#moon taeil


 - personal favorites

moon taeil

it’s a date ft. ten: “excuse me, but how do i passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” based on thisprompt.florist! au, sibling! au, fluff

johnny seo

call me, maybe ft. yuta & jaehyun: “i’m scared to walk home alone in the dark and every one of my contacts are either busy or not answering so my desperate ass googled up call boy numbers and you answered but I have to explain to you that I don’t want sex I just want to talk to somebody!” based on an original prompt. office! au, call boy! au, fluff

lee taeyong

nakamoto yuta

totally cute, too: where the blind date goes as planned, except for one thing - the man. based on thispost.blind date! au, fluff

qian kun

kim dongyoung

ten chittaphon leechaiyapornkul

jung jaehyun

dong sicheng

of anemones and declarations ft. renjun & chenle: if injuring yourself and nearly drowning in the sea meant that a very cute (and shirtless) mermaid boy had to take care of you, so be it. mermaid! au, fluff

kim jungwoo

wong xuxi

mark lee

serendipity ft. johnny: breaking into an apartment for peanut butter wasn’t exactly how you envisioned meeting your soulmate. soulmate! au, fluff

huang renjun

art style ft. dream: “i wasn’t stalking you, exactly, it’s just that you accidentally put my sketchbook in your bag and i’m waiting for a good moment to steal it back before you see the drawings of you i did in it.” based on thispost.high school! au pt. 1

lee jeno

lee donghyuck

nice to meet you, soulmate: it was your forgetfulness that nearly cost you your grades - however, it was forgetfulness that led him to you. soulmate! au, fluff

na jaemin

two large frappes with whipped cream and mocha chips ft. jeno: you have a crush on jaemin in your class who happens to have a part time job as a barista. based on thisprompt.high school! au, barista! au, fluff

zhong chenle

eleventh: following the red thread hanging down your pinky finger was the easy part. making zhong chenle fall in love with you for ten days was definitely harder. soulmate! au, fluff

park jisung


older brother! nct (hyung line): nct’s hyung line as your older sibling. sibling! au, bulleted list

summary:“excuse me, but how do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” based on thispost 

pairing:taeil x reader

genre:florist! au, sibling! au, fluff


“Hyung!” The chime of the bell that hung over the front door sounded, and Moon Taeil looked up from cutting the rose thorns to see a younger boy entering the flower shop, skidding to a stop in front of him.

“Don’t you have school, Jeno?” He wiped his hands on the white smock that was layered atop his casual clothes, ruffling the younger’s hair affectionately. Jeno smiled sheepishly, embarrassed to be caught ditching.

“I just dropped by to tell you that Jaemin and I won’t be taking over your shift later. There’s a big exam coming up and we need to study for it,” he mentioned. The wide group of high school and college-aged boys that he was part of ran a flower shop to rake in extra cash, taking shifts as they juggled school, uni and having a part-time job.

“All the more reason for you to be in school,” Taeil sighed, frowning, “What about the rest of the dream boys?”

“We’re all having exams this week.”

“And the rest?”

“Johnny and Ten hyung went to Chicago, Taeyong and Jaehyun hyung are working on their projects, Yuta hyung’s having a date tonight, Hansol hyung and Doyoung hyung’s cramming for their exams too,” Jeno answered simply, “Winwin hyung and Kun hyung have plans later.”

Taeil crinkled his nose in distaste, “Well, thanks for telling me. I’ll take the extra shift later. Make sure you study well, Jeno.”

Jeno nodded enthusiastically, already waving goodbye and running out the front door with an enunciated farewell. Taeil straightened his back, stretching before walking behind the counter to relax for a bit. He had a long day ahead of him, and he might as well do so.

He plopped down on the comfortable chair provided, suddenly feeling sleepy. A five-minute nap couldn’t hurt. His eyes were already fluttering shut, ready to doze off to dreamland. However, that was when the bell of the front door chimed once more. He didn’t bother to open his eyes before saying, “Did you forget something, Jeno?”

