#low carb foods


Work lunch of cucumbers, strawberries, rice crackers, banana, cheese, olives, and leftover farmer sausage.

Featuring my critters hopping around as I try to take my photos they were too cute to crop out!

I’ve been physically ill for the past week but I feel like I may be starting to feel a bit better, slowly but surely. Today I am apprenticing so hopefully everything goes well!

Friday lunch box vibes

Many different kinds of cheeses with some kielbasa, olives, pickles, and rice crackers.

I really love the texture and crunch of rice crackers and have always enjoyed snacking on them. I find them very salty and tasty!

yogurt with granola and bran and a leftover turkey sandwich.

my life has been weirdly chaotic, my BPD has been a rollercoaster.

I’m sorry for being absent

I’m Canadian, and we don’t have Trader Joe’s, so this is a new experience for me, but when I spent the night with Ruby I was introduced to this spice blend in the morning and Woah, I think my life may be changed forever.

This blend is delicious on toast. I had it just on toast with some margarine and I’m truly shocked, I can’t wait to try it on fried eggs and hard boiled eggs!

American followers : what do you like to put this spice blend on?

Breakfast on a sunny fall Monday!

This week is hopefully going to be a good one, tonight I’m spending the night with my dear friend and fellow artist Ruby where hopefully we’ll make art and watch movies and have a really nice time!

Egg sandwich with yogurt and bran ✌
