


gender became a lot more fun once i realized that nothing has to be connected to one gender or another if i don’t want it to be. you can use whatever pronouns you want no matter how you identify. you can use any name you want. you can wear whatever clothes you want. you can buy gender affirming things (binders, breast forms, packers, etc) without having to be in one category or another. i feel like i only really realized what “gender is a social construct” meant once i figured that out.

A Hey Girl, It’s Rachel #Maddow Throwback Thursday post from February 4th. Enjoy!

A Hey Girl, It’s Rachel #Maddow Throwback Thursday post from February 4th. Enjoy!

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call me ignorant but i genuinely don’t understand why sports have to be split up by gender.

@ everyone in the notes talking about physical performance: if that were the case, then sports would be divided by physical performance. that’s a thing you can measure. that’s a thing that varies by individual. a weak man and a strong man would be an unfair fight in boxing/wrestling/MMA, which is why they divide those sports up into weight groups based on physical performance. but they also further segregate them based on gender. chess is segregated by gender for no reason but sexism. if it’s actually about skill and physical ability, then measure those and separate people by those metrics. don’t do some bullshit gender segregation and pretend like men and women are inherently on different levels no matter their individual abilities.

Remember that time a teenage girl struck out Babe Ruth? That’s fucking why. Men are afraid of being beaten by women.

Remember that time male swimmers were pulled out of training because Kate Ledecky was leaving them ‘broken’ by swimming better than them? Remember how she didn’t even notice, because she was busy actually training?

Shooting is a sport that has no reliance on strength and so any allowance for gender variation is irrelevant.

The last time there was a mixed competition (1992) a chinese woman named Zhang Shan won it.

It’s often presented as for the benefit of women. After all, they’ll be heartbroken when they‘re hurt or bested by men.

Projection is a hell of a drug. 

this is why they drug test Serena like crazy. the believe no woman should be that good. let alone a black woman.

and black women have always been considered “manly” and less feminine.

also can we talk about how surfing is segregated as well? like how the dude who won this years international surfing cup or whatever was given $30,000 worth of prize money, while the woman who won the women’s comp was only awarded like $16,000 of prize money???? or whatever it was. but I know it was either half or less than half of what the man won. like why can’t they get the same prize money and when they’re competing internationally in the same competition? they surely have the same level of skill and talent.

the pay gap in sports between men and women is fucking insane.

The pay gaps, not to mention lack of sponsorships for women athletes who don’t look like models is insane. If you weigh over 250 pounds, no one will sponsor you. It’s why most female Olympic-class weightlifters live in poverty/out of their cars.

Reminder that in international (and usually national too) womens athletics anybody with 5m/mol of natural testosterone or higher is disqualified. (See legal case of Dutee Chand vs IAAF.)

Do you or somebody you know have PCOS? You are banned from international womens athletics because you are supposedly in posession of an unreasonable advantage in sports.

Folks disqualified for hyper-androgenism in womens athletics.

Francine Niyonsaba

Caster Semenya

Dutee Chand

Margaret Wambui

And more


Why are those disqualified overwhelmingly black and brown? Because testing is case by case when an athletes performance “raises suspicions”. They overwhelmingly test athletes of colour, for being too fast and not meeting white expectations of femininity.

Racism and intersexism(discrimination against intersex people) in sports is abject evil. Desegregate sports.








Still bothered by the US cultural idea that men can only be non-romantically intimate with one another in war-like or competitive circumstances.

I’m pretty quiet about the fact I’m a transman usually, but holy shit I need to tell you about the culture shock I’m going through because it’s blindsidingme.

There’s a huge sense of social isolation that comes with being perceived as male, because now people are subconsciously treating me as a potential predator. Allstrangers, no matter their gender, keep their guard up around me.

It made me realize that there is no inherent camaraderie in male socialization as there is in female socialization—unless, of course, it’s in very specific environments. And the fact I don’t amnbiently experience this mutual kinship in basic exchanges anymore is an insanely lonely feeling.

You know how badly this would have fucked my mind up if I had grown up with this?

It is 4:30am and I’m mourning the loss of a privilege I didn’t even know I had.

Anyway, I’m going to figure out how to navigate this. Don’t know how yet, but I’m gonna.

Absolutely, because it’s an extremely sticky issue.

Frankly, this is something I would’ve never understood without living the experience.

It’s now blatantly clear to me that most cis men probably experience chronic emotional malnutrition.They’re deprived of social connection just enough for it to seriously fuck with their psyches, but not enough for them to realize that it’s happening and what’s causing it.

It’s like they’re starving, but don’t know this because they’ve always been served 3 meals…except those meals have never been big enough.

This deprivation comes from all sides of aisle, by the way.

In the case of women: When I’m out in public and interact with women, all of them come off as incredibly aloof, cold, and mirthless. I have never experienced this before even though I know exactly what this composure is—the armor that keeps away creepy-ass men.