The only response he got was the sound of someone slapping something on the counter in a pissed manner. His eyes opened to see a 20,000 won bill in front of him, and the prettiest girl he’d ever seen standing on the other side. You had the sweetest, most poisonous smile on your face, fiery eyes and hair slightly messy in the most perfect manner. In an instant he stood up, clearing his throat as his cheeks flushed red in both embarrassment and awe.

“Excuse me,” you started, a melodic lilt to your voice that made Taeil do a nervous gulp, “But how do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”

He did a double take, a little bewildered, “Excuse me?”

“Please, just answer the question,” you ran a hand through your hair, sighing through your lips, “It’s just that- my brother’s an ass and he left me here while going on a vacation without telling me. I just want him to have a little welcome present when he gets back tomorrow morning.”

“O-Oh,” he pinched his hand lightly in order to control the onslaught of color on his cheeks and get a grip on himself, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Well,” you gave an elegant shrug, and Taeil’s completely forgot how to breathe. He stepped around the counter and walked around the shop, you trailing behind him and peering over his shoulder as he picked out the flowers.

“You’ll want wild tansies to represent that you declare war against him, along with dodders to say that there’s something lacking between you and your brother,” he murmured, gathering the flowers in his hand.

“There’s something certainly lacking in that head of his,” you snorted softly. Taeil cracked a smile.

“We can put in red balsams for impatience, cyclamen for separation and geraniums for stupidity,” he turned around to face you, sending you an assuring smile, “I’ll wrap these up for you.”

“Thanks,” the fire in your eyes had softened to something akin of curiosity, “It’s cool how you have them all memorized.”

“It’s easy if you put your heart to it. I have nothing better to do in this sodding shop anyways,” he noticed the easygoing twinkle in your eyes, and he pinched his arm once to control the flushing in his cheeks and neck. He probably looked like a tomato at this point. He diverted his eyes from you to focus on tying the bouquet, wrapping them delicately and switching their positions so they looked pleasing to the eye before handing them to you, “H-Here.”

“How much will it be?”

“No charge,” upon seeing the widening of your eyes, he rushed to continue, “I mean – I – you seem upset so you could probably use the twenty thousand won to buy some comfort food or-“

“You’re cute, Taeil-ssi,” your eyes darted to the nametag on his smock. You let out a small huff of laughter, amused, “Keep the twenty thousand won anyway. Will you still be here tomorrow?”

“Y-Yes,” he answered without thinking.

“Well then, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you were halfway out the door before he could say anything else, giving him a playful wave, “Have a nice evening, Taeil-ssi.”

“You too,” he answered weakly, plopping down his chair. Tomorrow was certainly going to be eventful.

Taeil didn’t want to admit it, but he was anticipating your presence ever since he walked in the shop. He had taken over Yuta’s shift because of his ridiculous slip-up, and he could only hope to not embarrass himself any further in front of you. Yuta already had enough suspicious with his sudden eagerness to work, but was grateful enough for it anyway. He distracted himself by rearranging the pansies and watering the flowers, making sure they all had his equal attention before sweeping the floors off of leaves and dust that had accumulated since morning.

The streets were empty, mostly due to the scalding weather outside. Even though fall was supposed to be on it’s way, it seemed that the skies decided to push the last of the season’s heat today. Anyone would be crazy to walk out in this kind of hot spell. This made for little to no customers coming in to buy flowers, which in turn made Taeil extremely bored. Taeyong and Johnny had pulled out the weeds and fertilized the flowers during their noon shift, so that left him with virtually nothing to do.  

The minutes ticked by. Taeil felt himself growing more restless as time passed, and eventually decided that you wouldn’t be coming. Not under this hot weather, anyway. He still had 45 minutes until his shift ended. He sat himself down and folded his hands on the counter, resting his head on them. Within seconds, he was already off into dreamland.

