was disgusted.

- Karai hinted that Shredder was coming back (where’s my sequel?).

- It’s been like over 10 years and Casey is still afraid of commitment.

- The Turtle’s kept Shredder’s helmet after they killed him.

- Mikey is allergic to dead people particles. Spread the word.

- The one guy working at the diner must be the only person in the entire city who has never heard of Raph.

- Let me just say, the rooftop fight between Leo and Raph was LITERALLY ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF MY CHILDHOOD.

Things from TMNT Bayverse That NO ONE Talks About and Should Talk About

- Raph CANNONICALLY lets April call him “Raphie” as a pet name. He also calls April’s wasabi peas “O’Niel’s Rabbit Food”.

- Master Splinter is a Lionel Richie fan. Also the song Mikey sings to April at the end of the first movie is called “Happy Together” by a band called The Turtles.

- Donnie cannonically has a crush on April. April cannonically doesn’t notice Donnie’s said crush on her.

- It’s been 5 years and Mikey still probably doesn’t understand the end of Lost.

- Raph is a Vin Disel fan (aren’t we all) and is afraid of heights. Poor boy belongs on the ground.


- Tiny Leo used to cut pizza with his katanas.

- Raph is pretty good at sculpting. He’s also really good at knitting. He’s an arts and crafts nerd no one can convince me otherwise.

- In a deleted scene, Casey asked April to kiss him. Sure it was to somehow “distract” Vincent so that she wouldn’t notice him??? How does that work?

- Michael Bay literally almost made the turtles aliens and the fandom almost threw hands with his bitch ass. (I hate him, but I love him too)

- Bebop and Rocksteady’s first reaction upon becoming mutants was to check their manhood’s size. Literally.

- Correct me if I’m wrong, but we still don’t know if Sax is dead or not.

- There is a banned pickle commercial in Germany (I think maybe) about Raph’s dick that no one really talks about for some reason.

- How did Raph and Leo get their scars on their face? (Raph has a scar on his eye and Leo has a scar on his cheek)


- Donnie still snorts when he laughs, we forgot about this and the fact we forgot makes me really sad.

- Casey literally beat up the Allstate insurance disaster guy in a bar.

- There a Bumblebee reference in the second movie.

- Donnie wears a retainer and drinks Asian soda.

- April had a roommate, who probably moved out because everyone thought she was batshit crazy.

- Megan Fox (who I’m TOTALLY GAY FOR) was nominated for “Worst Supporting Actress” for her role in both movies (I HATE THAT I STAN ONE QUEEN AND ITS MEGAN FOX MEGAN MARRY ME PLEASE).

- Raph has only seen Batman once.

- The only two turtles we’ve seen without a mask are Mikey and Leo. (We saw Leo in a flashback and Mikey on the rooftop).

- There’s a hip hop Christmas album that I NEED TO HEAR.

- The turtles call Splinter “Dad”.

- Karai has GREAT cheek bones.

- Lil’ Mikey has seen a murder take place through the sewers.

- Most of the NYPD now knows about the turtles.

- There’s several references to the movie in the 2012 series. Mikey mentions that he met Megan Fox on a rooftop. Mikey also tries to recreate the elevator scene, only to be punched by Raph.

- In a deleted scene April meets the chick who played April in the 90’s movies.

- And most importantly, some people say a third movie IS IN DEVELOPMENT!!!