As someone who used to wear it myself, I know this armor is 100% impersonal. Nobody likes wearing it, and I can say with absolute certainty that women would dump the armor in favor of unconditional companionship with men if doing this didn’t run the risk of actual assault. (Trust me when I say women aren’t just being needlessly guarded.)

But I only have a complete understanding of this context because I’ve experienced female socialization. If I hadn’t, I would’ve thought this coldness was a conspiracy against me devised by roughly half of the human population. Even now, with all that I know about navigating the world as a woman, I’m failing to convince my monkey-brain that this armor isn’t social rejection.

And as for male socialization? Again, it seems taboo for a man to be platonically intimate with men for reasons I have yet to fully understand, but I think it boils down to a) the fact society teaches boys that it’s not okay to be soft with each other, and b) garden-variety homophobia. Our media only shows men being intimate with one another when they’re teamed up against a dire situation, and I’d bet real money it’s a huge reason why men gravitate toward activities that simulate being teamed up against an opposing force.

But men are not machines of war. Yes, testosterone absolutely gives you Dumb Bastard Brain, but that just makes you want to skateboard a wagon down a hill or duct-tape your friend to the wall, not kill someone.

The human species looks so much colder standing from this side.

I can see how men might convince themselves that their feelings of emotional desperation is personal weakness as opposed to a symptom they’re all experiencing from White Imperialism. Because this human connection, this frith, is as essential for our wellbeing as water is.

So sick. How sick. I want to destroy this garbage.

People in the tags are saying things like, “Men, it’s okay to express your feelings!” But I want to point out that this sounds about as realistic to men as “Just go outside by yourself to sing and dance in the rain, regardless of who’s watching!” does for women.

Like yes, it’s a lovely concept, but are you really going to do it with the unselfconscious expression you desire? The attempt would probably just be awkward for everyone involved.

This is not to say I agree with any of these social restrictions, because I don’t. But I wanted to impart how difficult the situation really is.



I found this in the notes:

me too


[ID: a screenshot of a comment from reddit, with no username visible. The commend reads: This doesn’t make a ton of sense to me either. Setting aside the question of whether gender/sex is assigned or observed at birth, the gender I was assigned at birth was ‘boy.’ The gender I have now is ‘man’. Boys and men have different gender roles, and few adults identify as boys anymore. From this standpoint, every adult has a different gender than the one they had at birth. End ID]

Framing “girl” and “boy” as separate genders from “woman” and “man” is such an amazing take. it’s a framework that accommodates and explains so many trans experiences. Some trans people never were their AGAB. Some feel like they were their AGAB, but that that changed (usually when puberty hits, which is when you start “becoming a man/woman”. The accepted societal path is that girls grow up to into women, and boys grow up into men. But some girls grow up into men, and some boys grow up into women. This guy was a boy who grew up into a man, which generally works out pretty well for people. Some boys and girls grow up into people who aren’t men or women, even! It’s like this random cis guy skipped right over transgender 101, 102, 201, etc. and stumbled directly into Transgender Nirvana.


im not even a girl im just some Thing but im a girl when its hot or funny


Hey y’all! Back from hiatus to give you a brand new video!

This one is all about one of my favorite works of ethnography which discusses heteronormativity & masculinity

I’d really love if y’all would give it a watch & tell me what you think!


“Performing one’s gender wrong initiates a set of punishments both obvious and indirect, and performing it well provides the reassurance that there is an essentialism of gender identity after all. That this reassurance is so easily displaced by anxiety, that culture so readily punishes or marginalizes those who fail to perform the illusion of gender essentialism should be sign enough that on some level there is social knowledge that the truth or falsity of gender is only socially compelled and in no sense ontologically necessitated.”

— Judith Butler, “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution” (528)

I haven’t watched the film documentary for ‘What is a Woman’ because I don’t need to(note; I may watch the film since I do love Matt lol) since I already know like rest of the healthy minded females(note; including males) out there, know what we are, but after curiously going through the tag on here; it didn’t surprise me that a bunch of tumblr users who are leftist unhealthy minded folks got upset and started to either insult the film, Matt and everyone who thinks normally like Matt. Instead of making a critique to try to make your opinion stand on its own two feet - no just raw insults by throwing a fit online about it existing - like that one film behind a membership will murder people irl lol utterly ridiculous, the rest tried to construct their own opinions on the movie but I 100% disagree with them because it’s pure madness of how you all want to change the definition of what a female is to your own likings instead of going based off the real definition a simple one. Now, the opinions we’re fine, glad other folks decided to do that, instead of the other ones that mixed it in and just bash in insults to wanting to kill people’s lives over this..

Now for the sake of this topic let’s give out the…definition of what a female is to a male:

A woman has XX chromosomes while the male has X and Y that is important because it defines what a humans sex is, biologically everything about us as a female or a male :D pretty uncomfortable that i needed to lay out common sense, but I am making a post discussing about a documentary that shouldn’t exist to begin with, however, since we’re living in a disaster satanic age of madness that is gonna get worse as the latter continues on as the children of the devil continue to rage out like wild creatures; not even a compliment if you want to try to twist is as something edgy cool- its what it is that you are striving to become even more.