Taeil didn’t know how long he dozed off for. Twenty minutes, half an hour? He heard the bell chime and decided to ignore it, thinking that it was Doyoung coming in to take over his shift.


His head shot up in surprise, looking up to see your profile. You were holding a bouquet of flowers in your arms, a little hesitant in waking him up. He quickly wiped an arm across his mouth to hide any traces of drool and stood up so fast he almost knocked the chair over. It was apparent that his soul hadn’t returned to his body yet, because he banged his hip to the counter in his haste, the sound echoing in the store. His mouth opened an ‘o’ of shock and pain, a hand holding the most likely bruised area. In an instant, you were by his side, pressing your hand against his atop his hip as if to make it better.

“Oh my god, are you okay? That was a nasty hit,” you fretted over him, your voice holding concern. Taeil nodded, biting his lip to withstand the pain.

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” he winced at the slight crack of his voice, clearing his throat. It was then that he suddenly noticed your hand on his and the proximity of your faces – he felt his cheeks warm to the point where he was convinced he looked like a lobster. You pulled away, worry evident in your eyes.

“Make sure you’re more careful of yourself next time.”

He then noticed what you were wearing – due to the hot weather outside, you donned a frilly, off-the-shoulder white top paired with light blue jeans. He felt like he could faint from the sight. Too late, Taeil thought. He was already too far in with this stupid crush of his.

It was then that embarrassment hit Taeil – his cheeks turned redder (if possible), all too aware of the pregnant silence in the air, “So what did your brother say about the flowers?”

“Oh,” you let out a light laugh that took his breath away, grabbing the bouquet of flowers you brought with you from the counter, “Well, he didn’t specifically say anything, since I’m giving him the silent treatment. He left these by my bed, though. I was going to ask you what they mean.”

You handed the flowers over to him, which Taeil grabbed and examined. Hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils – all meaning one thing.

“He’s asking you to forgive him,” his lips quirked up in a smile. Your brother sure had a way with the ladies, communicating with flowers and all. He seemed to be well versed in the language.

“You bet,” you huffed, “After that stunt he pulled, it’s a wonder I’ve even forgiven him at all. I still want to tell him he’s stupid, though. Have you got any flowers for that?”

“Y-Yeah,” he stepped away from the counter and began making his way around the shop, with you trailing behind him. Willing the blood away from his cheeks, he cleared his throat once more and started with the bouquet.

“Geraniums for stupidity, yellow carnations for disdain, black eyed susans for justice, peonies for anger, and finally, chrysanthemums for honesty,” he turned around, finding you already looking at him. He mustered up a small smile, flustered, “I’ll wrap these up for you.”

You snapped to attention, red dusting your cheeks at the embarrassment of being caught staring at him, “O-Oh, of course.”

You stepped out of the way and Taeil walked back to the counter, grabbing some wrapping paper and sorting the flowers out so the colors were pleasant to the eye.

“Hey, Taeil-ssi, isn’t it kind of unfair that I know your name and you don’t know mine?” He looked up at you and found you smiling at him, which did nothing to quell his fluttering heartbeat, “I’m (Y/N).”

“Well, (Y/N), these flowers are on the house then,” he mentioned. Your eyes widened, insisting that you pay for them, “R-Really. You can use the money for buying ice cream with the hot weather outside, or something…”

“Are you sure?” You weren’t convinced, ready to pull out your wallet at any time now.

“Positive,” he tied the bouquet and handed them to you, which you took gratefully.

“Will you still be here tomorrow then, Taeil-ssi?”

Automatically, he nodded. You gave him a beaming smile, which nearly turned him into a puddle. With a “See you tomorrow, Taeil-ssi!” and a wave, you turned around and left the shop.

Not five minutes later, the bell chimed once again. Doyoung strolled in, raising an eyebrow at the red-tinted cheeks of the elder.

“What’s up with you, hyung?”

“Do you think Johnny would let me take over his shift tomorrow?”

