#please stop


if there are two things i didn’t need to hear are 1-joel saying he milked himself and giving said milk to sausage and 2-sausage calling said milk yummy

to the person who actually had the nerve to ask about if klance or any romance would be in voltron:

The voltron cast does not deserve this. They’ve spent so much time on this show and the people who only care about the ships are ungrateful.



People talk a lot about “today’s terrible eating habits” and “the proliferation of ‘junk food’ today” and it makes me so mad. You will hate to hear this but eating and humanity’s relationship with food has changed for the better. Evidence of chronic malnutrition and starvation is found on so many remains in practically every different culture throughout history. And it wasn’t always a lack of food, it was a lack of understanding of what the body needs. Marasmus was an extremely common cause of death for children, it is a condition caused by severe malnutrition that results in stunted growth and often death. It effected children from affluent families, families that could afford to feed their children and did, not just children who were physically starving from lack of food. Now if we see a baby or a child with failure to thrive, we can supply rich formulas with the vitamins and calories they need to grow. They couldn’t do that back then because they didn’t understand.

We enrich common foods with vitamins and minerals that people are commonly deficient in (iodized salt, fluoride water) and it saves lives. With the invention of mass produced products and safe canning, we can send foods to regions they wouldn’t otherwise be available. It’s fantastic and it’s marvelous. Believe it or not, ‘processed foods’ have been very good for humanity.

Like you still don’t want to rely on these things if you can help it but it absolutely does beat dying undernourished at 10 years old….and modern foods are absolutely not giving us new diseases or new kinds of cancer like people believe. Those illnesses were also always a problem, we just didn’t coin scientific terminology for them yet.

Speaking as a disabled person: processed foods help keep me alive and independent, so hell yes to them. Obviously if you’re relying on food with very little fibre and/ or high quantities of refined sugar that’s a different story, but chicken and vegetable soup someone else made for me? Canned vegetables that don’t go off while I’m stuck in bed eating oatcakes and jerky? Yes, I will buy that and bread with a long life, thank you. We need to stop finding excuses to blame people for their own health issues.


big fan of tags being visible in notes because when your posts blow up they can turn into petri dishes filled with some truly deranged shit






The hands. The Home Depot spackling tools. The RAW taco seasoning. I’m….

this stim video sucks

20 and terrified

Average statistics basically say I have 3 more lots of this then I’m knocking on deaths door. My family history says only 2 more lots. I am honestly so scared at how fast it feels like it’s gone.

That not all Wiccan’s believe they own witchcraft.

Shocking, I know. 

Yet, for some reason I see people accusing ALL wiccan’s of making such claims. While I also see many wiccan’s that do make such claims.

Though I would highly prefer if people just understood that yes, some wiccans are witches, and no, not all witches are wiccan, and move on…I know you will all continue to argue. 

So I ask one thing. Please, by all things magick, leave me out of it. Seriously. Leave my grass alone.

(i hope i have not offended anyone, but really guys. and from now on, I will ignore all comments regarding tis subject.)

Me when I see hisoka being a pedo towards gon and kilua



i miss it when movies let you figure out shit on your own without excessive exposition

like for example in ocean’s eleven they don’t tell you these guys are gay they let you figure it out

Dear Tumblr,

Please stop putting batcest on my For You page. I realize some people ship bat boys with bat boys, BUT I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. THEY ARE BROTHERS!!!


-A chaotic Cupcake

Me @ at all the Choicesreaders who have been around since 2016 and are now watching the writing of recently released books turn into what it is today:

Day after day without fail these nightmares keep haunting me. Creating fear in the only time I can e

Day after day without fail these nightmares keep haunting me. Creating fear in the only time I can escape from reality. I know it’s not real, but what’s stopping it from become true? This unneeded anxiety I feel, the confusion my mind feels, the worries, the tears when I wake, why. Please just leave me alone, I’m happy for once, don’t let me ruin it.


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