
fuckyeahnightmares:maddieetc submitted:So my friend and my immediate family went to New Orleans



So my friend and my immediate family went to New Orleans to visit some cousins of mine. My sister, my friend, and a cousin of mine went on a ghost tour in the French Quarter. I snapped this picture at Jean Lafitte’s Black Smith Shop, which is actually a bar. The of age drinkers went inside in hopes of experiencing something, at the suggestion of the tour guide. Being, under 21 my sister, friend, and I waited outside. I used my friends Iphone to snap this picture. I was actually aiming for the window with the pirate flag in the middle. That white girl yeah she wasn’t there when I snapped the picture. She is in period clothing, and definitely looks like a minor. The tour guide hadn’t even told us the story yet, letting people finish their drinks on the side walk. She then told us that before or after the use of the building as a hangout for pirates in the 1800s, the building was home to a family. The family lost 3 children within a period of a week to disease. They lost the last and 4th child a week later. The mother hung herself of grief and guilt. My picture matches the story. The creepiest part is she is staring right at me when I took it. I believe she let me capture her picture since I was the youngest female in the group, probably the closest in age to her. In that way we are connected.

Fuck Yeah Nightmares Mod James: 7/10 Oh shit neat! Thanks for sharing the scares!

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Book Review: Among Others

Book Review: Among Others

Book Review: Among Others by Jo Walton

It is 1979, and Morwenna Phelps is no longer blessed with a living twin. The same accident shattered her hip and leg so that she cannot run or dance, or even exist without pain. Her beloved grandfather had a stroke, and cannot care for her, and her mother is broken in…other ways. So she ran away and Child Services got involved. Which is why she’s now in the…

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Looking for a horror movie to watch?

May I reccomend GhostWatch? It’s free on the internet archive, with no ads, and is a staple of horror history, as it was the first piece of horror film to severally blend the lines of fiction and reality.

If you’re a horror fan, you HAVE to watch it. Not only is it part of horror film history, but it’s probably one of the scariest movies I’ve ever watched.

indigodreams: Louise Robinson, Ghost Horses @cirosatabolarc


Louise Robinson, Ghost Horses

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A spooky wine label for an Heirloom Rustic Ales collab with Poscalora! This one is called Behold the Ghosts. The windows in which ghostly figures appear were printed transparent, so the ghosts only appear on the bottle as the wine empties. The second (admittedly rough) gif is how I pitched the idea, and I’m so glad they went for it!

Images from my last video Unfinished Portrait. Watch on my IGTV channel. And please let me know that

Images from my last video Unfinished Portrait. Watch on my IGTV channel. And please let me know that you think about our collaboration with ZKHR.

Music: ZKHR @zzkhr
Poetry: Your Schizophrenia @yourschizophrenia .
Video: Natalia Drepina @yourschizophrenia .
Original drawing: @sorrowgrips .


Unfinished portrait.
Evil thoughts blackened the silver of my soul.
And I didn’t fight them back,
I so wanted to break the ghostly porcelain
Of memories on stone slabs.
I broke time: before and after.
The past wounding at me like salt.
And my silence remained unanswered.
Cheekbones ached, hiding pain behind a smile.
It awakened in me the fear and nausea,
Cherishing in the cradle ice and grief.
Looking through me, into a dull void,
Your eyes are like the north sea.
The night bloomed with anthracite,
Drowned my silhouette in the dark.
And I threw fog veil
On the unfinished portrait.

#yourschizophreia #zkhr #poetry #music #spokenword #spokenpoetry #sad #sadmusic #nataliadrepina #melancholy #video #videopoetry #musicvideo #blue #portrait #poem #russian #collaboration #стихотворение #стихи #музыка #doublebass
#minimalism #ghosts #ambient (at Lipetsk, Russia)

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‘Autumn ghosts’ by 13_con

No spring ghosts?!

Whumptober 2021



major character death |left for dead |ghosts



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Kolivan was the last person the paladins excepted to see walking through the door to the control room. They all noted the sad, glum expression that was plastered on his face. It was no secret that the paladins thought he was cold and emotionless but it was clear to them now he was just very good at hiding his feelings.