Taeil walked into the flower shop, greeting Ten behind the counter. He made his way to the back, putting his bag down in the staff room and grabbing one of the white smocks that hung on the wall. Ten walked in as he rummaged through his bag for his phone.

“Isn’t it Johnny’s shift today, hyung?” He asked, already untying his own smock and hanging it on the wall. Taeil’s fingers brushed the corner of his phone, and he dug his hand deeper before pulling it out triumphantly. He quickly shoved it in his pocket.

“I’m taking over for him today. He’s taking over mine for Monday.”

“Huh,” Ten remarked,  “I’ll chill here first, then, hyung. I have plans and I don’t want to arrive there too early.”

With a noise of agreement, Taeil walked out of the staff room to find that you was already there. The evening light illuminated the shop with an almost ethereal-like glow, and you gazed on each and every corner of the shop in a wonderlike state. He stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do. The staff room door swung closed behind him with a loud click, and you turned to look at him. A smile instantly blossomed on your face, and you greeted him with a wave.

“Hi, Taeil-ssi!”

He broke out of his reverie, raising his hand in a shy greeting, “H-Have you and your brother made up yet?”

“I haven’t gotten any flowers from him yet today, actually,” you shrugged, “But I do feel kinda bad for yesterday. I’m thinking I should stop messing with him. Can I get a bouquet saying that I forgive him?”

“Sure,” he stepped forward and walked around the store, grabbing what he needed, “Daffodils to represent new beginnings, hydrangeas for heartfelt emotions and gratitude for being understood, and finally, white clovers to represent that you still love him despite his actions.”

He looked at you from the corners of his eyes, catching you staring at him once more. Your cheeks held a rosy hue, and Taeil had to quell the blood rising to his own cheeks.

“T-That’s perfect,” you cleared your throat, and he walked over to the counter to wrap it up. You followed behind him, watching him work, “Are you always this passionate about flowers and their meanings?”

“I mean, it’s a hobby of mine. It’s certainly interesting to learn about,” he let out a small huff of laughter, “Why?”

“Well…” you bit your lip, averting your eyes in an almost shy way. The pink dusting your cheeks deepened in color, and Taeil had to withhold a squeak, “If you didn’t mind, I was about to ask you if we could meet up outside the shop so you could teach me about it?”

Taeil froze, all the blood rushing up to his cheeks, “I – uh –“

A loud click sounded. Both you and him turned to see Ten walking out of the staff door, jacket slung over his shoulder as he held his bag in hand. He also froze, eyes zeroing in on you before they narrowed.

“What are you doing here?”

“Me? What are youdoing here?” You clapped back, crossing your arms over your chest in an annoyed manner. Taeil gazed between the two of you confusedly, no doubt wondering how you knew each other.

“Iworkhere! I thought you knew that!” Ten scowled. You scowled right back.

“And I thought you knew I’ve always wanted to go to Chicago! “

Taeil cut in, a bewildered look on his face as his eyes flitted between you and Ten, “Wait, he’s your brother? You’re her sister, Ten?”

“As luck has it,” you answered, scowl disappearing in an instant as you turned to face him, “So what do you say, Taeil-ssi? The coffee shop down the street at five tomorrow?”

“I – yes, that’d be great?” The last statement came out as more of a question rather than an affirmative. Regardless, your whole face lit up.

“Don’t worry about the flowers – my brother’ll pay for them. Take them out of his salary or something,” you winked at Taeil, turning him into a blushing mess. You spun on your heel, walking out with a wave, “I’ll see you tomorrow, then, Taeil-ssi – it’s a date!”

Ten choked.

cr. gif not mine unless stated!


