#hades fandom

bunnymana: When a game is so good you wake up from a coma and draw your first fanart in a year :) 


When a game is so good you wake up from a coma and draw your first fanart in a year :) 

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Thank you all so much for sticking with me and continuing to follow, especially since I’ve been sick and distant for this past month. It’s really helped, and I hope I can get back to playing Hades and giving y’all content of my own soon!!!!


Filled with unstoppable energy this afternoon and finished Charon Up on patreon!

No Dreaming for Those Who Have Died

1. Achilles

Hypnos had waited long before this moment to turn around. It was ironic that something of his own doing had been plaguing the House for such a time, and yet he had not felt the need to bring it up until now.

It was rare for Shades to sleep, especially ones who were on duty. But since Zagreus had started going out into the realms so often, it was not necessary for Achilles to be at attention in his post forever. The Master of the House had hardly noticed when Achilles would take slips into other rooms, or would retire for a little while when he got bored of the West Wing itself. Hypnos had wondered if he would pick up one of Orpheus’ discarded lyres one of these days, but found it to be only wishful thinking. Achilles would likely not press what little freedom he had.

It was when Achilles had actually gone to sleepthat Hypnos first began to worry. The Chthonic God wondered if he should mention something to the Shade’s Prince and ward, but had decided against it for a little while. Cruel as it was, Hypnos craved a little entertainment. So instead, he watched carefully, curious as to where this would lead.

He had not had to wait long, in the end. After all, he was the head administration for dreams and sleep and all of that business; so, when Achilles had retired to somewhere within the House and chosen to close his eyes, Hypnos found himself suddenly drawn to the subconscious. 

That had happened dozens of times. More and more frequently with each passing… day, or night, or however long. Point was, it was concerning.

Finally, Hypnos’ meager sense of responsibility had gotten the better of him. There was a lull in death traffic, not that it would have mattered, so he let his bare feet rest on the cool floor of the House’s stone, and padded into the West Wing. 

Achilles looked up, blue eyes sparking in mild surprise when Hypnos stood before him. 

“Your Grace,” the soldier nodded. Hypnos smiled just slightly, always flattered by the respect the Shade had for him despite their rare interactions in the waking world. 

“Achilles, I… wanted to ask you a question.” Hypnos twisted his hands in the hem of his cloak before folding them in his lap altogether. His feet left the floor, and he crossed his legs comfortably beneath himself, hovering. It was more comfortable this way, kept safe under his wide red clothing. 

Achilles’ posture relaxed slightly at Hypnos’ casual gesture, but the set expression of his face and scrutinizing gaze of his eyes betrayed how he still remained on edge. “Ask away.”

Suddenly, Hypnos faltered. Achilles’ set features, the - well, for lack of a better word, dead - tone he used unsettling what confidence had led the Sleep God here. Part of him wished he would hear the distant sloshing of Zagreus emerging from the river, soon. Another part of him wished Lord Hades himself would bellow at them for their carelessness and send them sheepishly back to their posts. But it remained silent, wide and bright golden eyes staring into bright blue, although dimmed by death itself. 

“Your Grace?” Achilles prodded, voice softer. 

“Why do you keep asking to dream of him? It always… When I give you the reins like that, it always ends badly.” Hypnos cringed at his poor choice of words, give you the reins. “Sorry…”

Achilles straightened, expression going stoic and guarded. He stared at Hypnos, silent, and for a minute Hypnos wondered if he would not answer at all. But all at once, Achilles deflated, a long-suffering sigh leaving his perfect, breathless lips.

“Do not apologize. I do not know. And I’m afraid you’re hardly letting me in control of anything when I do dream.” He grit his teeth and shuffled his sandaled feet, looking down briefly. 

“I’m following what your subconscious wants. I only take full control when someone deserves to be punished, or needs a talking to, oh! Or like a wake-up call, isn’t that funny? Anyways, I…” Hypnos trailed off, sobering up when he saw Achilles’ stare return to the floor.

“Achilles,” Hypnos said, much softer now. “I don’t know any other way to say this. Just stop sleeping.” He laughed incredulously, cringing and hoping the sound did not come off disrespectful. “You don’t need to! If you don’t want to dream about your best friend slash husband slash soulmate getting… well, you know… just stop. I can make it stop, but only if you help me out and don’t fall asleep just waiting for me to walk into your dream.”

“I have to see him, though. I don’t know if you would understand, Your Grace,” Achilles bit out. Something blazed behind those blue eyes, but died out as easily as a spark in the rain. There was no energy for anger and hatred among the good spirits here. 

Hypnos felt an ache. “Not by experience, but… Yeah. I get it. And I’m sorry. I wish I could…” His nervous laugh came out infinitely more dejected, now. “I wish I could actually help. I wish I could give you good dreams about him. But the bad ones are just… so strong.”

“I know. And with all due respect, Your Grace, I wish for more than a dream. But…” Achilles sighed and stamped the butt of his spear on the carpet beneath his feet. “He is lost to me. And that is my doing. So, if I must see him in no more than the most painful of nightmares, then so be it. It is about what I deserve.”

