#justice for johnny depp



Johnny Depp’s statement.


“Tell the world, Johnny, tell them, ‘Johnny Depp, I, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence’ and see how many people believe or side with you.”



In a shocking turn of events, people have found out that women… can also be assholes! What a fucking shock! Women are people, people who have emotions and can be abusers, gentle lovers, killers and saviours because guess what? Women have individual feelings that can be literally anything because again,

Women are people!

Just because people hate amber (or any one woman really) doesn’t mean they hate all women and if you fucking think that, if you group all women into one fucking category? Fuck you, you are doing nothing for womens rights or anyone’s rights for that matter. Yes, believe women and Yes, not all women are evil but not all women are fucking saints!

Guys, I know it’s a crazy idea but hear me out.. every woman is an individual with her own behaviors, ideas and decisions– I know, I know it’s wild

It was proven she defamed him and that the accusations of abuse were false.

…and yet the controversy continues.

That’s it, imagine the gender roles were reversed.

Amber was the one who’s gotten her finger cut off, constantly tried to get away from her abuser, had numerous bruises on pictures and a truckload of witnesses confirmed what a gentle and polite person she was.

Johnny was the one who was taped saying “I didn’t punch you, I HIT you!” & “Go tell the world you’re a victim of domestic abuse and see who believes you!”, constantly stalked her everywhere, wouldn’t stop yelling and fighting, caught in several lies and contradictions.

The case would have been clear right from the start.

But because our society can’t accept an older man being the victim of a younger woman, this whole shitshow started. Believing Amber Turd without any proof, demonizing Johnny. Because it can’t be possible that a woman abuses a man.

Even during the trial and EVEN NOW people and the media can’t admit Johnny has won and is innocent.

No, they continue saying “both kinda lost” or “both are toxic” which is the equivalent to saying “Well, she abused him but he kinda deserved it.”

It really annoys me when people haven’t watched the trial and still have strong opinions like that, because gheez, if you have no idea what has been revealed in the last 6 weeks then STFU!

Sending dark text messages and venting like Johnny did is NOT abuse. He didn’t say it to her, he messaged it to friends. We all have written and said things that were mean and which we regret, that doesn’t mean we’re all abusers.

And did you read Amber’s whiny post on Twitter? Complaining about her first Amendment right of free speech? Sorry Turdy, free speech isn’t about spreading lies out of malice to destroy someone’s life and career.

Btw, real feminism wants equal rights for women AND men.
The backstep for #metoo isn’t Johnny’s fault, if you have to be mad at someone, be mad at Amber.













As for Amber Heard, I hardly think someone would open themselves up to complete ridicule, persecution, character assassination and death threats unless something was actually there. And Johnny Depp’s abuse has been rumored for years and his substance abuse is well known (he’s had episodes in public, FFS). So, I still do believe something is going on, but of course we’ll sweep it all under the rug because of a PR statement. Nothing to see here.. moving on… don’t look behind the curtain.

I don’t support or sympathize with Johnny Depp and don’t understand any woman who would. He can’t be abused because men being victims of abuse is not true. It doesn’t exist. All male species lie.

You are a LOSER for thinking men cannot be abused. Everyone can lie and when women lie they need to be just as much as men who lie.

OP, I don’t understand how any human with a brain can sympathize with that awful lying barely sentient pile of vaginal discharge.

Amber Heard is a LIAR and an ABUSER, ya worthless twatstain.


Yet another “men cant be victims of abuse/rape/dv/sexism post.

Who wants to bet she’s also a feminist. This certainly sounds like something backed by patriarchal theory to me. Same as the Deluth Model.

Ain’t it documented that AMber abused her ex girlfriend as well?

Amber Heard in 2015, married to Johnny for less than a year: Johnny’s abusive!

Vanessa Paradis: that’s outrageous. I was married to him for 14 years and he is a very soft and gentle person.

Johnny and Vanessa’s daughter Lily-Rose: mom’s right. Amber’s claim doesn’t sound anything like my dad.

Johnny and Amber’s bodyguards: we heard her crying out like he was attacking her, but when we rushed in he was 20 feet away in the kitchen while she was recording herself.


Fast forward to 2020 when we get an audio recording of Amber admitting to being the one to hit Johnny and gaslighting him that she doesn’t hit him.

OP: Johnny is still an abusive shit stain that hurt Amber!

There is even more audio of her gloating about getting away with it.

Fuck, she sounds just like op.

Let’s be real here. Op and those like them are the type that will stand and cheer as a man is being abused. So there’s no point in arguing with them.

Just know that someday this shit will come back to them and when it does I hope they get no pity.