He looked up at the paladins showing a solitary tear rolling down his purple fur cheek. Kolivan explained that the mission Keith was on with two other blades had gone horribly wrong, that’s when four galra walked in with Keith’s body laid on a stretcher. Keith was pale, paler than normal and his chest was still. All of a sudden it hit the paladins that Keith was dead.

Shiro was the first to react, he fell to his knees and sobbed loudly. It didn’t take long for the rest of the team to join him as he sobbed. Kolivan and the other blades gave their condolences and left quietly.

A flare of purple light collected in the room around Keith’s body. The paladins all looked up to see Keith’s ghost standing looking at them. Keith saw the pain in his friends eyes and told them that he was alright and he would always be with them. That wasn’t why he returned as a ghost however, Keith explained that Olnik was a traitor that he had set them up. Princess allura was the first to speak up after Keith had finished, she asked how Keith had died.

Keith- Close your eyes, I’ll show you.

—————- Flashback ———————

Keith, Regris and Olnik where searching a galra base when a large group of galran soldiers emerged.

Olnik- I’m sorry it has to end like this.

The galra shot at both Keith and Regris. It was no secret that Keith and Regris were in a relationship, they both loved the other more than life itself. It took more shots to seriously injure Regris but he managed to crawl over to where Keith was laid Dying. Regris pulled the smaller male into his arms and spoke sweetly to him.

Regris- I love you Keith…

Keith- I … I .. lo.. love you t..too

Regris kissed Keith on the forehead just as Keith’s chest stilled and his eyes dropped closed. The memory fades into complete darkness.

—————- End of flashback ———————

The paladins slowly opened their eyes one by one, each with floods of tears dripping off their faces.

Keith’s ghost smiled and walked over to lance slowly.

Keith- Take care of Shiro for me will ya ?

Lance-Always Keith, always.

With that Keith said his final good bye and I love you all before heading towards a larger male figure that was soon to be shown, Keith’s father.

Keith’s father- Are you ready son ?

Keith- Yeah dad.

With the blink of an eye Keith’s ghost had disappeared into the purple light that rippled behind where his dad was stood. Keith was gone and none of the paladins quite new how to deal with the loss…

[ Word count - 505]

Happy Sunday! 

#youtube artist    #illustration    #color with me    #little witch    #drawing    #ipad pro    #cartoon    #animation    #studio vlog    #cute art    #ghosts    #mountains    #draw with me    #calming    

I’ve really been getting fall-vibes all week. I can’t wait until fall! It’s the coziest time of the year. I was looking at my drawings from this time last year, and I had the exact same theme going, lol.

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I don’t do fan art very often but sometime it is just fun to do some of my favorites! Here is “Ghost

I don’t do fan art very often but sometime it is just fun to do some of my favorites! Here is “Ghost Gang” from Pokémon of course. Pokémon are all made up animals/creatures so it was fun to do. Please check out my page and follow me for animal artwork! #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemonartwork #pokémon #pokemoncommunity #pokemonfan #pokemonfanart #ghosts #pokemonghost #ghostgang #ghostgang #pokemonfan #pokémonfanart #pokemonlover #pokemonlovers #pokemoncommunity #pokemonlegendsarceus #pokemondrawing #pokemonfullart #fanart #fanartanime #animefanart #fanartdrawing #fanartdigital #fanartpokemon #fanartwork

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Some of my animal crossing designs! Keepin it #spooky

even the dead are feeling sorry at this point

even the dead are feeling sorry at this point

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Spooky Mysts… at first glance they’re just plumes of smoke or mist rolling along… unti

Spooky Mysts… at first glance they’re just plumes of smoke or mist rolling along… until they unfurl themselves into female like shaped creatures… a kiss is deadly, they take your breath away. The finished piece will be on show at @wowxwow_art for their show opening March 6th!
posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/39heO5D

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Ghostly Tales #83 - Charlton Comics, December, 1970

Ghostly Tales #83-Charlton Comics, December, 1970

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Ghostly Haunts #24 - Charlton Comics, April, 1972

Ghostly Haunts #24-Charlton Comics, April, 1972

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Ghostly Haunts #29 - Charlton Comics, January, 1973

Ghostly Haunts #29-Charlton Comics, January, 1973

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