“That’s not how it…” Hypnos sighed quietly. “Not how it works, exactly… Well, anyways, good talk, Achilles. I’ll - um - I’ll see you around.” Hypnos chewed his lip awkwardly, uncomfortable, feeling no progress from this exchange.

“Thank you for stopping by.” Achilles said in farewell, and Hypnos turned to return to his station.

Hypnos wished that was not the first time he’d had an encounter so unsuccessful. Most were like that, rather.

He thought of who else he had visited of late.


[Note: I thought of this while playing last night but did not have time to smash out a draft! I think I want to make this an ongoing drabbles series, of just - Hypnos visiting the people in the Underworld/Olympus he gives dreams to when he shouldn’t have to, them being dead or gods and all. Who should he confront next? What should happen! Send me asks, let me know!]

I finally got time to play Hades again after my hiatus, and one thing really stuck out to me.

Listen, y’all.

I hold the firm belief that since the little chariots meow like cats, then the big chariots must be dogs or horses.

Because for my own sanity and peace of mind, I REFUSE to believe that if I was a legendary hero who died and faded to Elysium…

that there is a chance that I would end up reincarnated as a fucking chariot. 

Imagine being a WARRIOR, a SOLDIER of the ancient empires and passing away gloriously in battle, hoping to reunite with your lover or family in the afterlife, and uhhh

you rock up with those rims and wheels.

That would uhhhhh haha I would be fucking LIVID. 

Anyways that’s what I thought tonight! Big chariots are dogs and horses for my own stability, y’all.

Hey Guys!!!

This is going to be a long post, but a long-awaited one as well, so please bear with me to read it (especially if you are following me).

I sincerely want to apologize for being gone for so long, and it’s been bugging me that I haven’t said why. 

So, as many of you know or remember, I posted VERY frequently back from about January - February/March of 2021. I have gained in that time 1000 wonderful followers, and I love you all so so so so so very, very much. 

But, sadly, in early February of this year, I suddenly vanished. I am here to explain why that is, in as much detail as I WANT to give (don’t worry, I don’t feel a need to be overly apologetic. None of what I’m sharing makes ME uncomfortable to share).

That being said, though, if talk of things such as hospital visits, mental health, or anxiety surrounding gender/sexuality bother you, then please proceed with caution through this post. Nothing will be graphic, and I’m okay, I just don’t want to catch anyone offguard since I know these can be triggering subjects.

Anyways, so around February 8th (or the night after the Super Bowl), I got quite sick to the point where I could not sleep through the night. None of my symptoms were COVID symptoms, and I was doing completely virtual school, but my life was still disrupted by 3 consecutively sleepless nights. Eventually, I went to the emergency room, since I have a history of GERD as well as other gastro-intestinal issues, and I was worried something was seriously wrong. Turns out, I was having anxiety-induced symptoms, which made sense because I have a history of serious (albeit undiagnosed) anxiety, and at the time was having a prolonged panic attack because of everything going on; college decisions, my parents being down my throat, my parents making ME schedule and arrange all of my doctor’s appointments for this very sick-period, and other life things. 

In the end, I got officially diagnosed with chronic anxiety, but not medicated. I got short-term stuff to help with my symptoms, and the best relief was that I was physically fine (no cancer or ulcers, as I and some of the doctors had feared). 

But then, whoop-dee-doo, right after I got un-sick (kindof), my anxiety got racketed up again. 

I don’t want to get TOO into this part of the story, since it is an ongoing process and I am (unfortunately) still closeted to my IRLs for the most part. But I came out as non-binary around mid-March, and now use they/them pronouns. (My name is Frankie, by the way. I am just now realizing that I never even put pronouns or a name in my bio LOL). But that was a very long-suffering journey that I finally stopped gatekeeping myself from; but since coming out, the stress has not eased very much. 

The sick part of my time has faded, but by the time it did, it was exam season and I was unable to rack up any lost hours here on Tumblr or on Hades. And when THAT ended, I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL and went on a 2 week road trip with my mom (after being fully vaccinated for a month!). 

Now, I am back - to unfortunately, another remarkably anxiety-inducing situation, but one I am able to manage more thoroughly since I am not juggling school, too. I am working a very minimal job and simply packing (stressful) and looking forward (positive) to college. 

That being said though, upon my return I have realize that the Hades fandom has been… quiet. I want to return to this account, I want to bring you all more content, but… is anyone out there?

You all, my followers and anyone seeing this post mean so much to me. You brought me more joy than you could know in a really, really difficult time for me and I’m really sad that I had to ghost for so long. I want to come back but I fear coming back to an empty room. I miss you guys and I don’t want something I put so much effort and thought into to die out. I miss it here.

So, chime off if you’re still here. If you’re new, chime off so I can follow you. I want to hang out with y’all again. Just let me know you’re out there.

I love you all so very very much, and I want to rebuild the community we once had here. 
