#poems about suicide


Nobody cares,
My fate is irrelevant to all,
Nobody will miss me when I am gone,
So what is the point?

Nobody likes me,
Everyone wants me gone,
Nobody wants for me to stay,
I see no point.

My mind wins,
I no longer care,
No one wants me,
I see it as a favour to them.

I bleed out,
My body weak,
My heart not beating,
I am gone.

Only now have I realised people care,
People sob over my death,
Begging it to all be a dream,
Only I will never return.

I killed myself in the thought no one cared,
But people did,
The only one who didn’t care was me.
Now I am gone nothing will be the same.

A smile can be a lie,
You see my smile and assume my happiness,
No one thinks to look beyond the surface,
My smile hides the pain I hold.

Smiling is tiring,
But even still less exhausting then explaining,
The truth is dark,
I smile to hide the truth people deny. 

Your smile doesn’t hurt anyone,
You wonder why people never ask,
No one thinks anything is wrong,
It’s only because you have a glowing smile.

The weight pulls on your face,
Your smile wavers,
You have no more energy,
Your smile fades.

Your eyes are glazed over,
There is no longer a smile across your face,
Your pain is too much,
You give up,
You rest still,
Never to smile again

Pushed aside like a broken egg,
Although my shell isn’t broken,
My yolk has collapsed,
The part of me people like has fallen apart,
Casting me an outsider,
I no longer fit in to your wants,
My broken insides leave me isolated,
I am unwanted.

Ripped apart like a piece of trash,
Torn up and thrown away,
No one cares,
No one sees the pain,
Crumpled and torn I rest with no one there,
I am unwanted.

Stepped on like a cigarette,
I am used and abused,
I hurt the people who are around me,
They try to get rid of me,
But they never stop using me,
Short term I am good but no one wants me to stay,
I am unwanted.

In the past I believed I had a purpose,
But now I am nothing,
I am a waste of space,
After all,
I am unwanted.

No one sees the pain I am in,
All I ever wanted was to fit in,
But now the unwanted go to rest,
I swallow a handful of pills,
Never to see the light again,
I rest forgotten,
I remain unwanted.