Not to mention also, but OP’s @youekia blog is full of naked men so she is a thirsty feminist. Hates men but loves to objectify them. And she deleted her post and created a secondary post acting like a victim and crying about it.

What a rotten person.

There is a shit ton of people who lost loved ones to abusive female partners. While those people should not be forced to suffer or relive that nightmare. People like op should be forced to confront those family’s and of male abuse victims.

They should be forced to explain their little philosophy to the grieving parents And if they slap the shit out of them Oh well.

And every night they’re forced to sleep in the same area the recently deceased, from the morgue, to the funeral home, to the graveyard.

Their ignorance and bigotry should haunt Them and leave them no pease.

“Men can’t be abused” sounds like something an abuser would say tbh

I mean…OP should have accepted that men can be abused without this specific case showing the woman as the abuser, but good on her for changing her stance when introduced to new evidence.

Alot of people dont get that far.

Nah, now OP just changed her little narrative to being “both are toxic” fuck her and people who think like her. Also doesn’t she still have Amber Turd in her pfp?


Amber Heard and Johnny Depp are both toxic people, and they both need to work on themselves. Amber is a proven physical abuser, and Johnny is a drug addict who has said some really messed up dark things. I don’t really care for either of them.

I have thought of some dark thoughts and even said some cruel things about my abusers to others. I guess I deserved to have been abused, huh OP?

Go fuck yourself.


“Tell the world, Johnny, tell them, ‘Johnny Depp, I, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence’ and see how many people believe or side with you.”


If you support Amber Heard, block me right the fuck now. We do not support abusive, lying sacks of flaming garbage in this house.

♥️Johnny Depp♥️ gana la demanda por difamación contra Amber Heard.

no matter what your stance is on the depp v heard trial, no matter what you think of the verdict, no matter what you think about them as individuals- there is absolutely no excuse for ableism.

i don’t care what side you’re on. you don’t get to demonise cluster b disorders just because some shrink said amber heard has traits of hpd and bpd. you don’t get to demonise cluster b disorders just because you think johnny depp was lying and amber is the real victim.

npd does not mean abusive

aspd does not mean abusive

bpd does not mean abusive

hpd does not mean abusive


If you support Amber Heard, block me right the fuck now. We do not support abusive, lying sacks of flaming garbage in this house.


Since today’s hot topic is Johnny Depp’s victory in the libel suit against his ex-wife; I want to say that this is a big day, especially for male victims and survivors of DV.

No, this is not a loss in the #MeToo movement. If anything, I’d say the #MeToo movement needs to be more inclusive to male victims of abuse.

It’s time that we believe all victims and survivors.

Here my children, have these

Johnny depp photo dump ig.


Honestly… if Amber Heard isn’t found guilty, and Depp loses this fight… Then more men who are a victim of DV will NEVER come out. Because they know that they will never win. There are people still saying she’s a victim… I don’t understand.

And to be honest, this could be a double edge sword.

If she is found to be lying then women who are a victim of DV might be given an eye because they could think they were lying like Amber.

I support him.

I support him.

Johnny depp is a yasified 58 year old and I couldn’t love him more…


“Well Johnny said horrible things in texts”

Let me make this crystal clear, I. Do. Not. Care. A. That’s common in abuse victims, when you’re being tormented everyday, having fucking cigarettes stomped out on your face, being spit on, nearly dying of MRSA three times, you’re gonna be angry. But when you’re not allowed to be angry, when you have to maintain a brave face in front of everyone, when you’re laughing off your pain and hiding it under layers of drugs, it’s going to bubble up. And when you’re so committed to not being violent as Johnny was, it’s gonna come out in words. Bad words, vile words, disgusting and grotesque words. B. The texts he sent. Weren’t. To. Amber. If he wasn’t sending it to her, if he never thought she’d SEE it, it’s not psychological abuse inflicted on her.


“It is a setback,” she says.

You know what, it is a setback. Now real female victims who deserve to be heard when they say they’ve been assaulted or abused would have less platform to be believed in because of her bullshit. While I’m incredibly joyful for male victims being able to come forward and hold abusers of any gender accountable, Amber Heard created more damage to women’s rights than she ever helped it improve.


People saying “They were both abusive/shitty to each other.” Is just a watered down version of “A man is not allowed to defend himself or express discomfort when being abused by a woman.” And it shows. Self defense is not mutual abuse. And for the love of fuck if anyone goes “But the texts!” I will personally put a lego in your shoes.

Ambuser:“I had a mountain of evidence but it still wasn’t enough.”

Elame:“She had a mountain of evidence but it was suppressed by Mr. Depp’s team.”

An overlap of the duplicate photos Ambuser perjured herself by insisting were two completely different photos taken at different times under different lighting