  • okay so
  • let me start with taeil
  • cute floofy taeil okay
  • taeil just gives off these warm brotherly vibes u know???
  • like honestly you were b l e s s e d to have moon taeil as ur bro
  • ever since childhood he’d just be so naturally protective over you like
  • it wouldn’t be overprotectiveness like a certain someone (ty track cOUGH) but it would just be so subtle
  • as in if you both would be on the bus he would give you the seat closer to the window and stand up while keeping an eye out for anybody who even tried to touch you the wrong way
  • would be the best if you needed help with your homework
  • didn’t understand an equation? mOON TAEIL AT YOUR SERVICE
  • if u ever brought friends over and he would accidentally walk out with his bed hair, oversized tee and boxers
  • happens way too many times is2g
  • he’d just stop in his tracks and stare at you all with a blush on his cheeks before whirling around on his heel and walking back to his room without a word
  • he wouldn’t be the type to glare daggers at a guy you brought over
  • he’d just stare at him while trying to calm himself down and gulp nervously, eyes shaking like they were in nct life paju during yaja time
  • he’d clear his throat so much and ask so many weird questions
  • “so how long have you been dating my sibling”
  • "around two months?”
  • "uhh, that’s great, congratulations”
  • he wouldn’t be super aggressive w you than he would be with the other nct members
  • but during christmas don’t expect him to be above shoving you outta the way to get to the presents first
  • moon taeil is precious protect him


  • MY MAN
  • u guys would be sibling goals af ngl
  • would always back down in fights cause he hated fighting w u
  • always always always ruffles your hair
  • can get aggressive sometimes but its okay you get aggressive back
  • would be ur no.1 supporter
  • have an show at school??? expect him to have front row seats while holding a handycam in his hand, cheering the loudest 4 u
  • fundraiser????? he’ll be standing by your booth and persuading everyone to buy your cupcakes cause let’s be real this boy has looks and enough smooth talk to churn butter
  • going on a date to a fancy restaurant? it’s johnny’s fashion evaluation
  • "wear the red dress we bought two months ago and use the pearl earrings mom gave you for your birthday”
  • "what are those heeeeels use the other pair woman!!! ur legs will look better”
  • wouldn’t be the overprotective type if you brought a guy/girl over
  • would try to get along as well as he could w him/her to make you comfortable
  • he always puts you first and makes sure you know that


  • lee taeyong!!!
  • real sweetheart
  • would b so overprotective of u and he wouldn’t even realize
  • if u brought a guy over he’d just make up random excuses to tail you around and “supervise”
  • cough cough glare at him the whole time
  • but halfway through he’d just kinda snap back to reality and realize how he’d been acting
  • and just kind of tone it down a little
  • ngl your friends would love going over to your house because of him lmao
  • you guys would just have that kind of relationship where you just completely understand and count on each other
  • like if you had a nightmare you’d just knock on his room door and peek in and he’s writing lyrics with only his desk lamp on
  • and he looks up at you with bed hair and home clothes and he sees your face
  • you guys don’t even exchange words before he understands you had a nightmare and you just trudge over and flop on his bed and fall asleep there as he continues to write lyrics
  • or if he had a particularly stressful day and he’d come home looking like shit
  • you’d just bring out the pillows and blankets and lay them out on the sofa with two tubs of ice cream with your favorite flavors
  • and he’d just plop down next to you and you’d just listen to him vent
  • honestly taeyong wouldn’t even be in the position he was in now if it weren’t for you
  • sibling support 100000000%


  • this boi
  • probably made you cry a lot during your childhood lbr
  • there’d be times where he’d tease you for your pigtails
  • “mooooom yuta’s teasing me again!!!”
  • moooooooooooooooom yuta’s teasing me again!!!!!!!!!!” (yuta’s imitation of your voice)
  • but as you both grew up he matured and so did u
  • of course there’d still be times where he’d tease you but they’d be more playful and less intense
  • “what are you going on, a date? who’s the unlucky guy stupid enough to go on a date with you”
  • “funny because the last time i checked he was in that idol group of yours”
  • cue yuta choking on his spit
  • there’d be times where you’d be cooped up in your room studying for exams
  • and he’d knock on your room door licking a stick of ice cream and handing another one to you while asking if you needed a break of a ride to the nearest café/starbucks for a change of scenery
  • or times where he’d be in a pissy mood and you made sure to give him space to cool down
  • but u do knock on his door and tell him quietly that you have a plate of his favorite food in the microwave
  • and he never answers but by the morning the plate would already be washed
  • brags abt u a lot to the other members (not that you would know that)
  • tbh i honestly think he’d be even more protective than taeyong
  • wouldn’t be above threatening your boyfriend if they ever hurt you
  • if u ever come home crying he’d go ballistic
  • secretly a big softie for you no lie