It doesn’t sadly, sadly, surprise me that *this* needs to be restated after so many years of people knowing what a woman is and that you can never transition to be a man or woman it is biologically, scientifically (note; pointing at the none athiest scientist but then again even they admit it too so eh) impossible for a male to become female you cannot do it. If you have a problem with what i just stated then simply block me.

Nonetheless if I needed to be rough, blunt and serious about it, fair warning grossume explanation away;

a woman has a vagina, and boobs which get hurt like heck when you slap those things against a wall lmao or by accident get hurt xD..I had to okay. A man gas a penis, which are the most sensitive area ever just like a woman’s boobs if a man gets his penis slapped it will hurt like heck - see how it is the same pain? Instead of it being downstairs for us females that’s for the men while us females have to suffer the top part; either or same equal pains different ways just like a man has to ahem in the words of every feminist out there man spread us females has to do it as well since males have to spread their legs for comfort on their penis, females have to wear bras to protect those sweater puppies from getting hit towards anything. Unless you got iron boobs then okay lol.

I am not gonna stop, to continue on; the reason us females have a vagina is to pee, have our bloody mascar awful stinking mood swings that we cannot control cause it’s just how it is unless you want to fabricate something that it’s possible - yeah factually speaking you cannot control your emotions while on your period ladies because it is part of the harmon going wild while you are having the bloody rivers of doom coming in. We also get this disgusting yellow icky sticky stuff forgot what it was called but it’s the reason we wear pads unless you have 0 problem changing your underwear 24/7 then be my guest, now, I do know that some females get that contrast a bit less then others I feel awful for the ones that need like boxes of panty liners like that ugh, what also makes it wonderful - we can give birth because we got vaginas that can have the seeds that men release from their private area, which then gets us pregnant to allow new lives that isn’t your body anymore rather a new life’s body :“). That is precious no matter what, so get reckt if you find that offensive.

So now that i went through the grossume adult short explanation of what females have that males can never obtain at all and what male have that they can never obtain from trying to be a transvestite, takijg hormone pills to even giving it your own children to yourself doing it as a teenager to child, adult on tumblr, now we, understand right? Welp there goes the post, pretty sure I am now I am terf, transphobe, etc whatever but I don’t mind it :D for those who enjoyed this post thank you ♡.

I advise you all to please seek God, if you find this to be an awfully wrong, grotesque, etc post..because that toxic positive, alarming mindset is just gonna lead you to a rabbit hole of complete destruction of pure misery instead of being happy…

….God bless you all, remember that you aren’t alone on this mad place or world, they’re people out there that believe normal things like you do.

very tiring how even mental health is gendered. not everyone with bpd is a woman and not everyone with adhd is a five-year-old boy.

Think you’re raising your daughter to be a strong leader? Look more closely: You, and the people aroThink you’re raising your daughter to be a strong leader? Look more closely: You, and the people aro

Think you’re raising your daughter to be a strong leader? Look more closely: You, and the people around her, may unwittingly be doing just the opposite.

Teen boys, teen girls, and, yes, even parents have biases against girls and women as leaders, new research from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and its Making Caring Common project found.

Richard Weissbourd, a Harvard psychologist who runs the Making Caring Common project, said he was “surprised by the extent of it … how gendered both the boys’ and the girls’ responses were.”

Weissbourd decided to look at bias as part of the larger goal of helping children learn to be kind. “We were concerned that biases get in the way of people caring about and respecting other people, so our initial study was just looking at biases,” he said. “And one of the striking findings that emerged was gender bias.”

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Bias “can be a powerful — and invisible — barrier to teen girls’ leadership,” Weissbourd said. “Yet parents and teachers can do a great deal to stem these biases and help children manage them.” [Read the full report here.]

#gender    #anti-bias    #parenting    #practice    #research    #scholarship    #sexism    
Jülich, germany.“A man wearing a dress seems funnier than a woman in pants because society h

Jülich, germany.
“A man wearing a dress seems funnier than a woman in pants because society has tought us that femininity can only be pathetic. That is not true. Everyone is equal. Your gender does not define how valuable you are. Your clothes do not define your gender.”

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what if i told you that you can not exclude people from movements and spaces which were never meant for them to begin with?

 “how does people being trans affect you?! let them live their lives!!!”

yeah, not like women are out here loosing their jobs because they refuse to believe in gender identity.

it’s not like we’re literally being told that someone is going to throw themself off a bridge if we call a man a man.

it’s not like transgender activists are vandalizing women’s shelters and rape crisis centres and trying to shut them down.

it’s not like we’re being told to suck “girl dicks” whenever we talk about sex based oppression.

it’s not like word “woman” is being banned in the name of inclusion and diversity.

it’s not like i was told to kill myself because “terfs deserve death”.

it’s not like transgender activists are comparing us to nazis.
