#positive thoughts


We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to you

May Sarton


You have to remind yourself that you are happy, that you are thankful for all the things you’ve got. For example, that you are healthy or for your family. You have to remind yourself that you are happy, that you are thankful for all the things you’ve got. For example, that you are healthy or for your family. For everything you are thankful for. Each day, when you wake up tell yourself that this day is going to be an amazing day (even if you don’t believe it. It is incredible what happens if you change your attitude at the beginning of the day). You have to be happy because you want to be. Not because you want to make others happy or impress them. You have to learn from your mistakes. You have to remember this kind of pain. How it feels to ‘lose’ your happiness because you committed it to another person. Every time you see yourself putting your happiness in other person’s hand, remember how good you felt before and how worse you feel now. Hold yourself up. Don’t expect other people to make you happy or to pull you up when you down. Remember what you reached. You had have something other people want to have, they try so hard but fail. Again and again. But you, you can do it. You can be Happy. You don’t need another person to be happy. You proofed it. Get back to this point. You had nobody but you did it. You only make this mistake once, but not twice. Because you see that you did something wrong and you will remember how you feel now and this feeling won’t let you do this mistake once again. I hope this helped you. If you want to talk I’m always here

Have you ever found yourself in a situation and thought “hell I am like an app, i’ve made an update but nothing changed”? I’ve found myself there many times. Because I wasn’t focused on my goals. And so I started to tell my friends about my goals. Being happy, staying focused. And they are now like a reminder. It’s rasiert to tell yourself excuses why you aren’t where you wanted to be, but it’s so much harder to justify for your friends. Since if told my friends to push me forward, if reached a lot of things. I’ve reached my goals and have new goals. My friends started seeing the success and started having similar goals. It’s unbelievable how my live has changed since that moment. I’ve never bin closer to my friends, never been happier. So this is my tip for you

Your thoughts are everything. What you think you will become. Easier to say than actually making it. But’s that’s it. If you think negativ and what can happen to you next. You will only see the negative, in every situation. The best example, is your glass half full or empty? Like having a big discussion with your best friend or loved ones. Some of you are thinking “ok, maybe this is the end” the others will think “ok this is a huge problem, but we will growth from it. When we survived this situation our relationship will even become deeper.” So that’s it. Your view on things is everything. Don’t think about the past, the past has happened. The future is in front of you, you will never know what will happen. So try your best to stay in present with your thoughts. The present is the only time where you can change something, where you can handle. The only time where you can truly be happy remember that

Life isn’t simple. It isn’t easy. But when you reach your goal, even when you get a little closer to your dreams, it feels amazing. I’ve made a list, of my goals. Most to least important. I am working on it for 2 months and I haven’t reached my goal jet. I’m closer than I’ve ever been before. Ive failed many times. Because I wasn’t focused. But that doesn’t matter now. I always finde my motivation. Just keep smiling.

To all of my followers;

I have been in the mental hospital for the past week. I just got discharged yesterday. Also, my boyfriend and i decided to break up. I am going to delete my tumblr. SO if you want to talk on a different social media then feel free to message me.

hi there! just popping in to remind you that the scenarios you keep imagining over and over because you’re worried they might happen, probably won’t. try to think of the potential positives instead of the potential scary stuff and get some sleep. you’ll be okay!

1. Don’t beat yourself. We all make mistakes, have bad experiences, and get it wrong at times.

2. Don’t dwell on what happened. Choose to learn from the past – but remember that your power’s in the present and the future.

3. Remember your potential, and what’s possible for you. You’re not that one experience or bad result.

4. Don’t let others’ expectations shape and influence your goals. It’s not their life you’re living … So decide what you will do.

5. Imagine how you’ll feel if you persevere and, despite all the obstacles, achieve success. That’s surely worth the effort, even thought it’s hard right now.

6. Just take one small step … It will rebuild your confidence … And then take another … And another after that.