  • the nicest older brother to ever exist
  • the most understanding person you’ve ever met
  • treats you to food all the time
  • never allows you to pay after
  • “what kind of older brother would i be if i cant even treat you for a meal??”
  • you go to him for advice,, like,, all the time
  • a great listener
  • went home crying after some school drama? better expect kun already there with some ice cream and blankets ready to listen to your latest emotional rollercoaster
  • your parents could always trust him to take care of you if they had dates or had to go out so you never had babysitters
  • all your friends wish they had kun as their older brother
  • (pretty sure some of them had crushes on him, but i mean,,,, who wouldn’t)
  • can be savage if he wants to but only if you poke fun at him
  • doesn’t look like it but can be quite playful
  • sometimes you’d tease him and he’d just look at you with that done-ass face
  • drives you everywhere!!! even accompanies you to the mall or to do some shopping
  • actually so touched the first time you bought him a meal with your own money
  • “my baby’s growing up…” sniff
  • shut up this is literally a two dollar street snack”
  • in his eyes you’re still a little kid
  • love older brother kun thanks


  • ngl he’d be the type to not know how to act around you when you both were young??
  • “what do you want for your christmas present?? what do girls ur age like??? what do children like keep me up to date what are fedgeet speeners”
  • only comes out of his room to grab some food
  • as you both grew older he’d be more comfortable around you
  • before performances he would send you selcas of him to ease his preperformance nerves
  • tonsof selcas his gallery would be filled with them tbh
  • “whos ur favorite brother”
  • “obviously me ahaha who am i kidding”
  • “its not gongmyung right”
  • “right???”
  • “(y/n) pls answer me”
  • always remembers to buy you random trinkets from his tours abroad bcs he knows how much u love them
  • u always go to him when you need help with your schoolwork or study but always roasts you about your grades
  • “what do you mean you don’t understand trigonometry its literally the easiest thing in the book”
  • his savage side always shows up whenever u two hang out together
  • “oh u like that necklace? buy it urself”
  • ends up buying that necklace for u anyway
  • showers u with gifts cause he doesn’t know how to show his affection otherwise
  • nags u a lot but that’s because he lovs u
  • (and bcos ur a mess)
  • “you ate dinner right?? im not accepting a ‘yes’ if you ate instant ramyeon”
  • “i don’t care if you have finals you are bathing at least once a day ya stinkie”
  • “wash those dishes piling up in your sink (y/n) gross”
  • be grateful for older brother doyoung keeping you in check


  • oof
  • you know he’s thatone bitch
  • one of the most annoying™ people you’ve known growing up
  • kind of distant to you while you were teens because of how hectic his life is
  • still doesn’t exempt his love for teasing you though
  • i mean,,, have you seen that one picture of ten casually taking a selfie as his mom scolds his sister right beside him,,, yeah
  • probably the type to wake you up saying you were late for school just to record you running around the house like a madman and going out the door just to realize its 4 am on a saturday
  • but you grew up watching his antics so you knew what notto do when you got older
  • as the both of you shifted to adulthood you got closer
  • ended up as you taking care of him and making sure he doesn’t accidentally get in trouble most of the time
  • still teases you playfully though
  • “no ten the market is this way jesus christ get off your phone”
  • “oho so you docare! if you care about me that much why don’t you pay for our meal—”
  • “go choke”
  • being ten’s sibling automatically makes you friends with johnny no ifs ors buts
  • ten brought him along to one of your hangout sessions without telling you beforehand and now he’s just,,, there
  • you don’t even bat an eye at him anymore
  • or the other members he brings along
  • probably tried to set you up with johnny more than once but the both of you have already caught on and are just playing along to amuse him
  • automatically makes you good friends with lisa too
  • lowkey doesn’t want to introduce bambam to you oops
  • is so subtly protective of you but lbr who could get intimidated by his 169 cm ass
  • like that time he caught jaemin glancing your way for a tad bit too long and he just gave him the look™
  • never likes the guys you hang out with
  • “that kind of guy doesn’t deserve you (y/n),,, you need someone gentlemanly, someone nice and tall like johnny-“
  • “if you like him that much why don’t you date him instead”
  • you may have grown up but in his eyes you’re still that little girl with pigtails he used to pull
  • older sibling ten is annoying but you love him anyway


  • jaehyoOons
  • growing up with such an attractive brother was both a blessing and a curse
  • sure he was attractive and that itself was a plus point but then you had to deal with all the fakies that came at you just to get closer to your dorky older brother
  • not to mention the countless times he accompanied you somewhere or picked you up from school and heads would just turn
  • it got annoying at times but then you got used to it
  • now you just enjoy the perks of having such an attractive brother because honestly, who wouldn’t
  • not to mention good lucks are hereditary lucky you ;)))
  • good brother,, always follows your parents instructions so if anybody ever got in trouble it was you
  • if you were up to mischief and he found out he always covered for you,,, no exceptions even if he didn’t approve of whatever you were doing
  • the little sneak got good at lying from all the times he covered for you
  • always ALWAYS always there to comfort you whenever you had a bad day or if you were crying
  • not necessarily protective but still ready to give a little “warning” to whoever messes with you
  • talked to you a lot ever since you were children
  • by a lot i mean a lot
  • because he’s pretty shy at school when he was younger he makes up for it by discussing alien conspiracy theories with you
  • now that he’s opened up more it doesn’t mean that you both don’t enjoy a good conversation about whether or not mars had living beings
  • whenever you both had meals together or dinner with the family there wasn’t a moment where he didn’t steal your food
  • “food tastes the best when it’s on another person’s plate”
  • rly sneaky about it but you always notice
  • gets angry at you if you don’t take care of yourself properly
  • like the time he ignored all your messages and calls for two whole days cause he found out you consecutively skipped lunch and dinner
  • makes sure you have your priorities straight
  • older brother! jae is amazing lucky you


  • whatta weirdo
  • ever since you were children he’s always been an oddball
  • clings to you wherever you go
  • even though he’s older than you sometimes it feels like you’re the older one who has to take care of him
  • honestly if it weren’t for you he probably wouldn’t have survived the first 15 years of his life
  • not to mention the multiple times you had to guide him whenever you were in malls or in a crowded marketplace just to make sure he doesn’t get lost or distracted
  • would fool around with you during family gatherings
  • inside jokes are a thing no ifs buts ors
  • whenever something reminds you of that inside joke you’d just look at each other from the other side of the room and make eye contact before smirking
  • all your other siblings are so done with you two,,, especially your parents
  • like the time the both of you attempted to bake a cake for fun and eggs ended up on the ceiling
  • don’t ask
  • it took all your willpower to stop winwin from burning the place down
  • when you guys finished you were covered in all sorts of ingredients and spend 15 minutes laughing about it
  • but you got closer thanks to that!!
  • even though winwin should not be allowed in the kitchen or near a stove anymore sometimes when you two hang out and want to reminisce you just start baking
  • always ends up in a mess but you two have fun anyway
  • as you two grew up there wouldn’t be much that changed
  • he texts you random korean words or phrases just to show you how much he’s been improving
  • actually convinced you to take up learning korean too
  • you would call him and talk to him in korean to practice and he would cheer you on or correct you if you got any words wrong
  • lowkey doesn’t want you to meet any of the nct members except for renjun lmao
  • would probably try to set you up with renjun,,,, but ended up as you two being rly good friends so it was a win/win situation ha ha
  • has actually had to fight yuta to make sure he did not get your number
  • “but if winwin is this cute then how cute could his sibling be??? come on pls”
  • you know all his embarrassing secrets,,, and always made sure to bring it up whenever he has members over
  • he would whine for you to be quiet about it and stop
  • older sibling! winwin is too lovable u are blessed


  • s o f t
  • literally the best older brother you could ask for
  • took care of you so much when you were children
  • basically coddled you
  • fell down in the playground and scraped your knee? expect older brother jungwoo to run around finding a bandaid before putting it on your knee as he told you to be more careful
  • forgot lunch? jungwoo will 420 blaze it to your classroom and hand over his lunch saying that he’ll steal some food off of his friends
  • had arguments with you whether or not cow was spelt with a c or a k
  • someone made you cry? the moment you entered the house you’d just hug him and cry to his sweater
  • he’d just hug you back and tell you it’s okay while caressing your head
  • older brother jungwoo is soFT
  • he probably wouldn’t change as you got older
  • still coddled you nonstop 24/7/365
  • “its going to rain today don’t forget to bring your umbrella”
  • “yes mom”
  • soccer nights are a thing and tradition to never forget or break
  • you always wanting to meet nct and jungwoo chuckling nervously
  • “(y/n),,,, im not sure that’s a very good idea,,,”
  • you teasing him playfully
  • “I saw that new meme on instagram about you,,, can you try saying ‘skorret’ again”
  • “dO YoU havE JunGwOOiTis?”
  • “(y/n) pls stop”
  • “you know the general public and your members seem to have the image that you’re real soft i wonder if they know about the time where you-“
  • “ssssssshhhhhh”
  • but all is good because jungwoo loves you!! and you love him back don’t forget that
Taeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairylandTaeil (NCT)credit - fairyland

Taeil (NCT)

credit - fairyland

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[00:44] “You, you, you,” Taeil stuttered, his face looking full of anger, anger in which you did not deserve, “you bewitch me, and I curse you for it. I have mountains of responsibilities to see to, but you, you are the only thing I care about. I have duties to fulfill, but you are the only person I seem to want around. I have much more important things to attend to, I have things I would much rather attend to.” Taeil took a step closer to you. You could feel his breath fan your face, his lips mere millimeters from yours. His hands hovered closed to your cheeks, almost grasping you. “You have bewitched me, and I curse for it, for I cannot bear a moment apart from you.”

“My lord,” You felt your breath hitch, you wanted to close the already minimal distances between the two of you.

“Say you do not feel the same.”

“my lord?” all of your words were mere whispers, afraid the walls might catch onto your conversation.

“Say I do not bewitch you. Say you are not mad for me. Say you do not desire me the way I desire you, and I shall leave you be.” his eyes looked up at yours, no longer staring down at your lips.

You opened your mouth to say the words, but the voice did not speak. You had been bewitched. You have been mad for him. You desire him in the same way he does you. You urged yourself to speak the words he wished to hear. You opened your mouth to say you did not feel the same, but your voice never spoke. You looked up at him once more, the desperation so evident in his eyes.

“You have my lord. You have bewitched me, you make me mad, I do desire you all the same as you desire me.”

Taeil grasped your face, pushing his lips against yours. A kiss shared between two.


Loosely based off of season 2 of bridgerton

Ten: Johnny has dandruff so what do I do?

Taeil: give him Head and Shoulder

*10 minutes later*

Ten: okay now how do I give him shoulder?


Doyoung: help, Jungwoo’s mad at me because I accidentally said shut the fuck up when he sneezed

Johnny: how do you accidentally say shut the fuck up?
